HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-18-93THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Gate: JULY 19, 1993 Report #: CS -18 -93 File #: Subject: 1994 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND RATES P, N. File Res. # By -Law #� It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. THAT Report CS -18 -93 be received; 2. THAT the 1994 Schedule of Fees and Rates of the Community Services Department be approved; 3. THAT all fees and rates, with the exception of those for outdoor sports fields (diamonds and soccer fields) and associated services, be effective from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1994; 4. THAT the fees and rates for the outdoor sports fields and associated services be effective as of the start of the 1994 baseball /soccer season; and, 5. THAT the Cemetery fees be forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for approval. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Each year the Community Services Department initiates the process that examines current programs and levels of services, the associated costs incurred and the revenue collected from established user fees. The goal of this process is to support necessary and identified recreational programs and services at fees that are responsible and justified. The Department strives to ensure that all programs and services satisfy identified needs and, where possible, exceed the high standard of quality leadership and content that the residents of this Municipality have come to expect. 1.2 In preparation of the information included in this report, some of the current fees charged by the City of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby are presented for reference and discussion purposes. It should be noted that the City of Oshawa is this Municipality's closest neighbour ../2 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 2 - JULY 19, 1993 within the Durham Region and, as such, some Clarington residents may be accessing some of their services and /or programs. This inter - municipal "cross- over" can occur when similar services in our Municipality are at maximum capacity or not offered by the Community Services Department. 1.3 This report will provide the recommendations of the Community Services Department relative to suggested changes in fees and the rationale behind their proposal. Only areas where significant and /or major changes are suggested will be highlighted in this report. 2.0 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment Description 1 Programs 2 Memberships (Fitness Centre) 3 Facility Rentals 4 Banquet Hall (B.R.C.) 5 Services 6 Cemetery Fees 7 Animal Control 8 Discount Coupons 3.0 PROGRAMS (Attachment 1) 3.1 This category encompasses all instructional programs (both aquatic and non - aquatic) and unstructured programs managed by the Community Services Department. The Department has attempted to maintain fees at the 1992 -93 level in recognition of the uncertain and stringent economic times that our residents are coping with. If the cost of providing a specific program has not changed significantly during the past operational year, then the appropriate fee has been left at its current status. 3.2 With the approval of Report CS- 18 -93, the term "family" will be defined, for both public skating and swimming, as "mother, father and immediate children" in appreciation of the fact that many families consist of more that 2 children (which is cited in the current definition) and to promote greater family participation in these unstructured activities. 3.3 During the planning process for the March Break program, a new format was initiated. The objective was to encourage increased participation by providing two (2) schedules of recreational pursuits for families to choose from. The advertised fees reflect the cost of providing the program and no program was operated unless the revenue collected offset the associated expenses (ie. break - even). For 1994 the week -long programs, both Day Trips and ../3 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 3 - JULY 19, 1993 March Break Camp, are proposed at the 1993 rate. The fees for the day packages, however, have been recommended to increase to reflect the substantially higher organizational and administrative requirements. All fees include extended supervision to accommodate working parents - parents are able to drop their children off as early as 8:00 AM and pick them up as late as 5:00 PM. Participants accessing this service are supervised by Community Services Department program Leaders. 