HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-26Clarftwn Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date: August 26, 2022 Time: 12:00 PM Location: ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. Electronic Council Communications Information Package August 26, 2022 Pages Region of Durham Correspondence 2. Durham Municipalities Correspondence 3. Other Municipalities Correspondence 3.1. Town of Wasaga Beach - Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act - August 3 19, 2022 4. Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 4.1. Government of Canada Supports Return of Canadian National Exhibition 5 and Canadian International Air Show - August 19, 2022 4.2. Call for Proposals - NRCan's ISO 150001 Financial Assistance Program 6 for Buildings - Improve Energy Efficiency, Reduce Costs, Reduce GHG Emissions - August 22, 2022 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence Page 2 o1 WASAQ* m �; . �..0 - �pO RAT" August 19, 2022 The Honourable Steve Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street 17th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Dear Minister Clark: Re: Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act 30 LEWIS STREET WASAGA BEACH, ONTARIO CANADA L9Z 1 Al www.wasagabeach.com Please be advised that the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach, during their August 18, 2022 Council meeting adopted the following resolution: "That Council receive the letter dated August 10, 2022 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing pertaining to Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, for information; And further that a letter be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing outlining these proposed powers are not appropriate and to outline other ways for the province to institute housing and other matters, and that the motion be circulated to all Ontario municipalities." The Town of Wasaga Beach Council does not support the Strong Mayors, Building Housing Act as the proposed changes will not demonstratively speed up the construction of housing and will erode the democratic process at the local level where members of Council have to work together to achieve priorities. What is needed to speed up construction of housing is greater authority for local municipalities to approve development without final clearances from outside agencies after they have been given reasonable time to provide such clearances. Your favourable consideration of this matter is appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact me at mayor(a-)-wasagabeach.com or (705) 429-3844 Ext. 2222. Yours sincerely, —rl- x4e�z-- Nina Bifolchi Mayor c. Members of Council All Ontario Municipalities Administration: (705) 429-3844 Building: 429-1120 Arena: 429-0412 Fax: 429-6732 By -La e 3429-2511 Public Works: 429-2540 Planning: 429-3847 Parks & ip. 429-3321 Fire Department: 429-5281 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Office of the Minister 777 Bay street, 171" Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7000 August 10, 2022 Dear Head of Council: Ministere des Affaires municipales et du Logement Bureau du minislre 777, rue Bay, 17' etage Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7000 ?!A cnta6o 234-2022-3540 As Ontarians face the rising cost of living and a shortage of homes, our government was re-elected with a strong mandate to help more Ontarians find a home that meets their needs. Our government also made an election promise to build 1.5 million new homes for the people of Ontario over the next 10 years to address the housing supply crisis. I am pleased to inform you that our government introduced the proposed Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act on August 10, 2022, that, if passed, would make changes to the Municipal Act, 2001, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. These amendments would empower mayors in the City of Toronto and City of Ottawa to deliver on shared provincial -municipal priorities and get more homes built faster. If passed, the proposed changes impacting the City of Toronto and City of Ottawa are intended to take effect on November 15, 2022, which is the start of the new municipal council term. Other growing municipalities could follow at a later date. If you have any comments or feedback regarding these proposed changes, you may submit them to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at: StrongMayors __ontario.ca. Sincerely, Steve Clark Minister Page 4 Patenaude, Lindsey From: bulletin@feddevontario.gc.ca Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 10:32 AM To: ClerksExternal Email Subject: Government of Canada supports return of Canadian National Exhibition and Canadian International Air Show / Le gouvernement du Canada appuie le retour de I'Exposition nationale canadienne et du Canadia You don't often get email from bulletin@feddevontario.gc.ca. