HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-22-95Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -22 -95 be received; 2. THAT the site plan (Attachment #1) be approved; 3. THAT the floor plan (Attachment #2) be approved; 4. THAT the concept rendering (Attachment #3) be approved and forwarded to the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee; 5. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with a contractor pre - qualification process; 6. THAT staff be authorized to proceed to issue a tender call for construction of the Courtice Community Complex; 7. THAT the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee be forwarded a copy of report CS -22 -95 and be advised of action taken by Council; and 8. THAT the Courtice Community Complex Building Committee be advised of action taken by Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the March 20, 1995 Committee meeting Council received a presentation regarding the preliminary design and layout of the Courtice Community Complex. On April 4, 1995 a public meeting was held at the Courtice Secondary School to present those plans and receive feedback from the community. ./2 TM� � Paurreo cu necvc�o cnvea REPORT CS -22 -95 "2" JULY 10, 1995 1.2 Since that time, staff in conjunction with the architects and members of the Building committee have revised the preliminary drawings in response to comments received during the public meeting. 1.3 Those drawings in addition to a rendering were subsequently displayed at a public information open house on Tuesday, June 20, 1995, 1.4 Although attendance at that open house was disappointing, comments received regarding the drawings were very positive and specific changes are not anticipated at this time. As a result, the Building Committee is recommending that the site plan (Attachment #1), the floor plan (Attachment #2) and the rendering (Attachment #3), all be approved by Council at this time. 2.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: 2.1 As this project evolves, revisions to the project schedule are ongoing. Although the project has experienced delays, the target date for opening of the facility remains scheduled for November of 1996. Attachment #4 is provided to members of Council as a general guide to the projects critical path. 3.0 SITE PLAN: 3.1 The project's site plan (Attachment #1) has been revised to incorporate an easterly exposure for the main entrance and further, has located all parking facilities to the east of the complex. 3.2 Access to the site has also been altered by the addition of an additional access to the property from Nash Road. The location of this roadway, if approved, would require concurrence from the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education and will be the subject of a future report to Council. 4.0 FLOOR PLAN: 4.1 In response to comments received from the community, a number of subtle changes have been made to the floor plan, these involve adding washroom facilities off the foyer; designation of a baby- sitting area; increasing ladies washroom facilities; relocating the snack bar and segregating the viewing area from the pool deck. 4.2 Other more dramatic changes to the plan have also taken place in response to the community, they are highlighted as follows. 4.2.1 Main Pool - has been expanded to incorporate six full lanes (the original design provided a four lane pool). RE ./3 REPORT CS -22 -95 - 3 - JULY 10, 1995 4.2.2 Wading/Tot Pool is now a combined component which accommodated for the expansion of the main pool and also provided an opportunity to add a water feature area which could be used to incorporate bleacher seating on the pool deck during competitive swim events and play apparatus at other times. 4.2.3 The therapy pool has been retained from the original design and expanded to accommodate a steam room next to the sauna. This general area has been relocated adjacent the Fitness component with the intent of creating a more `club type' atmosphere. 4.3 Of the comments received from the original drawings, the Committee feels confident that all but two issues have been adequately addressed. 4.3.1 There was a request to provide a Community Hall that could also accommodate active sport activity (ie.) volleyball and basketball. After careful review, the Committee felt the plan could not accommodate this request, as it was felt the budget could not accommodate the request and further that existing and future school gym facilities should facilitate the demand for active sport facilities. 