HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-05 Minutes CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 5, 2011, 6:00 P.M. MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Keith Brettell, Chair Sally Barrie Tim Hick Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice-Chair Shea-Lea Latchford Councillor Partner Absent: Jennifer Forde David Kelly Also Present: Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Shea-Lea Latchford, seconded by Tim Hick THAT the minutes of the meetings held on June 1 and September 7, 2011 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. PRESENTATION Jeany Barrett, Newcastle Horticultural Society, provided an update of the Newcastle Heritage Garden Project. The group has received $123,400 from Trillium toward the project, have fundraised approximately $20,000 and still need to fundraise $50,000 from the community. The next steps are to have the tender document reviewed and sent out to contractors. The Committee reviewed the drawings of the project and Ms. Barrett provided an explanation of the accessibility features which have been incorporated, ie, paving will accommodate chairs and eliminate stairs, gates will accommodate chairs, stairs at the back to the parking lot are to be eliminated, the patio will be flat and the surface will be evenly spaced. Future fundraising efforts were highlighted. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES (a) Committee Goals The Committee agreed that education and outreach is a priority. Members will bring ideas on how to accomplish this at the next meeting. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 5, 2011 Advisory Committee 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) Integrated Standard The Municipal Clerk advised the Committee that the requirements of the Integrated Standard will demand a great deal of work over the next few months. A meeting is being held at the Region of Durham on October 6 which will hopefully provide detailed information on the implementation of the standard. (b) Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay— Committee Update The Committee was advised that the medal bearers for the Municipality have been chosen and the planning of the activities to celebrate the End of Day and the Beginning of Day events is well underway. The End of Day celebration will consist of a program involving numerous sports teams from the municipality. The next day a breakfast will be held to start the relay off. (c) Accessibility for Seniors in Orono Communication received from Chris Lake with respect to lack of accessibility in the shops in downtown Orono and accessible parking in the area was discussed. The parking issue will be discussed with Ron Baker, Engineering Services Department, and a response will be forwarded. (d) Accessibility Plan The Municipal Clerk has commenced work on the Accessibility Plan. This will be brought forward at a future meeting. 5. REGIONAL UPDATE Sally Barrie advised the Committee that Scott Bremner has been reporting on accessibility issues through a program on Cable TV Which he is hoping to be able to continue. A member of the Regional Committee sits on the Durham Transit Committee and has advised that extra seating is being provided on the Durham Transit buses. As part of the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay, it is anticipated that Rick Hansen will be present at the Abilities Centre in Whitby on November 5. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - October 5, 2011 Advisory Committee 6. OTHER BUSINESS Concern was raised over the lack of accessible parking at the restaurant in Burketon and the fact that a member of the Committee was asked to sign a waiver in order to be able to partake in public skating at South Courtice Arena. The Municipal Clerk advised that she would look into these matters and report back at the next meeting. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled to be held on November 2, 2011. Members of the Committee are requested to attend at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex at 3:00 p.m. to take part in the End of Day Celebration of the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay. The next regular meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, December 7, 2011, commencing at 6:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1A. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Chai Secretary