HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-19-94Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTH CORP - SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -19 -94 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 In January of 1994 the Community Services Department received information and an application form for the 1994 -95 Environmental Youth Corps program. This provincially funded program is intended to provide youth, between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age, the opportunity to work on projects that contribute to improving the environment in their own communities. 1.2 Following a detailed review of the program information and guidelines, the Community Services Department began to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the Environmental Youth Corps program into an already existing Department program. The Summer Day Camp was determined to be the ideal program to include an environmental awareness /education component. An application (Attachment #1) was completed and submitted prior to the Friday, February 11, 1994 deadline, outlining the details of the program. 1.3 On May 18, 1994 staff received a fax copy of the Ministry's letter (Attachment #2) confirming 100% funding for the Summer Adventure Camp Environmentalist. 3.0 COMMENTS: 3.1 The Community Services Department is very pleased that this new and unique component will be incorporated into the already successful Summer Day Camp Program. As this position is totally funded by this Provincial program, the Department would not otherwise ../2 901 11 141"N' TH15 B EHIEED GD RFCYC LED PAPER REPORT NO. CS -19 -94 - 2. JUNE 6, 1994 be able to offer the position or the environmental awareness component to the children participating in this program. 3.2 Staff are continually investigating new and different opportunities that can be incorporated into the existing program services that we provide for the enjoyment and interest of our citizens. Respectfully submitted, Community Services Department JPC:JJC:sa Reviewed by, r W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer C) l 2 `r`, Environmental Youth Corps 1994 / Brigade des jeunes env Ironnementalistes 1994 FDProject Proposal/ Proposition de projet ,tario Appendix A'/ Annexe A ATTACHM 0.1 TO REPORT N CS -19 -94 sonal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of Order -in- Council 701/85 and Order -in- Council 916/85 for the purpose of administering the ironmental Youth Corps'94 program. Questions should be directed to a Host Ministry Coordinator. / Les renseignements personnels que contient le present formula! re sont /eillis on vertu des decrets 701/85 et 916/85 aux fins de gestion du programme de la Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes pour 1994. Veuillez adresser toute question coordonnateurs des min'rst&ea d'accueil. Please read guidelines. /Lire attentivement les directives. Type or print cleady./Dactylographier ou.6crire en lettres moulees. Use the - proposal form provided., Additional pages will not be considered during the review process. /Inscrire tous les renseignements sur le formulaire. Ne j6indre aucune piece justificative. Shaded areas are for Ministry use only./Zones ombrag6es it ('usage du •Ministere seulement. 10 ORGANIZATION INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENT5 5UH L'Q.HUANiSnat • ut Mrn /Mlnt9tere d 8000811 rstry :... - O:: �>: �: �>: 8f�:�:�:� >:�: 3: tlbttf; A�Ht1w�! �, nl:::>::::::::::•::::::::;;:, �.:; �::,•:::::;:..;::•:::•:::::....,..,..:.;:::::.;.::•:::::•:•:: < 4: �.. ;.;..:::.:•:; >::::::::•::•:: �:•;::;•::<;: �>:< �� `::�>:<�>:� >:�::;::4 >:�;: >: <;:: ::::• :::::::::::::.;:.:.;•;:;•: Culture, Tourism' e ism & Recreation iplicant Organizatlon/Organisme demandeur Municipality of Clarington - Community Services Department _ — ddress/Adresse City/fownNille 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ont. >stal Code /Code postal County or District As Per Ministry of Transportation Map /Comte ou district selon la carte du ministere des Transports L1C 3A6. Municipality of laringtonZReqiQn of Durham R