HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-29-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON l iK4i .f Tb-� At v, Ati LINT, ► A ♦ ! < \iI � f �1, � 1 Fr �/ e�i MIAMI-]. MIF Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: JULY 4, 1994 Res. C C ` By-Law # Report #: CS -29 -94 File #: Subject: COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -29 -94 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse in principle the proposed critical path for the Courtice Community Complex; 3. THAT Council endorse in principle the components of the proposed Complex; 4. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the invitation for consulting services; 5. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the invitation for architectural services; 6. THAT the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee be granted a $50,000 interest free loan to be repaid from fundraising efforts and that the necessary funds be drawn from the Courtice Community Complex Reserve Fund account no. 5001 -00017 -0000; and 7. THAT the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee be advised of action taken by Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 In April of 1992, Council approved the establishment of a Technical Advisory Committee for the proposed Courtice Community Complex. The Committee's immediate role was to investigate the feasibility of a public /private partnership scenario that would ultimately reduce any impact to the tax base. (& 4t,111,111 1 HIS IS I,, :,,,. -PECPC VAPLII ./2 REPORT CS -29 -94 "2. JULY 4, 1994 1.2 At the October 12, 1993 meeting of Council a report was received from the Technical Advisory Committee expressing that a public /private partnership was not feasible and further resolved that the Advisory Committee continue to pursue an appropriate partnership and initiate discussions with the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education and the Clarington Library Board with regard to the possibility of shared facilities. 1.3 The results of those discussions as they relate to facility and program sharing initiatives are presented to Council through report TR- 53 -94. 2.0 CANADA/ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATION: 2.1 On June 27, 1994 a formal announcement from the Federal and Provincial Governments approving the Courtice Community Complex Infrastructure application was received. Subsequently, staff through the Technical Advisory Committee is preparing to advance this project. 3.0 CRITICAL PATH: 3.1 Attachment #1 indicates an estimated time line for this project, commencing with the anticipated approval and subsequent ratification of this report (CS- 29 -94). 3.2 The critical path is intended to be used as a guide for staff and the Advisory Committee to work with, in establishing critical dates, recognizing the stipulations of the Canada /Ontario Infrastructure requirements. 3.3 It is further realized, that the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee is, as evidenced by their most recent delegation to Council preparing to initiate its campaign and have asked that an artist's rendering be available for an October 1994 formal campaign "kick- off'. 3.4 Every effort will be made to provide the rendering of the project within the suggested time frame. The Committee is committed to work toward accomplishing this task and will liaise with the Fundraising Committee at appropriate intervals with respect to progress in this area. 4.0 FACILITY COMPONENTS: 4.1 In 1989 the Municipality conducted a feasibility study for the Courtice Community Complex. Through that study, in consultation with the residents, the business sector and staff, the consultants recommended a number of facility components referred to as "core facilities ". 4.2 Subsequently, the study was approved in principle by Council and referred to the Technical Advisory Committee. I10 ../3 REPORT CS -29 -94 .3. JULY 4, 1994 4.3 At the most recent meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee, the following components were approved for recommendation to Council and they are: a) 25 metre leisure pool; b) community hall /multi purpose facility; C) racquet courts; and d) library. 5.0 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: 5.1 With the approval of Council, the first task is to initiate a proposal call inviting bidders for architectural services as they relate to this project. 5.2 It is anticipated that the proposal will be open to all qualified firms. Those submissions will be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee, in conjunction with representation from the Clarington Library Board, with the purpose of short listing a group of from three to six firms which will be asked to submit detailed proposals for the design of the facility. 