HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-27-95THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: JULY 10, 1995 Report #: CS -27 -95 File #: Subject: 1995 -96 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES File # 1' 1 Res. # _f Pr-)- L(o s - �S By-Law # /® Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CS -27 -95 be received; 2. THAT the proposed Rates and Fees, as outlined in Attachments 1 to 6, be approved and effective from September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1996; and, 3. THAT the attached By -Law (Attachment 7), pertaining to the proposed Schedule of Rates and Fees for municipal Cemeteries be approved and forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for their concurrence. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington, through the Community Services Department, provides recreational facilities, programs and services to enhance the leisure lifestyles of its residents. Given existing economic and societal trends, there is growing pressure and concern that these opportunities must strive to achieve operational self- sufficiency. Changes within the senior levels of government have resulted in municipalities having to become more creative in establishing a fee system for recreational opportunities that approaches operational self - sufficiency while not losing sight of the traditional mandate of providing quality facilities, programs and services at reasonable costs to the user (in this case, Clarington residents). 1.2 This report will present the Community Services Department's proposed Schedule of Rates and Fees that, if approved, will be implemented for the period of September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1996. Normally, this report would include proposed Rates and Fees for the use of outdoor facilities (ie. sports fields - ball diamonds and soccer pitches) that are maintained ../2 of REPORT CS -27 -95 - 2 - JULY 10, 1995 and permitted by the Community Services Department. Staff have initiated discussions with the community organizations that provide programs for minor aged (ie. 17 years of age and younger) participants to review the costs incurred through the operation of these facilities and to establish, co- operatively, a schedule of rates and fees that would assist the Municipality approach operational cost recovery without reducing the level of service provided, in our parks system, to the community and without creating participation barriers that would effect the children participating in these seasonal programs. Therefore, due to the detailed nature that these discussions require, proposed rates and fees for outdoor facilities are not included in this report at this time. A separate report will be submitted to Council for consideration in advance of the 1996 spring/summer season. 1.3 In preparing this report the municipalities of the City of Oshawa and the Town of Ajax were used a comparators. The City of Oshawa was used as it is the Municipality of Clarington's nearest neighbour and the Town of Ajax was used as it is approximately the same size as this municipality. Note that the Town of Ajax's fees do reflect an influence of its proximity to the Metropolitan Toronto area. 1.4 For your reference, the Attachments included in this report are summarized as follows: Attachment 1 Programs (instructional, un- structured) Attachment 2 Memberships (Clarington Fitness Centre) Attachment 3 Indoor Facility Rentals (arenas, meeting space, pools) Attachment 4 Multi- Purpose Room Rentals Attachment 5 Cemetery Fees Attachment 6 Animal Control Fees Attachment 7 Cemetery By -Law 2.0 PROGRAM FEES 2.1 This section discusses those programs that are provided to the community, directly, by the Community Services Department. These include unstructured programs, such as the recreational (public) skating and swimming programs, as well as structured, instructional programs, such as the various day camp and swimming programs. 2.2 Under the heading of Squash, the Department recommends a decrease in the daily admission fees for youth - from $ 5.00 per person to $ 3.25 per person. Squash participation statistics from 1994 show that youth constitute approximately 1.14 %n of the total users playing squash (1995 statistics to the end of May indicate a slight increase to 2 %). In 1994 approximately 4,401 residents played squash during the year - of these only 50 of them were youth. By ../3 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 3 - JULY 10, 1995 lowering the daily admission fee, the Department hopes that more youth will reconsider the sport of squash as another way to be fit while having fun - it is possible that the various youth squash memberships will benefit as well. 2.3 At the time of writing Report #CS- 27 -95, the Community Services Department became aware of correspondence submitted, to Council, by Mr. Jeremy Forward - a teacher at Bowmanville High School and a squash enthusiast. Although Mr. Forward's concerns will be addressed in detail in a subsequent report, staff wanted to advise Members of Council that the Department is aware of the concerns raised by Mr. Forward. During the 1994 -95 rates