HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-002-12 Clarington REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 23, 2012 Resolution#: - —1 By-law#: Report#: COD-002-12 File#: Subject: PROCESS FOLLOWED FOR SURVEYS: STRATEGIC PLAN & MEDIA HABITS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-002-12 be received for information; and 2. THAT all interested parties listed in Report COD-002-12 be advised of Council's decision. : Submitted by: Reviewed by: 4a;rde Marano Franklin Wu, Director of Corporate Chief Administrative Officer Services M M/gi CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: COD-002-12 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND At the December 5 2011 meeting Council passed the following resolution: "THAT Correspondence Item D-2 from Jim Richards and the delegation of Ron Collis, be referred to staff for a report outlining details of the process followed for the undertaking of the Strategic Plan Survey and the Media Habits Survey, if they were the sole sourced or tendered and the associated costs." 2. INFORMATION REQUESTED: The following questions were raised in the correspondence received from Mr. Richards, and/or in his delegation to Council: 1. What was the stated purpose of each of these polls? 2. What were the final results of these polls? 3. Will these findings be acted upon? 4. How much money was spent on each of these polls? 5. What budget paid for these polls? 6. Did Council as a whole vote to source these polls? 7. Did the contracts go out for bids, or were they single-sourced? 8. Who made that decision? 9. Who authorized these expenditures? 10.Did the Mayor declare a conflict? 3. RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS: A. STRATEGIC PLAN SURVEY 1. The purpose of the Strategic Plan survey was outlined and approved by report CAO-002-11 Municipality of Clarington — Strategic Plan (attachment #1), and followed up with the status of the draft strategic plan in CAO-003-11 Municipality of Clarington — Draft Strategic Plan (attachment#2). Report CAO-002-11 notes: "A public opinion survey company will be engaged to develop a series of questions and to seek the views and opinions from these external stakeholders." 2. The results of the polls were referenced in the CAO's final report which adopted the Strategic Plan, CAO-004-11 Municipality of Clarington — Final Draft Strategic Plan (attachment #3). That report identified that the citizen survey results from Collis & Reed Research was helpful in laying the foundation in the formulation of the framework of the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was attached to the report and it was approved by Council on June 20, 2011. 3. The findings of the survey formed the basis of the Strategic Plan, approved by Council on June 20, 2011. The specific recommendations contained within the plan and are subject to Council approval through the annual budget exercise, or by resolution of Council on an individual basis. REPORT NO.: COD-002-12 PAGE 3 4. The Strategic Plan survey estimated cost was approved in CAO-002-11 at approximately $15-20,000. The final cost of this survey was $7,000 plus HST. 5. Report CAO-002-11 section 6, identified the funding source as the Professional Fee Reserve Account. Also the CAO verbally advised Council in the discussion on report CAO-002-11, that the Professional Fees Reserve Account would fund the cost identified in the report. 6. Council approved the undertaking of the survey in approval of CAO-002-11, and endorsed the undertaking and results in subsequent reports CAO-003-11 and CAO-004-11. 7. The survey did not require competitive bids. The Purchasing By-law provides the following related to Consulting and Professional Services: Section 73"Where it is estimated that the Cost of Consulting and Professional Services will be less than $30,000 and funds are allocated in the approved budget, the Department may obtain the services, provided that if the requested services are engineering or related services referred to in the AECOM agreement, the Director of Engineering Services shall be consulted before the services are purchased." Section 74 "Where it is estimated that the Cost of Consulting and Professional Services will be more than $30,000, and funds are allocated in the approved budget, the Purchasing Manager shall issue an RFP and, in consultation with the Department Head, shall submit a report to Committee providing a list of Bid amounts received with a recommendation for award." 8. The decision to contract with Collis-Reed was made by the CAO after consideration of the local expertise and community knowledge, as permitted under the Purchasing By-law, and approved by Council through CAO-002-11. 9. The expenditures were authorized with the approval of CAO-002-11 which specified the funding source as the Professional Fee Reserve Account. 