3.4 For aquatic instructional programs most of the changes are suggested to reflect minor increases implemented by the Red Cross and /or Royal Life Saving Societies and to make the collection of fees more manageable for both Department staff and our program participants. A new initiative, the Pre - Bronze course, is included for the upcoming season. This initiative responds to an identified need to accommodate those swimmers who have successfully completed the requirements of the White and /or Lifesaving III levels but are not old enough (13 years) to register into the Bronze Medallion course. 3.5 The format of private lessons is recommended to change in an attempt to improve the effectiveness of this instructional format. Private lessons are provided to act as supplementary instruction to assist those participants who need to focus on only 2 or 3 identified skills to successfully complete a specific badge level. By reducing the number of lessons from 10 to 5, and altering the fee accordingly, it is the intention of the Recreation Division to reduce the time currently spent on administering and scheduling these lessons with the ultimate goal of promoting private lessons in line with their intended use. 3.6 A full schedule of adult swimming instruction is offered each swim season. A significant number of these lessons are cancelled due to poor registration. The staff believes strongly that there is a market for this level of service, however, it tends to fluctuate without warning and it appears that the group lesson is not popular with non - swimming adults. To accommodate the need, the Department recommends re- organizing and promoting the adult aquatic program in the semi - private lesson format with 3:1 being the understood participant to instructor ratio. By doing this it is hoped that more adults will find the activity of learning to swim, regardless of their age, a fitful and positive experience. 4.0 MEMBERSHIPS (Attachment 2) 4.1 These are the memberships that are specific to the amenities of the Fitness Centre. In past ../4 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 4 - JULY 19, 1993 reviews, the Department has attempted to establish a formula of memberships that is popular with the Centre's clientele and easy to administer. The membership classifications listed are the ones that appear to have accomplished this objective. All others, including the Pool and Squash Summer Special (May 1- August 31), are recommended to be discontinued as they do not experience significant interest or sales. The Family Pool 12 mouth membership fee is recommended to be reduced for the next year. Through planned promotion of this membership, it is anticipated that more families will access this service and the Fitness Centre as a whole. Other memberships and activities may experience increased participation as a result of the drawing in of more families into this facility. 4.2 The Pool and Squash membership for adults and youth are both recommended to be reduced for the period defined for the 1993 -94 schedule of fees and rates. If the comparable membership of the City of Oshawa's Civic Dome is reviewed it is found that their adult annual fee of $248.00 includes access to a variety of special membership services and classes as well as specialized fitness areas. The Pool and Squash membership at the Fitness Centre, on the other hand, includes access to: recreational (public) swims, whirlpool, sauna, squash courts (court fee included) and two -day advanced squash court booking privileges. A superficial comparison indicates that the included services at the Fitness Centre are significantly less, in quantity, to those included in the comparable membership in Oshawa. Since equitable fees may encourage more residents to access the facilities of this Municipality, it is necessary that the fee reflect the level of service provided. 