and fees review process, staff attempted to address Mr. Forward's concerns through the creation of a special club rate. For the purpose of the rates and fees process, a club is defined as any community -based organization that would book a municipal facility a minimum of ten (10) hours per week for an extended period of time (usually 20 - 30 weeks per year). Since Mr. Forward's program fulfilled this requirement, a special fee was established that allowed his participants to pay $ 6.50 per court (NOTE: This fee does not appear on the current report attachments) rather than the long established (youth) fee of $ 5.00 per person. By establishing this fee, participants in Mr. Forward's program paid $ 3.25 per person to participate in his program. With Report #CS -27 -95 staff are recommending that the $ 3.25 /person rate be extended to all youth within this Municipality. 2.4 For individuals registering to get fit in either the community Adult Fitness or the Aqua -Fit programs, the Department proposes a multiple class fee. A number of participants have expressed a desire to take two or three classes per week in their chosen program. The current one class per week fee doubled or tripled to accommodate this interest would also become a barrier to their participation. In response, the Department proposes a multiple class fee for the Aqua -fit program -12 classes (1 /week) is $ 60.00; 24 classes (2 /week) is $ 80.00; and, 36 classes (3 /week) is $ 120.00. For individuals wishing to take Adult Fitness classes the following multiple class fees apply - 24 classes (2 /week) is $ 58.00; 36 classes (3 /week) is $ 80.00 and, 48 classes (4 /week) is $ 100.00. The Municipality incurs no additional costs in providing this service as the Instructors teach regardless of the number of people registered for multiple classes. All programs are subject to the same criteria in that they are not operated unless the minimum participation rate (ie. break -even point) is achieved. 2.5 In the program categories of Day Camps and Day Trips some fees have been increased to /4 922 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 4 - JULY 10, 1995 reflect increases in program operation costs. The 5 -day package of March Break Day Trips is recommended to move from $ 110.00 to $ 115.00 to offset the cost of transportation and admission fees to special attractions that are included in the program package. Each year staff attempt to book new and different attractions in the program package however, it is becoming more difficult since most venues are privately owned and /or operated and, therefore, operate for profit. The Summer Adventure Camp 5 -day fee breaks down to $ 13.00 /day which provides full supervision of participating children during program hours (ie. 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) as well as extended hours (8:00 am to 8:30 am; and, 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm) which accommodates working parents whose hours of work coincide with the regular program hours. 2.6 Fees for aquatic instruction have been increased in order to offset anticipated increases from the Red Cross Society and /or the Royal Lifesaving Society. Lifesaving I to Lifesaving III fees are unchanged in order to encourage increased participation of those individuals working on the higher levels of the Red Cross badge program. These programs, designed by the Royal Lifesaving Society, are not a mandatory requirement of the Red Cross program however, participation will enable the student to achieve a higher level of success as they prepare for advanced lifesaving techniques. The Pre - Bronze program, like Lifesaving I to III, is not a mandatory requirement for the aquatic leadership programs but is intended to accommodate those individuals who have completed the White Badge level but are not old enough to continue into the Bronze Medallion program (ie. under the age of 13 years). It should be noted that the Aquatic Leadership programs provided (Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Leaders, Instructors and National Lifeguard Service) include the examination fee that is imposed by either the Red Cross or Royal Lifesaving Societies. These fees, which range from $ 12.00 (Bronze Medallion) to $ 42.50 (Instructors) per participant, are not incorporated into the fees charged by the City of Oshawa and the Town of Ajax and would be paid at the time of taking the appropriate examination. 2.7 Private swimming lessons have presented concerns that the Department has difficulty addressing. A private lesson occupies the same pool space that a group lesson (ie. 6 to 10 participants) does and therefore, can interfere with the Department's efforts to accommodate group lesson waiting lists. Review of the program cost analysis for private lessons indicates that the cost of providing this service exceeds the revenue generated. Although it is understood that private lessons are a service that are to be included in the Municipality's ../5 viol REPORT CS -27 -95 -5 - JULY 10, 1995 operational plan, it should also be understood that one -on -one attention requires a premium. The recommended (5- class) fee of $ 70.00 recognizes the need for this service and the cost that is incurred in its provision. 