HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-12 MinutesCLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Ted Watson Don Rickard Tom Barrie Mary Ann Found John Cartwright arrived 7:40 Les Caswell arrived 7:40 Gary Jeffery Eric Bowman Mark Bragg CARRIED Guests: Karen Cooper from URS; Lewis Lee and Natalie Rouskov from MTO Natalie Rouskov., P. Eng., Project Manager (Cobbledick Rd. and East Townline Rd. Underpasses) - Ministry of Transportation; Lewis Lee, P. Eng., Project Manager (Highway 401 from Courtice Rd. to East Townline Rd.) - Ministry of Transportation; Karen Cooper, P. Eng., Deputy Project Manager URS Canada Inc. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 12, 2012 Attending to discuss the bridge works proposed for Cobbledick and Townline East. There are options for detours, bridge closures of keeping one lane open, shifting the roadway, etc. The bridges are at the end of their life and require replacement, the designers will consider the width of possible expansion of 401 but that is not why the project is happening. Karen ran through the various options asking for input as she went. • Concerns raised where the width of the bridge to be replaced, farm machinery is 18 to 20' in width and taking up space over sidewalks and centre line is necessary, the bridges should be wide enough to not force farm machinery over the centre line. • There could be conflict with the Port Granby Project if the construction season selected is 2012 or 2013 as they will be doing work on Concession 1. Total closure of this route could cause some farmers to have to drive 10 to 15 kilometres out of their way to get to the grain elevators in Port Hope. • Cobbledick has no alternative for access, the half width option would not allow the farm machinery to get to the fields. February 9th is the PIC for the bridges at Newcastle Community Hall 4 -8 p.m., first of 2 PIC's but the second will only address the overall project and be sometime in June. Paul Halliday and Bill Humber The Clarington Higher Education Task Force was established by resolution of Council in February 2009 and completed its work in September of 2010. A review of the background papers and of the task force mandate shows that the issues /motives behind its establishment were: • responding to Ontario's prosperity initiative which projects increasing educational needs for participants in the economy; • providing for the current and future training needs of the municipality's employers; • providing infrastructure which would support further economic and employment development; • supporting the development of the Clarington Energy Business Park and the Technology Business Park; and • seizing the opportunity to become a participant in the emerging "creative age ". By the end of June, 2010, the task force had reached a high degree of consensus around its vision and recommendations which, in summary, strongly support the pursuit of a higher education campus in Clarington. The Task Force reported out to Council and also made a presentation to the newly elected Council. The Report has been endorsed and CBOT is using the longer term goal of a campus as part of their economic development portfolio and goals. The two major niche areas that the Higher Education Task Force identified are energy generation and agriculture. It was identified that there is a very strong case to be made for higher education in the field of agriculture specific to this area. Because Richard Marceau and Deborah Saucier are attending the Feb. meeting of the AACC, the committee should be aware of the background of the long term vision. However, the committee has the opportunity to suggest to Dr.'s Marceau and Saucier research topics, partnerships, the types of research that each of you is doing currently, etc. Discussion and a number of ideas were generated that will be presented at the next meeting. When the members introduce themselves at the next meeting it was suggested that you inform Richard and Deborah of your education background, the research projects you have been Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 12, 2012 involved in (e.g. Soil and crop, field trials, specialty crops, boosting production and profits, etc). Faye will write up the discussion and circulate prior to the meeting. Business Arising Biodiesel discussion: Following up from Martin Vroegh presentation, Don would like to have Al Rickard and Martin have a debate on Biodiesel. Council Referrals — None. Councillor Partner complimented Gary on the presentation he made to GPA on Monday, as it was very informative. A number of Councillors commented afterwards how much the committee takes on and the interesting topics being discussed in the meetings. Liaison Reports DAAC — Eric provided and update on the meeting, it was a working meeting where the work program for the next year was set out, elections of new officers, Dave Reisborough new Chair. DRFA — Ag Awareness Trailer being purchased from Kawartha /Peterborough; however looking at what they should do longer term. Faye asked Mary Ann for copies of Real Dirt to give to Councillors, also Directors of CBOT. CBOT — Sheila is working on a roundtable discussion with new Minister of Agriculture, March /April timeline. Other Business Ag Portal Information — Marlene had distributed the information by e-mail that the Region has been working on for an Ag page and links on the Region's website. She was seeking the committee's input on the information that will be provided. Faye questioned whether farmers seeking building permits would go to the Region's website since it is the local municipality that issues building permits. There will need to be links to ensure information is current, etc. The Chief Building Officials of each Municipality are required to comply with Building Code and applicable law plus have to be a cost recovery centre for their fees and inspections. Farmland Preservation Forum at University of Guelph on Feb 17`h, Faye will send out the notice, she is a speaker on the Competing Land Use panel. Orono BIA would like a farmers market; biggest issue will be getting vendors as many of them are already committed to other markets on other days, only certain farmers have retail goods to be able to sell. Marlene offered that when she does vendor meeting for all of the Durham markets she can ask if there is any interest for an additional one in Orono. The committee previously discussed this issue and the problem of having a sufficient number of vendors for Newcastle, plus many farmers do not have products that are for direct retail, and many do not want the lifestyle of having to attend markets on a regular basis. The BIA will also have to look into insurance for market site and zoning. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 12, 2012 Question about expropriation on Elliott Road, Faye explained that the fenceline is on the road right of way and has to be moved back but also for the construction of Elliott Road a working easement was required and permanent easements for the improvements of stream crossings. The land owner did not accept the offers provided to date, so Municipality has taken the step of expropriation to ensure the timing for Port Granby project is not affected as Elliott is the access road. That does not mean that a settlement could not be negotiated at any time. Soil and Crop meeting tomorrow in Blackstock starting at 10:00 a.m. Future Agendas Fred Horvath will attend in March regarding ditch maintenance, dog strangling vine, etc. Rick Pigeon will be requested to attend in April, to discuss building permit processes. John Cartwright moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting February 9th, 2012 Richard Marceau, President and Deborah Saucier, Dean of Science from UOIT. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 12, 2012