intact Person/Personne- ressouroe �MrJM. ❑ Mrs./M -* ❑Ms./M "' Scott A. Rose Titiefl itr9 Program Manager ilephone NoJN' de telephone Facsimile No./N' de telecopieur (905 623 -3379 Ext. 286 (905)623 -4169 nployer Type/Genre d'employeur ❑ 1. Non -Profit Organization /Organisms a but non lucratif ❑ 2. Local Tourist Association /Association touristique locate ❑ 3. Conservation Authority /Office de protection de la nature ❑ 4. Aboriginal Group /Groupe autochtone t Nanx/Nom du projet Summer Adventure Camp 1994. X 5. Municipality/Municipalite ❑ 6. University or College/Universite du college ❑ 7. Public Sector/Secteur public ❑ 8. Other (specify) /Autre (pre'ciser) -tual Work Location/ ieux de travail entify'rf site changes during project/Preciser lea changements de lieux prevus pour la duree du projet Bowmanville Recreation Complex equested Dates of Project/Dates proposees pour le projet Total Weeks/ Nombre de rom/Du June 20/94 T Sent i/ 9 4 semaines roject Category/Categorie de projet 1. Edu cationtdu cation ❑ 2. Research/Recherches Check the one which most closely matches your project objectivesJCocher la case correspondant le mieux aux objectifs du projet. • ❑ 3. Traditional Conservation /Protection de 1'environnement ❑ 4. Advocacy/Defense de 1'environnement ❑ 5.Other(define) /Autre (preciser) fentify the environmental issue /need to be addressed. /Quelle consideration environnementale vous a pousse a entreprendre ce projet? Provide our area youth (ages 6 -13) with a summer camp that promotes education and incorporates a'lifelong learning of environmental issues and options that our youth can actively choose and participate in. �I 0 3 34- (11/93) Page 1 of /de 10 ' Remarque- dans le present iormulaire le masculin s'applique aux personnel de Nn ou I'autre sexe. How has your organization WOW this issualneed as a prior Wicomment.v6ul organisnme'en e*U'venu A faire Une pr9oiit6 ds la quostan en cause? ' With this issue raised.as a global concern, our,Municipality has felt that Environmental learning of lifestyle choices /actions should not end inside of the classroom. Summer is a time when we experience the benefits of our environmental blessings the most but due the least to protect them (ie. Boating - oil /gas in our waterways). 'Describe the specific goals and objectives which you hope to achieve upon poripletion of this project quo cherchez -vous A aocomppr grfice A at projet? 1. Education and awareness - children carry this message with them for the rest of their lives. 2. Ambassadors - Children share this information with their parents and siblings. 3. Behaviour modification - changing they way we live in our day to day lives to create a positive impact on the environment. Describe In detali, how you plan to achieve these goals and objectiv*a (provide a detailed description of the project) lCommertt allez rrous atbindn las objecdts citis ci des�sug4'(fouinir une desription d6WK6e du projet) 1. As part of the Summer Adventure Camp 1994 the Environmental Youth Corp worker will be allocated between 5 and 7 hours /week specific programming time geared directly to environmental issues, their causes, the. outcomes and educating ways to reduce or eliminate these issues immediately and in the future. 2. Incorporate environmental concepts /examples to traditional games /activities. All camp staff will be trained on these modifications by the Environmental Youth Corp worker. - use of slide projector /videos /reading materials /craft supplies and sports equipment. C04 provide a detailed timeline: which illustrates ail #ctivit" to be undertaken during the term of this project (use additionat,spape in Section 11:0 if necessary)J Donnez le calendrierdes activft6s pr6vues pendantla dur6e du projet (si n6cessaire,pouisuivre Ala section 11.0). June 20 - 24 Research of environmental games, crafts and activities for youth. June 27 - 30 Program development and modification of traditional games, crafts and activities for youth into environmental components. July 4 - Aug 26 Implementation and monitoring of summer activities for the youth. Ongoing feedback /follow up. Aug 29 - Sept 2 Program evaluation and summary report on summer environmental initiatives listing successes and disappointments. Describe the environmental benefits of this projectJDecrivez les bienfats environriementaux du projet. Short term - children will immediately see the effects of environmental concerns and the beneficial results of • undertaking different behaviours to enhance the environment through varied and exciting activities. Long term - increased participant awareness and understanding of environmental values /actions that can be passed on through future generations as an acceptable way of like. How do you plan to promote community awareness of the environmental benefits of this project ? /Comment comptez -vous promouvoir le projet daps volts oollectivit6? - local newspaper coverage of current activities. - inclusion in all Department promotional material for Summer Adventure Camp 1994. What groups were consulted in deVel*ng this project? /Qui avez -vous consuh6 pour mettre sur pied votre projet? Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 905 U !111931 Pane 3 n1We Nl .I - REQUIRED APPROVALS / AUTORISATIONS Have you received the necessary approvals for this projeet ? /Avez vous obtenu loofas Yes/Oiii ❑ Norton O Not applicable /Sans objet 1. autorisatans regaises? Specify/Precisez _ Discussion and approval from the Director of Community Services. _ List the positions and specific duties to.be performed by partiapant(s)./tnumerez lea postes qu'occuperont lea participants et lea tAches qu'iis effectueront. 7.0 PROJECT SUPERVISION /SUPERVISION Who will provide on -site supervision ? /Qui assurers la •supervision du projet? Position/Poste . Summer Adventure Camp Environmentalist Contact Person/Personne- ressource Scott Rose AMr./M. .0Mrs./M^ -. OMs./Mu George Kennett- TiilelTitre Program. Manager 'Assistant to the Pt6crram Manager Telephone NOW de telephone (905) 623 -3379 Ext. 286 Ext. -249 Facsimile NON' de teiecopieur (905) •623 -4169 List the positions and specific duties to.be performed by partiapant(s)./tnumerez lea postes qu'occuperont lea participants et lea tAches qu'iis effectueront. Position/Poste . Summer Adventure Camp Environmentalist Duties and responsibilities of participant(s)./T`aches et responsabilitgs des participants. . 1. Development of educational programs through research. 2. Assist in the training of other summer staff concerning environmental applications. 3. Implement and evaluate the environmental components of the summer program. 4. Follow -up and review of all successful and not so successful initiatives for future programming requirements. Position/Poste Duties and responsibilities of participant(s)./Taches et responsabilites des participants. .U'. Present the job advertisement(s) which you will post'when recruiting EYC participants) for this project./Reproduisez a- dessous 1'annonce'que vous publierez pour recrut6r des cand'idats. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT requires a Summer Adventure Camp Environmentalist This is a seasonal position (40hrs /wk) in the children's Summer Adventure Day Camp. The successful candidate will be responsible for the research, development, training, implementation and evaluation of an environmental summer day camp for children. Interested candidates should have a post secondary education in Environmental Studies or equivalent experience. Deadline for applications is Friday, May 20, 1994. 4:30 pm Send applications to: Chief Administrators Office 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Applications are particularly encouraged from youth with disabilities, aboriginal peoples, racial minorities, women, francophones, social assistance recipients and youth in areas of high unemployment. Environmental Youth Corps '94 is funded by the Government of Ontario Identify three (3) locations where the above job advertisement(s) will be posted and the expected duration for each posting. /Indiquez trois endroits ou I'annonce sera affich6e. Location/Endroit Duration /Dur6e i. Aroa Higb 1q(-rhd61q and April 1S----May 20/94 z Advertise in local.Newspaper April 