HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-14p *** Subject to Advisory Committee Approval *** Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, July 14, 2022 Members Present: Eric Bowman Jordan McKay John Cartwright Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf Jennifer Knox Regrets: Don Rickard, Ryan Cullen, Ben Eastman, Mitch Morawetz, Councillor Zwart Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Sylvia Jennings - Planning & Development Services Guests: Pam Lancaster, GRCA, Roy Mosher, CLOCA, Michael Scott, Durham Region Observers: Sarah Parish, Sarah Allin — Planning & Development Services Participation in the meeting was in person at the Municipal Administrative Centre. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions of Committee members. Declarations of Interest None Adoption of Agenda 022-014 Moved by Jordan McKay, seconded by Jennifer Knox That the Agenda for July 14, 2022, be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 022-015 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Jordan McKay That the minutes of the May 12, 2022, meeting and the June 9, 2022, meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 14, 2022 Presentation Stewardship Program Updates: Pam Lancaster, Conservation Lands Coordinator with the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) and Roy Mosher, Restoration Coordinator with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) provided updates on work being done in both jurisdictions to promote environmental stewardship. Pam presented an overview of the Clean Water, Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program, which provides education, design ideas, and financial assistance to a broad variety of stewardship projects in the GRCA area. Anyone in the GRCA area is eligible to apply to the program, which has so far distributed over $250,000. Projects include well management, community projects, tree planting, farm Best Management Practices, and stream and woodlot fencing. In 2021, the program helped provide 26,246 trees. The program acts as an engagement tool that allows landowners to actively engage in stewardship by providing technical assistance in addition to financial support. Roy highlighted CLOCA's recent stewardship activities. Some of the services provided are stream, wetland, and grassland restoration, afforestation, invasive species control, managed forest plans, and urban stewardship. CLOCA works in designated conservation areas but also on privately owned land, institutional land, and occasionally in urban areas. Their efforts have resulted in increased forest cover, increased wetland cover, improved stream quality, and a strengthened Natural Heritage System. Roy noted that CLOCA partners with corporations, private citizens, and other organizations to complete their stewardship projects. The Committee was also introduced to the new Durham TREES program. This program is a collaboration between the Region of Durham and its five conservation authorities. It is a subsidized tree -planting program for private landowners, launched in 2022. Landowners with at least two acres who are willing to plant a minimum of 500 trees can receive substantially subsidized trees as well as planting and maintenance assistance. Landowners who aren't eligible for this program are encouraged to visit the project page and contact their local conservation authority to learn more about alternative tree - planting initiatives. Implementation of the Provincial Agricultural System: Mike Scott, Project Planner for the Region of Durham spoke on the Region's current progress on implementing the provincial agriculture system. He explained that all land outside of the urban areas in Durham are part of the Rural System. The Rural System is predominantly made up of Prime Agricultural Areas and Major Open Space Area designations. The province mapped Ontario's Agriculture System in 2018, and the Region has compared this mapping with their own to determine where changes to the Prime Agricultural Area designated lands may be needed. The changes the Region is currently proposing would result in an increase in land designated as part of the Prime Agricultural System. The total land in the system would be 121,582 hectares. Public consultation on the proposed Agricultural System mapping is open until September 9, 2022. More information about the project can be found on the Envision Durham project website. The specific agricultural policies for the Envision Durham project are anticipated to be released in Winter of 2023. The Prime Agricultural System Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 14, 2022 mapping will be subject to change when settlement boundary expansion recommendations from the next phase of the Growth Management Study are released later this year. In response to questions from the Committee, Mike clarified that new agricultural lands would mostly be a result of conversions from Major Open Space Areas. The Committee requested that they be consulted on the proposed agricultural system policies, once released, as part of the Envision Durham project. Delegations None Business Arising from Minutes Rural Roadside Ditch Maintenance Program: At the May meeting, the Committee suggested that they could help identify problematic areas to help inform ditch maintenance prioritization. Public Works will attend the October meeting and is open to receiving location suggestions. Committee members are to submit suggested road sections, including details on the current