HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-09Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee (SWNAMAC) MINUTES If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Date: AUGUST 9, 2022 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Municipal Building Room 1 c 1. Call to Order/Attendance - by Chairperson Brian Reid Attendance: Present: Ken Mercer ( staff ), Brian Reid ( Chair), Kate Potter ( Vice - Chair ), Leo Blindenbach, Kristen Brent, Carmen Aeillo, Leah Bourgeois, Meg Vandenbrink Regrets: Tom Hossie, Patrick Bothwell, Rod McArthur Absent: Corinna Traill 2. Welcome to Guests —Brian welcomed Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects, Engineering Department, , Municipality of Clarington 3. Additions to the Agenda — condition of snake hybernaculem 4. Adoption of the Agenda moved by Kate Potter, seconded by Leah Bourgeois that the agenda, as amended, be adopted. CARRIED 5. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) — moved by Leo Bllndenbach, seconded by Meg Vandenbrink, that the minutes of the meeting of May 10, 2022, and the communication to members update of July ????? be approved. CARRIED 6. Presentation re Waterfront Strategy - Faye Langmaid provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of Clarington's plan to update it's original waterfront strategy (1992) She noted that our SWNAMA Committee was a product of the original strategy. Faye advised that Clarington's waterfront is approximately 30 km in length and that pubic access to the waterfront has increased from 3% to approximatey 30% since the original strategy was implemented. Public access remains a major focus of the update. Faye shared some of the main features of the update as of this point in time, including potential expanded boundaries to establish a north -south axis from new development north of highway 2 south to the lake. It seems likely that the expanded area would fall under the mandate of the current SWNAMAC but that decision has not yet been made. A representative from SWNAMAC will be asked to part of a visioning session to be held in the near future. On behalf of the Committee, Brian thanked Faye for involving us so early in this project. We look forward to working with the municipality as this moves forward. 7. Status Reports/Updates Interpretative Signage/QR Codes Project — Tom, Patrick. Since neither Tom nor Patrick were able to be with us this evening, this item was deferred. However, it was noted that with the exception of securing appropriate " posts " on which to affix our QR Code labels, we are ready to proceed. 2. Bird box " signage " — Brian advised that Kate had designed and Ken has secured a supply of stick on DO NOT DISTURB "signs" for our bird and bee boxes advising the public that the boxes were monitored and maintained by our committee for research purposes. Leo, Carmen and Brian have affixed them to approximately 55 boxes as of the date of this meeting. The remainder will be done in the days ahead. 3. Bee Houses — Leo, Brian — Leo advised that 5 of these have now been installed, two on the Toronto St. side, three on the Cobbledick side. Special thanks to Kevin Leckie for his assistance with insallation. 4. Traffic/Usage Survey — Brian/Kate. Kate has offered to create a digital version of the survey which has the potential to increase response the rate while reducing the amount of labour associated with a " manual " survey. The goal is to initiate this sometime after our tagging event in September. 5. Signage re Cyclists for Bridges and Trails — Ken advised that these have been ordered and will be installed once received 6. Treatment Plant/ Storm Drainage Pond Project — Ken had no new information to report. Brian advised that he had requested an update from Tony Ricciardi but had not received such as of the time of this meeting. He will follow up with Tony. 7. Spraying for Wild Parsnip — Ken advised that some limited spraying was done at the edge of the trail on the Cobbedick side just west and south of the Memorial forest in an attempt to control wild parsnip. Brian advised that the kiosk in the Cobbledick parking lot was virtually inaccessible because of this invasive weed. 8. Regional Project east of Memorial Forest — Ken did not have additional specific information but did note that there is a significant project pending by the Region which will affect the area in question. 9. Purchase of Vests or other Identifiers for Members — Meg had suggested acquiring some type of identifying vests that could be worn by members during events. Ken responded that this would have to be a budget item for next ear since we had exhausted the $500 budget we had been given for the year. The committee expressed its disappointment given that we had been led to believe that we had been given a more substantial budget than that. Brian offered to discuss this with our Council liaison. 10. Additional Monarch Waystation signage — Leah reported that OPG has offered to pay for additional signage and will forward sample to the members for their approval. 11. Date for Monarch Tagging Event — date will be Saturday September 10t" with a rein date of September 11t". Kate will prepare a poster and the event will be advertised on social media, our blog etc. Ken will provide picnic tables and a porta potty. Leah advised that OPG will provide some folding tables and children's activities etc. Leo will locate the Clarington canopy. Brian has the SWNA banner for the canopy. Since Patrick wil not be available for the event, we will make arrangements to pick up the butterfly nets from his home where they are presently being stored. 12. Calendar/Chart of Activities — Kate. Other than the tagging event, nothing to add at this point 8. Items " on hold ": 1.Butternut Tree Planting 2.Newcastle Fall Festival — October 1, 2022 — we do need to register. Brian will find our who is in charge this year and register us. 3.Parking along Toronto Street/ gating to hydro corridor 9. Other Business — Snake Hybernaculem: Leo reported that the area around the hybernaculem is now heavily overgrown. Ken will see if any of his summer students or others might be able to attend to this before fall. 10.Departure of Committee member: Brian advised the group that our newest member Kristin Brent has been accepted into Graduate School at Dalhousie for September and unfortunately will not be able to continue serving on our committee. She did ask if she could continue to be on the mailing list for information about our activities. Brian thanked Kristin for her contributions and the committee wished her ever success in her studies. 11.Round Table — Brian advised that he was pleased that the meadow garden, after a rather slow start, was now doing very well with large quantities of wildflowers being present. 12.Next Meeting - Tuesday SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 , 7:00 p.m. 13. Adjournment - the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.