HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-20-93THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: Date: JULY 19, 1993 Report #: CS -20 -93 File #: Subject: VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION COMMITTEE - EVALUATION Recommendations: File Res. 4Gr& By -Law # _ It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. THAT Report #CS -20 -93 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality's official Volunteer Service Recognition Awards Ceremony be held the second year of each term of Council during National Volunteer Week; 3. THAT the eligibility criteria outlined in Report CS -20 -93 be approved; and 4. THAT the official unveiling of the "Volunteer Wall of Fame" plaque be held during the Council meeting of September 27, 1993. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At a meeting held on April 21, 1992, the Council of the Town of Newcastle approved the following recommendation: "THAT Report CS -14 -92 be received; THAT Council establish a Selection Committee to initiate the Volunteer Recognition Program; and, THAT the Selection Committee be appointed as follows: - 3 members of Council - Councillor M. Novak (Ward 1) Councillor J. O'Toole (Ward 2) Councillor A. Dreslinski (Ward 3) - Recreation Superintendent - Deputy Clerk - Mayor (Ex-Officio)." (GPA- 334 -92) 1.2 The purpose of the recognition program is two -fold. First, it was to establish a process ../2 REPORT NO. CS -20 -93 .2- JULY 19, 1993 whereby the Council of the Municipality could recognize the efforts and commitment of the volunteer community. Second, once the process was established the Municipality would have a mechanism that would enable Council to submit nominations for inclusion in the appropriate Provincial recognition programs. 1.3 On Thursday April 22,1993 the Municipality hosted the first "Volunteer Service Recognition Awards" presentation. A total of 90 nominations were received and, since this was the first endeavour of the recognition program, all those nominated received awards acknowledging . and thanking them for their contribution to the community at large. Recognition was based on length of service and awards were presented using the following formula: LENGTH OF CERTIFICATE PLAQUE VOLUNTEER WALL OF FAME SERVICE 5 YEARS YES 10 YEARS YES 15 YEARS YES YES 20 YEARS + YES YES YES In addition to these awards, all recipients were given a Town of Newcastle lapel pin. 1.4 On the evening of the event a total of 159 individuals signed the guest register but it is estimated that approximately 200 individuals attended the ceremonies. The evening's program included entertainment which was provided by the newly formed Town of Newcastle Concert Band. In addition, the entire event (with the exception of the Band's performances - due to licensing regulations) was video -taped by Rogers' Cablevision and a complimentary copy of the video has been provided to the Committee. 2.0 FREQUENCY OF CEREMONIES 2.1 Following the success of the awards presentation the Volunteer Recognition Committee met to discuss the process and to evaluate the event relative to future operations. The Committee discussed the issue of how often the Municipality should host the recognition special event. The Committee recommends that the official Volunteer Recognition Service Awards ceremonies should be hosted once each term of Council. It is further recommended that the ceremonies be held during the second year of Council's term during the National ../3 REPORT NO. CS -20 -93 - 3" JULY 19, 1993 2.2 2.3 3.0 3.1 WN 4.0 4.1 4.2 Volunteer Week (normally the third full week in April). The rationale for these recommendations is based on maintaining the special significance of the awards presentation. By hosting this special event each year the Committee is concerned that the whole process will adopt an ordinary perception of its purpose and meaning. The Committee also believes that the second year of Council's term is appropriate because it ensures that all Council members, both newly elected and returning veterans, are acquainted with the purpose of the recognition process and have the time available to work with the Committee. With the adoption of the Committee's recommendations, the next Volunteer Service Awards Recognition is tentatively scheduled for the Thursday of National Volunteer Week in 1996. VOLUNTEER "WALL OF FAME" The Committee has discussed the siting of the "Volunteer Wall of Fame" that is to recognize all those volunteers who have contributed 20 years or more of their time to local organizations and associations in this Municipality. Because of the magnitude of their contribution, the Committee recommends that the plaque, which will display the names of these individuals, be sited in an area, of distinction. This investigation is ongoing and the Committee will work with all concerned parties (eg. Visual Arts Centre) to ensure that the best available area, that will allow optimal viewing, is chosen to display the plaque. The Committee recommends that an official "unveiling" be held at the September 27, 1993 meeting of Council. Individuals, whose names will appear on the plaque, will be invited to attend this meeting to view this auspicious occasion and to, again, be congratulated for tremendous contribution to the community life of this Municipality. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The Committee is of the opinion that eligibility criteria must be established to guide them in reviewing nominations and selecting individuals to be recognized. The intent is to ensure that all nominations are subjected to the same scrutiny and that recognition is conferred on an objective and equitable basis. After careful consideration, the Committee recommends that Council approve the following A REPORT NO. C5 -20.93 " 4" JULY 19, 1993 requirements as necessary for individuals to stand for recognition. (1) Nominees must be residents of the Municipality of . Clarington; (2) Volunteer service must be of benefit to the community life (residents) within the Municipality of Clarington; (3) Nominee must be currently active in the Municipality's volunteer corps; (4) Nominating organizations may only nominate a maximum of five (5) individuals to stand for Volunteer Service Recognition; and, (5) Nominees will be recognized only once per category of service recognition. 4.3 The Volunteer Recognition Committee proposes these criteria to be used as guidelines for future recognition processes. The goal is to ensure that all volunteers receive the recognition they deserve and that the Volunteer Service Recognition program continues to emphasize the importance of the volunteer contribution to this Municipality. Respectfully Submitted, Josh P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JPC:JJC:dm SU Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence F. K tseff Chief Administrative Officer