3.0 MEMBERSHIPS 3.1 The Community Services Department membership program is focused on the opportunities available at the Clarington Fitness Centre facility. The purchase of a pool membership provides the individual with unlimited access to recreational swims during the term of the membership (1 month or 1 year). For example, the adult annual pool membership proposed fee of $ 95.00 can be broken down to demonstrate the discount that is provided. Assume that the average individual swims 4 times per week each week of each month. The annual membership allows the individual to swim for $ 7.92 per month or $ 0.50 per swim. Compare this to the daily admission fee of $ 2.50 per swim for the same adult. Using this same scenario, the per swim cost for the youth annual pool membership ($ 50.00) is $ 0.26 per swim instead of the current $ 1.50 youth daily admission fee. Members can save significant dollars by purchasing a pool membership - they can save even more (not to mention the health benefits) if they swim more than the 4 times per week that was used in the given examples. It should be noted that during the summer, when the two outdoor pools are operating, pool memberships (regardless of point of purchase) are accepted at all municipal pools. Pool memberships include access to the whirlpool and sauna for those members who are 18 years of age and older. 3.2 The Pool & Squash memberships were difficult to compare with other municipalities because both Oshawa and Ajax include unlimited access to recreational swims, reduced court fees for squash and access to weight rooms - Oshawa includes unlimited access to fitness classes in their facility membership. In Clarington, the Pool & Squash membership includes access to the pool during recreational swims, access to the co -ed whirlpool and sauna (for those 18 years of age and older) and access to the squash courts without any additional court fees (courts may be booked up to 48 hours in advance rather than the normal 24 hours for non- members). The Pool & Squash 10- ticket membership also includes access to the pool if there is a recreational swim operating while you're in the facility. 4.0 INDOOR FACILITY RENTALS 4.1 In order to differentiate between the various facility rental rates available, the facility rental fees have been divided into two categories. Indoor facilities include the two Arenas ../6 924 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 6 - JULY 10, 1995 (Darlington Sports Centre and the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex), the Municipal Pools (Clarington Fitness Centre and, in the summer, the Orono Pool and Newcastle Lions Pool), and the Multi - purpose Room (at the Garnet Rickard Recreation Complex) which is used as a Banquet Hall as well as a meeting and /or program area. In the Arenas, the proposed fees keep the operational costs of the Arenas in mind without losing sight of the client groups are using these facilities. For reference, prime -time ice hours are those hours from 4:00 pm to closing Mondays to Fridays; and from 7:00 am to closing on Saturdays and Sundays. All other hours are considered to be non -prime time hours. When reviewing the proposed fees, it must be remembered that the operational cost of the arenas remains the same regardless of whether or not the hours are designated as prime or non -prime time. 4.2 In the past two years of Arena (ice) operations, the Community Services Department has witnessed a significant increase in the number of ice tournaments and special events requests from community organizations. Through the 1994 -95 Rates and Fees process the concern of accommodating these requests was partially dealt with through the creation and implementation of the new Tournament /Special Event fee. As with the majority of the programs and services provided by this Department, staff have been monitoring the tournament /special event request and have identified an area of concern that has not been addressed. Applications for tournaments /special events that require the facility (and staff) on Statutory Holidays is increasing steadily. For the community hosts, these long weekends provide an extra day on which to operate their event - which is usually an organizational fund raiser. However, when these events are approved, for days such Thanksgiving or Box Day, the Community Services Department is required to pay facility staff double -time for the hours worked plus the full -time staff are entitled to another day off in lieu of the statutory holiday worked. When this is calculated the Municipality incurs an additional Dourly cost of approximately $ 41.66 for employee salaries. For this reason, the Community Services Department proposes and recommends a hourly Statutory Holiday surcharge of $ 45.00/hour that would be charged in addition to the appropriate ice rental charge. 