18 - May -20/94 3. Internal job' posting Boards April 18 -May 20/94 ' - 0934 (11193) Pape 6 offde 10 Indicate which of the following skills the participant(s) will gain through their employment with this EYC projectAndiquez queues aptitudes professionelles les participants .pourraiant acqu6dr daps le cadre du projef. �1l 1. Communication skills %Aptitudes a la communication 6. Computer skills /Aptitudes a 11informatique 2. Analytical skills (problem solving) / Aptitude's A I'analyse 7. Managerial skilis/Aptitudes administratives El 3. Technical skills/Aptitudes techniques S. Other, specify /Aube, pr6ciser 4. Leadership :skills /Aptitudes au leadership Programming Ski3 1 S 5.Teamwork skills /Aptitudes au travail•d'6quipe Planning /Co- ordina inn Provide a detailed timeline which highlights the training the participant(s) will receive. (Please make reference to-the skills mentioned above when detailing the training initiatives .) /Donnez le calencider de formation des participants. (Veuiliez faire correspondre les 616ments de formation allx cat6gories ci- dessus.) Sat. June 4/94 - Pickering Ontario (one day) Senior supervisory staff training June 20 - 24/94 - In house training on computer, phones, and past - programming practices. - Research on environmental program initiatives. June 27 - 30/94 - Program development with other camp staff on appropriate environmental initiatives. July 4 Aug 26/94 - working as a team member the individual will implement all program initiatives and monitor their success rate while problem solving for appropriate modification. Aug 29 - Sept 2/94 Compile, review and analyze all appropriate documentation for presentation in a final report. !10'IA f. i. , P_ r, in 12.0 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS / BESOINS FINANCIERS - Have you applied to any other source of funding for this project? /Avez -vous fait appel A urfe source de financement pour ce projet? ❑Yes, Specifyi To whom have you applied/ qui avez -vous fait appal? .Total Request/Montant total demande Oui, prectser $ No/Non Yes, Specify / What year(s)/En queue annee? Spo nso ring Minis try/Ministere parrain Project No.M' de projet ❑ Oui, preciser ❑ No/Non' Direct Operating Expenses (D.'O.E.)/Frais directs d'exploitation (F.D.E.) NOTE Any V*-d proposal regr,esling more than s% D.O.E. must submit a'dafa�ed eNYanalan (Gee Frrrnlnver.Guidelinesl /Nair les directives a I'intentlon des emDloveursl NOTA : Toute proposi6orl ptcvoyarrt.des F.D.E. de plus de 59b dat ixlure une expliratixt dtlaifae. Eligible costs in addition to salary costs required are: Describe the costs to be incurred and their intended use for this project. Les costs admissibles autres qua lea salalres sont les suivants : Priere de decdre les sommes a engager et l'usage qui en sera fait. Travel Allowance ' Fraisdedeplacement $: 100.00 - mileage to cover research trips to- conservation .contacts. Training Materials Materiel de formation 50.0.0 - purchase of resource-materials, books manuals, photos etc. Equipment Rental $ Location de materiel -- -__ - -- Nbre de Worker's Compensation Board $ Commission des accidents du travail -- -_ - - -- postes semkine Petsonal Safety Equipment $ Materiel de securite personnelle ------- . Liability Insurance $ Assurance- responsabilRe ' - - - - - -- Other $ Autres --- - - - -- a Total $ 150.00' Budget Request/Budget de'mande Coordinator' . . No, of . Hrs No. of 4% Vac. Pay. Y Coordonna t cur Employee Classification Positions Wk. Wks. Rate/Hr. a Total Wages Remuneration a Gross Pay X X X + z}sil'isftj<) e.`:4tiljf Classification des em o es a y Nb're de • Heures ' Nbre de Taux ' "Salairetotal de congas 3alaire brut. #frt�itlCtSpYAVat <> postes semkine semainias horaire annueIs de 4% a Proi 8.00 a� Avantages sociaux (8,65% du aalalre brm D.O.URD.E. 1-50. 00. ' o~z•'n iZ., , �; 'i'srfdi Total Request/M4ntant total dertiandi "'z 0934 (11/93) Paoe 9 of/de 10 ' Coordinator' R Coordonna t cur a, �! >c .. de a t c— .Q we a� 8.00 D'4 F o Technician . 