10.The Mayor's pecuniary interest with respect to Report CAO-002-11 was noted in the January 24 GPA minutes as follows: Mayor Foster declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Report CAO- 002-11 as he has a close personal relationship with a principal of one of the companies which may be considered to contract for work on the Plan. Mayor Foster left the room and did not participate in discussions and voting on this matter. Deputy Mayor Novak chaired this portion of the agenda. Resolution #GPA-049-11 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report CAO-002-11 be received; and That Council endorse the Strategic Planning Process as provided for in Report CAO-002-11. At the January 31 Council meeting, it was noted as follows: Mayor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item #14 of Report #1 as he has a close personal relationship with a principal of one of the companies which may be considered to contract for work on the REPORT NO.: COD-002-12 PAGE 4 Strategic Plan and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this item. Deputy Mayor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. Item #14 Resolution #C-059-11 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CAO-002-11 be received; and That the Strategic Planning Process as provided for in Report CAO-002- 11 be endorsed. "CARRIED" B. MEDIA HABITS SURVEY 1. The purpose of the Media Habits survey was to gain insight as to where Clarington residents get their news. This is useful in determining how municipal advertising dollars are spent as well as identifying the most reliable method of communicating with our target audience (residents, businesses, tourists, etc.).. 2. The survey results are still being analyzed although preliminary results suggest • Men watch television slightly less than women • People who are 51 years of age and older still get their news by reading newspapers • People who are 50 years of age and younger get their news via the internet • Majority of people who indicated they listened to the radio did so between 5:00 to 9:00 AM. 3. The final results and conclusions from the survey will be used in the developing and formulating the corporate communications strategy and plan that is underway, as one of the goals identified in the Strategic Priority: Connecting Clarington. 4. The cost of the Media Habits survey was $3,800 plus HST and approximately $500 for promotion of the survey opportunity, through post cards and advertisement. 5. The Communications & Tourism budget under Corporate Services, paid for the survey; Design account for the survey; Printing account for the post card promotion of the survey; and Advertising account for the advertising and promotion. 6. In approval of the Strategic Plan through report CAO-004-11 Council as a whole endorsed the principle of a survey as identified under the Connecting Clarington goal to improve communication (page 10 of the Strategic Plan). REPORT NO.: COD-002-12 PAGE 5 7. As noted under item 7 above, the survey did not require competitive bids in accordance with the provisions of the Purchasing By-law. 8. Consistent with practice and the Purchasing By-law provisions, the decision to contract Collis-Reed was made by the Manager of Communications & Tourism after consideration of the community data/intelligence residing with the local firm. 9. The authorization was within the approval authority of the Manger of Communications & Tourism. 10.The Mayor was not involved in the decision of service provider for the Media Habits survey. 4. CONCURRENCE - Not applicable 5. CONCLUSION The surveys above were undertaken in accordance with Municipal practice, budget, and policy, with approvals by Council as appropriate. It is recommended that the report be received for information. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: x Promoting economic development x Maintaining financial stability x Connecting Clarington x Promoting green initiatives x Investing in infrastructure x Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services Attachments: Attachment 1 - Report CAO-002-11 Municipality of Clarington — Strategic Plan Attachment 2 - Report CAO-003-11 Municipality of Clarington — Draft Strategic Plan Attachment 3 - Report CAO-004-11 Municipality of Clarington — Final Draft Strategic Plan REPORT NO.: COD-002-12 PAGE 6 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Jim Richards, Ron Collis, Collis-Reed ATTACHMENT#1 Leading the Way CHIEF REPURT 1 I I OFFICER Meeting: GPA Date: January 24, 2011 Resolution#: G'R4"04(9- 11 By-law#: NIA Report#: CAO-002-11 File#: Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - STRATEGIC PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Report CAO-002-11 be received; and 2. That Council endorse the Strategic Planning Process as provided for in Report CAO- 002-11. r Submitted by: �— ` �- Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F(905)623-0720 REPORT NO.: CAO-002-11 PAGE 2 REPORT: 1. What is Strategic Planning? Strategic planning is essentially the process of determining a municipality's long term vision and goals, which !ay the foundation for the development of an action plan to implement these goals. 