5.3 The Technical Advisory Committee will interview and review the submissions of the short listed candidates for preparation of a recommendation and report to Council with the preferred design. 6.0 CONSULTING SERVICES: 6.1 As members of Council are aware, the Municipality is currently involved with a number of projects identified in the Capital Budget in addition to those which were prompted by the Canada /Ontario Infrastructure Program. 6.2 Recognizing the limited staff resources at this time, to ensure that the Municipality's interests are protected and to add technical expertise to the project team, it is recommended that staff be authorized to initiate a proposal call for construction management services as it relates to the Courtice Community Complex Project. 7.0 COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: 7.1 Through its most recent delegation to Council, the Courtice Community Complex Fundraising Committee has requested start -up funds in the amount of $50,000.00 to assist with the initiatives of the Fundraising Campaign. 7.2 It was suggested, that the funds would be received as an interest free loan to be repaid to the Municipality through their fundraising efforts. /4 f � REPORT CS -29 -94 - 4, JULY 4, 1994 8.0 BUDGET: 8.1 The original cost projections for the Courtice Community Complex included a capital and operating component for both the core facility and the library. 8.2 The capital cost associated with the project is estimated at 5.4 million dollars funded in part by the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Program to the extent of $466,600 which represents two - thirds of the Municipality's original commitment to the project. The balance of the capital cost is to be paid from contributions from the Development Charge Levies as identified in the Development Charge Policy Report; a ten year capital plan. 8.3 The Development Charge Reserve fund accumulation is only in the third year of collection and as a result that contribution to this project would be subsidized by the existing Municipal Reserve Funds to the extent of approximately 2.5 million dollars in addition to the initial contribution from the Development Charges Fund of approximately $400,000 (see financial summary Attachment #2). 8.4 The Development Charge Reserve Fund would then fund the annual debt charges for the debenture and repay the Municipal Reserve Funds with interest at the prevailing annual average interest rate. 8.5 As Council is aware, should residential development decline significantly such that there is not sufficient accumulative in the Development Charge Reserve Funds to pay the annual debt charges, the Municipality would be obliged to carry the debt burden for the remainder of the debenture term or until development activity returned. 8.6 The estimated annual operations cost of the Courtice Community Complex represents a significant impact on the Municipal tax base. The core facilities such as the pool and squash courts are capable of generating somewhat self - sustaining programs. The library on the other hand, is entirely tax supported and has little opportunity to generate any significant revenue to offset its operations. 8.7 The overall tax impact related to the operations of this Complex will be added to the known previous Council commitment of approximately 1.2% annually for 24 hour fire primary response. Consideration must also be given to the cost associated with Provincial downloading of the blue box program and the potential operational impact of a Senior Centre, or substitute project, for which infrastructure funds have also been allocated. The impact should be considered within the scope of a Municipal five year operation forecast in order for Council to make an informed decision regarding an allowable tax impact for the Courtice Community Complex. ../5 REPORT CS -29 -94 - 5 - JULY 4, 1994 8.8 Staff will be developing a five year operations forecast which will be presented to Council before any final commitment of the facility components is requested. This forecast will incorporate a projection of departmental operating requirements which match the projected capital works program. It will also attempt to estimate some of the many external forces that influence the operating side of the annual budget ie. assessment growth, declining Provincial revenue stream, social contract wage complications and declining municipal surplus. 8.9 The Municipal analysis will not incorporate the Regional and School Boards' potential impact on the tax base over the next five years, but it is suggested that Council may attempt to reasonably consider the known debt pressures on the household tax base in making any final recommendations on the Courtice Community Complex. 