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL (Le frangais suit) FedDev Ontario is pleased to share the following: • Government of Canada supports return of Canadian National Exhibition and Canadian International Air Show August 19, 2022 — Toronto, Ontario The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) has been a summer highlight in Toronto for over 140 years. One of the largest fairs in North America, the CNE welcomes more than 1.5 million attendees each year. Following cancellations in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CNE is set to return today through September 5, bringing millions of visitors to Toronto. The Government of Canada is committed to revitalizing major events and festivals, like the CNE, and positioning them for a strong future. L'equipe de FedDev Ontario est heureuse de vous faire part des informations suivantes : • Le eouvernement du Canada aoouie le retour de I' Air Shnw Le 19 aout 2022 — Toronto (Ontario) ition nationale canadienne et du Canadian International L'Exposition nationale canadienne est depuis plus de 140 ans I'un des evenements phares de 1'ete. Lune des plus grandes foires en Amerique du Nord, elle accueille chaque annee plus de 1,5 million de visiteurs. Apres les annulations de 2020 et 2021 en raison de la pandemie de COVID-19, I'Exposition nationale canadienne est de retour aujourd'hui jusqu'au 5 septembre, amenant des millions de visiteurs a Toronto. Le gouvernement du Canada s'est engage a revitaliser les grands evenements et festivals, comme I'Exposition nationale canadienne et a les positionner pour un avenir solide. Page 5 Patenaude, Lindsey From: ES OEE Info Bulletin / SE OEE Info Bulletin (NRCan/RNCan) <esoeeinfobulletin- seoeeinfobulletin@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 9:47 AM Subject: Call for Proposals — NRCan's ISO 50001 Financial Assistance Program for Buildings - Improve Energy Efficiency, Reduce Costs, Reduce GHG Emissions - Apply by October 21st, 2022 You don't often get email from esoeeinfobulletin-seoeeinfobulletin@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL Natural Resources Ressoumn naturelies 1*1 Coned& Canada Q Le francais suit... You are receiving this email because you are a part of one of our mailing lists. Call for Proposals — NRCan's ISO 50001 Financial Assistance Program for Buildings - Improve Energy Efficiency, Reduce Costs, Reduce GHG Emissions - Apply by October 21st, 2022 Natural Resources Canada's ISO 50001 Financial Assistance Program for Buildings will be accepting project proposals from organizations looking to improve energy efficiency in their buildings. Submit your project proposal from September 19 to October 21, 2022. To receive an application guide, email us. Funding is available to help commercial and institutional building owners and operators implement the ISO 50001 energy management system standard. Organizations that have implemented ISO 50001 in their buildings save energy and money, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The funding will be used to reimburse eligible project costs as follows: • Eligible for -profit organizations may receive up to 60% of eligible costs • Eligible not -for -profit organizations may receive up to 75% of eligible costs • Maximum of $40,000 per building • The maximum contribution to an organization or group of affiliates is $200,000 per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). Eligible project expenditures include salaries and benefits, professional, scientific, and technical fees specific to the energy management system, fees for data collection, benchmarking and analysis services, purchasing metering equipment, as well as other expenditures directly related to the project. Thank you, Office of Energy Efficiency // Energy Efficiency and Technology Sector // 1 Page 6 Natural Resources Canada // Ressources naturelles Canada www.nrcan.gc.ca // www.rncan.gc.ca buildings-batiments@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca (If you no longer wish to receive emails from this source, please email us to unsubscribe.) Ressources natureffes Natural Resources ��j a Canada Canada Vous recevez ce courriel parce que vous faites partie dune de nos listes de diffusion. Appel de propositions - Programme d'aide financiere ISO 50001 de RNCan pour les batiments - Ameliorer 1'efficacite energetique, reduire les touts, reduire les emissions de GES — Presenter une demande d'ici le 21 octobre Le Programme d'aide financiere pour les batiments ISO 50001 de Ressources naturelles Canada acceptera les propositions de projets des organismes qui cherchent a ameliorer 1'efficacite energetique de leurs batiments. Soumettez votre proposition de projet du 19 septembre au 21 octobre 2022. Pour recevoir un guide de demande, envoyez-nous un courriel. Des fonds sont disponibles pour aider les proprietaires et gestionnaires de batiments commerciaux et institutionnels a mettre en oeuvre la norme ISO 50001 relative au sVsteme de gestion de 1'energie. Les organismes qui ont mis en oeuvre la norme ISO 50001 clans leurs batiments economisent de 1'energie et de I'argent, tout en reduisant les emissions de gaz a effet de serre. Le financement servira au remboursement des touts admissibles du projet comme suit : • les organismes a but lucratif admissibles peuvent recevoir jusqu'a 60 % des touts admissibles, • les organismes a but non lucratif admissibles peuvent jusqu'a 75 % des touts admissibles, • maximum de 40 000 $ par batiment. • La contribution maximale pour un organisme ou un groupe de societes affiliees s'eleve a 200 000 $ par exercice financier (du 1e' avril au 31 mars). Les depenses admissibles comprennent les salaires et les avantages sociaux, les frais de service professionnels, scientifiques et techniques propres au systeme de gestion de 1'energie, les frais de service de collecte des 2 Page 7 donnees et d'analyse, notamment d'analyse comparative, ceux lies a I'achat du materiel de mesure, ainsi que les autres depenses directement liees au projet. Nous vous remercions. Office de 1'efficacite energetique// Secteur de 1'efficacite energetique et de la technologie Ressources naturelles Canada//Natural Resources Canada www.nrcan.gc.ca // www.rncan.gc.ca buildings-batiments@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca (Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir ces messages, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel pour vous desabonner.) M