2. Why do a Strategic Plan? There are many reasons for developing such a Plan. The reasons that are more relevant to local government include: a) Developing a collective vision — particularly critical as we expect Clarington to continue to grow b) Planning for the Future— our future will involve changes and a strategic planning process can identify both the internal and external forces influencing changes c) Maximizing resources — as a management tool, a strategic plan provides a useful framework to enable effective resource deployment d) Establishing a framework for other plans —the Strategic plan will be the umbrella document that guides the development of other plans such as the Official Plan, community plans, capital work plan, departmental master plan, etc. e) Communicating priorities — citizens benefit from understanding the municipality's priorities and decisions as articulated through its vision and goals 3. What was the past experience of Strategic Planning in Clarington? a) The first Strategic/Business Plan for Clarington was initiated and completed shortly after the new Council was elected in 2001. Subsequent Plans were developed coinciding with every new term of council in 2004 and in 2007. b) In the development of each of the past three strategic/Business plans, the planning process as well as the facilitation was led by the CAO. The process was entirely internal and the Plan was jointly developed by Council members and senior management staff. 4. What are the basic steps involved in developing'a new Strategic Plan for the Municipality? The following six step process is generally used by local government in the planning process involved in the development of a Municipal Strategic Plan. The process is streamlined with emphasis on producing the Plan in a relatively short time frame. The six steps are: Step 1 Obtain input from citizens Step 2 Develop a vision and a mission statement REPORT NO.: CAO-002-11 PAGE 3 Step 3 Develop strategic goals and objectives Step 4 Develop strategic initiatives Step 5 Develop an action plan to implement the strategic initiatives Step 6 Develop a follow up system to track and/or measure performance 5. Who would be involved in the development of the strategic planning exercise, and what is the time frame related to each step? Step 1 —Obtain Input from the Citizens This involves seeking input from the citizens. A public opinion survey company will be engaged to develop a series of questions, and to seek the views and opinions from these external stakeholders. The results will be analyzed and will serve as valuable information prior to the commencement of the next step. This is a critical step, without which the subsequent works on the strategic plan could run the risk of a total or partial disconnect with the views of the citizens. Estimated timeline: Completion by early March Steps 2 —4 All members of council, CAO and department heads will devote at least one full day brainstorming session to develop the Strategic Plan. The session will be facilitated by an external facilitator who will also be charged with the responsibility of gathering, synthesizing the information developed through the brainstorming session and to develop the mission statement, goals and strategic initiatives. Estimated timeline: Session is scheduled for March 10th, 2011 at the Courtice Community Complex. The draft Strategic Plan will be completed within four (4) weeks of the session. Steps 5 - 6 The same facilitator will lead the department heads to draft an Action'Plan in order to implement the proposed strategic initiatives. This involves a one day session to be held on April 13, 2011. Estimated timeline: The Strategic Plan and accompanying Action Plan will be submitted to Council by end of April, 2011. REPORT NO.: CAO-002-11 PAGE 4 6. What is the cost of developing the Strategic Plan? The cost of the citizen survey, facilitation and completion of the Plan will be approximately $15-20,000. As this is a one-time cost, funds will be drawn from the Professional Fee Reserve Account and therefore would not affect the annual operating budget. Conclusion The CAO will coordinate the works of all those involved and ensure that the Strategic Plan will be completed in a timely fashion. ATTACHMENT#2 • Qading the Way CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: May 25, 2011 Resolution#: CON-3 b'G- t By-law#: NIA Report M CAO-003-11 File#: Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON --DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Report CAO-003-11 be received; and 2. That the Draft Strategic Plan be approved subject to any changes that may be made by the Committee. Submitted by.( Franklin Wu, M.A.O.M Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(906)623-3379 F (905)623-0720 REPORT NO.: CAO-003-11 PAGE 2 i REPORT: i i 1. On February 1, 2011, Council approved proceeding with the preparation of a Strategic Plan. As part of the process, Council and Senior Staff attended a brainstorming session on March 10, 2011, With the assistance of a professional facilitator, the group was able to develop a draft mission statement and identify several priorities. 