HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-11 Minutes I-3 Draft minutes—Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY OCTOBER 11, 2011 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) Councillor Corinna Traill Brian Reid (Chair) Clayton Morgan Geoff James Pat Mulcahy Michael Goleski Jim Cleland Karin Murphy Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Tim Lizotte Absent: Warren May—MNR Greg Wells—GRCA Melanie McArthur 1. Agenda Additions -Applefest -Waterfront Trail Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Geoff James, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the agenda for October 11, 2011 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of September 13, 2011 Corrections Bird box cleaning occurred on Wednesday September 21 not September 25"' as indicated on page 3. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Clayton Morgan, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the minutes of September 13, 2011 be approved. CARRIED 2 3. Sub-Committee Reports Bird box cleaning and removal The removal of bird boxes is now complete. There are two bird boxes still unaccounted for on the Cobbledick side. Karin Murphy inspected each bird box and determined that all were occupied in 2011. She gave a verbal report with more detailed information about the contents of the bird boxes. They will be re-installed in spring 2012. Shoreline Clean-up On Saturday September 24, several members participated in a Lake Ontario shoreline clean-up. One student from Bowmanville High School participated. The event was announced at the school as an opportunity to obtain community service hours. Other committee members cleaned up portions of the shoreline on their own schedule. Jim Cleland reported that he has noticed a man collecting recyclables from around the SWNA. On future clean-up projects the recyclables can be separated from the waste for him to take away if we can obtain his contact information. Brian Reid advised that he found stacks of Clarington This Week newspapers dumped around the Toronto Street parking lot. Garbage Can lids Pat reported that her contact at the Wilmot Woodworkers Club has been away but she will follow-up with him to get the garbage can lids made up. 4. Updates Fall Planting Project On September 16, Peter Windolf and Michael Goleski met on-site with Greg Wells and Ken Towle from GRCA to assess potential locations for barrier plantings and/or fish habitat enhancements. After reviewing the west side of the creek from the Waterfront Trail southward, it was determined that the west edge of the creels was well vegetated and there was little evidence of disturbance or worn paths. No planting is recommended for the west side of the creek south of the Waterfront Trail. On the east side of the creels there is an extensive network of worn paths used by anglers and hikers. It was agreed that trying to block those routes with barrier plants would be futile given the popularity of the SWNA as a fishing area. The committee decided to implement a live stake planting project to narrow the access point to the creek from the woodlot on the east side of the creels. Live stakes from willow and dogwood will be harvested on-site to be inserted into the side of the bank leading to the creek. If successful this would narrow the access point to the creels, and reduce the potential for soil erosion and compaction. Live stakes are commonly used on storm water pond planting projects. Peter Windolf will provide information to Brian Reid and 3 Michael Goleski about how to collect and plant live stakes. Michael Goleski has volunteered to harvest the plants early on October 22. The date for the live stake planting project is Saturday October 22 at 9:OOAM. Those who are able to attend should meet in the Toronto Street Parking lot. Ken Towle noticed that the presence of Himalayan Balsam at the SWNA has increased significantly since his last visit. Himalayan Balsam is an invasive exotic wildflower from Asia that grows in damp areas. It has a beautiful flower,but the seed pods explode and discharge approximately 800 seeds. This plant will form dense groupings and can reach six feet(up to 2m) in height. SWNA User Concerns Two recent e-mails were received at the municipality by concerned users of the SWNA. It appears the e-mails were sent separately from two people who were at the SWNA together. The main issues of concern were: - litter from anglers - trampling of plants from paintball and geo-caching -harvesting/rustling plants from the site - electric bikes on the Waterfront Trail - dogs off leash Peter Windolf has responded to both people and explained that their concerns would be discussed at the October meeting of the SWNA. The committee discussed the concerns of these two users and determined that most of the concerns are identified on existing user code signs and other regulatory signs at the SWNA. The User Code signs located at the east and west entrances to the SWNA include the following text: A key objective of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area is tb protect the ecological integrity of the site, so we ask all users to: - Dispose of garbage properly. Carry out what you carry in. - Observe wildlife from a distance and do not disturb vegetation. - Take pictures, not souvenirs. - Keep your pet on a leash. Stoop and scoop. - Be considerate of other trail users. Avoid loud voices and noises. - Beware of poison ivy. - Do not climb fences or enter private It was noted that the popularity of electric powered bicycles is a relatively new phenomenon. There are No—Motorized Vehicle signs at the SWNA but the committee will continue to monitor the use of electric powered bicycles. If they become a consistent problem the Municipality may have to consider specifically banning the use of"motor assisted bicycles" on all recreational trails as was recently done in the City of Toronto. 4 Anglers Creek Clean-up Peter Windolf received an e-mail from Michael Poplawski who fishes at the SWNA during trout and salmon runs. He is concerned about the mess left behind by many of the anglers who come to the SWNA from outside of Clarington and would like to help. He is organizing a group of anglers to pick up litter along the creek from the lake to the CN bridge on Saturday October 22. This date corresponds with the live stake planting project. Since both events are occurring on the same day a press release will be prepared and sent out to local media. Councillor Traill will provide the information to her school contacts and let them know that Community Service hours are available to any students who wish to participate. Applefest Councillor Traill asked if the committee was interested in a booth at Applefest to promote the SWNA. Karin Murphy as the longest serving member of the committee was asked for her opinion. Karin noted that the SWNA has had booths in previous years at Applefest and also at the Orono Fair. Her observation fiom manning booths at both events was that there wasn't much interest in the SWNA booth and that the benefits of attending would be minimal. Waterfront Trail Jim Cleland observed that there is erosion on the Waterfront Trail just west of the bridge. Operations will be asked to investigate and repair if required. S. Other Business Clayton Morgan mentioned that the woodchip trail leading from the Sewage Treatment Plant to the barrier beach was in need of more woodchips. The committee has replenished the woodchips along this trail on at least two occasions but due to the moist and shady conditions they decay quickly. It will be considered as a possible project for 2012. Brian Reid asked about the status of the vacancy on the SWNA committee. Peter Windolf responded that the resignation of David Best was passed on to the Clerks Department and they would be advertising for the position. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Michael Goleski seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Neat Meeting: Tuesday November 8, 7:00 PM Notes prepared by P. Windolf