4.3 In an attempt to attract our corporate citizens to access the Fitness Centre on a more frequent basis, the Department proposes a new corporate membership ". Any local business, 3 employees, can participate in this program and offer their that has a minimum of three () p employees a 20% discount on the Adult Pool & Squash membership - ie. instead of paying $150.00 (proposed) the employee of a "corporate partner would pay $120.00 for the same membership package. To participate the local business would register with the Community Services Department and pay a nominal initiation fee of $150.00 regardless of the number of employees. In subsequent years, a renewal fee of $100.00 per company would apply. Through this partnership, all parties are in a win -win situation - the employee is encouraged ../5 . J, U 9 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 5 - JULY 19, 1993 to develop and maintain an acceptable standard of physical fitness and well being; the local business /corporation has a healthier employee who is more productive and better able to cope with daily "on the job" stressors; and, the Municipality is able to provide residents increased opportunities to access the Fitness Centre and become more active in pursuing healthier lifestyles. 5.0 FACILITY RENTALS (Attachment 3) 5.1 For special exhibits and events accessing the Arena floor at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex, it is recommended that a flat fee be established for the event set -up. The current hourly charge has presented some problems and confusion for potential client groups. The flat rate should effectively eliminate any confusion as the only condition would be that event organizers would have access to the facility until 4:00 PM of the day immediately preceding their special event. The established entry time will provide facility and administrative staff the necessary time to prepare for the group's arrival and it will provide the organization with a definite cost to be incorporated into their event budget. 5.2 The pool rental fee for private parties is to remain at the 1993 approved rate but, instead of including two (2) qualified lifeguards, it will include only one (1). Department records indicate that private rentals requiring more than one guard are minimal as most do not include more than 20 - 25 participants. The Department of Health Services guidelines require one (1) lifeguard for the first 30 swimmers. Any rental requests that indicate a participation of greater than 30 swimmers would be charged for an additional guard at the approved hourly wage for that position. The category of special event as it relates to pool fees includes organized swim meets and time trials. 5.3 The Community Services Department proposes a flat fee to be applied to tournaments held on municipal sports fields. This fee will be in addition to the established per game charge. 5.4 Currently only adult leagues are required to pay for their use of outdoor sports fields in this Municipality. The Community Services Department, however, is initiating an investigation to determine the feasibility and viability of implementing a nominal user fee for organizations providing programs for minors. These organizations are the largest users of the outdoor facilities and, as such, will be consulted throughout the course of this investigation. The planned public consultation process will allow all users, and especially the Minor league ../6 ,), 10 REPORT CS -18 -93 ° 6 JULY 19, 1993 organizers, the opportunity to discuss the concept of user fees, their potential impact to their organization and any other suggestions /concerns that they wish to bring to the attention of the Community Services Department. The outcome of this investigation and the Department's recommendations will be submitted to Council for consideration in a subsequent report. 