HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-13-95Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CS -03 -95 be lifted from the table and received for information; 2. THAT Report CS -13 -95 be received; 3. THAT the Clerk's Department be directed to initiate the public nomination process for the purpose of re- establishing the Brownsdale Community Centre Board; and 4. THAT all those who attended the community meeting be provided with a copy of Report CS -13 -95 and informed of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the February 6,1995 meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, the Community Services Department presented report CS -03 -95 (Attachment 1) discussing the current status of the Brownsdale Community Centre and the (then) Centre Board. At the subsequent meeting of Council, held February 13, 1995, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: "THAT Report CS -03 -95 be tabled until such time as the Community Services Department meets with members of the Brownsdale Community to determine their interest in forming another board; and "THAT all outstanding accounts be paid." [ #GPA- 71 -95] 1.2 The Community Services Department proceeded to schedule and advertise - through a public notice in local newspapers - the requested community meeting. This meeting was held on Thursday, March 30, 1995 (7:00 p.m.) at the Brownsdale c ( .) 1-L Pnit ON REMLEDPAPER .. /2 REPORT CS -13 -95 - 2 - APRIL 18, 1995 Community Centre. This report will provide Council with an overview of this meeting and the comments of those members of the public who attended. 2.0 COMMUNITY MEETING: 2.1 On Thursday, March 30, 1995 representatives of the Municipality of Clarington met with members of the Brownsdale community. Representing the Municipality were: Patti Barrie, Clerk; Nancy Taylor, Deputy Treasurer; and, Jennifer Cooke, Recreation Superintendent. Also, in attendance were Ward 3 Councillors David Scott and Ann Dreslinski. From the community there were 16 individuals who expressed interest and concern about the future of the Brownsdale Community Centre. 2.2 Attached is a copy of the meeting agenda (Attachment 2) and an overview of the roles and responsibilities of key Board positions Chairperson, Vice - Chairperson and Secretary- Treasurer. The information was provided so that those interested in re- establishing the Centre Board would be aware of the expectations that would follow. 2.3 Generally, the response was very positive relative to the potential to re- establish a Board for this facility. There was some concern regarding the operation of a new Board since some of those attending felt that the former Board had not been receptive to community involvement and participation in the Centre's operation. Some concern was also expressed about the costs associated with operating and /or maintaining the Centre with or without a Board in place. 2.4 The staff and the Members of Council in attendance responded to the questions raised by the community. At the conclusion of the meeting, the question was put to the community as to whether or not there was interest and support in re- establishing a Board for the Brownsdale Community Centre. The majority of those in attendance (15 out of 16) indicated that they would like to see a new Board appointed to keep the Centre open. They also indicated that they would like the action of Council to include provisions that the Board would have to meet publically and that the community could remain involved in the activities of the Board. It was stated that this could be achieved by the inclusion of "members -at- large" roles in addition to the roles stated on Attachment 3. 3.0 CONCLUSION: 3.1 Through subsequent discussions with the staff and Councillors present, it is apparent that there is sufficient community interest to justify the re- establishment of a Brownsdale Community Centre Board. This Board would function to keep the Centre available to the ../3 904 REPORT CS -13 -95 - 3. APRIL 18, 1995 public with the clear objective of generating enough revenue to offset associated operational costs. 3.2 Should Council agree to re- establishing the Board, it is further recommended that the operation of the Centre be monitored closely to ensure the viability of both the Board and the Centre. This can be done by including Council representation as part of the composition of the Board at least initially (eg. for the first year of operation). At the end of this initial period, Council could review the Centre's operation and decide, first, whether or not Council representation is required and, second, whether or not the continued operation of the Centre is viable. 3.3 Based on the outcome of the community meeting, the Community Services Department recommends that the Clerks Department be requested to initiate the public nomination process so that a new Brownsdale Community CentreBoard be appointed and so that the facility can be made available for use by the community. Submitted, Josepi P. Caruana, Director Depd,itment of Community Services JPC:JJC:dm Attachments Copies of this report to be made available to: Norman Elgear 57 Mill Street Kendal, Ont. LOA 1E0 Andy & Norma Dumouchel 3320 Morgans Road Newcastle, Ont. L1B 1L9 Jean & Harry Clark 3119 Golf Course Road Newcastle, Ont. L1B 1L9 Recommended for presentation to the Committee, William H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer Graydon Brown 75 Prospect Street Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 31-13 Ann & Garnet Smith 5727 Main Street Orono, Ont. LOB 1M0 Hendrika Talsma 2113 Brownsville Rd. R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ont. UB 1L9 905 Janice Abbott 3980 Hwy. #2. R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ont. L113 1L9 Harold Jansma 4463 Highway #2 Newtonville, Ont. LOA 1J0 Joe & Sharon Mcgarvey 4012 Highway #2, R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ont. L113 1L9 ../4 REPORT CS -13 -95 - 4- APRIL 18, 1995 Martin Zegers 4838 Main Street Orono, Ont. LOB 1M0 George Mahan P.O. Box 20051, 3864 Hwy. #2 Newcastle, Ont. LIB 1M3 Susan P. Simpson 2375 Golf Course Rd. R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ont. UB 1L9 Hilda Malik 2113 Brownsville Rd. R.R. #8 . Newcastle, Ont. UB 1L9 9.96 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. CS-13-95 PAGE 1 OF 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ' REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: FEBRUARY 6, 1995 Res. # By -Law # Report #: CS-03-95— File #: Subject: BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend the following to Council: 1. THAT Report CS -03 -95 be received in camera; and 2. THAT the Brownsdale Community Centre property be declared as surplus; and 3. THAT staff be authorized to pursue a sale of the property in accordance with Municipal Policy. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Brownsdale Community Centre located east of Newcastle Village on Golf Course Road has operated as a community recreation centre since March 1974. The hall has been used for various functions including bingo, archery, dances, small meetings etc. 1.2 On or about December 11, 1994, staff on their regular building inspection found a disconnection notice from Ontario Hydro posted at the main door. At the same time, current Board liaison Carol Phillips contacted the office of the Community Services Department indicating the lack of funds to operate. Subsequently, staff met with Mrs. Phillips Tuesday, December 20, 1994 and she advised that the Board could not continue to operate. 1.3 Since that time, staff has. been operating the building to honour any existing rentals the Board had previously arranged. Further, staff is currently assisting those rentals-in secig,an alternative facility. ../2 PAGE 2 OF 2 REPORT NO. CS -03 -95 .2- FEBRUARY 6, 1995 2.0 FINANCIAL 2.1 Although financial details are not finalized, current outstanding bills include Ontario Hydro, Cleaning Services and telephone which is estimated at $2,000.00. 2.2 The Hall Boards bank statements have been secured by Treasury and will be reviewed by the Auditors. There is very little money in the account and it will by no means cover the outstanding balances. 2.3 The Municipality is obligated to pay outstanding and any future invoices to avoid problems with Hydro and Heat and the effects on the building. It is recommended that these accounts be referred to the Treasury Department for payment. 3.0 ALTERNATIVES 3.1 As the Municipality is not in the position to operate Community Halls directly, the alternatives are to declare the building surplus or find another Board of volunteers to operate the building. 3.2 Staff is recommending that the building be declared as surplus. Past history has indicated that this facility's viability as a Community Centre is questionable. 4.0 CURRENT TENANT 4.1 The current user as previously mentioned, will be asked to terminate their use as of February 14, 1995. Staff is assisting in relocating this group to another local facility. R ctfully submitted Reviewed by: o , aruana, c or W. H. Stockwell, D artment of Community Services Chief Administrative Officer JPC:FH:dm 908 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT NO. CS -13 -95 PAGE 1OF1 MEETING TO DETERMINE INTEREST IN KEEPING THE BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN AGENDA Welcome and Introductions - Councillor Ann Dreslinski, Regional Councillor [Ward 3] - Councillor David Scott, Local Councille [Ward 3] - Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk - Nancy Taylor, Deputy Treasurer - Jennifer Cooke, Recreation Superintendent 2. Purpose of the Meeting To determine if there is sufficient community interest in keeping the Brownsdale Community Centre open through the establishment of a volunteer Board that would oversee the operation of this Centre. 3. Roles and Responsibilities (le. what to expect) [a] Municipality of Clarington [b] Community Centre Board [i] Chairperson [ii] Secretary/Treasurer [iii] Community 4. Current Status of Brownsdale Community Centre [a] Community Bookings [b] Financial 5. Questions from the Community 6. The Next Step 7. Adjournment 909 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT NO. CS -13 -95 PAGE 1 OF 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Should the community be supportive of the establishment of a Community Centre Board to oversee the operation of the Brownsdale Community Centre, the following will give a general overview of what the Board will be responsible for. 1. The Brownsdale Community Centre will be under the management of the Brownsdale Community Centre Board which will comprise of a MINIMUM of 8 persons all of whom shall be appointed annually by resolution of Council; at least two members of which shall be Members of Council. 2. In case of vacancies on the Board, regardless of cause, Council shall by resolution appoint another eligible person to continue for the remainder of the Board's term. 3. A majority of the Members of the Board constitutes a quorum. Majority is defined as 5 out of 8 members. 4. Subject to such limitations and restrictions as Council may, from time to time, impose by by -law, resolution or otherwise, the Board agrees to: [a] Hold regular meetings a minimum of four (4) times during each calendar year - one of which shall be a formal Annual General Meeting during which officers of the Board are to be elected. The Board shall be responsible to fix the times and places of meetings of the Board and to establish the mode of calling and conducting the business of the Board and to make regulations governing the conduct of its members and employees. [b] Elect a Chairperson, Vice - Chairperson and a Secretary- Treasurer, all of whom shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board or for such period a s the Board may prescribe. [i] CHAIRPERSON - Shall preside over all meetings of the Brownsdale Community Centre Board and will act as the chief liaison with the Municipality of Clarington and the Community Services Department; [ii] VICE - CHAIRPERSON - Shall assist the Chairperson in the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. During the absence or inability of the Chairperson, the Vice - Chairperson shall assume and exercise all of the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson position; and, [iii] SECRETARY - TREASURER - Shall attend and record the minutes of all official meetings of the Brownsdale Community Centre Board and shall attend to all correspondence of the Centre and /or Board. A record of all financial transactions of the Board shall also be kept with regular updates being a normal part of each meeting of the Board. 2.. Wo PAGE 2 OF 2 SIM [c] Adopt a policy for rules for the use of the Community Centre and for the admission of the public thereto, and for regulating all other matters and things connected with the management thereof. 5. Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public and no person shall be excluded except for improper conduct, or when personnel, labour relations, property matters and advice of Counsel on pending or possible litigation matters are being dealt with. 6. The Board shall keep minutes of its meetings and all books, paper documents used in, and pertaining to the business of the Board, and all such minutes, books, papers and documents shall be opened to the Members of Council and to other person(s) appointed for the purpose by Council. 7. The Boards shall keep distinct and regular accounts of its receipts, payments, credits and liabilities. 911