impacts to agricultural operations to Amy prior to the August meeting. A final listing will be submitted to Public Work in advance of the October meeting. Staff noted that ditch maintenance concerns for Regional roads need to be submitted the Durham Region (Amy will pass along any locations). Solina Truck Prohibition: Eric Bowman, Councillor Zwart, Staff and Gord Dicresce, Durham Region Police Services, met to discuss the Committees concerns. Gord has clarified that the Truck Prohibition does not apply to vehicles carrying out normal farm practices. The committee noted that this information should be shared more broadly to ensure it's understood which types of trucks are permitted. Gord will be attending the August meeting to discuss. In addition, the Committee noted that warning signage is needed near the speed bumps installed in Solina. Members were concerned about the potential safety risks for vehicles not seeing the speed bumps and slowing down in time, reinforcing that a bigger warning is needed. Durham Agri -Food Action Plan: Staff updated that the Durham Agri -Food Action Plan has been adopted by Regional Council. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals National Agricultural Labour Strategy Consultation: Notice of this consultation opportunity was provided by Staff in advance of the meeting. The consultation period closes September 28, 2022. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: No Updates. The next meeting is on September 13, 2022, which is the tour. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 14, 2022 Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: No Updates Durham Farm Connections: The 2022 Celebrate Agriculture Gala will be on October 27 at the Scugog Community Centre in Port Perry. Volunteers are encouraged. As well, the Durham Region Barn Quilt Trail is currently being put together. Volunteers to host quilts are also needed. Clarington Board of Trade: The Annual General Meeting was held last month. Local businesses were honoured at the event, including Geissberger Farmhouse Cider for their longevity and Canadian Tire for going above and beyond in their support for the community in the early days of the pandemic. In -person networking events hosted by CBOT have resumed, with good turnout. New Business Envision Durham — Implementation of the Provincial Agricultural System (Region Report #2022-P-16): This report, which was the focus of Mike Scott's earlier presentation, was released by the Region. It was clarified that the Growth Management Strategy will likely outline the proposed urban boundary expansions in early September. Because of municipal elections, the municipality will only have a short time to report to Council with comments. If committee members would like to submit comments, they will be able to do so as private citizens at any time during the consultation period, the ability to submit comments as part of the AACC will be limited. Staff will keep the Committee advised of the consultation period. Durham Region 2022 Business Count: Staff circulated this notice from the Region that they are currently undergoing the business count. The Region will not be doing farm visits this year because of the avian flu. Spongy Moth: Jenni inquired if the Municipality or Conservation Authorities have developed an action plan to tackle the spongy moth issue. Specifically, she inquired if there is a plan for the air application of pesticides, or any financial support for farms to apply pesticides or for the cleanup of decimated trees. Pam and Roy stated that the main plan is currently education geared to landowners on moth removal and prevention, but that widespread pesticide use is not planned next year as it's predicted that populations will be lower, and spraying is costly. Staff will inquire with Public Works on Municipal actions focused on reducing Spongy Moth populations. Storm Damage: Jenni noted that this year's Derecho storm caused considerable damage across the Municipality. She inquired whether the Municipality was assessing the total cost of storm damage to both the Municipality and to the community at large, which could support the investment of climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Pam Lancaster noted that there is a provincial estimate of the damage that resulted from insurance claims and will provide this resource to Staff for circulation to the Committee. Clarington Waterfront Strategy: Staff informed the Committee of the renewal of the Clarington Waterfront Strategy. They noted that much of the actions laid out in the 1992 strategy have been implemented, and the Municipality is now developing a new strategy that will seek to prioritize economic development, recreation and connectivity. The strategy will examine the entire waterfront but will have special focus in urban waterfront Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 14, 2022 areas. Community consultation is currently in the planning phase, and the first engagement events will likely be in mid -September. For more information see Clarington Waterfront Strategy. Meeting Format: 022-016 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Jordan McKay That the remainder of the meetings in 2022 be held hybrid and re-evaluated at the January 2023 meeting. Carried John Cartwright moved to adjourn. Next Meeting August 25, 2022 @ 7:30 pm Hybrid format - Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Room 1 C or virtual via MS Teams Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 14, 2022