6.0 BANQUET HALL RENTALS (Attachment 41 6.1 Two revisions are proposed for rental fees applied to the banquet facilities of the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. The first is the discontinuation of the per person fee that was previously established (Report #CS- 30 -92). The rationale for this recommendation is based on the administrative problems and client confusion that has resulted from the implementation of this fee. For example, a client booking the Banquet Hall for a wedding may have an expected attendance of 150 people for the actual reception but an anticipated attendance of 200 for the dance so they indicate the higher number on their application. The Department issues a permit and charges the appropriate fee based on the estimated attendance subsequently potential problems can be one of two possible scenarios. First, if only 150 people attend the client is eligible for a refund in the amount of the 50 people who did not attend. This is not a difficult situation to resolve providing the Department is able to confirm the actual attendance figure with either the Facility or Bartending staff. The second scenario arises when more people attend than originally estimated - this usually effects the dance more so than the reception dinner. The initial problem arises since bar supplies (soft drinks, ice, etc.) are provided based on the estimated attendance. The more difficult problem to resolve is trying to go back to the client to collect the appropriate fee for the additional attenders. By returning to a flat rate fee, based on the area(s) booked and their approved capacities, the Department is able to implement a fee that will accommodate the maximum legal capacity of the permitted space and leave less of a margin for error. This will ensure that the client and their guests will not encounter any inconveniences on the day of their event and there is no confusion surrounding the applicable fees for either the client or the Department as all necessary arrangements are made in advance. 6.2 The Department is currently investigating the feasibility of operating full bar services for groups /organizations /individuals interested in renting the Hall. It is the our intention to ../7 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 7 - JULY 19, 1993 offer potential clients the choice of running the bar themselves or to have the Department provide the service - the rental fee would reflect the wishes of the client. As this investigation is ongoing, the Community Services Department will provide Council with the necessary information and recommendations prior to implementing such a program. 6.3 During the 1992 -93 operational year, situations arose which have indicated that the current cancellation policy, as it pertains to the Banquet Hall, is inadequate. The Department's move towards collecting fees in advance has reduced the problems significantly however, there is still a need to create a policy statement that acknowledges the administrative requirement of the facility permit process. The current policy states: "To cancel this permit written notification must be received by the Community Services Department no less than 5 business days prior to the date stated on the permit." This policy is appropriate for the outdoor sports fields and arena (ice) facilities as they are booked on a seasonal basis and changes do not occur with any significant frequency. For the Banquet Hall facility the Community Services Department recommends the cancellation be as follows. CANCELLATION POLICY To cancel any permit for the Banquet Hall /Arena Floor the Community Services Department requires written notification a minimum of fifteen (15) business days prior to the scheduled date. An administrative charge equal to 10% of the total facility fee will be charged. Failure to comply with the policy as written will result in the loss of the facility deposit (50% of the total applicable facility fee). The intent of establishing this policy and administrative fee is to ensure that both the client and the Department have the necessary time to complete their respective tasks. A situation arose recently whereby the Banquet Hall facility at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex was booked for each weekend in the month of June. The client paid the necessary deposit to book the facility but 5 days before the first weekend, the client cancelled their booking as per the current policy. This process repeated itself for the subsequent weekends. The difficultly is that the Department had turned away potential bookings on the basis that the facility was already permitted. With only the 5 days notice, the Department was unable to re -book the space as the other previously interested parties had already made alternate .. /8 ' 12 REPORT CS -18 -93 - 8 - JULY 19, 1993 arrangements. Had the suggested policy (and associated fee) been in place, the 15 business days notice could have provided the Department a better opportunity to re- book the facility thereby avoiding any loss in revenue. 