HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-04-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # �-- 44J° GC Res. # � j� -r,�A- mate: FEBRUARY 7, 1994 By -Lam # - Report #: File #: Subject: INVITATION TO HOST 1996 ONTARIO SENIOR GAMES (ACTIFEST 196) It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report # CS -04 -94 be received; 2. THAT Council not submit a bid proposal to host the 1996 Ontario Senior Games (Actifest '96) at this time; and 3. THAT Mr. Ron Puttock be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At a meeting held on December 13, 1993, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington received correspondence from Mr. Ron D. Puttock, Chairperson, of the Ontario Senior Games (Attachment #1). In his letter, Mr. Puttock invites our Municipality to consider submitting a bid proposal to host the 1996 Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championships - known as Actifest '96. 1.2 At this meeting, Council received the correspondence and passed the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence dated November 29,1993 from R. Puttock, Chairperson, Ontario Senior Games requesting the Municipality of Clarington apply as the host of the 1996 Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championship (Actifest '96) be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Community Services for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee prior to the February 28, 1994 deadline; and, THAT Ron Puttock be advised of Council's decision." 9101 nis is vNmrzeo au pecvmeo vnveFl ../2 REPORT CS -04 -94 "2, FEBRUARY 7, 1994 1.3 Staff of the Community Services Department have investigated the opportunity that this invitation provides. This report will present the information that has been collected and the recommendations of the Community Services Department as it relates to the feasibility of hosting the 1996 Ontario Senior Games. 2.0 ONTARIO SENIOR GAMES PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP: 2.1 The investigation into the feasibility of hosting the Ontario Senior Games began with a review of the information booklet "Guidelines for Preparing a Bid for the Ontario Senior Games ". The booklet provides background information about the Games, themselves, plus the criteria that will be used to evaluate and compare potential host communities. 2.2 The Ontario Senior Games is held every two years and consists of a three (3) day special event that involves an extensive and varied event schedule. The Games can potentially attract upwards of 2,000 participants from across the Province. Previous offerings of these Games have included (but is not limited to) the following events: Euchre Cribbage Contract Bridge Darts Swimming Golf 5 -Pin Bowling Shuffleboard Tennis Snooker Carpet Bowling Lawn Bowling Walking Triathalon Horseshoes The successful host community is required to provide facilities that will accommodate these activities. Currently the Municipality of Clarington has the facilities that would accommodate the majority of these events. Some are owned by the Municipality while others, for activities such as snooker and lawn bowling, would require the Municipality to enlist the support and co- operation of our community partners and /or private business operators. 2.3 The Guidelines list other criteria that the successful host community will be required to satisfy. First, the Host community would be required to enlist the assistance of 300 - 500 volunteers - some of whom would make up the Games Co- ordinating Committee (approximately 20 individuals) while the rest would form the operational support core of volunteers that would be responsible for specific tasks - prior to, during and following the Games. In the Municipality of Clarington, enlisting the assistance of volunteers to come together for a special community event has, traditionally, not been a concern. The magnitude of volunteer assistance and the time commitment that would be required (at least 24 months) may present a barrier that would have to be addressed and resolved quickly. 2.4 The Host community would also be required to co- ordinate accommodations for the participants during their participation in the Games. In addition, transportation ../3 9 1 REPORT CS -04 -94 - 3 - FEBRUARY 7, 1994 2.5 3.0 3.1 arrangements for participants and spectators, must be included in the bid proposal. Although the accommodaion aspect causes some concern, which could be addressed through a strong partnership with area Motel operators, the requirement for public transportation does present a problem for which there is no obvious solution at this time. Finally, staff contacted Mr. Blair McIntosh, Sports and Fitness Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation, to gather information relative to available funding and potential costs associated with the hosting of the Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championship. According to Mr. McIntosh the last Host community (City of Hamilton) required a budget of $ 400,000.00 to cover all of the costs associated with the operation of the Games. Of this, the Ministry provided funding in the amount of $150,000.00 with the City of Hamilton being responsible to co- ordinate the raising of the remaining dollars ($ 250,000.00). The City of Hamilton sought the support and sponsorship of local industry, business and private citizens to make up the remaining financial support. What they were not able to raise in this manner, was incorporated into their Municipal budget. It was also noted that the $ 400,000.00 budget established by the City of Hamilton for the purpose of hosting the 1992 Senior Games did not include the salaries and benefits of the full -time employees that were assigned to the Games Co- ordinating Committee. The commitment of staff and staff time must be considered in the full light of its potential impact to the ongoing operations and duties of both the Department and those staff most likely to be involved. RECOMMENDATIONS: The opportunity to host a special event of the magnitude of the 1996 Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championship (Actifest '96) has been carefully considered by the Community Services Department. In gathering information for this report, it is staff's opinion that the timing is not appropriate for this Municipality to submit a letter of intent and subsequent bid proposal for the Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championship at this time. y submitted, Josch P. Caruana, Director C munity Services Department JPC:JJC:sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee, arano, Acting Chief Administrative Officer 9U-3 COUNCIL DIRECTION y Sq�NE E;S ,D�y, D -13 Jeux des AINES -ES 1 1 HONORARY PATRONS MEMBRES DU COMITE D'HONNEUR Right Honourable 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, Le tres Honorable Roland Michener pp Roland Michener Willowdale, Ontario M2K 2X1 Honourable Telephone: (416) 495 -4061 EHonorable Dr Pauline McGibbon Fax: (416) 495,4310 Pauline McGibbon Monday, November 29, 1993 Mayor Dianne Hawre City of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Your Worship, VDAIWAI DEC - 3 1993 Ci U ACa'�]ia N {a�t9i - i1tjTy OF f �l s uAYI'Of's oFficE The Ontario senior Games Committee respectfully requests that you and your City Council consider this letter an invitation to apply as the host of the 1996 Ontario senior Games Provincial Championships, known as Actifest 196. Please note that Actifest 196 is scheduled to be held in the last week of August 1996. Enclosed for your information is the Ontario senior Games brochure as well as a copy of "Guidelines for Preparing a Bid for the Ontario Senior Games" which has been produced by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation. The enclosed documentation will be of assistance to you if you choose to bid for Actifest 196. The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation has mandated certain guidelines for bid consideration. Please note that you may include additional information which will enhance your bid. ... / 2 9'.) 4 Sponsored by the Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario in co- operation with the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Commendite par lAssociation des centres pour aines de l'Ontario et le Ministere du Tourisme et des Loisirs 2 It is anticipated that the 1996 host city will be announced at Actifest 194 which is being held in Sudbury from August 22 - 24, 1994. In order to make this announcement, it is necessary to follow the timelines for bid applications: i. February 28, 1994: • Deadline for receipt of a Letter of Intent which would state that your city will be submitting a bid proposal for consideration as a possible host for Actifest 196. ii. May 1, 1994• • Deadline for receipt of bid proposal. If you have any questions prior to the submission of a Letter of Intent and /or a bid proposal, please do not hesitate to contact one of the following people: Sangita A. Kamble Provincial Coordinator Ontario Senior Games 1220 Sheppard Avenue East Suite #409A Willowdale, Ontario M2K 2X1 (416) 495 -4061 (416) 495 -4327 Fax We look forward to your reply! SZ-4 Ron D. Puttock Chairperson Ontario Senior Games encl. /sak Blair McIntosh Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation Sports and Fitness Branch 77 Bloor Street West 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 (4 16) 314 -7691 (416) 314 -7458 Fax ri r �S ------------ 'r ` j' �``��]i � .. � .. ` Vii' - .....���:!.!✓'�.ti 1'