HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-12-08 MinutesI -3 CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF: GUESTS: REGRETS: Ted Watson Don Rickard arrived 8:05 p.m. Tom Barrie Mary Ann Found John Cartwright Les Caswell Gary Jeffery Brenda Metcalf Eric Bowman Mark Bragg Marlene Werry Jenni Knox arrived 7:55 p.m. Faye Langmaid Martin Vroegh, St. Marys, Environmental'Manager Councillor Wendy Partner Gary welcomed all to the meeting, everyone introduced themselves Adoption of Agenda 011 -23 '. Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Tom Barrie 'That the Agenda for December 8th, 2011 be adopted" CARRIED Approval of Minutes 011 -24 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Tom Barrie "That the minutes of the November 10th, 2011 meeting. be approved" .CC we Guest: Martin Vroegh, St. Marys, Environmental Manager Martin spoke about the Algae Farm that St. Marys has been working on at the St. Marys Ontario Cement Plant, they have lots of land in St. Marys since they did not know how much land would be required when they set out with this experiment. They have just received additional government funding to scale the farm up to full production. (See attachments to minutes) Discussion: Committee members were very interested in the prospects for the algae farm and its ability to address greenhouse gas. The scaling up that St. Marys has just received will provide enough biodiesel for their fleet of 700 trucks and 3 great lakes freighters. Also the nutrient level of the residual may make it a viable feedstock for livestock or fish farms. This is an aspect that St. Marys is pursuing with Shurgain and also the National Research Council. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 8, 2011 Martin also briefly mentioned his role as President of CBOT and that having an agricultural advisor on the Board has broadened the understanding of the how business and agri- business can work together. Agriculture is one of the largest businesses in Clarington and too often not recognized as such. Martin also reminded the committee that St. Marys has one of the largest docks on Lake Ontario and if there are additional services or businesses that can be developed they would be willing to look at it. A business case would have to be made and funding would be necessary to complete the dock works to accommodate additional tie -up areas. Business Arising Oak Ridge Moraine Foundation Gary read out the letter received from the Premier. Trees for Rural Roads Flyers for the program are being distributed and a press release was issued. There has been tremendous response following the articles in the newspaper. Over 65 inquiries have come in plus additional people have been downloading the applications from the website. A number of applications have already been received. From the applications received to date and the interest shown it is anticipated that approximately 500 saplings will be ordered in the spring. Council Referrals— Boosting production in Greenbelt sent with agenda, received as information. Liaison Reports DAAC — Eric provided a copy of the Development Charges presentation that DAAC received (Faye distributed via e -mail to members). Eric informed members of the passing of Rick Lea a long term member of DAAC. DRFA — Mark Whales is the new President of OFA. Farm Connections is scheduled for April in Brooklyn, new committee members are welcome. CBOT — Working on budget, are looking for a new person for 2012 and future to take on additional economic development responsibilities, also looking for better facilities. Very interesting to have had Martin here talking about St. Marys and how dirt and farming are their most important commodities and the future of the company. Sheila is working on a roundtable discussion with new Minister of Agriculture, March /April timeline. Important role for committee is to keep educating people and making connections to other industries. Other Business Farmer's Parade of Lights was December 7th starting in Enniskillen and ending in Tyrone. Media coverage was very good, 17 floats, no issues, at least 10,000 attendees. Future Agendas Richard Marceau and Debroah Saucier from UOIT will be attending regarding education opportunities in agriculture that .UOIT could pursue. The January meeting will be a bit of a working meeting where ideas will be generated that can be presented to UOIT as possible areas of research and specialization. Faye updated the committee on the results of the Higher Education Task Force and will invite Paul Halliday the chair of that group to the January meeting to provide the committee with the context of Clarington's long term vision for a satellite campus. Promoting this concept is part of the CBOT and Municipalities economic development plans. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 8, 2011 It was suggested that Fred Horvath be invited to discuss dog strangling vine and how the mowing techniques are assisting in spreading the seed, and thus the plant to adjacent areas. Other Business Source Water Protection - Faye updated the committee on the work that has been happening on source water protection and the policy proposals that will be forthcoming in the new year. Because Clarington is within two separate source water protection areas and because of our involvement in these two areas and the Region's involvement in three it is very informative in how the policy recommendations are coming out. Many of the Source Water Protection Committee's are assuming that items can be controlled by the Official Plan without realizing that as much as a policy is in the Official Plan there needs to be a "trigger" for it to be enforced and that items like imposing setbacks from streams for pesticides and fertilizer are not actually something that can be controlled by the Official Plan. Clarington has provided comments to both Source Water Protection committees that land use regulation is not the best implementation tool. Because the areas that truly will be affected in Clarington are the wellhead protection area around Orono there are no real particular concerns for the agricultural community, but that will not be true in other areas across the province. The remainder of the areas that will be affected are the water intake areas in Lake Ontario (for water treatment plants for Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle /NewtonviIle) and they will not affect agriculture. Rather it is more the prevention and having emergency plans in place and continuous monitoring that is important. Individual private wells are not part of Source Water Protection at this time. Year End Highlights — Committee members were asked for. their input on year end highlights and accomplishments as Gary will be presenting at the January 9`h GPA meeting. Announcements: Ken Knox will be recognized at December 191h Council meeting for the honourary degree he received and induction into the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame. Frank Stenger has been inducted in to Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame, Faye will follow -up with Mayor's office to ensure he is also recognized. Don Rickard (Creesmore Farms) has won the Zone 2 Challenge for highest yield for Soybeans for 2011. John Cartwright moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting: January 12`h, 2012 Working session on higher education opportunities. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 8, 2011