7.0 CEMETERY FEES (Attachment 6) 7.1 The Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, as the Provincial body responsible to administer Cemeteries, revised the Cemetery Act effective April 1, 1992. Through their review changes in the Cemetery Act (Revised) have impacted on the fees applied to the Cemeteries under the administration of the Community Services Department. The Trust Fund (Section 35) of the Act states: "35.(1) Every cemetery owner who sells, assigns or transfers interment rights shall establish with a corporation registered under the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, with that corporation as trustee, a trust fund designated in English as the Care and Maintenance Fund (ie. Perpetual Care) for the purpose of providing money for the care and maintenance of the cemetery. 1989, c. 50, s35(1), revised. (2) An owner who is required to establish a fund under this section shall pay into the fund prescribed amounts with the prescribed times." As of the passing of the revisions to this Act, the fee to be collected for Perpetual Care increased from 35 %n to 40% of the cost of the cemetery lot or $150.00, whichever is greater. 7.2 On Attachment 6 the Perpetual Care (ie. Care and Maintenance Fund) portion of the proposed fee has been separated out. This portion of the fee is not taxable under the Federal Goods and Services Tax guidelines and the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations requires that it be clearly indicated. The applicable G.S.T. is calculated on the fee less the Perpetual Care portion (40 %) - a sample calculation is provided at the bottom of the Attachment for reference and clarification. 7.3 The current fees for Cemeteries have not been revised since the 1991 -92 review process. As a result, Council may note that some fees have increased by approximately ten (10) percent. 8.0 ANIMAL CONTROL 8.1 Staff have been requested by the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (O.S.P.C.A.) to assist them in the adoption of animals that are least likely to be placed in a home through our shelter. Due to the Municipality's costs involved in euthanizing an animal and the minimal revenue received form sending an animal for research, we ../9 i ?)17 J REPORT CS -18 -93 - 9 - JULY 19, 1993 recommend that the animals should be given to the O.S.P.C.A. at no cost. Our goal is to assist and promote animal adoptions in our community. If we cannot fulfil this goal, consideration should be given to requests from similar shelters within the immediate vicinity. This process will also provide the Department with an opportunity to relieve the pressures of overcrowding during the summer months when the shelter can frequently become filled to capacity creating an unfavourable environment. 8.2 In light of the recent transfer of Animal Control responsibilities to the Community Services Department, a detailed review of associated fees is in progress - this has been noted on Attachment 7. The Department will bring forward a report for Council's consideration once this process is complete. 9.0 DISCOUNT COUPONS (Attachment 8) 9.1 As part of the Community Services Department's marketing and promotion strategy, it is intended to implement the use of specific discount coupons to promote, highlight and increase awareness of programs, memberships and services that are available to the residents of Clarington. The coupons would specify the target program /service and any restriction to their use (eg. period of validity). With Council's endorsement they will be inserted into the semi - annual Community Services Activity Guide. For reference, Attachment 8 presents a sampling of potential discount coupon items. 