9.0 COMMENTS: 9.1 The fundraising component has not ben accommodated in the financial scenario. When the funds are received, they may at Council's direction, be used to repay the reserve funds or alternatively, to provide a contribution to the annual operating cost to help cushion the annual tax impact. Respectfully submitted, Jose V. Caruana, Director Court unity Services Department ie arano, Treasurer JPC:FH:MM:sa Reviewed by: a W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT NO. CS -29.94 COURTICE COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED CRITICAL PATH JULY 4, 1994 - REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION JULY 18, 1994 - INVITATION FOR CONSULTING SERVICES - INVITATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AUGUST 12, 1994 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS AUGUST 29 - SEPT. 2, 1994 - INTERVIEWS SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION - RECOMMENDING ARCHITECT/ PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND PROJECT CONSULTANT OCTOBER 7, 1994 - ARTIST'S RENDERING OCTOBER 11 - OCTOBER 14, 1994 - PUBLIC CONSULTATION OCTOBER 24, 1994 - REPORT TO COUNCIL - FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL JANUARY 6, 1995 - COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS JANUARY 16 - FEBRUARY 24, 1995 - TENDER CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION MARCH 20, 1995 - REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION - TENDER AWARD APRIL 28, 1995 - SOD TURNING CEREMONY MAY 1, 1995 - CONSTRUCTION COMMENCES AUGUST 1, 1996 - SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SEPTEMBER 6, 1996 - OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY - X14 w H v H N 1 Cl) U • • • MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON June 28, 1994 COURTICE COMMUNTIY CENTRE - SUMMARY OF COSTS r. . �. ti .....................................................................................................:....... ............................... .............................................:.:....:............................ ..........................,.... .;;:: .::.::: :::.::.;;::;..:;:.;':.;:.;:...' .:.::::•i:::. iii::::: isisi::: iiii: i:: ii::. i:: i::::::: :::i:!Oiiiiii':•:::':::':.ii::: i::: i.i•'::: iiii: l:: iiiiii:: :::::::':'i:':: .......::• ................................................................ ............................... :::::::i.i::::::. : ': v4'v;•iii: ........... . . ....... i:•ii: is is ^i '.:' :. :. 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Ft 29,000 12,000 41,000 % of Total - 0.71 0.29 1.00 Cost: 9c of Total 0.90 0.10 0.71 0.95 0.05 0.29 1.00 Construction Cost 2,715,750 301,750 3,017,500 1,170,875 61,625 1,232,500 4,250,000 Architect (200,000) /Contingency (200,000) 255,600 28,400 284,000 110,200 5,800 116,000 400,000 Landscape (600,000)/Sexvicing (150,000) 479,250 53,250 532,000 206,625 10,875 217,500 750,000 TOTAL COST 3,450,600 383,400 3,834,000 1,487,700 78,300 1,566,000 5,400,000 Financing: Dev.Charges Res.Funds (350,000) 0 (350,000) (50,000) (50,000) (400,000) Provincial Grant - Citizen/Culture 0 *(COIW Grant 700,000 @ 2/3 fnadbW 0 (466,667) (466,667) 0 0 (466,667) Reserve Funds: 0 5001 -17 * Courtice Community Centre R/F (1,333,333) (1,333,333). 0 (1,333,333) 5001 -07 * Paddand Cash -In -Lien 0 (65,250) (65,250) 0 (65,250) 5001 -35 * Community Services Lot Levy (357,250) (357,250) 0 (357,250) 5001 -39 * Library Lot Levy 0 (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) 5001 -18 * Courtice Library Capital 0 (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) 5001 -25 * Municipal Capital Wks Program 261,500 261,500 (276,000) (276,000) (537,500) Fundraising Contributions 0 0 0 0 Sub -Total - Financing (350,000) (2,484,000) (2,834,000) (50,000) (516,000) (566,000) (3,400,000) Net Amount to Debenture or Finance 3,100,600 (2,100,600) 1,000,000 1,437,700 (437,700) 1,000,000 2,000,000 Res. Fund Loan to Dev. Chgs. (2,100,600) (437,700) • Debenture Required 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 COST PER # HOUSEHOLD (EST. 2�[0y�,000) 5.93 5.93 11.86 .. :i Ia.:XAJx %ci`i <:i'' Viii'< i"' fi2' i? i <3'i %.': <ii'.' %Si';ii'i':i;: :.. iii; i; iiiEi :i:``:i::iii'.i:�:1:`i:;i;:ii Total Estimated 340,000 438,035 778,035 % of Total 0.44 0.56 1.00 Net - Recreation Program Ezpend. /(Revenue) 209,183 (310,685) 101502 (14,000) (115,502) Total Cost - Operations 238,498 424,035 662,533 COST PER # HOUSEHOLDS (20,000) 11.92 21.20 33.13 • MILL RATE IMPACT FROM OPERATIONS ALONE 6.63% >' i r iii i `i'> ' <f s' ' `<# z'.... iix . .? i %i i` < %`i ?�i' i tai ':x 2` r ' > 'i> � i? SUMMARY OF COSTS PER HOUSEHOLD Capital (only in Development Charges are NOT realized) 5.93 5.93 11.86 Operations 11__92 21_20 33_13 TOTAL ANNUAL COST PER HOUSEHOLD 17.86 27.13 44.99