HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-21-94Subject: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - PARKS AND CEMETERIES DIVISION 1994 CAPITAL PROJECTS WORK PROGRAM It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend forthwith the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -21 -94 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide a schedule to Members of Council of the Community Services Department's 1994 Parks and Cemeteries Capital Project Work program. 1.2 As in previous years, the majority of projects will be performed under contract from outside sources. Contracting does leave the Municipal schedules subject to the contractors prior commitments to other clients, the supply and availability of goods and materials and the capability and number of employees available. As such, it should be noted that the attached schedule is for the most part, a guide for staff and is subject to change from time to time. 1.3 Sidney B. Rutherford Woods Walk Park bridge and entrance landscaping are projects that were deferred from 1993 and additional funds budgeted for in 1994. 1.4 Foster Creek Valley Phase I was awarded late in 1993 and work will proceed in early Spring as ground conditions permit and followed closely by. Phase II. ../2 YH4515 PRIMtD ON IiECYCILD VAPEfi REPORT NO. CS -21 -94 "2, JUNE 6, 1994 1.6 Staff will provide an update later in the year on the progress of each project. Respectfully submitted, 'Caruana, Director ent of Community Services JPC:JDC:sa Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer rr BASKETBALL COURTS - Waverly Park Soper Creek Park ELLIOTT PARK fence - walkway FOSTER CREEK VALLEY - Phase I (deferred from IM) - Phase II GENERAL LANDSCAPING - tree planting HIGHLAND PARK - bleachers MOYSE PARK -fence NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL PARK - fence repairs ORONO PARK tennis court fence repairs - batters cage KEY: T - TENDER Q - QUOTATION S - START C - COMPLETE ®� m NZ N 0 I -P KEY: T - TENDER 0 - QUOTATION S - START C - COMPLETE