HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-19Clar*wit ( O FOR LF❑ R 0 u LD1 ry�� Dwo WIDUE11111❑ 7lP ❑ 1101111030 / FFDAIR ❑ ( , 3 [L ID LL I RP DAR SDFND ID G❑ RMP W ❑ 1" 111 11 3 11 111 110 ► I;.. t IFR WL L IF-IFRW SR G F ILJ F L GIE 16 \fil I IRJ R Ral I RP DAR 111 L 11 ■ RMP VV LR ■ R RCMU RP P W ■ OAJ ./V) FU DAU XVL 11 I RP D 1" II ILJ T LU cll 111 DG D/Vff4P . SO D IFR 11; FF II ■ R74a . Ulll FIE]1■■■1■■■■■ 1`4111■■■■ 1 - E U C5 ■ R RM DFFRM F ■ IVViVV L3 LW G LM LO 11S• . 111 [ [0 LFISCO • LN DI • M ■ ►`41 ■ - ■ - GIN x,,.11 FOG 1R r • 1W IVVP 1.. 1W ■ ► oU n eM IVV DSSURSUM16 ►r e ■ -- - LM ■nc' ■ IVVIW ISURSR GILJ-OUR ff Elie SR U.. R 1r - .Mall - M; Inc GMW LD e. u v [I ESDa OLNt LOG L eG A G e. DW RR W -1 NS - h. '. 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President's Report: What can the BIA do differently? - Strategic Planning? - How do we get more community engagement? - Municipality help to plan/facilitate? - invite BIA members to an evening networking - a Thursday in September at the Snug patio, 5-6:30, appetizers available, cash bar. Details to follow 5. Treasurer's Report: The current bank balance is approximately $89,432.82. 6. Council Report: n/a 7. Committee Reports: Safety Et Decor: n/a Advertising: Angela Booth reported as follows: Facebook: Total reach 13,360 Engagement was up over June/July Page growing steadily #1 post: Perogies for Uk #2 post: Canada Day #3 post: Perogies for UK Special Events: 3 T a) Harvest Festival (Oct 1St 2022 9:00-4:00) Vendor applications are coming in and are close to being full. Everything is coming together. The BIA will set up a table and have Newcastle merchandise available for sale, Tracey has purchased various items for sale and to order. The road will be closed from North St to Beaver St. Lina will be around on Tuesday to confirm businesses participation and sponsorship. b) Perogies for Ukraine After 2 successful Perogie fundraisers a donation for $3000.00 has been made to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Humanitarian Appeal. Thank you to everyone that helped and supported this cause. c) Santa Parade (November 20th at 5:30pm) Permits have been approved. The committee is currently looking for volunteers, if you or anyone you know is interested in getting involved, please contact us. 1=01-19119", W 9. Chamber News: A new business directory is being printed and will be ready in the Fall, if your office would like extra copies to hand out please contact US. 10. CIP: n/a 11. New Business: n/a 12. Next meeting, Thursday, September 8th, 2022, gam at Community Hall 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Marni Lewis Seconded by Lina Schmahl 3 T From: Sandberg, Norman To: Sandberg, Norman Cc: Morton, Use; Watts, Bob Subject: Update on NWMO Site Selection - Fall 2024 Date: August 12, 2022 11:23:56 AM Attachments: imaae001.jpg EXTERNAL Good morning, all. This e-mail is a continuation of the commitment that I made to you some time ago to keep you informed of any developments or items of interest I think you may have in the progress of the NWMO siting process. As usual, I have Blind Copied you as this list is extensive and I want to respect your privacy. Kindly let me know at any time if these updates are no longer of interest to you. This morning, NWMO provided an update on the timing for identifying a preferred site to host Canada's deep geological repository. In reviewing our rolling five-year implementation plan and the impacts of the global pandemic on our organization, we have decided to shift the timing for site selection from 2023 to fall 2024. This adjustment is not expected to have any impact on the long-term timeline for this project. Our planning assumption remains that construction will begin in 2033 and we will begin operation in the early 2040s. More details on this decision can be found here https://www.nwmo.ca/en/More-information/News- and-Activities/2022/08/12/12/13/The-NWMO-updates-the-timeline-for-site-selection-to-2024. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me or Lise Morton, Vice - President, Site Selection. Cheers, Norman Sandberg, C.E.T. Relationship Manager 19 Nuclear Waste Management Organization 22 St. Clair Avenue East, 6th Floor Toronto, ON M4T 2S3 Canada Toll Free: (866) 249-6966 (within Canada) Cell: (416) 303-2254 Fax.: (647) 934-9978 Email: nsandberg&nwmo.ca Website: www.nwmo.ca This electronic transmission, including any accompanying attachments, may contain information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law, and is intended only for the recipients named above. Any distribution, review, dissemination 3 1] or copying of the contents of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete the copy you have received. Ce message, transmis par courriel, y compris tout fichier joint, peut contenir des renseignements qui sont confidentiels, qui sont proteges par le secret professionnel ou qui ne peuvent etre divulgues aux termes des lois applicable, et s'adresse exclusivement aux destinataires indiques ci-dessus. La distribution, 1'examen, la diffusion ou la reproduction du contenu du courriel par une autre personne que les destinataires voulus sont strictement interdits. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, veuillez en aviser 1'expediteur immediatement par retour du courriel et supprimer le courriel definitivement. 111