2. In accordance to the process established in Report CAO-00211, the facilitator led the Department Heads to elaborate on the priorities which consist of developing a set of objectives related to each priority. Strategies and/or actions were identified to implement each objective. The aforementioned works took two full days on April 13th, 2011 and May 4t", 2011. 3. The result was the completion of a draft document with sufficient details suitable for review and further discussion by Council Members. A copy of the draft document was provided to Members of Council earlier under separate cover. Our May 25th meeting will be facilitated by Mr. Peter Spratt. 4. Subject to any change that Members of Council may desire and agree to by the majority of Council Members, Mr. Spratt will incorporate the changes to produce the final document for Council's approval. ATTACHMENT#3 REIJOKT CHIEF• Leading the Way ADMINISTRATIVE Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: June 13, 2011 Resolution#: d M— x'37- it By-law#: N/A Report#: CAO-004-11 File#: Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON -- FINAL DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN' RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Report CAO-004-11 be received; 2. That the Final Draft of the Strategic Plan be approved; and 3. That the CAO provide an annual status report on the progress of the implementation of the Strategic Plan commencing in mid 2012. Submitted b Y { Franklin Wu, M.A.O.M. Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-0720 REPORT NO.: CAO-004-11 PAGE 2 REPORT: 1. Background 1.1 On February 1, 2011, Council approved proceeding with the preparation of a Strategic Plan and endorsed a process leading to the completion of the Plan. The intent of this initiative is to provide a road map to guide the business decisions of the Municipality for the duration of the present term of Council. 1.2 The development of the Strategic Plan includes two key components. The first component involved engaging Collis and Reed Research to conduct a citizen survey. The results were helpful in laying the foundation in the formulation of the framework of the Strategic Plan. 1.3 The second component involved a series of four separate full day workshops facilitated by Mr. Peter Spratt of ROGG Consultant. The first workshop was attended by all members of council and senior staff. At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants agreed on the Vision of the Plan, developed a draft Mission Statement, and most important of all, identified several key initiatives. 1.4 Senior Staff then attended two workshops to develop the goals for each initiative as well as identify the strategic actions that are necessary to implement the goals. As economic development was identified as the top initiative, the Executive Director of the Clarington Board of Trade was invited to the workshop. 1.5 The fourth and last workshop was held on May 25 when the participants of the first workshop reassembled. The purpose was to review the details of all the strategic actions drafted by the senior staff. The facilitator guided everyone through the review process and incorporated the changes suggested by the group. The result is the Final Draft which is appended to this report. REPORT NO.: CAO-004-11 PAGE 3 2. Comments 2.1 A significant amount of time and effort has gone into the preparation of the Strategic Plan. Judging by the active participation by all, it was a very positive experience as evidenced by the collaboration and frank discussion at the workshops. 2.2 Now that we know what we desire to do, the next step would involve the implementation of the various strategic actions as per the timeline identified. This next step represents a significant challenge to the Municipality as it would ultimately test the commitment and willingness to make the Plan work. 2.3 A Strategic Plan is not a static document. It must be reviewed regularly and be flexible to reflect those unforeseen circumstances that may hamper its implementation. In this regard, it is suggested that the Plan be reviewed annually through a progress or status report so that changes to the strategic actions can be made if necessary. 3. Rolling Out the Plan 3.1 The appended Final Draft contains the information that are necessary for Council to approve, but is not quite ready for publication. The content of the Final Draft would need to be type set, properly formatted, and be printed professionally. Our staff in the Communication and Marketing Division will undertake this task. Our goal is to have the Plan printed and roll it out around mid-July. r� '� Xr �F iar ,r � t � � t _ t�•� i Final Draft June 3, 2011 RQCG gloLa1 comultants...1n:yE esl csmncr. IN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 Introduction: FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 The Municipality of Clarington has embarked upon the development of a Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The purpose of this plan is to provide strategic direction and a road map for Council and Staff in setting and addressing Clarington's priorities over the next four years and beyond. Process 1. Collis & Reed Research Inc. gathered input on priorities for Clarington through community consultation conducted in February 2011, (separate report). 