It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend
to Council the following:
1. THAT Report CS -27 -94 be received for information; and
2. THAT a copy of Report CS -27 -94 be forwarded to Ms. Peggy Clark.
1.1 In mid April Ms. Peggy Clark contacted staff inquiring as to which chemicals were used in
control of pests on parkland and was provided with the requested information during the
conversation. Mrs. Clark made her position known as to the use of chemicals and her
membership and support for the Canadian Organic Growers. She asked if she could forward
some informed literature for the Department's information and review and she was invited
to do so.
1.2 Council received a delegation from Ms. Clark at its May 30th Meeting during which she
provided comments and documentation to support her position that 24 -D, a selective
herbicide used to eradicate broad leafed weeds in lawns is a carcinogen; is dangerous to
public health and should be discontinued for use on Municipal lands.
1.3 The Municipality has historically applied 24 -D chemical to about 50 acres of turf per year
to control broad leafed weeds. Weed control is used on selected parks and occasionally
boulevards but was most frequently used on sport fields to assist the worn and stressed grass
in competing with weeds. Open space lands are not sprayed with 24 -D. Their lower
visibility, meadow like nature and sensitivity to the natural environment does not allow them
to be considered.
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REPORT CS -27 -94 - 2. JULY 4, 1994
1.4 The form of 24 -D product used by the Municipality is Killex (summer formula) which
contains 24 -D Amine and Mecoprop. In 1994 as in 1993 the application of 24 -D will be
done by a licensed contractor at the direction of the Community Services Department.
2.1 Ms. Clark has identified herself as a horticulturist and possessor of a pesticide license. The
Municipality has two horticulturists on staff who both posses Land Exterminators Class 1 and
3 Provincial Licenses for nearly 30 years and 10 years respectively. Horticulturists are
qualified to speak as an authority on plants, their culture and allied fields such as pest
control etc. Horticulturists, as a group, are not qualified as an authority on medical matters,
chemical toxicity or carcinogens even though they may be licensed for their use.
3.0 24 -D:
3.1 The herbicide 24 -D as most other herbicides "are based on plant growth hormones that cause
broad leaf plants to grow so quickly that they literally commit suicide by outgrowing their
food and water supply." This is a true statement and is contained in The Turf Serf reading
material supplied by Ms. Clark. This hormone is found naturally in growing plants and is
the reason that recently sprayed weeds look very robust and healthy immediately following
3.2 In the article provided by Ms. Clark titled "Of Mice and Men" it was correctly noted by
Paracelsus, a 15th century physician that "All substances are poisons, there is none which is
not a poison" and goes on to note, "At very large doses even the oxygen we breathe and the
water we drink can be hazardous." Conversely medicine today makes use of known toxins
such as curare, digitalis, snake and spider venom and bee sting poison. In mild dosage these
poisons are used as medicines to save lives.
4.1 Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa were canvassed to determine if they have restricted use
of 24 -D. The following is the information reported:
Pickering has reduced their spraying to 160 acres per year of their total 400 acres in response
to budget restrictions and to a lesser extent public opinion. Any response to public opinion
was based on political decisions and not based on the quality of evidence provided.
REPORT CS -27 -94 - 3 - JULY 4, 1994
Ajax advises that they spray all parkland twice a year under contract with 24 -D.
Whitby advises that they have reduced their spraying with 24 -D as a budgetary restraint and
not as a result of any public opinion. It was their comment that the Ministry of the
Environment has the mandate and expertise to protect the public. The senior level of
government's agencies and ministries provide information and direction to the municipalities.
Oshawa advises that they have reduced their spraying with 24 -D in line with budget
restriction and to a lesser extent to protect wild flowers and other vegetation in selective
5.1 Ms. Clark provided information on alternate methods of weed control which has long been
known and well documented. These methods were the only methods available prior to the
introduction of chemical control. It is a fact that turf which is not stressed, kept in an
aggressive growing condition and maintained regularly can to a degree compete successfully
with weeds. The cost however to irrigate, top dress, over seed, fertilize, aerify, thatch and
manage the PH (soil acidity) is cost prohibitive when dealing with large acreage and limited
6.1 Staff has reviewed the information provided by Ms. Clark and has gathered additional
information from other sources. The question surrounding 24 -D throughout the references
refer to a study made in Kansas where farmers who used 24 -D were reported to have a
higher incidence of certain cancers. However, reviewing agencies have pointed out that the
study was inconclusive in that the farmers through their working career were exposed to a
variety of potential contaminates such as insecticides fumigants, fungicides and solvents such
as paints fuels and their exhausts to name but a few, any of which might prove to be
6.2 We have available for Council's review reference material provided by Ms. Clark and other
materials which staff have on file. The reading is extensive and technical however, to assist
Council, staff has highlighted summaries or comments that are pertinent to the subject
matter. It should be noted, the conclusions of the Journal of the American College of
Toxicology which was a joint Canadian /American effort and evaluated by the E.P.A.
(Environmental Protection Agency) reports "existing studies of the herbicide 24 -D have not
demonstrated a cause and affect link with cancer." The E.P.A. has gone on to declare the
REPORT CS -27 -94 "4" JULY 4, 1994
argument for 24 -D cancer link is "weak ". The Ministry of Environment's Facts About
Pesticides reports "24 -D has been used in Ontario since 1947 and no serious adverse affects
have been reported in man."
7.1 Ms. Clark undoubtable has the best of intentions but has in the opinion of our parks staff
assumed conclusions which documentation does not support. The Ministry of the
Environment oversees environmental issues and public safety is their prime concern. The
issues of safety has been addressed through Workplace Hazard Materials Information System
legislation better known as W.H.M.I.S., the Ontario Pesticide Act and through the
classification of chemicals and licensing of pesticide users. Although we are unable to
support Ms. Clark's request at this time, Staff will remain open at all times to any new
documented information which might become available in the future.
Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by,
Jo p P. Caruana, Director W. H. Stockwell,
of Community Services Chief Administrative Officer