HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-15-93THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: JULY 5, 1993 Report #: - —� File #: Subject: NATURAL OUTDOOR ICE RINKS Recommendations: File # Res. # – 4% By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following; 1. THAT Report CS -15 -93 be received; and 2. THAT the volunteer representative for each of the four natural ice rink committees be advised of Council's decisions and be congratulated and thanked for their contribution. ----------------------------------------------------- 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Following the submission of Report CS -03 -92 to the January 6,1992 General Purpose and Administration Committee staff were directed through Resolution GPA -43 -92 "to contact various groups in preparation for the 1993 ice skating season to determine if there are volunteers willing to come forward and assist in the preparation and maintenance of outdoor skating rinks." Report CS -41 -92 to the December 7, 1992 General Purpose and Administration Committee advised of the action taken and recommended that the natural outdoor ice rink program be undertaken by the volunteers in Stuart Park, Courtice; Burketon Park and Waverly Park, Bowmanville. Following our Report to Council a fourth group indicated interest and were assisted with a rink at the former Bowmanville Memorial Arena site on Queen Street. Council ../2 REPORT CS-15-93 ® 2 ® JULY 5, 1993 members were advised by memo of the group and action taken on their behalf. 2.0 REPORT: 2.1 The four rinks were installed from late December through early January. The volunteers were advised when the rinks were installed and began to flood soon after. 2.2 In speaking with the volunteers and through observations skating was available per location for the following estimated days. LOCATION APPROXIMATE DAYS OF USE Stuart Park 55 days Burketon Park 70 days Waverly Park 40 days Bowmanville Memorial Arena site 50 days * Because of its favourable location and suitable weather the rink could be started earlier and retained later in the season. 2.3 The continual cold and snowy winter weather experienced in the winter of 1993 and the work of the volunteers has extended the natural outdoor rink program over a considerable portion of the winter. All groups found the program successful and worth while. 2.4 The groups reported that the children and other rink users were helpful to the volunteers by regularly clearing the ice of snow and making the fine cleaning and flooding less time consuming. 2.5 The Waverly group expressed the lack of volunteers and the distance from available water was a deterrent to their efforts. With their concurrence it is recommended that their efforts should be combined with the other Bowmanville volunteers to produce one site in the core area of Bowmanville. ../3 i 3.0 FUTURE OF THE PROGRAM: 3.1 Although success was experienced in 1993, it is uncertain if favourable weather conditions will continue in future years, however, it is believed the public appreciates the program and staff feel that the interest shown can be built on to develop a solid core of experienced volunteers. 3.2 The Community Services Department's continued role will be to identify potential volunteers; to assist the volunteers to organize; provide the rink location; provide insurance to the public and the volunteers; provide initial setup and storage of materials and act as liaison with third parties such as school boards. 3.3 The volunteers will be responsible to organize themselves; solicit new volunteers; train volunteers and assign tasks; supervise the rinks; work with the Town in applying policy and rules of operation and to provide equipment. 4.0 SUMMARY: 4.1 Staff have observed that the Stuart Park rink and the former Bowmanville Memorial Arena site were regularly cleaned and showed signs of regular use. The Waverly site was well maintained until midway through the season at which time only portions of the rink were regularly cleaned. Burketon maintained its rink until late in the season when the park naturally flooded to provide a large natural skating rink. Staff support the continuation of the Outdoor Natural Ice Rink Program. 4.2 The outdoor natural ice rink program is judged by the volunteers to be worthwhile and should be continued. The action of these volunteers working cooperatively to achieve ../4 REPORT CS -15 -93 - 4 - JULY 5® 1993 set goals has obvious benefits to the community which the citizens and the Town appreciate and encourage. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Josep P. Caruana, erector Lawrence E. Ko eff, Depa ment of Community Services Chief Adminis r tive Officer JPCeJDC:dm