HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-09-96Subject: AD HOC COMMITTEE TO ASSIST YOUTH REPORT TO COUNCIL /FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -09 -96 be received; and 2. THAT the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth - Report to Council dated June 24, 1996 detailing findings and recommendations be received for information; and 3. THAT the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth be encouraged to carry out their recommendations in establishing a Youth Council and Advisory Board; and 4. THAT a copy of Report CS -09 -96 be forwarded for consideration of the comments and suggestions made, to the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth and advisors to the committee; and 5. THAT the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth be requested to advise Council of their final implementation strategy as it applies to the responsibilities and structure of the Youth Council and Advisory Board, at which time their mandate will have been fulfilled and Ad Hoc Committee to assist the youth be disbanded. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the June 24, 1996 Council Meeting, Ron Collis, Chairman assisted by members of the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth and the Youth Committee, presented their final report to Council outlining their findings and recommendations for consideration. 1.2 Subsequently, Council through resolution C- 560 -96 referred the report to the Treasurer, the Director of Community Services and the Property Manager for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. 1.3 The issue of use of the former Fire Hall building is being addressed through Report ADMIN- 27 -96. /2 RPAPERR -1- 1306 1 G 6 PRIWEDM RECYCLED PAPER REPORT CS -09 -96 - 2- SEPTEMBER 23,1996 2.0 OBJECTIVES 2.1 In reviewing the Youth Ad Hoc Committee's Report, the objectives and position of the Committee is identified as follows: 2.1.1 Is there a youth problem in Clarington and if so what are the nature of these problems? o Given the facts presented in the report the Committee suggests there are clear signs that youth problems do exist in Clarington, however, in general the intensity of those problems can be classified as moderate. 2.1.2 Will problems among youth likely escalate if the status quo is maintained? o Projections of residential growth in Clarington suggest youth population (12 -18 years) increases will severely tax current youth services resulting in critical youth problems. 2.1.3 What plan of action is needed to assist youth in Clarington? o Any action plan will need to be comprised of the following guiding principles: - Commitment by the Municipality - Coordination of all Youth Forum - Communications of Youth programs and services - Respect between Youth and Adults - Empowerment of Youths to identify, prioritize and create action plans to address needs. 3.0 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 As a result of their findings, the Ad Hoc Committee to assist Youth has presented three recommendations for the consideration of Council. 3.2 Throughout the report a common theme was made evident, and further in reviewing information received from other municipalities, the aspect of involvement from the youths' perspective was determined to be paramount to the success of any program. Subsequently the Ad Hoc Committee to Assist Youth recommends the establishment of a Youth Council, comprised of a selection of youths representing two distinct age groups (12 - 14 and 15 - 18) and five geographic areas within the municipality. 3.3 Staff would suggest that it may be advisable to defined a structure for the operation of the Youth Council and Terms of Reference be established with clearly defined goals. ./3 1307 REPORT CS -09 -96 3- SEPTEMBER 23,1996 3.4 A second recommendation of the report to establish an Advisory Board has also been forwarded for consideration. Council may wish to endorse the report and its findings, however, it is recommended that should the Advisory Board be established, it be without the status of a formal Board of Council. It is further suggested that the Board's structure not include representation of Council, similar to the structure of the Older Adults Committee. The intention is that an autonomous board will establish an independent attitude and foster a sense of self sufficiency in operating without a dependency of tax dollars. 3.5 The final recommendation is that of hiring a Youth Co- ordinator as a full -time position hired by the Advisory Board. In discussing this issue, staff is suggesting that consideration be given to establishing this position on a contractual basis with the Advisory Board, to be reviewed annually and further that a specific job description for this position be created. It should be noted that the intention is for this position to not be considered as a Municipal employee. 4.0 COMMENT 4.1 The Ad Hoc Committee on Youth is to be congratulated, for a job well done. The report was concise and factual and certainly reflects the endless hours of volunteer work that went into the document. 4.2 It is noteworthy that the premise of staff's review of the document was not to criticize or challenge any of the information or findings. Our role was perceived to be of an advisory nature and to make suggestions that we believe would ultimately assist the Committee in reaching its goals. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, P. Caruana, Director i�ity Services Department e )4arano, Treasurer JPC:MM:FH: dm W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer X308