0 Technician a c - 9 n. 6.70 $3;065.92 :E 1 40 11 2 ,.948.0.0 11.7.92 Environmentalist m w Env i ronnementalisle co c 0 E o a = '6.25 Student - o a Envuironmentalist . F- g -Enva nnementalisie r O q 6ludia nt . Lk rn " Tout $3, 065., 92 Total Benefits (8.65% of raroas Pay) . 2 6 5. 2'0 Avantages sociaux (8,65% du aalalre brm D.O.URD.E. 1-50. 00. ' o~z•'n iZ., , �; 'i'srfdi Total Request/M4ntant total dertiandi "'z 0934 (11/93) Paoe 9 of/de 10 ' • /certify that I have not applied.nor will I be applying for financial assistance from any other source in respect to the employees hired under the terms ofthe program. • I certify that all persons employed under the program will be paid in accordance with the terms of the program.. • 1 certify that the participant's wage will not be supplemented. • I certifythatno regularemployee will be displaced • I certify that the information given in this form incomplete and accurate and that in the event that any of this information is found to be false or. . misleading, 1 shall no longer be eligible for any claims under this program and I shall be liable to repay the program all amounts received, on the basis of this claim form, with interest where applicable. • 1 further understand that it is an offense to knowingly give false or misleading -information and that it is an offense under the Criminal Code (Canada) to obtain a grant on the. basis of such information. • All information provided is subject to verification and audit.. • Je declare que je n'ai pas presents at n'ai pas /'intention depresenter d'autres demandes d'aide financiere ayant trait aux personnes engagses dens le cadre du present programme. ; • Je declare que touter les personnel engagees dens le-cadre du programme seront paydes conformement aux modalites du programme. . • Je declare que le salalre des particlpanis demeurera Inchange. • Je declare qu aucun employe pemmnent ne sera remplace. • Je dsclare.que les renseignements contenus dans le present formulaire sont exacts at que, advenant qua ces renseignements Solent juges errones ou trompeurs, je ne•serai plus admissible au programme et pourrm stre tenu de reinbourser tous les montants regus dans le cadre de la prdsente.demande, avec intdrsts le cas echdant.. • Je sais sgalement que•donner delibsrement des renseignements errones pu trompeurs constitute une infraction at qu'obtenir une subvention grAce A de tels renseignements constitue une infraction au'Code criminel (Canada).. • Tous les renseignements donnas sont sujets A verification. >ignature of Employe dSignature de 1'employeur Position Titlefiitre Jame of EmployedNom Date MAY -18 -94 WED 13;08 PAS OFFICE ,.� 4ntsn. o fJin+s;er Ministre Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation May 18, 1994 FAX NO, 4163143363 Minls*e de la Culture, du Tourisme et des Loisirs Mr. Scott A. Rose Program Manager Municipality of Clarington community Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Lie 3As Dear Mr. Rase: Re: File Number 94 -41 -5528 1A ATTACHMENT NO. -2 TO REPORT NO. CS -19 -94 8th Fio(:r 6" :'tape 77 Bloor Street West 77, roe S,00r ovest Torontc, Ontario Toronto (Onto ^o; M7'A 2fi9 M7A 2Rc (416) 3.c5,6200 (416) 325 6200 I an pleased to inform you that your application has been approved for an Environmental Youth Corps 194 program grant for $3,488.00. This grant is designed to assist you with the provision of jobs for youth in the Summer AdVEinture Camp 1994 project. A contract detailing the terms anct conditions of this approval is being forwarded to you. A cheque for 80% of the grant amount will be processed and sent to you when you return a copy of this contract indicating your acoeptance of these terms. The details and procedures for payment of the rem €tieing 20% will be arranged with you by the E.Y.C. Co- ordinator. Let me congratulate you for undertaking this effort. It is through this type of project that we are able to enrich community life through environmental awareness. .../2 e-7� 911 MAY -18 -94 WED 13:09 PA'S OFFICE FAX N0, 4163143363 Mr. Scott A. Rose Page Two I are glad that we have been able to assist YOU with this worthwhile endeavour. Yours truly, Anne Swarbri.cX Mini,stor cc: Gard Mills, M.P.P. Durham East 912 P. 03