HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-14-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # 6 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report # CS -14 -94 be received; and, 2. THAT Council endorse the initiative of the Community Yard Sale. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Community Yard Sale initiative is intended to target our community organizations as the "vendors" in this event. The Community Services Department works with approximately 200 community based organizations providing programs and services within this municipality. All of these organizations have the mandate of raising funds to support their respective activities through a variety of fund raising initiatives (eg. Nevada ticket sales, bake sales). The Community Yard Sale will provide participating community organizations with a unique opportunity to achieve this mandate. 1.2 As this is the Community Services Department's first time at offering this initiative, it is thought that it would be better to limit its focus. Local flea markets that operate throughout the Municipality accommodate the commercial /private vendors and local garage sales accommodate the private home - owners who would have items to sell. Limiting the participation to our community based organizations also permits the Department to clearly demonstrate our commitment to assist and facilitate the fund raising needs of our community partners. It is likely that the local organizations will canvas their parents, friends and neighbours for items to sell as a part of their fund raising efforts. ../2 �� {P5 � pRiNlED ON RECYCLED Pp PER REPORT CS -14 -94 "2, APRIL 18, 1994 1.3 A Community Yard Sale could also provide the Municipality with an opportunity to strengthen our relations within the community and to present the Municipality in a very positive light. Although the current relationship with our community partners is strong and healthy, it is in our best interest to find new methods of enhancing that relationship and therefore, raising the profile of the Municipality throughout the community. 1.4 The Community Services Department is investigating another marketing feature to further promote participation in the program. The Department will be in contact with the Salvation Army to invite them to attend the event and, with the individual organization's consent, select through the unsold items and take away any item that they can use to assist needy families and /or individuals (ie. clothing, books, etc.). This aspect will give the participating groups the opportunity to donate unsold items or to remove them from the facility after the event. 2.0 PROCESS: 2.1 All local organizations will be invited to participate by a letter (Attachment 1) that will be sent out by the Community Services Department. Accompanying the letter will be a registration form (Attachment 2) which the organization will have to complete and submit to the Department by a specific deadline. With the registration form, the group will be required to submit a reservation fee of $ 20.00 for each space they wish to reserve. This will encourage groups to commit themselves early and would assist the staff to know, in advance, how many organizations will be in attendance. The registration fee provides a break -even point whereby all revenue collected is intended to cover any expenses (eg. table rental) that the Department may incur in support of this event. 2.2 Each group that registers will be provided with one table and two chairs. The facility, (Bowmanville Recreation Complex), will be opened at 8:30 am to allow participating organizations to set -up their area. The Department will mark out reserved spaces on the Friday preceding the sale so that set -up will be well organized. At the conclusion of the event, an evaluation /comment form will be distributed and each organization will be asked for their comments and suggestions to be incorporated into a final evaluation report. 2.3 It is important to note that much of the planning and discussion that has gone into this proposal has benefited from the participation of the our Public Works Department who has been instrumental in arranging for the support of Browning- Ferris Industries (B.F.I.) who will locate additional temporary recycling igloos on site. In addition the Region of Durham ../3 C REPORT CS -14 -94 - 3m APRIL 18, 1994 Waste Management Division's Promotion and Education Facilitator has made a confirmed commitment to provide financial support to promote this special event to the community. Their contribution to this event will result in the community taking a new approach to the way old /used clothing, books and other items are considered. Perhaps it will open a new facet to the ongoing program of reduce, reuse and recycle. Respectfully submitted, P. Caruana, Director unity Services Department JPC:JJC:sa Reviewed by, /�Alt(gvrt� W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer 907 April 8, 1994 [CONTACT NAME] [ORGANIZATION] [ADDRESS] [TOWN, ONTARIO] [POSTAL CODE] Dear [contact]: RE: COMMUNITY YARD SALE ATTACHMENT 1 DRAFT The Municipality of Clarington Community Services Department is pleased to invite your organization to participate in this new initiative. The Community Yard Sale event is hoping to provide our community partners with a unique opportunity to raise money to support their organization's programs and services. The Community Yard Sale will allow participating organizations to collect old (re- usable) household items, such as old clothing, books, magazines, toys etc., and bring them to the Bowmanville Recreation Complex where they will be sold to benefit the organization. Please note the following information: The registration fee for this event will provide each organization with a sale space (24' wide and 6' deep) as well as a table and two chairs. Participating organizations will be given the opportunity, at the end of the event, to either take away any items that were not sold or to donate them to the Salvation Army for distribution to families in need within the Municipality of Clarington. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in this very special event. To register please complete the accompanying registration form and submit, with your reservation fee, to: Community Yard Sale Community Service Department Municipal Administration Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 ../2 9 0 8 -2- All spaces will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Registration forms and payment can also be dropped off at the Community Services Department (3rd floor, Municipal Administration Centre) or in the drop -box located at the Church Street entrance of the Municipal Administration Centre. If using the drop -off method please ensure that your envelope is clearly marked "Community Yard Sale /Community Services Department ". Please note that the Community Services Department reserves the right to cancel any initiative /program should a minimum registration not be received prior to the established registration deadline date. The Community Yard Sale REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS 4:30 P.M., FRIDAY JUNE X, 1994. The Community Yard Sale initiative is supported and presented by the Community Services Department, the Public Works Department, Region of Durham Waste Reduction Division, Browning - Ferris Industries (B.F.I.) and the Municipality of Clarington. For more information please contact the Community Services Department, during regular business hours, at (905) 623 -3379. Thank you in advance for your interest and participation. We look forward to seeing you at this very special event. Yours truly, Jennifer J. Cooke, R.D.M.R. Recreation Superintendent Community Services Department C% t) 9 COMMUNITY YARD SALE YES, WE WANT TO PARTICIPATE! ORGANIZATION: •► �.' 0 �Tlk I � ".'-s1JT.mT*w TELEPHONE: (905) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: FEE RECEIVED: $ RECEIPT # 910 ATTACHMENT 2