HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-008-12 Clarington REPORT ENGINEERING I T Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: February 27,2012 Resolution#: By-law#: Report#: EGD-008-12 File#: Subject: REGIONAL CYCLING PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-008-12 be received; and 2. THAT Council request that the Regional Municipality of Durham Council direct their staff to: a) Modify the current work plan such that the presentation of the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan is made to the May 24, 2012 Joint meeting of the Finance and Administration, Planning and Economic Development, Works and Health and Social Services Committee instead of the March 22, 2012 meeting; b) Include a funding commitment that will ensure continuous, reliable and sustainable funding to address the construction, repair, maintenance, monitoring and promotion of the Regional Cycling Plan through the development of an on-going five (5) year long range capital plan as part of the Region's annual budgeting process; c) Revise the current regional policy so that implementation initiatives of the Regional Cycling Plan are not confined to strictly correspond with road improvement projects, but may also be considered independent of road construction to close network gaps and facilitate key connections along Regional Road spines; d) Modify the current work plan to require public and stakeholder consultation by the Region, given that updating the Regional Cycling Plan is a Regional initiative and is inter-municipal in scope; REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 PAGE 2 3. THAT Regional Council be requested to provide the area municipalities, stakeholders and public with sufficient time to analyze the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan by requesting comments no later than September 30, 2012; 4. THAT the Municipal Clerk forward a copy of EGD-008-12 and resolution to the Regional Municpality of Durham and local municipalities in the Durham Region. 5. THAT all interested parties listed in Report EGD-008-12 be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: ' '`''` Reviewed by: Anthony S. Cannella, C.E.T. Franklin Wu, Director of Engineering Chief Administrative Officer Ie Services ASC/Ij b/j b CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 PAGE 3 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On June 8, 2011 Regional Council requested the area municipalities to provide updates and suggestions for modifications to the existing Regional Cycling Plan (RCP). In Clarington, the plan provided for a cycling spine on Highway 2 only from west Townline Rd. to the village of Newcastle. The plan also proposed a preliminary cost sharing strategy; however, staff felt that not all aspects of funding were addressed including design, level of maintenance service, signage, etc. 1.2 In preparation for Clarington's response, staff met internally to discuss augmenting the proposed network and providing connections to other roads and trails. Staff also met with the Beech Street Spinners (BSS) Cycling Club to elicit their valuable input to establishing a desirable cycling network in Clarington. 1.3 On Oct. 3, 2011, the Municipality responded to the Region's request (see Attachment 1), confirming a commitment to work with the Region and proposing that monies be committed in 2012 to fund the development of a Master Transportation Plan (including a Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan) in Clarington. Those funds were ultimately approved by Council for inclusion in the 2012 budget. The response also contained comments from staff and BSS Cycling Club suggesting additions, improvements and connections to the proposed plan. 1.4 Regional Report 2011-J-45 dated November 10, 2011 was subsequently prepared with a recommendation that a draft updated RCP be presented to a joint meeting of the Planning and Economic Development, Works, and Finance and Administration Committees (the Tri-committee) on March 22, 2012 and further indicating that on June 14, 2012 a Report to the Tri-committee will be presented recommending adoption of a revised RCP. REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 PAGE 4 1.5 On November 23, 2011 Regional Council approved the following resolution adopted by the Tri-committee on November 10, 2011: a) That the recommendations on the updated Regional Cycling Plan be presented at the March 22, 2012 Joint meeting of the Finance and Administration, Planning and Economic Development, Works and Health and Social Services Committees, to allow for adequate analysis and input by the area municipalities and interested parties; b) That an economic analysis of the Waterfront Trail through Durham Region be undertaken to identify local and regional costs and benefits associated with the completion of the trail; c) That the Commissioner of Finance report back on funding alternatives for the Cycling Plan, including a review of formulas used in other Southern Ontario Regional Municipalities; and, d) That staff develop a work plan that involves a Regional and Area Municipal Senior staff working committee, and a work plan that assesses the items in Attachment No. 4 to Report No. 2011-J-45 plus a comparison of best practices in funding cycling facilities and socio-economic, environmental and health benefits of a Regional Cycling Plan. 1.6 Since the Municipality's response to the Region, staff have met with other area municipalities and the Region to determine the best cycling network that will be desirable for cyclists to use. 1.7 In light of the fact that the Commissioner of Finance has been directed to report back to Regional Council on "funding alternatives", area municipalities have collectively discussed this issue and respectfully suggest that Municipal Councils express their common concerns to the Region. It is critical to the successful implementation of an updated RCP that the Region commit to a continuous, sustainable and reliable funding strategy for the RCP, that the area municipalities REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 PAGE 5 be given appropriate time to undertake analysis and provide input endorsed by local Councils on a draft updated RCP, and that the Region take ownership of the public consultation process given that the RCP update is a Regional initiative and inter-municipal in scope. 