2. Members of Council and Senior Staff were interviewed to identify expectations and confirm key deliverables within the CSP, (March 1-8, 2011) 3. Workshop #1: Council & Senior Staff reviewed and modified Clarington's current Mission, Vision, and reached consensus on Strategic Priorities, (March 10, 2011) 4. Workshop #2: Senior Staff identified Goals in alignment with the Strategic Priorities, (April 13, 2011) 5. Workshop #3: Senior Staff developed Strategies to address the Goals, (May 4, 2011) 6. Workshop #4: Council & Senior Staff reached consensus on the Mission, and reviewed and modified the draft Plan of Action: Goals, Measures & Strategies, (May 25, 2011) ROCG -2- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 Mission... our primary, daily focus, what the community expects of us. "Committed to leadership, respect, and the delivery of quality services" (Reached by consensus, May 25, 2099) Vision...identifying our hopes and dreams for the future of our community. "Building a sustainable, creative, caring community, (Reached by consensus, March 90, 209 9) Guiding Principles...how we will conduct business, principles for decision-making Guiding principles tend to be unique to different departments. Agreement was reached that individual departments will continue to establish their own guiding principles for purposes of decision-making. (Existing practice confirmed by consensus, March 90, 209 9) ROCO -3- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRA r. JUNE 3, 2011 Strategic Priorities...where we need to focus our energy and resources Council and Senior Staff identified the following emerging themes as priorities for the next four years and beyond. ct Promoting economic development Rf Maintaining financial stability 0 Connecting Clarington Rf Promoting green initiatives • Investing in infrastructure • Showcasing our community Plan of Action...how we will address these priorities Goals, measures & strategies Clip ROCG -4- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 Strategic Priority: Promote Economic Development Goals -• C 1. Expedite business/ industrial park development • Serviced land inventory • Building permits: number and square footage Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Collaborate with Region to expedite servicing of Engineering Future budget implications: (e.g. Ongoing industrial parks, including the science &technology servicing study) park and the energy park Political champions: Council & partners in senior level government 1.2 Investigate alternative methods of-financing Finance Not identified at this time 2011 services in industrial parks 1.3 Complete EA study for Baseline Road Engineering Capital budget 2012 1.4 Encourage public/private partnerships to front-end Municipality Not identified at this time Ongoing the costs of servicing strategically selected parcels CBOT of land to relieve the pressure on the inventory of shovel-ready sites 1.5 Ease processing of industrial development Planning Not identified at this time Ongoing applications ROCG -5- 7 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 Strategic Priority: Promote Economic Development Goals As -• 2. Attract new businesses and retain existing businesses to . Property assessment: proportion residential vs non- improve/increase non-residential assessment growth and residential (ratio, percent) employment opportunities . Number of jobs created • Consultation • Regular progress reporting by CBOT Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 2.1 Create a small business advisory committee to CBOT Not identified at this time 2011 focus on small business development 2.2 Develop a handbook to support small business Planning Not identified at this time 2011 development 2.3 Enhance pre-consultation process to be more Planning Not identified at this time 2011 effective in communicating and educating businesses in development requirements 2.4 Ensure positive messaging is reaching our Municipality Not identified at this time 2011 stakeholders 2.5 Undertake a review of municipal processes and Planning Additional staff&operating budget 2012 regulations to identify opportunities to streamline development application process 2.6 Explore the feasibility of a business development CAO Additional staff 2013 facilitator position to assist businesses in working through the municipality's processes 2.7 Continue the relationship with the CBOT for the Municipality Not identified at this time Ongoing provision of economic development services on behalf of the Municipality ROCG -6- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAr r: JUNE 3, 2011 2.8 Continue to investigate incentives for new Finance Not identified at this time Ongoing development 2.9 Enhance and expand use of community CBOT & Not identified at this time Ongoing ambassadors to promote economic development Municipality 2.10 Explore BIA initiatives for downtown Municipality Project