HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-09-94} It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -09 -94 be received; 2. THAT a specific budget for the Clarington Concert Band not be established; and 3. THAT Mr. David Climenhage be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At a meeting of Council, held November 22, 1993, correspondence was received from Mr. Climenhage on the behalf of the Clarington Concert Band. In this letter (Attachment #1), Mr. Climenhage thanked Council for their support of the activities of the Band to -date and requests that consideration be given to engaging the Band on a "fee- for - service" basis in 1994. As a result, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence from David Climenhage, Clarington Concert Band, requesting Council to consider engaging the band on a fee - for - service basis for some events and concerts in 1994 be received; THAT the correspondence referred to the Director of Community Services for review and preparation of a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT David Climenhage be advised of Council's decision." THI515 PFlitfIEO CW "1-11D W' ./2 REPORT NO. CS -09 -94 .2. MARCH 21, 1994 2.0 GENERAL COMMENTS: 2.1 Mr. Climenhage's request raises a number of issues that merit discussion prior to making any decision. First, the Clarington Concert Band is a community -based organization. Through his correspondence Mr. Climenhage is asking Council to approve a specific budget allocation that would be established to cover the costs associated with performing in public (eg. Concerts in the Park). Should this occur the Band's focus could be perceived as an extension of the Municipality's operations. In addition, if a budgeted allocation were to be approved, the Department would have had to re- assess their operational budget for 1994 in order to determine where and how the allocation would be best handled within the established budget guidelines. It is possible that an existing program or service would have to be reduced or deleted in order to accommodate the Clarington Concert Band. 2.2 The next factor to be considered is the precedent that Council could establish by approving a specific allocation for the Band. Not only could this action foster the development of a dependency (by the Band) on municipal funding but it could open the doorway for other groups to come to Council requesting similar consideration. 2.3 Mr. Climenhage states in his correspondence that the Clarington Concert Band does not plan to apply for a municipal grant. Upon review of the issue, it is the Community Services Department's opinion that Mr. Climenhage is requesting a "guaranteed" municipal grant - guaranteed in that the application is not reviewed in light of other requests. The purpose of the municipal grant program is to provide financial assistance to community -based organizations providing a level of service within the Municipality of Clarington. The request from the Clarington Concert Band is more appropriate to the parameters of the municipal grant process not the budget process. 3.0 SUMMARY: 3.1 The Clarington Concert Band has been a positive development within the cultural climate of this Municipality. Their services should continue to be accessed by the Municipality wherever and whenever possible but, those who would enlist the services of the Band should be required to book them in advance and to incorporate the associated expenses in the appropriate respective budget. Given the concerns of budget constraints, lack of staff resources, potential dependency and precedent, staff is not recommending initiation of this new level of service. ../3 9 U 4 REPORT NO. CS -09 -94 -3. MARCH 21, 1994 3.2 The Community Services Department will as in the past assist the Clarington Concert Band, whenever possible, to schedule and facilitate public performances. The Band should be encouraged to continue to focus on fundraising efforts that will assist /cover their operational costs. Respectfully submitted, aruana, Director ity Services Department JPC:JJC:sa Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer U ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT NO. CS- Of .14 F. C November 8 • 1303 David Climenhage (- , Clarington Concert Band ;�•w R.R. # 2 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 J 1. :. --:,it 'S G`r� ?Fit Dear Mayor Hamre and Members of Council: The Clarington Concert Band has completed a successfull first year of operation. We maintain a roster of 3° musicians who rehearse once per week and have shown continuous improvement in the quality of musical performance over the past. year. We draw on musicians from all regions of Clarington and even some of the Municipalities' smaller hamlets are well represented. The Band has performed 10 concerts since our first performance in December 1002. Included in that series were concerts in Clarington parks at Courtice, the Bowmanville Museum, Canada Day at Orono , Volunteer Recognition Night at the Bowmanville Recreation Centre and at the Durham Central Fair On behalf of- the Band , I would like to thank Mayor Hamre and all members of council for the financial support and recognition during this first year. Without this , the Clarington Concert Band would not exist. The set up and operation of a community concert band is a. costly venture and your support has been absolutely cru 'ial in getting us started . We do not plan to apply for a Municipal 1094 . We would however, like you to Clarington Concert Band on a fee for events and concert's in 1994! We would Parks and Recreation on the planning c:f or other events in Clarington in 1994 . Thank you for considering our request. Yours truly Grant for the Band for consider engaging the service basis for some be pleased to work with Concerts in the Parks -' _ a 't 17