2. CONCLUSION 2.1 Area Municipal staff have drafted a resolution which is intended to be considered by each Municipal Council in late February or early March. The purpose of the resolution is to request the.Region to include a "continuous, reliable and sustainable funding commitment" that addresses a number of financial issues in the Regional Cycling Plan regardless of road jurisdiction. Staff respectfully recommend that the GP&A Committee recommend that the resolution be passed by Clarington Council. 3. CONCURRENCE: This report has been reviewed by David Crome, Director of Planning Services who concurs with the recommendations. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: _ Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability _ Connecting Clarington X Promoting green initiatives X Investing in infrastructure _ Showcasing our community _ Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Leslie Benson, P. Eng., Manager of Transportation and Design REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 PAGE 6 Attachments: Attachment 1 - October 3, 2011 letter from A.S. Cannella to Jeff Brooks- Durham Region Planning Department List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Beech Street Spinners Cycling Club ATTACHMENT NOA REPORT NO.: EGD-008-12 1'1101, 0I1taIf0 October 3,2011 The Regional Municipality of Durham P.O. Box 623 605 Rossland Road Fast Whitby,ON LIN 6A3 Attn: Mr.Jeff Brooks, Regional Planning Department Dear Mr. Brooks: Re: Regional Cycling Plan Comments I would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Regional Cycling Plan by way of recommendations that came from the Tri Finance&Administration, Planning and Works Committees, and forwarded to our Council for comments both from the Municipality and from key partners such as local cycling clubs and individual users. As you will be aware,the Municipality of Clarington is committed to working with the Region on their Cycling Plan through our Official Plan because we see active transportation as an important part of our long term vision. To add emphasis to this statement you should know that the Municipality's Strategic Plan identifies alternative modes of transportation,including cycling,as one of our key objectives in developing"a comprehensive transportation master plan that reviews all modes of transportation (i.e. vehicular,cycling,and pedestrian)on our roads,sidewalks and trails". We recognize the many benefits of alternative and active transportation including improved health benefits for our residents,cleaner air, and a more efficient transportation network and reduced dependence on the automobile. In fact we see the promotion of alternate modes of travel,such as walking,transit and cycling as being key in allowing us to reach our sustainable transportation objectives. To emphasize our commitment the Municipality is proposing that monies to fund the development of a Master Transportation Plan and an open spaces and trails study be included In our 2012 municipal budget identifying all modes of transportation and specifically including a Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan. These plans/studies will be completed through our OP review process and will be proposed for preparation In 2012 with adoption of the plan possibly In 2013 and implementation post 2013. it Is important however that time is taken to prepare a Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan that clearly Identifies Clarington's own local priorities in a distinct and adequate way. The Pedestrian and Cycling Plan will respond to the need to develop policies,guidelines and standards at the Regional.leyel to take a leadership role and to support municipal efforts for the provision of cycling and pedestrian facilities and related infrastructure as well as policies to support implementation. It is, howeverjecognized that it takes more than bicycle lanes or recreational pathways/sidewalks to make } COR•P.OE2ATIQN.:O ,THE MU.N[CIPA•L'tTY QF:::,CLARI.NC'yTO.T 46-TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO.? L1C 3A6,:" T 995-623-337.1 Regional Cycling Plan Comments October 3,2011 Page 12 Clarington pedestrian and cyclist friendly. It is our intention that the plan will address ways that we might Improve cyclist and pedestrian safety,education,enforcement and promotion, enhance modal Integration and the provision of trip end facllltles. Our policies and guidelines will also look at design standards and implementation measures for the development of both on and off-road local cycling networks. The Municipality Is looking towards the development of our comprehensive pedestrian and cycling plan, which would be co-ordinated with the Regional Cycling Plan addressing wide cycling and pedestrian Initiatives as we work together to examine opportunities to connect many of our villages and hamlets in the northern portions within the Municipality and in the Region (to the west)and appropriate treatments for bicycles and pedestrians within the Regional Road allowance. There may be opportunities where expansion of the local system could facilitate network connectivity and consistency and help Increase the level of walking and cycling In the region. In Clarington we do not rely solely on our long term vision,already we make it a practice to construct new trails through our valleys to provide some north south continuity, however roadways need to also be used to provide alternative north south continuity. Recently when we reconstructed Concession Roads 7 and 8,we deliberately paved the shoulders to provide an east west spine across the top of the municipality. As you know the Municipality of Clarington is widespread compared to some other regional municipalities with many smaller villages that need connections to a cycling and trail network and there are various challenges for both the novice and experienced cyclist. Having outlined our goals and intentions I would like to advise that the following points were gathered from staff and from local key users for further consideration: Comments