10.0 SUMMARY OF HIGHLIGHTS 10.1 For reference the following is a summary of the changes proposed in this report. (1) The term "family" is to be re- defined as: Father, mother and immediate children; (2) Inclusion of a Pre - Bronze program initiative in the schedule of aquatic programs; (3) The private lesson format will change from 10 lessons per session to 5 lessons per session; (4) Adult swimming instruction is to change from the group to semi - private lesson format; (5) Re- establish a flat rate fee for the time requested for special event set -up in the Bowmanville Recreation Complex; ../10 %' 14 REPORT CS -18 -93 -10- JULY 19, 1993 (6) Reduce the lifeguard component of the private pool rental to include only one (1) guard; (7) The Community Services Department will bring forward a report for Council's consideration dealing with the feasibility of establishing outdoor facility fees for minors; (8) Discontinue the per person charge for banquets and /or receptions permitted in the Banquet Hall facility; (9) Adoption of the Cancellation Policy, for the Banquet Hall /Arena Floor, that stipulates 15 business days written notice of cancellation and an associated administrative charge; (11) The Community Services Department will bring forward a report on the feasibility of providing full bar service for licensed special events permitted in the Banquet Hall; (12) Provide animals to the O.P.S.C.A. that are least likely to be placed in a home through our shelter at no charge; and, (13) Adopt use of special discount coupons to promote the programs, services and facilities provided by the Community Services Department. Respectfully Submitted, Jo�ep°�h P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JPC:JJC:dm Recommended for presentation to the Committee, f-mutil IMITV -qFPVlr-FS . FEES AND RATES ATTACHMENT 1 - PROGRAMS ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S..T. , I WINATION FEES NOT INCLUDED ) 1 6 ATTACHMENT 2 - MEMBERSHIPS OSHAWA I WHITBY 86.00 NOT OFFERED 21.50 NOT OFFERED 19.50, 20.21 43.00 NOT OFFERED 10.75 NOT OFFERED 9.75 11.90 172.00 NOT OFFERED 43.00 NOT OFFERED N/A 52.30 248.00 354.71 100.00 133.75 NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED PROGRAM /SERVICE 1994 1993 117.00 3 MONTHS 50.00 50.00 OL POOL NOT OFFERED 10 TICKETS 30.00 ULT ADULT NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED CORPORATE Applies to Pool & S "ash 12 month NEW 12 MONTHS 85.00 85.00 1 MONTH 18.00 17.00 10 TICKET 16.00 15.75 UTH YOUTH 12 MONTHS 56.00 56.00 1 MONTH 10.00 10.25 10 TICKET 9.50 9.50 IL Y FAMILY 12 MONTHS 150.00 170.00 1 MONTH 35.00 32.00 10 TICKET 27.00 26.00 POOL OL SQUASH SH LT ADULTU 12 MONTHS 150.00 200.00 3 MONTHS 75.00 94.50 10 TICKET ,_ _ 50.00 47.25 UTH YOUTH ATTACHMENT 2 - MEMBERSHIPS OSHAWA I WHITBY 86.00 NOT OFFERED 21.50 NOT OFFERED 19.50, 20.21 43.00 NOT OFFERED 10.75 NOT OFFERED 9.75 11.90 172.00 NOT OFFERED 43.00 NOT OFFERED N/A 52.30 248.00 354.71 100.00 133.75 NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED q memb. Company maust have at least 3 employees for discount to apply. DISCOUNT 20% All memberships are for the same time period and are not transferable. Initiation fee $150,00 /business ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 12 MONTHS 90.00 118.00 117.00 3 MONTHS 50.00 50.00 52.00 NOT OFFERED 10 TICKETS 30.00 40.00 1 NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED CORPORATE Applies to Pool & S "ash 12 month NEW INFORMATION NOT { /PERSON) q memb. Company maust have at least 3 employees for discount to apply. DISCOUNT 20% All memberships are for the same time period and are not transferable. Initiation fee $150,00 /business ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. COMMUNITY SERVICES - FEES AND RATES ATTACHMENT 3 - FACILITY RENTALS PROGRAM /SERVICE 1994 1993 OSHAWA WHITBY ARENAS-ICE E X. PRIME T IME HOUR ( ) ADULTS 90.00 87.00 103.00 114.49 MINORS 80.00 77.00 75.00 91.59 - U N ON PRIM E (/HOUR) . ....... ....................... MMW� ADULTS 70.00 68.21 92.00 103.79 MINORS 40.00 35.00 75.00 91.59 NON - RESIDENT 110.00 94.50 115.00/103.00 124.55 ( /HOUR;ALL HOURS) MINORS 90.00 ARENA - F LOOR EXHIBIT SET -UP 225.00 45.00 ( /HR) NOT OFFERED, EXHIBIT ( /DAY) 685.00 674.10 2,300.00 NOT OFFERED SPORTS PROG. ( /HR) 37.00 37.00 34.00 NOT OFFERED POOL RENTAL PRIVATE PARTY 65.00 65.00 51.88* 60.00 (1 GUARD) CLUB /SCHOOL BD. 28.00 28.00 44.36 42.80 SPECIAL EVENTS 40.00 39.00 AS ABOVE 60.00 LIFEGUARDS ( /HOUR) 12.00 11.77 10.00 - 12.00 15.00 SQUASH COURTS CLUB ( /COURT) 6.00 5.35 N/A NOT OFFERED OUTDOOR FIELDS