HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/2012 Special Budget LwAv r r "Adopted, as amended, at the February 6, 2012 GPA Meeting" Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Neal Councillor W. Partner Councillor C. Traill Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of Corporate Services & Human Resources, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency & Fire Services, G. Weir Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie Committee Coordinator, J. Gallagher Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. DELEGATIONS Angie Darlison, Executive Director & Don Welsh, President, Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request. Mr. Welsh provided the Committee with a brief history of the COAA and introduced Angie Darlison. Ms. Darlison made a verbal presentation with an accompanying photograph slide show. She reviewed some of the events which have taken place at the COAA Centre. Ms. Darlison requested $180,225 for the 2012 budget for the COAA. She confirmed that this includes an additional part-time volunteer coordinator. - 1 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Tracey Ali, Board Member, Clarington Public Library, addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request, with a verbal and PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Ali introduced other members of the Library Board who were in attendance. Ms. Ali outlined the 2012 budget request from the Library Board, which includes an increase of 2.03% over 2011 for a total of $2,693,272. She compared the 2011 actuals to the 2012 budget breakdown of costs. She noted that the per capita tax levy is in line with neighbouring municipalities. Ms. Ali explained the relationships with some of the library's community partners. She informed the Committee that the Library continues to evolve and respond to the community needs with regard to changing technology. Ms. Ali highlighted some of the comments from Library patrons. She introduced a short video showing images from the Durham Region libraries. Ms. Ali introduced Edie Hopkins, Library Director, and both were available for questions. Craig Ryan, President, & James Campbell, Executive Director, Visual Arts Centre (VAC) of Clarington, addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request, with a verbal presentation and PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Ryan explained the mission of the VAC and the contributions to the community. He noted that the VAC has several other sources of revenue in addition to the Municipality. Mr. Ryan thanked the Rotary Club for their contributions to the VAC in 2011. He noted the highlights for the VAC for 2011, including the renovation, exhibitions, programs, fundraisers, etc. Mr. Ryan reviewed the plans for the VAC for 2012. Mr. Ryan concluded with the budget request of the VAC, which includes a 4% increase of $7,182 for a total request of $185,482. Sally Barrie, Administrator— Home Support, Community Care Durham, addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request. Ms. Barrie made a verbal presentation to accompany the pamphlets which she provided to the Committee. She noted that Clarington is experiencing a population growth, in particular the senior population. Ms. Barrie indicated that this population increase results in a higher demand for home support, respite and COPE mental health services. She informed the Committee that there are many hours of volunteer work provided to the Community Care Durham (approximately 500 volunteers) in order to provide these services. Ms. Barrie provided the Committee with some examples of the types of services which Community Care Durham delivers. She noted that there are several internal and external wait lists for the adult day care program which they are working on to provide. Martha Rutherford-Conrad, Executive Director and John Witheridge, Chair, Clarington Museums & Archives (CMA), addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request, with a verbal and PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Rutherford-Conrad reminded the Committee of the mission statement of the Museums and Archives. She provided the Committee with a summary of the accomplishments in 2011, including the installation of PastPerfect Software, community networking, and events. Ms Rutherford- Conrad highlighted some of the events which took place in 2011. Ms. Rutherford- Conrad reviewed the visitor statistics trends since 2006. She informed the Committee - 2 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 of the breakdown of revenue sources. Ms. Rutherford-Conrad informed the Committee of the 2012 exhibits, new revenues and marketing approaches. Ben Commodore, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth, addressed the Committee regarding their 2012 budget request with a verbal presentation. He indicated that there are approximately 295 youth who have participated in the various programs. Mr. Commodore listed some of the programs which the organization provides. He noted that the average age is 12-16 years of age. Mr. Commodore noted that there have been several outings with the youth. He stated that the fundraising events continue to be more successful, including a golf tournament, Fright Night, Great Balls of Fire and Battle of the Bands. Mr. Commodore added that some of the events provided proceeds to other charities. He informed the Committee of the community partnerships with Firehouse Youth. Mr. Commodore outlined the 2012 events, fund raisers, outings and programs which are planned. He noted the upgrades which are being made to the facility, programming and equipment. Mr. Commodore explained that the increase to the budget request is in anticipation of increased need, as well as upgrades to equipment, exercise programs, martial arts program and marketing (i.e. video and sign). He concluded by thanking Council for their support. RECESS Resolution #GPA-039-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m. PRESENTATIONS Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer made a verbal and PowerPoint presentation regarding the 2012 Draft Municipal Budget. Ms. Taylor discussed charts regarding the following topics: • Financial indicators, including the finalized statistics from BMA Management Consulting Inc. • Net municipal levy per capita comparison with selected municipalities • Property taxes as a percentage of income • Comparison of relative taxes and tax burdens • Historical trends — assessment growth history • 2011 BMA Management Consulting Inc Study— Conclusions on Taxation • Comparison of tax rates by population groups, including an historical review • Summary of Clarington's budget increases since 2001 - 3 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 • 2012 Budget Overview with a proposed 2.94% increase after growth has been applied at 2.3%, including external agencies, without options • Budget Impact Summary - 1% = $378,000. It was noted that an increase on an average house (valued at $270,000) is approximately $10 per each 1%. • Looking forward to 2013 • 2013-2016 Forecast Councillor Partner chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT WEBCASTING / PODCASTING OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Resolution #GPA-040-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CLD-001-12 be received; and THAT the proposal, outlined in Report CLD-001-12, for podcasting of Council and Committee meetings in the amount of $900 be implemented as a pilot project for one year. CARRIED Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2012 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET Resolution #GPA-041-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper 1. THAT Report FND-001-12 be received; 2. THAT the 2012 Operating and Capital budgets as outlined in Schedule "A", at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.71% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in Report FND-001-12, be approved; 3. THAT direction be provided on the items listed as optional items for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B" of Report FND-001-12; - 4 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 4. THAT direction be provided on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule "C", at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.23%; 5. THAT the request from the Clarington Museums and Archives for $15,200 from Reserve Funds/Trusts as detailed on page 159 of the draft budget binder be approved; 6. THAT Schedules "D", "E" and "F" of Report FND-001-12 outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserves/Reserve Funds be approved; 7. THAT approximately $801,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 8. THAT the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the documents attached to Report FND-001-12 be approved; 9. THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; 10. THAT the Mayor's Golf Tournament be authorized to take place in 2012, at no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to the Clarington Older Adults Centre Board; 11. THAT any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Program, Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Funds, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 12. THAT the request for the filling in of ditches and provision of a storm system on Firner Street be received for information; 13. THAT direction be provided regarding the construction of an outdoor artificial ice surface at South Courtice Arena; 14. THAT Report FND-001-12 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and 15. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2012 tax requirements for Municipal Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING (See following motions) - 5 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-042-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT the $2,700 increase in the Mayor's phone and fax account be deleted. MOTION WITHDRAWN Resolution #GPA-043-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #19, Mayor's Office Staff Training, in the amount of $5000 be deleted. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-044-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT the increases of $700 and $1500 from the Council's office supplies and phone/fax accounts respectively be deleted from the budget. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-045-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended by adding the following paragraph: THAT the Compensation By-law 2011-055 for Mayor and Members of Council be amended to require that all travel expenses be reimbursed upon provision of receipts. MOTION LOST - 6 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-046-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT a one year wage freeze be applied to the Mayor and Council's salaries. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-047-12 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, be amended to add 0.5% or $189,000 tax levy increase with the funds to be put aside in the appropriate reserve fund for future fire staffing needs to support the full Fire Master Plan being undertaken in 2012. CARRIED RECESS Resolution #GPA-048-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the Committee recess for 1 hour. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 1:34 p.m. 2012 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET - Continued Resolution #GPA-049-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Paragraph #13, regarding the construction of an outdoor artificial ice surface at South Courtice Arena, be divided from the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12. CARRIED - 7 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-050-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT the matter of the construction of an outdoor artificial ice surface at South Courtice Arena, be tabled indefinitely. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-051-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT the $75,000 for the new Fire Master Plan, referenced in Section 16 of Report FND-001-12, be removed from the 2012 Emergency Services Department budget. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-052-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill [Seconder changed as per Resolution #GPA-090-12 at the February 6, 2012 GPA meeting.] THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, be amended from $623,000 to $315,000, with specific positions to be determined by the Administration. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-053-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of an I.T. Technician position in the Corporate Services Department, be approved. CARRIED - 8 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-054-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, conversion of a part time clerical position to a full time position in the Municipal Clerk's Department be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-055-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Manager of Corporate Initiatives position in the CAO's Office be removed from the 2012 budget. MOTION LOST LATER IN THE MEETING (See following motion) Resolution #GPA-056-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #GPA-055-12 for a second time. CARRIED The foregoing Resolution #GPA-055-12 was then put to a vote and LOST. Resolution #GPA-057-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Building Maintenance Supervisor position in the Operations Department be approved. CARRIED - 9 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-058-12 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Training Officer position in the Emergency and Fire Services Department be approved. CARRIED RECESS Resolution #GPA-059-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 3:09 p.m. 2012 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET - Continued Resolution #GPA-060-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, conversion of a part time Recreation Programmer to a full time position in the Community Services Department be approved. CARRIED - 10 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-061-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a part time clerical position and a Crossing Guard position in the Planning Services Department be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-062-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Buyer position in the Corporate Services Department be approved. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-063-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Building Inspector position in the Engineering Services Department be approved. CARRIED - 11 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-064-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Manager of Corporate Initiatives position in the CAO's Office be approved in the amount of $50,000 in 2012; being 50% of the full salary, with the position fully funded in 2013. [Wording clarified as per Resolution #GPA-090-12 at the February 6, 2012 GPA meeting.] CARRIED Resolution #GPA-065-12 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a part time Clerical position in the Emergency and Fire Services Department be approved. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-066-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a Buyer position in the Corporate Services Department be denied. CARRIED - 12 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-067-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of an Accounting Clerk in the Finance Department be approved. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-068-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of an Accounting Clerk in the Finance Department be denied. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-069-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended as follows: THAT Item #13, Approved Staffing Program, hiring of a part time Clerical position in the Emergency and Fire Services Department be denied. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-070-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "E" be amended as follows: THAT $50,000 proposed for the 2012 Budget in Account 100-x-x-x-2924, the Legal Fees Reserve Fund, be deleted. MOTION LOST - 13 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-071-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "A" be amended by removing the following items: • Item #29, Various minor adjustments, in the amount of $4,366; • Item #41, Finance — Legal, in the amount of $5,000; • Item #45, Health and Safety, in the amount of $3,000; and • Item #46, Council, in the amount of#2,000. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-072-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #3, of Schedule "B", Courtice Road Bike Lane, in the amount of $60,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-073-12 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #15, of Schedule "B", Channel 12 Tourism Advertising, in the amount of $9,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-074-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #1, of Schedule "B", Tax Levy Contribution to Capital, in the amount of $400,000, be approved. CARRIED - 14 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-075-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #20, of Schedule "B", NCH-Newcastle Horticultural Society Park Improvement, in the amount of $10,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-076-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #29, of Schedule "B", Banner Program, in the amount of $2,500, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-077-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #12, of Schedule "B", Rural Road Tree Removal, in the amount of $21,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-078-12 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #21, of Schedule "B", Volunteer Program, in the amount of $8,000, be approved. CARRIED - 15 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-079-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #5, of Schedule "B", Students (up to 4 in 2012), in the amount of $16,500, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-080-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #8, of Schedule "B", GPS for Operations Fleet (phase-in), in the amount of $25,800, be approved. CARRIED RECESS Resolution #GPA-081-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 4:52 p.m. 2012 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET - Continued Resolution #GPA-082-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #16, of Schedule "B", Emergency Services Uniforms for Part-time over 15 years, in the amount of $18,000, be approved. CARRIED - 16 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 Resolution #GPA-083-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #7, of Schedule "B", EAP Program, in the amount of $26,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-084-12 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #2, of Schedule "B", Reserve Fund Contribution Increases, in the amount of $65,500, be approved. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-085-12 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Item #17, of Schedule "B", Mayor's Office, in the amount of $10,000, be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-086-12 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 be amended as follows: THAT Schedule "C", External Agencies, be approved as presented, with an estimated tax levy impact of 0.23%. CARRIED The foregoing Resolution #GPA-041-12 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. - 17 - Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 27, 2012 2013 TO 2016 OPERATING AND CAPITAL FORECAST Resolution #GPA-087-12 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report FND-002-12 be received for information. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-088-12 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 5:08 p.m. CARRIED 4 MUNICIPAL CLERK - 18 -