from Staff 1. Taunton Road is Identified as a Regional Cycling Spine but only as far east as Slmcoe Street in Oshawa.Cyclists who like to access rural roads In Clarington often come in from the west.Taunton Road with a bicycle friendly cross-section might be used as a connection to the rural roads in Clarington and it should be identified as a Regional Spine all the way to 115/35 Hwy. 2. The Waterfront Trail is not Identified as one of the Regional Cycling Sp€nes and it might be the most heavily used cycling route between the lakeshore municipalities in the Durham Region.The Region should consider a funding formula similar to what they have proposed for rural roads,a 50/50 cost sharing for the cost of granular,asphalt,signage,markings,and the provision of other amenities. The maintenance of the Waterfront Trail would remain the responsibility of the respective municipality.This type of funding formula could expedite the improvement of deficient sections and the construction of new sections of Waterfront Trail. 3. The cycling spine should provide for connections to all local and regional trails,as well as connections to other modes of transportation such as GO Transit particularly since GO Transit provides for and encourages bicycle riders to use their transit. In the report,the route appears to stand on its own without mindful connectivity to other routes and trarisportatlon'modes. Regional Cycling Plan Comments October 3, 2011 Page 13 4. Hwy 2 through Clarington has Regional sections and Municipal sections.The methodology to determine responsibilities in the Regional Cycling Network should consider the entire length of Hwy 2 as"Regional". S. In addition to multi-use boulevard paths,on-road cycling facilities on urban cross sections should be considered within the methodology of the Regional Cycling Plan. 6. While the design of the"cycling facilities" Is mentioned, there Is no mention of who will undertake the design and who will pay for the design. The entire cycling plan will be under the jurisdiction of eight different road authorities,and there must be consistency throughout with respect to design, signage, path markings, etc. 7. While Sect. 1.8 of the report discussed Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies,subsequent reports on this matter identify that further consideration needs to be given to risk management and insurance issues"to ensure that the proper standard of care is provided [level of service]". Liability has been and continues to be a significant issue,and to our knowledge, no"proper standard of care" has been defined. Sect. 1.11 Implies that winter maintenance is expected on the cycling facilities. There are significant costs and liability associated with that level of service. Appropriate levels of service for maintaining these facilities must be defined. 8. The report proposes that the local municipality Is entirely responsible for the cost of"path maintenance"In urban areas where a multi-use boulevard path will be located on one side of the road. Clarington maintenance personnel,therefore,will be required to maintain bike lanes along kilometers of Regional road boulevards which will have significant impact on their work schedules. As stated previously,the level of service on those paths is not defined. For these reasons and for consistency with respect to design, maintenance,signage,markings,etc.,cycling facilities along Regional Roads should be completely funded and maintained by the Region. 9. There are no north/south Regional Cycling Spines in Clarington,currently shown on the plan. Spines along such roads as Reg. Rd,34,Reg. Rd.57,Reg. Rd. 14 and Reg. Rd.42 would be appropriate north/south routes with a great deal of connectivity to destinations. As well,significant cycling activity occurs all along Hwy.2 in Clarington as cyclists travel east, and we request that the Cycling Spine be extended to,the Clarington/Port Hope boundary. Comments from Beech Street Spinners(BSS) Cycling Club 1. Hwy 2 should be Included as a Regional Cycling Spine to the east limit of Clarington.This route Is used regularly by the BSS for rides to Port Hope and beyond. 2. The Beech Street Spinners do not believe that Taunton Road is a good route for cycling in its current configuration.The club always chooses alternate routes to avoid Taunton Road and believes that other east/west spines should be identified. 3. The Plan only allows for Regional funding assistance on rural cross sections of Regional Roads Identified In the plan part of the Regional Cycling Spine.There are partial sections of Regional Roads ---that-are often-used-by-the-BSS-as-IInks-to other-routes For-instance-the-section of-1111-57.between - - - Regional Cycling Plan Comments October 3, 2011 Page 14 Nash Road and Longworth Avenue is a frequently used route that would benefit from a paved shoulder bikeway on both sides of the road.Since RRS7 Is not part of the Regional Cycling Spine It would currently not be eligible for funding assistance from the Region. 4. Regional Road 34 is used regularly by the BSS and should be Identified as a Regional Cycling Spine between the 401 and Taunton Road, 5. Regional Road 42 is used regularly by the BSS and should be Identified as a Regional Cycling Spine between Hwy 2 and Concession Road 4. The Municipality Is committed toward developing a comprehensive and viable transportation network that supports various alternative modes of active transportation within Clarington. The Regional Cycling Plan is vital but equally Important,for Clarington and for the Region, Is the need for us to identify our own unique vision and priorities and we intend to do so,with your help, by way of our 2012 Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan. Once that is In place,and a copy has been made available to you,we feel that we will be in an even better position to support and develop a combined regional vision. I invite you to contact me directly with your thoughts and questions. Sincerely A.S.Cannella,C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services ASC/jb Cc: Clarington's Mayor and Council Frank Wu, C.A.D. P. Barrie, Municipal Clerk D.Crome, Director of Planning Services F. Horvath, Director of Operations