ADULTS ( /GAME) 11.00 10.00 7.90 - 12.13 /HR 10.23- 16.75/HR MINORS ( /GAME) UNDER REVIEW N/A 0.00 0.00 NON RESIDENT( /G M ) TOURNAMENTS ADULTS ( /GAME) 50.00 /DAY + N/A 7.90 - 12.13 /HR 10.23- 16.75/HR 11.00 /GAM E MINORS UNDER REVIEW N/A 0.00 0.00 NON - RESIDENT 50.00 /DAY + 15.00 FEE + 20% 20.00 /GAM E ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. * DENOTES THAT IN OSHAWA MINORS PAY $ 3.08 /HOUR FOR TOURNAMENTS HELD ON STATUTORY HOLIDAYS PROGRAM /SERVICE 1 1994 1 1993 MEETING SPACE ( /HR /SECTION) COMMUNITY GROUPS S 11.00 10.70 ATP VAT 22.00 0 21.40 - SIDE NT NON-RESIDENT RE 35.0 0 32.10 PROGRAM OGRAM SPACE (/HOUR/SECTION) UPS COMMUNITY GROUPS 16.00 0 6 0 1 0 PRIVA TE 25.00 25.00 00 - T NON-RESIDENT SIDEN 35.00 5 00 3. RE CEPT ION S DA N CES (/SECTION) - UR SDAY M ON DAY TH N ON - LICEN SED 9 0 00 . 83.7 5 LICENSED 125.00 107.54 - -RESIDENT T NON RE 0 0 0 FEE +2 / 20 0 0 F EE + / FRIDAY - SUNDAY ...... . ONE , ENSE -LICENSED NON LIC 1 35 00 1 33.7 5 LICENSED 165.00 00 160.50 . NON-RESIDENT E 20% FE + 0 20 0 F EE + / NEW YE ARS EVE LICENSED 250.00 2 . 267.50 0 - NON -RESIDENT SIDENT 0 20 0 F EE + / 0 2 0 0 FEE + / RECEPTIONS ONS CE LI N NON -LICENSED UE DISCONTINUE SCONTIN 3. 00 PER SON LICENSED SED DISCONTINUE NUE 5. 00 PER SON EVE NEW YEARS' E DISCONTINUE UE SON PERSON 00 PER 6.00/ 6. FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 19 COMMUNITY SERVICES - FEES AND RATES ATTACHMENT 5 - SERVICES ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 'x°20 COMMUNITY SERVICES - FEES AND RATES ATTACHMENT 6 - CEMETERIES SERVICE FEE PERPET. CARE G.S.T. 1 1994 1993 F_ 1 1 (40%)- (TOTAL FEE) (TOTAL FEE) SALE OF PLOTS ... ...... . -:: '... . .......... . .. ........ ..... .. .... .... ...... .... . . ..... ..... ... . . ... ............. ............. . .... .......... SINGLE LOTS 415.80 166.32 17.46 433.26 395.20 BABYLAND 121.28 48.51 5.09 126.37 115.27 CREMATION 121.28 48.51 5.09 126.37 115.27 INTERNMENT CHARGES .................. . .. .. ....... ......... ... ......... ......... ........... ...... .. .. ADULT 254.21 17.79 272.00 247.17 CHILD 86.92 6.08 93.00 84.26 CREMATION 86.92 6.08 .. 93.00 .. ..... 84.26 DISINTERNMENT CHARGES ADULT ............ ........... . ............ ............ . .............. . . ............ ...... .. . . .......... ..... ......... ............ ........ ...... . REBURIAL AT NEW LOCATION/SAME CEMETERY 624.30; 43.70 668.00 606.69 REBURIAL SAME LOCATION/SAME CEMETERY 415.89, 29.11 445.00 404.46 REBURIAL AT DIFFERENT CEMETERY 375.7q� 26.30 ... ............. 402.00 ............ ............. .. 365.14 ... .... DISINTERNMENT CHARGES-CHILD/CREMATION X.... :�i ............ . . ............ ..... ......... ..... . . ... ...... REBURIAL AT NEW LOCATION/SAME CEMETERY 208.41'1' 14.59 223.00 202.23 REBURIAL SAME LOCATION/SAME CEMETERY 127.10'. 8.90 :: ............ 1.1": 136.00 ... . . ... . ...... ........ 123.59 .. .... 1: .... ... ....... ADDITIONAL SURCHARGES ... : :::: ...... ... . . ... ...... ....... - -1-1.1 .. . ii .., . ........... ...... ....... . . ... . . . ... .......... ........... ................. ... ..... . . ..... .............. .................. .................. ........................... ............... .... .............. ... ........... .......... ........ .... ... :: ... ...... SATURDAY INTERNMENT (ADDITIONAL) 217.76 15.24 233.00 202.23 SUNDAY/STAT. HOLIDAY INTERNMENT (ADD'L) 217.76 15.24 233.00 202.23 INTERNMENT/DISINTERNMENT/DOUBLE DEPTH 46.73 3.27 50.00 44.94 RENTAL OF LOWERING DEVICE, SET-UP & 52.34 3.66 56.00 50.56 DRESSING LICENSE FEE (EXCEPT FOR CREMATION) 10.00 0.70 10.70 10.70 *NOTE - PERPETUAL CARE (40% OF FEE) IS SEPARATED OUT IN ORDER TO CALCULATE THE APPLICABLE G.S.T. EXAMPLE: PERPTUAL CARE (NON-G.S.T.)-- $ 415.80 X 40% $ 166.32 G.S.T. -- $415.80 - $ 166.32 X 7% = $ 249.48 X 7% $ 17.46 THEREFORE TOTAL FEE -- $415.80 + $ 17.46 = $433.26 COMMUNITY SERVICES - FEES AND RATES ATTACHMENT 6 (cont'd) - CEMETERIES SERVICE FEE PERPET. CARE G.S.T. 1994 1993 (40%) (TOTAL FEE) (TOTAL FEE) MONUMENT FOUNDATIONS & SETTING ...... ................ ............. .............. .. ........ ....... ........... ....... ............ .......... ............. . . ... ......... ....... MARKERS ........ .... ................ .................... . .................... .... ................... 