HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-07-93Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CS -07 -93 be received; 2. THAT Council take no further action on the request received from the Durham Rowing Club; and 3. THAT Mr. Withers of the Durham Rowing Club be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Correspondence (Attachment No.1) was received by Council at its January 25, 1993 meeting from Mr. Scott Withers on behalf of the Durham Rowing Club, requesting" the Town of Newcastle join forces with the D.R.C. and the City of Oshawa in the process of making the idea of a boat house in Darlington Provincial Park a reality ". The matter was referred to the Director of Community Services to review and report back. 2.0 DURHAM ROWING CLUB: 2.1 Staff met with Mr. Scott Withers and Mr. Michael Maher both executives of the Club to discuss their request of Council and to learn about their activities. The Club has approximately 45 members composed of high school and college students who are interested in rowing racing shells. We are advised, ../2 REPORT NO. CS -07 -93 2 _ MAY 17, 1993 traditionally, 5 to 7 members are from Town of Newcastle. The club has one - 8 man and five - 4 man rowing shells and train both in McLaughlin Bay in Darlington Provincial Park and on Perry. Lake Scugog near Port The Club is financed by its annual membership fee of $85.00 and a Club operated Bingo run once a year under a City of Oshawa license. Their activities with the students start in April and are completed in early June with a "trip to the Canadian Secondary School Championship Regatta in St. Catherines ". 2.2 Lake Scugog is the preferred training facility as the waters are usually calm and long distance rowing can be practised in preparation for competition, however, most members have trouble obtaining transportation to Lake Scugog and subsequently McLaughlin Bay is used as an alternative training site. The Bay is close to Oshawa where the majority Of members find it easier to reach, even though the water area is too small for adequate training. 3.0 DURHAM ROWING CLUB ISSUE: 3.1 The Club in its communication and request to Council was vague as to the nature of assistance being sought. At the meeting with staff the issue was clarified. Currently, the Club must transport their .40 ft. long rowing shells to the Bay each day. Upon arrival the shells must be rigged with oar locks and seats prior to use. The procedure of transporting and rigging/ gg g unri in takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours away from each practise subsequently the Club is seeking approval to construct a boat house facility on Mclaughlin Bay. The Club has previously approached Darlington Provincial Park staff who have advised them of Ministry Policy. It was the Club's intention to solicit Council support in hope that Council might have some influence with the Province. ../3 r, REPORT NO. CS -07 -93 _ 3 MAY 17, 1993 4.0 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY: 4.1 Staff have spoken with Mr. Dave Dunnigan, Park Supervisor to determine constraints affecting the Club's request. We are advised by Mr. Dunnigan that policy has been established to ensure the Park is available to meet the needs and best interests of the majority of the public. He stated that to allow permanent or private facilities in the Park will to some degree limit access or reduce the quality of the experience to other Park users. He advised further, that a concession if granted to one user, must be granted to all which eventually could curtail everyones enjoyment and experience. 5.0 OSHAWA'S POSITION: 5.1 The City of Oshawa has communicated with the Club for several years regarding a boat house facility on McLaughlin Bay. They have investigated the possibility of locating a boat house on lands belonging to the Park, City of Oshawa and General Motors who all own frontage on the Bay. While the city fully supports the goals and activities of the Club, their staff do not support or recommend a boat house as requested. 6.0 ALTERNATIVESL 6.1 The Club is aware of the Ministry's position and further they have been advised the Town has no authority in any Provincial matter. In light of this, during our discussions it was suggested that the existing trailer might be converted to allow the shell rigging to remain in place while in storage or transport. The trailer might be designed by covering the outside frame to provide needed security. The Rowing Club Executive indicated that these were viable alternatives worthy of further study in the likelihood their request for storage is denied. ../4 /U REPORT 1993 7.0 SUMMARY: 7.1 Staff concur with the position of the Ministry of Natural Resource. Mr. Dunnigan's position was explicit in the that the Park be reserved for the exclusive use of the day and overnight visitors and not be allowed to become a storage area for periodic and occasional users. While the Community Services staff supports the Clubs goals, activities and use of McLaughlin Bay we are unable to recommend Council's endorsement of the Clubs' request to construct a boat house on the Bay. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, jose P. Caruana, Director Lawrence E. K seff, Dep�a�rtment of Community Services Chief Admini t tive Officer JPC:JDC:sa COUNCIL DIRECTION ! • ATTACHMENT NO. 1 December 3,1992 DURHAM Jai; 13 11 45 Ah 93 DEC 15 1992 Diane Hamr e TpIpN Or fdEWCASTLE Mayor, Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St . P:IIi 'l 0rt S 0. FILE Bowmanville,Ont. Dear Mayor Hamre I am writing to you on behalf of the Durham Rowing Club. We are a community based amateur sports club based in Durham Region. The purpose of the D.R.C. 'is to foster the sport of rowing both competitive and recreational throughout the region. For the last two years D.R.C. has operated a Highschool rowing program with four Oshawa schools participating. The schools perform their "on the water" training at Darlington Provincial Park. Training for highschools begins in April and ends in early June. Traditionally most schools end their competitive season with a trip to the Canadian Secondary School Championship Regatta in St. Catharines Ont. which is held during the first weekend of June every year. It is our hope that a permanent facility could be constructed within Darlington Park for the purpose of storing rowing equipment in close proximity to the water. This "boathouse" would dramatically increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the rowing programs as well as allow for it's expansion to include schools in the Town of Newcastle. At present D.R.C. is forced to transport all rowing equipment to and from the training site every time a crew gets on the water. This is a very involved process which wastes time and energy as well as creates an increased level of wear and tear on very sophisticated and expensive equipment. As president of the Durham Rowing Club and a resident of Newcastle Village, I formally ask the Town of Newcastle to join forces with the D.R.C. and the City of Oshawa in the process of making the idea of a boathouse in Darlington Provincial Park a reality. We at the D.R.0 look forward to an opportunity to meet with you or your staff to discuss this proposed venture i rt_herdLL- eta_i.I- . -,i..= in the near ,future. V i Scott Withers Pres - ent Durham w ng C 1 Durham Rowing Club, P.O. Box 743, Oshawa, Ontario C1 H 7M9