dependent Ongoing redevelopment such as community improvement plans 2.11 Improve appearance of existing industrial areas Municipality Project dependent Ongoing ROCG -7- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 1. Achieve tax rate stability Annual tax rate fluctuation Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility ' Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Build awareness around reasonable expectations to Municipality Not identified at this time Ongoing match service level wishes 1.2 Examine the feasibility to establish a policy limiting Finance Not identified at this time 2012 rate variances 1.3 Define and establish service levels by category and All Departments 2012 function (e.g. fire fighting services, snow removal services, etc.) 1.4Establish policies, procedures and rationalization for Finance Additional staff 2013 changes to levels of services ROCG -$- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: .TUNE 3, 2011 Strategic • Stability Goals - -• 3. Develop policies for long-term financial health • Development of two policies/guidelines: 1. Reserve funds management 2. Debt management Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 3.1 Formalize borrowing practices in policy Finance Not identified at this time 2011 3.2 Develop funding guidelines for replenishing reserve Finance Not identified at this time 2013 funds ROCG -9- 2. Expand and consolidate asset replacement strategy . Completion of an Asset Condition Assessment • Prioritized plan of replacement Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 2.1 Complete corporate wide building condition survey; All Departments Operating budget (technology) Ongoing include age, replacement cost, expected operational life span, risk assessment 2.2 Prioritize corporate wide asset inventory Finance Not identified at this time 2012 replacement 2.3 Provide adequate funding for asset replacement; Council Capital &operating budgets 2013 annual funding allocation Strategic • Stability Goals - -• 3. Develop policies for long-term financial health • Development of two policies/guidelines: 1. Reserve funds management 2. Debt management Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 3.1 Formalize borrowing practices in policy Finance Not identified at this time 2011 3.2 Develop funding guidelines for replenishing reserve Finance Not identified at this time 2013 funds ROCG -9- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 1. Improve communication ® Citizen, business and staff feedback(surveys, cards) • Comments received from blog/website postings Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Develop a comprehensive, proactive Corporate Additional staff and/or external 2011-2013 communication strategy including all forms of Services resources media, technology, and community engagement 1.2 Encourage and support staff in becoming All Departments Not identified at this time Ongoing ambassadors for the Municipality(i.e. re-establish and enhance programs such as High Five and Customer Services Program) 1.3 Conduct regular update of community data. Ensure Corporate Not identified at this time Ongoing data collected and communicated is timely, Services accurate and accessible 1.4 Ensure two-way communication is enhancing Corporate Operating budget 2012 understanding of issues, proposed solutions, and Services accomplishments ROCG -10- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 •. W W. 1. Reduce the Municipality's energy consumption Regular reporting ® Dedicated resources ® #of buildings retrofitted • Energy savings and consumption data Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Prioritize and communicate Energy Management Energy Not identified at this time Underway Plan recommendations and suggest implementation Management process Committee 1,2 Develop financing strategy to ensure Finance Project dependent Ongoing recommendations are corporately supported and implemented 1.3 Develop LEED policy for municipal buildings Energy Not identified at this time 2012 Management Committee ROCG - 3 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRA r: JUNE 3, 2011 MEM - • • • • - • Citizen survey 2. Create a culture of`going green' • Waste diversion • Transit use, including carpooling • Energy consumption data • LEED certified building permits • Changes to carbon footprint • Number of hybrid /alternative fuel vehicles Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen?) 2.1 Continue Green Committee for Clarington Planning Additional staff resources &operating 2011-2012 budget 2.2 Develop municipal buildings waste reduction Community Operating budget(green bins) 2011 program Services & Operations 2.3 Develop community participation programs Operations Additional staff resources Ongoing 2.4 Collaborate with Region of Durham climate change CAO Additional staff resources 2011 initiatives 2.5 Involve all staff in development of corporate green CAO Additional staff resources 2013 culture and then encourage promotion by all ROCG -12- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 71Expand and integrate