HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-10 MinutesI -3 Draft minutes — Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JANUARY 10, 2012 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) Staff Present: Regrets Brian Reid (Chair) Jim Cleland Pat Mulcahy Peter Windolf Clayton Morgan Geoff James Absent: Warren May — MNR Melanie McArthur 1. Introduction of new member Bonnie Seto Karin Murphy Councillor Corinna Traill Bonnie Seto Tim Lizotte Greg Wells — GRCA Michael Goleski Bonnie Seto was introduced to the committee. Bonnie is a lifelong resident of Bowmanville with an interest in the environment and social justice. She was appointed to the committee in November. Chair Brian Reid welcomed her to the committee. 2. Agenda Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Councillor Corinna Traill, seconded by Pat Mulcahy THAT the agenda for January 10, 2012 be accepted. CARRIED 3. Minutes of November 8, 2011 Corrections Pat Mulcahy participated in the live stake planting event on October 22 but her name was omitted from the section of the minutes that described the event. The minutes will be corrected to show that she was in attendance. 2 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Jim Cleland, seconded by Pat Mulcahy THAT the minutes of November 8, 2011 be amended and approved. CARRIED 3. Sub- Committee Reports There were no sub - committee reports 4. Updates Waterfront Trail Sign re ap ired The trailhead sign located along the Waterfront Trail just east of Cobbledick Road had delaminated since it was installed in 2007. The original sign manufacturer has now repaired and reinstalled the sign under warranty. 5. Other Business Trails Open 2012 Doors Open / Trails Open Ontario are planning their summer program of events. The SWNA was included as a Trails Open destination in 2010 but it was not well attended. In an effort to increase cross - promotion Doors Open and Trails Open programs will be - combined in 2012. All participating Trails Open hikes will now occur on the same date as the respective Doors Open event. In Clarington that would be Saturday June 9. The committee discussed the merits of participating in 2012. It was decided that if a Doors Open destination was in the general vicinity of the SWNA visitors may be more inclined to also take a guided hike at the SWNA. Marilyn Morawetz, the Doors Open coordinator in Clarington, will be asked for more information about the June 9 Doors Open locations. When that information is received Peter Windolf will contact Brian Reid and a decision will be made about participation by the January 27 deadline. If the SWNA is included as a Trails Open destination_ the committee would also promote the event through the SWNA blog, contact list and Facebook page. Clean Water /Healthy Land grants The committee was reminded that these grants are available through the GRCA for habitat enhancement or reforestation projects. Grants for 50% project funding up to $2,500 are available. The other 506/o can be made up with in -kind labour based on $10 per hour for manual labour and $50/hour for equipment. The area along the west side of Toronto Street was identified as a potential area for buffer planting. Several trees have been planted along that stretch but more trees and shrubs could enhance the buffer. Identifying a suitable project will discussed at a future meeting. - I Port-a -potty The committee requested again that a Port-a -potty be installed at the SWNA. Peter Windolf will make a request to Operations and will report back to the committee. User Traffic Survey Brian Reid suggested that a user count could be conducted during the spring or summer to document the level of use at the SWNA. These figures could be used to justify the need for additional facilities such as a Port-a -potty. Brian will contact the Lemoines Point Conservation Authority to obtain the methodology of a similar survey they did a few years ago. Picnic Tables Bonnie Seto inquired about installing picnic tables at the SWNA: -Other than for special events there has not been a demand for them in the past. Because there are several seating options around the SWNA including, benches along the trails, viewing platforms and the lake shelter there does not appear to be a need at this time. Bear sighting Pat Mulcahy reported that 3 different people have reported seeing a bear at the SWNA. Trail Erosion Karin Murphy reported that the trail leading to the beach on the west side of the creek may need to be relocated further north. In 2008 this same section of trail was relocated with the assistance of the MNR Rangers but continuous erosion along the lake edge may require it to be moved further north away from the lake. Accessibility Training June Gallagher from the Clerks Department sent an e -mail to all members of Council appointed committees with dates for accessibility training. All members in attendance at the January meeting confirmed that they had previously received the training. Any members who have not received the training are encouraged to contact June Gallagher. 6. SWNA PowerPoint Presentation At the November 8, 2011 meeting it was recommended that the committee review the SWNA PowerPoint Presentation because several new members of the committee have not seen it. The presentation was prepared in 2007 and has been used many times since then to promote awareness of the SWNA in the community. The presentation has been made to Council, school groups, church groups, the Wilmot Community auxiliary committee, Solina Women's group, and others. The last presentation was over a year ago to the Durham Field Naturalists. Committee members were given an overview of the presentation along with notes that can be used as talking points for each slide. Any SWNA member who has a potential audience for the presentation can ask for a CD and the assistance of other members to deliver the presentation. C! Committee members suggested the following groups for the presentation: John Howard Society Durham Clear Clarington Older Adults Wilmot Community Association 7. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Councillor Traill, seconded by Bonnie Seto THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday March 6, 7:00 PM Meeting Room lC (enter through library) Please note that the February meeting has been cancelled and the March meeting is occurring on the first Tuesday in March. Notes prepared by P. Windolf