4.3 The fees for the use of the Arena floor (during the summer) for the purpose of shows and /or displays include a private rental category. This fee recognizes the increased costs incurrec by the Municipality when facilitating private rentals. The community special event fee has remained the same during the two fee reviews despite increases in overall facility operational costs. When shows and /or displays operate within the facility the ../7 92 5 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 7, JULY 10, 1995 Municipality increases its costs since there is a need to schedule additional staff to facilitate the rental as most special events held on the arena floor result in maintenance requirements over and above the work that is normally performed by facility staff. 4.4 Pool rentals are divided into two groups - private and club. Again, for clarification, a club is any community -based organization that would utilize a municipal facility (the pool) a minimum of 10 hours per week over an extended period of time. For example, the Newcastle Aquatic Club ( NEWAC) books approximately 20 hours per week from September to the end of June (approximately 30 weeks). For this reason, NEWAC is considered a Club and therefore, is able to rent the pool at a discounted club rate. It should also be noted that the club rate does not include lifeguards and, therefore, when required (eg. during swim meets) NEWAC and other similar clubs are charged for lifeguards ($ 12.00/hour). As in the Arenas, there is a higher fee levied for swim meets and other aquatic special events as the operational cost of the pool increases due to staffing and higher maintenance requirements. 5.0 MULTI- PURPOSE ROOM RENTALS 5.1 The format of the presentation of fees for the Multi- Purpose Room at the Garnet Rickard Recreation Complex, has been changed to facilitate the promotion of the space according to the users requirements. Previously, fees were presented in a "per section" format as the Room can be divided into 4 separate spaces which accommodate approximately 110 people each. The Community Services Department does not receive a significant number of requests for single room /hall rentals and therefore, has removed this fee structure. The majority of requests are to accommodate wedding receptions, dances and special events. Very few of these requests, if any, are for capacities of less than 200 attendees. By dividing the hall into two rental categories, it simplifies the rental costs for the user. It also allows staff to look at the municipal comparators (Oshawa and Ajax) to compare services and facilities provided without having to make assumptions on what each includes and /or excludes. It is hoped that the overall effect of this format change is that the information, when provided to potential users, will be in a format that will enable them to compare our fees with that of other providers and appreciate the value that they will receive by renting this facility for their wedding reception and /or special event. 5.2 The New Years' Eve section has also been changed to include other statutory holidays. The scope of this section has been increased as the Community Services Department has received a number of permit applications for other statutory holidays, such as Canada Day, and does not have a fee that would incorporate the increased costs of operation that are incurred on those days. 912� /8 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 8 - JULY 10, 1995 6.0 OUTDOOR FACILITY RENTALS 6.1 The Community Services Department has initiated discussions with its community partners who provide summer sports programs (eg. baseball, softball, soccer) for minor aged residents. These discussions are focused on establishing rates and fees relative to the use of the various sports fields that are maintained and permitted by the Municipality of Clarington. To facilitate this process, staff have reviewed the fields and categorized them into 4 distinct levels. Each level is defined by the level of maintenance that will be provided and the level of play that the field will accommodate. 6.2 Discussions were initiated in May and the participating organizations, to date, have worked with staff to define the problems of the past and the opportunities of the future. Since the success of these negotiations depend heavily on the spirit of co- operation, staff have recommended that the area of rates and fees for outdoor facility rentals be separated out from this report in order that the necessary discussions may continue with the community to ensure that all concerns are addressed prior to putting the information before Council for consideration and approval. 7.0 CEMETERY FEES 7.1 Upon review of information collected from other municipal and privately operated cemeteries, it has been discovered that the Municipality of Clarington's cemetery fees are substantially below current market value for comparable services. Although an in -depth review is indicated, and will be performed, it is staff's recommendation that the current fees be increased by 2% overall. It should be noted that for the category of "sale of plots" there is a new requirement that has an impact to the overall fee paid by the consumer. Previously the Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.) was calculated by taking the plot fee less the perpetual care portion (40% of sale price) and then calculating the G.S.T. on the remaining portion. As of September 1, 1995 the G.S.T. will be calculated on the total sale price of the cemetery plot. The general 2% increase that is recommended results in an overall 4% increase in the sale of plot fee and this is directly attributable to the new requirement for the G.S.T. calculation. 