11 111 . ......... . ..... ................ . . . .. ...... ....... MONUMENT FOUNDATION (/CUBIC FOOT) 9.35 0.65 10.00 7.86 FLAT MARKER (EACH) 52.34 3.66 56.00 50.56 CREMATION MARKERS 28.97 2.03 31.00 28.08 REMOVAL OF MONUMENTS 34.58 2.42 37.00 33.71 BABY MARKERS (14" X 8") 23.36 1.64 25.00 7 22.47 .. .. ...... .... :X. .. . . ... ........ . .... ......... ...... . .............. . .:X ................. ........ .... X-X X ... X: .. .. . ...... .................. . ..... . ................... ....... .... ................ ........... ................. .. ......... ................. . ........... ........ ....... ... .... ................ �X:X TRANSFER FEE 5.00 0.35 5.35 2.14 ........... .. . ................ :Xi77 .. ... ...... X ........... X, X.: . . ........ X. .................... . . ........ .......... . ......... .......... X, . . ..... .......... ............... . .......... ........ . ..... .......... . . .... . .................. ......... I ...... ... ....... ... ............................ ........................ ...... ........................ ....... .................. .............................. ....... . ...... ......... ��-: ...... .. ...... ......... ................ ....... ......... ..... ..... .. . ... ................ X ................ X ......... ..... ............ ................. X ..... .... . . : ................ ....................... .. .......... ... . --- ...... ....... i . ......... .......... ......... .............. 11 ........... I I ....... I .......... .... ........ ............................ ................... ...... .............................. ........... ........... . .. ........... . ................ ........................... .. PERPETUAL CARE - On plots on which perpetual 5.61 0.39 6.00 3.00 care charges HAVE NOT been paid.(/SQ.FT.) OTHER SERVICES - Planting of trees, installing UNION RATE UNION RATE corner stones, foundation repairs. Materials plus PLUS 15% PLUS 15% labour costs. . . ....... ........ . . ... ........ ... ...... ....... ...... ..... ...... X ... ...... . ...... ....... .... ...... X: ...... .... . ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... ...... .... ..... COMMUNITY SERVICE DOG LICENSE (1 ST & 2ND)- EACH DOG LICENSE (3RD) DOG LICENSE (4TH & 5TH)- EACH WITH PROOF OF SPAYING /NEUTERING 1 ST & 2ND - EACH 3RD 4TH & 5TH - EACH DISCOUNT WITH PURCHASE BEFORE MARCH 1ST WITH PROOF OF RABIES VACCINATION REPLACEMENT DOG TAG ADOPTION FEES DOGS CATS F RENDER FEES S S TRANSFER TO O.S.P.C.A. TOTAL FEE TOTAL FEE 1994 CURRENT UNDER REVIEW 20.00 UNDER REVIEW 30.00 UNDER REVIEW 50.00 UNDER REVIEW 10.00 UNDER REVIEW 20.00 UNDER REVIEW 40.00 UNDER REVIEW $ 2.00 OFF UNDER REVIEW 1 $ 2.00 OFF UNDER REVIEW 1 0.25 UNDER REVIEW 51.75 UNDER REVIEW 28.75 UNDER REVIEW 36.38 UNDER REVIEW 25.68 NO CHARGE I N/A * TOTAL FEE INCLUDES APPLICABLE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND FEDERAL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX 7 ATTACHMENT 8 — DISCOUNT COUPONS ADULT FACILITY MEMBERSHIP Buy a 12 month Adult Facility Membership at regular price get 20% off the price of the second Adult Facility Membership. Coupon valid: SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 1993 NOTE: Limit 1 coupon per family. FAMILY POOL MEMBERSHIP Buy a 1 m= Family Pool Membership and receive one (1) extra week FREE ADMISSION. NOTE: Limit i coupon per family. This coupon entitles you to one T SHINNY during any Friday Adult Shinny time slot at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Coupon valid: OCTOBER 993 YOUTH POOL MEMBERSHIP Buy a 12 month Membership by December 30, 1993 and receive 1096 discount off the advertised fee. YOUTH FACILITY �. MEMBERSHIP Buy a 12 month Youth Facility Membership at regular price and get "% off a second Youth Facility Membership. Coupon Valid: SEp'rEMBER - DECEMBER 1993 NOTE: Limit i coupon per family. YOUTH POOL MEMBERSHIP Buy a 1 m= Family Pool Membership and receive one (1) extra week FREE ADMISSION. NOTE: Limit i coupon per family. This coupon entitles you to one FREE PUBLIC_ SKA on any Saturday at the Darlington Sports Complex. Coupon valid: MARCH 1994 FAMILY POOL MEMBERSHIP Buy a 12 month Membership by December 30, 1993 and receive a 1096 discount off the advertised fee.