HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-21"Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" ci ffbooil Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 21, 2022 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on June 21, 2022, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Noel Gamble, Councillor Ron Hooper, David Reesor, Ron Sproule Regrets: Victor Suppan, Heather Graham, Bob Malone (NVDHS), Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS alternate), Monika Machacek (Museum) Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Jane Wang, Sarah Allin, Planning and Development Services Guests: Rick McEachern, Karen Lyle Re: Bowmanville Zoo (340 King Street E., Bowmanville) 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 22.25 By Consensus That the Agenda be adopted. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 22.26 By Consensus That the minutes of the May 17, 2022, Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Rick McEachern Re: Bowmanville Zoo, 340 King Street E., Bowmanville - 1 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl abooff Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes June 21, 2022 R. McEachern presented information about the history of the former Cream of Barley Tourist Camp and the Bowmanville Zoo, including the cobblestone building located on the property now known as 340 King Street E. in Bowmanville. It was noted the stonework on the building is relatively rare in this area of Ontario. Given the unique architectural features and the historical contributions of the property Bowmanville's heritage, R. McEachern requested the property, including the cobblestone building, be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. The information and photos presented to the Committee will be circulated to the group. Committee members thanked R. McEachern for the presentation and inquired about a connection to the property at 111 Simpson Avenue (Raey Cottage) with a similar cobblestone architectural features. The property at 111 Simpson Avenue is identified as Secondary on the Cultural Heritage List. 6 Business Arising 6.1 Bowmanville Zoo; 340 King Street E. In consideration of the information presented by R. McEachern, the Committee committed to evaluating the former Bowmanville Zoo property and 111 Simpson Avenue concurrently. The Municipal Inventory/Register sub -committee will bring the evaluations of the properties back to the Committee at a subsequent meeting for its consideration. 6.2 2022 Heritage Incentive Grant Applications/Heritage Permits Staff provided an overview of the Heritage Incentive Grant Applications received for 2022. Specifically, the following three applications have been received: 99 Church Street, Bowmanville; proposed repair and replacement of the dwelling's eavestroughs and downspouts; 14 Concession Street W. Bowmanville; proposed repair and replacement of the dwelling's front porch roof, frame, and pillars. A Heritage Permit was previously issued for the proposed work (HPA2022-001); and 49 Division Street, Bowmanville: proposed repair and restoration of the dwelling's front veranda, storm windows for exterior French Doors and interior French doors 67 Ontario Street. The Committee considered the proposed applications and made the following motions: 21.27 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by D. Reesor -2- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Cl • Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff]7 June 21, 2022 "That the CHC considers the works proposed by the Heritage Incentive Grant application at 99 Church Street to be routine maintenance of the designated heritage property and a heritage permit is not required in this case. "Carried" 21.28 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by J. Moore "That the CHC recommends approval of the proposed alterations and Heritage Incentive Grant application for 49 Division Street as a minor application, subject to the following condition: (i) That all custom molding is replicated in cases where the only option is replacement. "Carried" 6.3 127 Church Street, Orono; Clarington Public Library (Orono Branch) Several Committee members and staff attended a site visit to the Library's Orono Branch in order to evaluate the interior of the building in consideration of the request for designation. The evaluation identified a number of interior heritage attributes that should be included in a statement of significance, in support of the Committee's May 2022 Motion that the property by designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Committee members reiterated concerns about the design of the proposed alterations for the purpose of improving accessibility of the building and discussed potential options that may be more sympathetic to the heritage character of the building. Staff indicated M. Machacek and R. Groen are aware of the Heritage Committee's comments. The CHC Chair and Vice Chair have been invited to attend the upcoming meeting of the Library Board on July 28, 2022 to speak to this item on their agenda. 7 Project Reports 7.1 Municipal Inventory/Register: 127 Church Street, Orono Library— Evaluation Report for the interior of the building was presented. Interior attributes identified will be incorporated into the statement of significance of the pending proposed designation by-law for the property. 7.2 Outreach/Education Sub -committee: Heritage Information Station Project: No update Heritage Barn Project: No update 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: -3- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Cl • Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff]7 June 21, 2022 8.1 37 Silver Street (Waverley Place) — Correspondence from community member was directed to the Committee regarding the accessibility ramp installed at Waverley Place and the concern that design of the ramp was not sympathetic to the cultural heritage character of the building. Staff indicated that the ramp was temporarily installed for the recent Mayor's Gala event. The intent is to remove the temporary accessibility ramp and replace it with a permanent accessibility solution, subject to obtaining the required heritage permit. 9 New Business: 9.1 3554 Concession Road 3; Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Staff provided an overview of the Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report for 3554 Concession Rd. 3 prepared in connection with the ongoing Environmental Assessment for the realignment of Regional Road 17. The report identified that the property has cultural heritage value or interest sufficient to meet Ontario Regulation 9/06, being the criteria for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The Report recommends a Heritage Impact Study be undertaken should there be any direct impacts to the dwelling as a result of the realignment work. The Committee received the information. 9.2 Camp 30; 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville: Staff provided an overview of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted for the lands. Specifically, the proposal to demolish the one of the designated buildings known as the Triple Dorm as part of the proposed development. The remaining buildings will be transferred to the Municipality upon the approval of the development applications. The Cafeteria building is already under the Municipality's ownership. A Heritage Impact Assessment has been submitted in support of the applications. The Heritage Committee received the information and made a motion to provide the Heritage Impact Assessment to the Municipality's heritage consultant on retainer for a detailed review given the concerns regarding the proposal to remove the designated Triple Dorm building. 21.29 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by R. Sproule "That the CHC recommends the Heritage Impact Assessment submitted in support of the development applications at 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville be provided to the heritage consultant retained by the Municipality for peer review and comment, to be reported back in the fall." "Carried" 9.3 98 Concession Street E., Bowmanville: Committee members received a request to look at this property. The property was designed by the same architect who built Camp 30 and was once part of the property when it was the Boys Training School "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Cl • Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff]7 June 21, 2022 (i.e. the headmaster's house). The Committee indicated it would undertake an evaluation of the property and report back at a subsequent meeting. 9.4 Committee Members' Term: Staff highlighted key dates for the completion of the current term of Council and the Municipality's Advisory Committees of Council, along with the schedule for applications to sit on Advisory Committees for the 2023 — 2026 term. 9.5 Community Heritage Ontario Conference: S. Conway provided an overview of the sessions attended at the conference and indicated it was a worthwhile learning opportunity. 10 Reports from other Committees: 10.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs — Meetings were held in May. The downtown CIPs for Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono are due to be updated in 2023. 10.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — Camp 30 Tours are underway for the season. ACO is considering ideas to raise funds for the Cafeteria building. Doors Open will be virtual again this year but may return to in - person in 2023. 10.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — No report. 10.4 Museum — No Report. 10.5 Heritage Conservation District — No Report 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — No Report 11 Standing Items 11.1 81 Scugog Street: The matter was with Municipal Law Enforcement staff but attempts to contact the owner have been unsuccessful. 11.2 Fletcher Tree: No update. Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. Next Meeting: September 20, 2022, 7:00 p.m. 3672