7.2 Prior to the next Rates and Fees report the Parks and Cemetery Division will implement a complete review process of the cemetery fees and will present the results of this review for Council's consideration. �7 ./9 REPORT CS -27 -95 - 9 - JULY 10, 1995 8.0 SUMMARY 8.1 Attachment 6 outlines the proposed rates and fees for the Animal Control operation. As staff are not recommending increases in fees at this time detailed discussion of these fees is not provided. Please note, however, that for Council's information the Animal Control fees from the City of Oshawa have been included for comparison with those currently charged by this Municipality. 8.2 The Community Services Department continues to focus its efforts on maintaining the high standard of quality for facilities, programs and services that the public has come to expect at reasonable rates and fees. In preparing this report and the attached schedules of rates and fees, staff have attempted to reflect the true costs of providing the recreational/leisure opportunities while monitoring those rates and fees implemented by neighbouring municipalities. It is recommended that the proposed schedule of rates and fees be implemented and effective from September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1996. 8.3 Further, staff will also prepare and submit two (2) subsequent reports that will address proposed rates and fees for outdoor sports facilities and cemetery fees prior to the initiation of the 1996 budget deliberation process. Respectfully Submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Joh' P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JPC:JJC Attachments William H. Stoc ell, Chief Administrative Officer 928 ATTACHMENT 7 TO REPORT NO. CS -27 -95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW 95- A By -law to repeal By -law 94 -128, being a by -law to amend By -law 79 -104, as amended, a By -law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of Cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle). THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By -law 79 -104 be, and the same is hereby amended, by rescinding Schedule "A" attached thereto and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By -law. 2. THAT By -law 94 -128 be repealed. 3. THAT this By -law shall come into force and take effect on September 1, 1995, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By -law read a first and second time this _ day of July, 1995. By -law read a third time and finally passed this day of July, 1995. TO FS W. CLERK .�29 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 1 - PROGRAMS ADULTS - DAILY 40,00 2.50 35,00 2.30 N/A 4,00 N/A 1.50 ADULTS - 10 TICK. 17.00 16,50 32.00 (12) 13.91 YOUTH DAILY 1.50 1,50 25.00 2.25 20.00 0.75 YOUTH - 10 TICK. N/A 11.00 70,00 10.00 65.00 15.00 (16) 10.70 FAMILY - DAILY 5.00 5.00 N/A N/A FAMILY - 10 TICK, 30.00 30.00 N/A 5 DAYS N/A 60,00 78.00 80.00 CT . WATERBABIES- DOLPHIN ADULTS 37.00 6,25 35.00 6.25 6.50 6.00 YOUTH 37.00 3.25 35,00 5,00 6.50 2,57 45.00 n.+f+. :...,f::F3 "`::.vim ::::T....::»:; » » : ::.......�... x ...:: .:..:...:::;.;::::..... ;..:::::::: ...... ..... .:........................,.... 48,00 PRE - BRONZE 45,00 YOUTH WORKSHOPS (3 hrs) 35.00 25.00 BRONZE MEDALLION 25,00 26,00 N/A YOUTH ACTIVITY PROGRAMS 65,00 36.00 36,00 30.00 74.00 $2,00 ADULT FITNESS LEADERS (24) 58,00 87.00 54,00 58,00 52.00 71,84 INSTRUCTOR /N.L.S. (36) 80,00 120.00 (10) 117.00 95.00 SEMI - PRIVATE (10) 80.00 (48) 100.00 77.00 (5) 38,00 (5) 55.00 PRIVATE (5) DAILY 40,00 35,00 N/A N/A WEEKLY 115.00 110.00 N/A N/A n 1 DAY 25.00 20.00 N/A N/A 5 DAYS 70,00 65.00 N/A N/A 10 DAYS 110,00 100.00 128.00 145,00 5 DAYS 65.00 60,00 78.00 80.00 CT . WATERBABIES- DOLPHIN 37.00 35.00 35.00 48.00 YELLOW -WHITE 37.00 35,00 35,00 48.00 LIFESAVING 1 -III 45.00 45.00 35.00 48,00 PRE - BRONZE 45,00 52.00 35.00 48.00 BRONZE MEDALLION 72.00 72.00 42.00 65,00 BRONZE CROSS 74.00 74.00 46.00 65.00 LEADERS 87.00 87.00 52.00 75.00 INSTRUCTOR /N.L.S. 125.00 120.00 (10) 117.00 95.00 SEMI - PRIVATE (10) 80.00 77.00 (5) 38,00 (5) 55.00 PRIVATE (5) 70,00 63.00 55,00 (5) 75,00 ADULT INSTRUCTION 45.00 45,00 48.00 50.00 AQUA -FIT (12) 60,00 56.00 48.00 (10) 28,00 (24) 80,00 79.00 64.00 N/A (36) 120,00 N/A MASTERS (12 classes) (12) 65.00 63.00 48,00 N/A (24) 100.00 95,00 64,00 N/A ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. NOTE: Number In 0 Indicates the number of classes Included in the program. 930 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 2 - MEMBERSHIPS PROGRAM/SERVICE 1996 1995 OSHAWA AJAX . .. . ................ ....... . . . .. ..... .. ........ ..... ......... .. ....... . . .. ....... I . .............. . ........ ...... I ..... ........... .............................. . . . . . . . . ............ .................... .............................................................................. ............ .......... ..................... ................................................................ ... ................. ... . .... .. ........................... xx ....... .... X. .. ...................................... ....... . ............ .... ........... . IMP* .... . ... . . ... ..... .......... .................. . -. . . ... . ......... . . .... . .. ......... ........ .. ........ x .... ..... ....... .. ....... ....... ---- . . .. - . ..... . . . .............. .. ... ..... .. . .... . . .... ... ............. ........... .. . .. . ........ ---- ---- -------------------- ADULT .... ....... ....... ............... . . ............. ................. ........... ... .................... ... ......... .......... . . ....... ...... ............ .................... ................... ..................... ......... ......... ....... . . . ... .. . .. . . .... . . ... .... . .. I ... ... .......... .... .... X .... .... ...... .............................. ............... ......... . .. . . ......... . ........ . .. . .. ......... . .. . . . .... ........ . I ...... ....... .......................... ................................ ............... ................................ .. .. . . ........ ............... ............. ............. .... ... I ......... ........ ... ......... I ..... I .......... ...... 12 MONTHS 95.00 90.00 N/A N/A 1 MONTH 25.00 20.00 N/A N/A YOUTH .. ... .......... .. .. .... .......... .. ... .......... X ............... .. .... .......... I ... .......... ........ ..... ..... X .......... ..... .......... ..... .......... ........... ........ ....... . .. . ... .. . .... . ........ .... . . .. . ..... ...... .. . ... . . ........ 1. .. . X: . .. . . ....... . . ........ .. . . ....... ....... ....... . ::::::: ............ . 1111, . . . ....... . . . ...... ........ .... . ........ ... .... . . ......... 12 MONTHS 50.00 56.00 N/A N/A 1 MONTH 12.00 11,50 N/A N/A FAMILY ... . .. ... ...... .. ....... ......... . ............................... .......... . ........ . ...... - .... . . ... .................... ..................................... ........ . ....... ....... ....... I e.. .... . X ....... ` M 12 MONTHS 160.00 160.00 N/A N/A 1 MONTH 40.00 40.00 N/A N/A ........ .... X .......... X. : : *..'.. - -..*-.*.-.*.-..,..,.::.*",,.,..,.- .:.: ............ . . ... ...... .. ... .......... ............... ........... ............... .. .. ....... ............. ..... .. ............... ............. ............. .... .. ............ .. . .......................... . ..... .... %-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.........................,:.........:....:.%.............;"::i�: ............. ..... . ...... u ...... ........ ................ - .. .... ... ......................... :::: .................................. .... . ... .. X. .. ..... ... .. . . ... .. ............... . .. .. ....... ............... ...................... ........... ...................... X. x . ............ ............. .................... ADULT xxx :i� "'. X. ...... ........... X ........ X. ... X: ........... X ........ . . ............ . . ............ : - ............ ............ ........ .... ............. ::: ........ . ... ............ ......... .... ......... - ........ . ... ............. ............... ........ ... ... . ........ . . ............ . ........ .... .... ....... ... .... ....... . ... . .. ......... :::' : .. : . .. . .. :: .. : ........ .... ... I. X:: .. ...... ..... X. X: .. ....... ....... .. 1:111 .... ........ ..... . . . . . .. ....... ...... .. . . . .. ..... .. . ......................................... .. . ................. ............ ................... . ..... ............ ......... .. ..... 12 MONTHS 155.00 155.00 260.00 275.00 3 MONTHS 90.00 87.50 110.00 95.00 10 TICKET 55.00 52.50 N/A N/A COUPLE ...... ....... ....... ........ ......... ........ . . ........ ......... ............... ...... .. . ......... ............. . I .. ............ . ... . ................. I .............. .... . . ... ................ .. ..... .......... .. . .... . ........... . .... . . ................ ............ I .... ............. ........... . .... I . ............. . . ... X ..... . ...... ....... I ...... . ...... . ....... ............ ....... ............. . ....... ............ ....... .... ....... . .... .. ......... ... ...... ...... 12 MONTHS 240.00 240.00 N/A N/A 3 MONTHS 100.00 140.00 N/A N/A YOUTH SENIORS ......... . ........... .... ......... ................................... ........ .. ... .................... .... . ............................ . ......... .... ........................ .. .................... . ..................... ... . ............ ......................... ................... .................... ...................... . .................................................. ................................................... . . ........... ... ..... :::..: ; - . .... . . ......... . x ................. . ....... ............................ . . ............................................. . ...... ...... ...... ..... . ................................... ...... , * - . .. ......... X.: ......... .... ..... ...... .... . ........... ..... ....... ..... ... ..... . .... ....... : ........ .. .... I .. ..... ... .. . ..... . . ... ............ 12 MONTHS 80.00 90.00 130.00 135.00 3 MONTHS 45.00 52.00 55.00 50.00 10 TICKETS 32.00 N/A N/A CORPORATE $ 150.00/Business $150.00/business 25% discount 25% Discount Adult/Couple Squash Single Adult or & Pool Membership Couple fees ... ............ ......... .... .. . .. .I . . . . .. ......... . . . ............. . .............................. . .......... . ................ . . ............. ..... . ... .:.............:::::::::::::>:: ::::::: >:::::::: >:::::::::::::: .......................................................... .....I . . . .. . ... ........................ . ......... .... .. . .... ... . I . .... .. .. . . .. . .. ...... .... ...... ... ......... ............... ... ........... ADULT 60.00 85.00 N/A N/A YOUTH 30.00 50.00 N/A N/A FAMILY 100.00 192.00 N/A N/A ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 931 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 3 INDOOR FACILITY RENTALS PROGRAM/SERVICE 1996 1995 1 OSHAWA AJAX PRIME TIME (/HOUR) . . .......... . . ............... !:::::;: _XXXx'� xxx ......... : ... :: .............. ........................... ...... .. .... . . .... . . .... xxx". ........... . ........................ . . ........ ... .. . ADULTS 100.00 95.00 114.00 120.00 YOUTH 85.00 82.00 82.00 120.00 NON-PRIME (/HOUR) X, . ........... . . .. .. % X ............... ..... .... ......... . ............. ..................... ..... ..... .......... ......... .. ......... ... ... ........ ....... ... x ........................... ............... ...................... .............................. ....................... . .... ADULTS 80.00 74.00 101.00 80.00 YOUTH 55.00 45.00 82.00 80.00 NON-RESIDENT (/HOUR;ALL HOURS) 7- 130.00 120.001-* 130.00 ..... ... ......... **' q ............. .... ....... .. ........... X: ......... ................ .... X NAMEN.' .................. ................ .......... ..... ........... . ................... T-011sp: ... .... J.: :::::::: ...... ..................... X, ...... .................. X, ... ................ .......... ........................... . ........... ............... ......... . ... 0:606; ;;_. .. XX ::: ............. ::::: ....... .. ... ... . .... ­­ ........... ................. ............. ..... ........ ... ...... ... ... .. .......... .... ..... ......... .................... ADULTS 110.00 104.50 126.00 YOUTH 95.00 90.00 91.00 . . . . . ...... ......... ..... x ... ...... x ...... ......... ..... ... . . .... ..... ... ............. . ..... ........ ........... . . .... :xo ............... .... ... . ..... X:§ .......... .... .... X x U. ....... . . ........... x . X .. .. ...................... ... ........ .... . .. .. ADULTS/MINORS FEE + $ 45.00 N/A N/A . .... ................. ............. X .................. ................................ ............. .. ................................. ...... X.. X .................... ........... .. .............. .. ............. ............ 11. . ........ .... ..... .. . ........ .. .......... ......... ... .. .......... ... ... ........................................ ... .................... ........ 'A ..... ............. ............ ....... ............. .... ............. ......... xxi...- .. ....... ....... .. ......... ... . ... ................. .: ....... ........... . ... . : ... . %....................... x .... .. ........ ................................. ... 1. ......... *"**** ........ ..... .. XX... ......... ... .. ..: ... ........... * ........ ........... ..... SPECIAL EVENT SET-UP 250.00 225.00 N/A SPECIAL EVENT - COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION 685.00 685.00 VARIES SPECIAL EVENT - PRIVATE . .... ... ............. .......................... ................... ....... ......... ...... 00 720.00 7 . 6.8...5... ..X.0.-X..-0 .-.'-. ...'-.. ... ..: . . ... . ............. .... . R IE..X .. ......V.................A....... ...... ........ ....I . .. X.:'. .. .................. .. ii ........ . ........ .... ............ , ............... ...... .... . i ........... . ....... . . ...... .......... .................... ...... . . ........ .2......0.X. � . .. . ..... .... o ............h ......... 4. . . A ...... . . . .... . ........... ..... e . - A ..... . .... .... . .. ........ ............x..... X... . % : . .x. . .. . .x. . . . . x . . .' .... ... . .. ...S .......................... . .. . . . . X. . .. ....... ..... .. . .... .. ......... ADULT 40.00 37.00 55.00 YOUTH 40.00 37.00 41.50 NON-RESIDENT 1 50.00 1 37.00 FEE + 20% ............ . ....... ... .... x. X . .... .. . . ........ .... ....... ......... ...... . ...... ........ . :::.::: .. ..... X . ...... ........ .......... I ..... .. . ....... ................. X X. ...... . .. . ... ......... ::: ... .......... X. X X . ........ ............... - X.1 ....... ................. -N ............ ........ ........ . ............................... . .................................... . ........................ ...... ................. ....... .. ... ...... % ........... ......... x .... . .... ............ ......... XXX L' E N .................. ............ ........ . ............... ..... . .. ... .... ... X** ............................ ..... ....... PRIVATE (2 GUARDS) 80.00 77.00 54.35 CLUB/SCHOOL BD. 35.00 30.00 44.36 SPECIAL EVENTS 48.00 45.00 44.36 LIFEGUARDS (/HOUR) . ..X.- .. .... 12.00 12.00 12.00 . ....... ..... X. .. . ............... . . . xx.x. . x..."... X .....X . ............... ......................... . ............... ..... .. TN. -PROG A .. 80 O... R....E.... T..A .... ...S...,. . . .X...X...-.X... -. '- ......................... .. .......... : : ............ . XX .. .... :X : ..... .... X. ... .:.:.. IX ... : :X " X : COMMUNITY GROUPS 15.00 14.00 N/A 45.00 PRIVATE 25.00 25.00 N/A 45.00 NON-RESIDENT 40.00 1 35.00 N/A ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. City of Oshawa fees quoted are for community arenas - NOT the Civic Auditorium Fees quoted pertain to those special events/tournaments at which NO gate or admission fee is charged. If gate is charged, ice rental is $ 137.00/hour for adults; and, $ 95,00/hour for minors/youth. 932 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES PROGRAM /SERVICE ATTACHMENT 4 - MULTI - PURPOSE Room RENTALS 1996 1 1995 11 AJAX FULL HALL (CAPACITY 350) I MON-THURS I FRI - SUN I MON - THURS I FRI - SUN MON - THURS FRI - SUN 1000.00 DOUBLE APPROPRIATE RATE �.N NON - RESIDENT FEE + 20% FEE + 20% N/A KITCHEN FEES NON - LICENSED 372.00 550.00 368.00 85.00 540.00 374.50 N/A LICENSED 530.00 670.00 520.00 S.O. C .A.N. 660.00 535.00 588.50 NON - RESIDENT FEE + 20% FEE + 20% FEE + 20% 31.00 FEE + 20% N/A N/A HALF HALL CAPACITY 200 62.00 61.58 X. NON - LICENSED 190.00 280.00 184.00 270.00 214.00 N/A LICENSED 265.00 350.00 260.00 330.00 321.00 347.75 NON - RESIDENT FEE + 20 % FEE + 20% FEE + 20% FEE + 20% N/A N/A NON - LICENSED 650.00 N/A I DOUBLE APPROPRIATE RATE LICENSED 1050.00 1000.00 DOUBLE APPROPRIATE RATE �.N NON - RESIDENT FEE + 20% FEE + 20% N/A KITCHEN FEES PER USE 85.00 85.00 N/A REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT 200.00 200.00 N/A S.O. C .A.N. WITHOUT A DANCE 31.00 31.00 30.76 WITH A DANCE 62.00 62.00 61.58 ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES SERVICE SALE OF PLOTS SINGLE LOTS BABYLAN D /CR EMATI O N INTERNMENT CHARGES ADULT CHILD /CREMATION DISINTERNMENT - ADULT REBURIAL -NEW LOCATION /SAME CEMETERY REBURIAL -SAME LOCATION /SAME CEMETERY REBURIAL AT DIFFERENT CEMETERY 1SINTERNMENT - CHILD CREMATION REBURIAL -NEW LOCATION SAME CEMETERY REBURIAL -SAME LOCATION /SAME CEMETERY ADDITIONAL SURCHARGES SAT /SUN /STAT. HOLIDAY INTERNMENT INTERNMENT /DISINTERNMENT- DOUBLE DEPTH RENTAL OF LOWERING DEVICE, SET -UP & DRESSING LICENSE FEE (EX. CREMATION) ATTACHMENT 5 - CEMETERY FEES FEE PERPETUAL CARE G.S.T. 1996 TOTAL FEE 1995 TOTAL FEE (40 %)* 487.85 195.14 34.15 522.00 498.25 142.06 56.84 9.94 152.00 145.33 299.06 » 20.94 320.00 312.80 102.81 7.19 110.00 106.96 732.71 » 51.29 8 00 7 4. 768.21 487. 85 34.15 522.00 511.75 441.12 30.88 472.00 462.30 247.66 17.34 265.00 256.45 9 14 .54 0 6 1 .4 160.00 156.40 255.14 ' >' 17.86 273 0 .0 6 2 7. 95 55.14 3.86 59.00 57.50 61.68 4.32 65.68 64.40 10.00 » 0.70 10.70 10.70 *NOTE - EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1995 THE FEDERAL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX IS APPLIED TO THE FULL PURCHASE COST OF CEMETERY PLOTS (copy of memo attached) COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 5 (cont'd) - CEMETERY FEES SERVICE FEE G.S.T. 1996 TOTAL 1995 TOTAL FEE FEE MONUMENT EN T FO UND AT 10 NS &S SETTING MARKERS KE RS MONUMENT FOUNDATION ( /CUBIC FOOT) 11.21 0.79 ................... ..............:.::.::::.::::::. 12.00 11.50 FLAT MARKER (EACH) 61.68 4.32 66.00 64.40 CREMATION MARKERS 33.64 2.36 36.00 35.65 REMOVAL OF MONUMENTS 40.19 2.81 43.00 42.55 BABY MARKERS (14" X 8 ") 27.10 1 90 29.00 28.74 TRANSFER FEE 5.89 0.41 6.30 6.15 PERPETUAL CARE - On plots on which perpetual care charges HAVE NOT been paid.( /SQ.FT.) 6.54 0.46 7.00 6.90 OTHER SERVICES - Planting of trees, installing corner stones, foundation repairs. Materials plus labour costs. UNION RATE + 15% UNION RATE + 15% COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 6 - ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE I 1996 I 1995 OSHAWA DOG LICENSE (1ST & 2ND)- EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 DOG LICENSE (3RD) 30.00 30.00 20.00 DOG LICENSE (4TH & 5TH) EACH 50.00 50.00 NIA 1ST & 2ND - EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00 3RD 20.00 20.00 10.00 4TH & 5TH EACH 40.00 40.00 N/A DISCOUNT WITH PURCHASE BEFORE MARCH 1ST 2.00 OFF 2.00 OFF N/A WITH PROOF OF RABIES VACCINATION 2.00 OFF 2.00 OFF N/A REPLACEMENT DOG TAG 1 NO CHARGE NO CHARGE 3.00 DOGS 52.00 51.75 32.40 CATS 29.00 28.75 16.20 .... .......... -N .. ....... ........ ............. ... ... .. .. ... ..... .......... ........ ... ....... ......... ..... DOGS 36.00 36.38 15.00 CATS 26.00 25.68 15.00 TRANSFER TO O.S.P.C.A. I NO NO N/A CHARGE CHARGE * TOTAL FEE INCLUDES APPLICABLE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND FEDERAL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX 3h