4.3.2 There was also a request to provide a diving area in the main pool, again after consideration of this request, the impact to the budget and significant increase to operational expenses resulting from higher volume of water the Committee has not recommended a diving area to be incorporated into the design. 4.3.3 The library component has, for the most part, remained unchanged. Some feedback expressed a need for computer services separate from general public spaces. Multiple computer work stations are planned throughout the library area and extended on -line research will be possible from remote computers via dial -up access. 5.0 ARTIST'S RENDERING: 5.1 The recommended rendering of the project was agreed to by the Building Committee, who reached a consensus from three alternatives which were previewed by the community at the open house of June 20, 1995. 6.0 PROJECT BUDGET: 6.1 A preliminary cost estimate of the project has indicated that the budget appears to be adequate. It is however, anticipated that certain modifications to the project will have to be made to ultimately bring the project within the target budget. 6.2 As this work will be ongoing, the Committee is confident that without major increases in the construction industry, any building program modifications should be accommodated without compromising the integrity of the project. ../4 915 REPORT CS -22 -95 - 4 - JULY 10, 1995 7.0 TENDER PROCESS: 7.1 To ensure an equitable process and promote local content, it is staff intention to work with the Durham Construction Association throughout the tendering process. All drawings and documents related to the Courtice Community Complex Project will be posted at the Association's office in Whitby. 7.2 Through discussions with the Architect, it is recommended that the contract be divided into two sections. A foundation tender will be issued in September 1995 with the intent of having the foundation completed by December 1995. 7.3 The building tender is planned to be issued in November 1995 with construction to commence as early as possible in March of 1996. 7.4 This process will avoid additional costs for winter construction and further allow the project to proceed prior to the Spring thaw saving considerable time in completing the project. 8.0 COMMENTS: 8.1 Report CS -22 -95 has been reviewed and endorsed by the Courtice Community Complex Building Committee and further recommend to be forwarded to Council for approval. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, P. Caruana, Director unity Services Department JPC:sa . -A W. H. S(ockwell, Chief Administrative Officer • ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT CS -22 -95 t �- <- ���` 1 I _ ,L - _ r PI { T t { ji a ©vv ■ o ©vo I a W e 7J �l I a 0 � i �. Win;a ., . r { f j t �- <- ���` 1 I _ ,L - _ r PI { T t { ji a ©vv ■ o ©vo I a W e ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT CS -22 -95 fro. STVPALE 1VICMN ¢c4 k . xASlwoou i , 1 Y!L t -m 1 1. 1 s; twlMxiaoou t w v j was . x SWt I fF — f lv - -Nl Ik_ >y {i . COMMUNITY HALL i r r- -- 11 '1 ---------- ---- -- - -- FITNESS —!' — =J I r TERRACE :11 III �K'II II �x� III � �1 + '. ` "' 111/ ♦II b♦ ♦III J t s - 'I I t r 11gUIVR + ` 1 I "SiQINGF I L-pAis + .. 9 SiGNCE i I 1 SN4CIt PNl �� ' lh 7HERAPY�p00L ; r I r --- -�� r( 1 II I I f� s h t 7� rA�F�IgN 1 r r ♦ ' — 1 ^. t �♦ � r 1 l ♦i I � \ \ 1 I 1 � ♦ I - -- MAIN ENTRANCE V': a f r � P V ��J 4 I 1 ♦ ♦ 1 I WATER' � ��,' � 1v i ♦♦ � I i I i . I i 1 r' � e§ ���1YA t�tG�Tb�" \\ \\ �� 1 ♦♦ / /� - - -J 11 1' `I 11 .SLIDE -- -------------- t�� rtkS f 1 flROGRAMR(�0�1 . ')♦ y V sfy z ,'i � �`.� a y� 7 >x ^r i. f Tl1fr A xts if SIWUGE atoPeGt , nns Pooh isr LI�iARY.. ar�ct, - - M— POOU'. mot` 1 ♦♦ ATTACEN ENT #3 TO REPORT CS -22 -95 ATTACHMENT #4 TO REPORT CS -22 -95 COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX PROPOSED CRITICAL PATH REPORT TO GPA JULY 10, 1995 - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - FLOOR PLAN APPROVAL - RENDERING APPROVAL - AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED - TENDER CALL PRE - QUALIFICATION PROCESS AUG. 95 REPORT TO COUNCIL RE: QUALIFIED BIDDERS SEPT. 95 FOUNDATION TENDER CALL SEPT. 95 AWARD FOUNDATION TENDER - GPA OCT. 95 SOD TURNING CEREMONY OCT. 95 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TENDER CALL NOV. 95 AWARD CONSTRUCTION TENDER - GPA DEC. 95 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COMMENCES MAR. 96 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION - (OCCUPANCY) NOV. 96 OPENING CEREMONY DEC. 96 fi 917