transportation network 7- Kilometers ls of service of trails added • Continuous kilometers of trails Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Improve traffic management by updating and Engineering Capital budget 2012 expanding traffic data collection 1.2 Develop a comprehensive transportation master Engineering Capital budget 2012 plan that reviews all modes of transportation (i.e. vehicular, cycling, pedestrian) on our roads, sidewalks, and trails (including multi-lane paths) 1.3 Implement transportation master plan Engineering Capital &operating budgets (external 2013 resources) MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL.DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 3. Advocate, influence, and lobby senior levels of government Project specific metrics: to invest in infrastructure programs Number of projects/programs awarded R®CG - 14- • $ Value of projects/ programs awarded Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 3.1 Promote Provincial investment in Hwy 407 Council Not identified at this time Ongoing extension 3.2 Promote Provincial investment in GO extension Council Not identified at this time Ongoing 3.3 Promote Provincial investment in Hwy 401 corridor Council Not identified at this time Ongoing and interchange improvements 3.4Advocate for further Provincial & Federal Council Not identified at this time Ongoing infrastructure funding and gas tax funding 3.5Promote Regional investment in roads, transit, Council Not identified at this time Ongoing sanitary sewer, and municipal water infrastructure R®CG - 14- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 - • • • o. -• C 14. Develop waterfront parks Project specific metrics: • Number of parks developed • Acreage/hectares developed Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 4.1 Build West Beach park Engineering Capital & operating budgets 2011 4.2 Develop comprehensive strategy for park Engineering Capital & operating budgets 2012 implementation, including provisions for funding of new parks 4.3 Develop conceptual plans with public participation Engineering Capital &operating budgets 2013 4.4 Build Bond Head park Engineering Capital &operating budgets 2014 4.5 Pursue P3 and/or senior government funding Engineering Future budget implications Ongoing opportunities for waterfront park development 4.6 Determine future status of dredging Bowmanville Legal Not identified at this time Ongoing Creek RO CG -15- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 201"1 1. Promote Clarington as a tourism destination • Visitation stats (e.g. $'s spent/revenue) • Web visits/impressions • Brochure consignment Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 1.1 Prepare a comprehensive, long-term tourism Corporate Operating budget f community/ 2013 marketing strategy/master plan Services business partners 1.2 Continue to promote special events with community Corporate BIAs, community groups, private Ongoing &tourism partners Services & sector donations Operations ROCG -16- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: JUNE 3, 2011 - . • • • • MIMI 2. Improve the visual appearance of the Municipality. • Gateway enhancements completed • Complaints received • Ratings from 1t Impressions Program • Number of partnerships (e.g. Pitch-In) • Number of new programs introduced • Citizen surveys Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 2.1 Improve appearance of all Municipal buildings Operations & Capital budget 2011 Community Services 2.2 Explore opportunities for boulevard/median Operations Capital &operating budgets 2012 beautification and maintenance work with community partners 2.3 Create gateways for each urban area Engineering Capital &operating budgets Ongoing 2.4 Improve road-side environment through by-law Clerks Capital &operating budgets Ongoing enforcement 2.5 Continue to support and enhance Clarington Corporate Not identified at this time Ongoing Blooms Services 2.6 Explore opportunities to enhance uniform banner Operations Operating budget Ongoing program ROCG -17- MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 FINAL DRAFT: .JUNE 3, 2011 3. Promote our heritage (historical, cultural, agricultural, etc.) • Publications produced & distributed • Web visits/impressions • Feedback via social media • Special events • Participation levels Strategies: (How will we achieve these goals?) Responsibility Additional Resources Start ho will lead? hat will it take to accomplish this? hen? 3.1 Explore possibility of`Buy Local' program for CBOT Not identified at this time 2011 agricultural produce 3.2 Establish a position on Camp 30 Planning Not identified at this time 2012 3.3 Facilitate all BIAs working together on Clarington- Council/BIA Not identified at this time Ongoing wide initiatives liaison 3.4 Continue to assist local groups to apply for senior- Engineering & Not identified at this time Ongoing level government grants Operations 3.5 Continue to support and promote cultural initiatives Community Not identified at this time Ongoing (e.g. Doors Open) Services & Corporate Services ROCG - 18-