HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-16Orono DBIA Meeting Minutes June 16, 2022 In attendance: Gavin Chair, Karen Terrens Wellness, Jeff Orono Amateur Athletic Association (OAAA), Perry Orono Town Hall Board, Marg Local Councillor, Julie Orono Weekly Times, Sam Legion, Shelly Orono Events Committee, Brian Citizen, Lori Citizen, Doran Hoge Climate Change Response Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington Gavin and Karen opened with a review of the agenda for today's meeting. Karen took all the Orono Swag previously held by the OCC (Orono Community Collective) to her store (ie: tshirts, postcards, Orono Anniversary Books) to be shared and used by the DBIA for events A discussion was had about rebranding Orono — need a group to come up with ideas for promotional materials ie: tshirts, hats etc. Water tower logo to remain (Melissa has given her permission to use it). New motto "Orono The Place to Be" was posed by Karen and 2nded by Gavin. An open letter has been written to the municipality with a list of wants and needs for Orono ie: sidewalk improvements etc. Flower baskets have been hung, railing planters have been filled — planters to be removed in the fall and painted. Flags to be installed on west side of Main St soon. Perry has spoken to the Orono Town Hall Board and shared the ideas of the DBIA from prior meetings and the need for a partnership. A discussion followed about event possibilities at the Town Hall (ie: Haunted House, Pumpkin Walk, concerts) Julie commented that many events are planned for the Town Hall in 2023 to commemorate their 1251" anniversary. It is hoped that members of the DBIA/community will help plan and volunteer at Town Hall Events Gavin introduced Shelly as the returning lead on the Orono Santa Claus Parade. Shelly is very excited to bring the parade back to town as it was cancelled the last 2 years due to COVID. Lori is going to assist Shelly with parade planning and administration. Shelly is looking for space to hold a pancake breakfast in the fall that will serve as a fundraiser for the parade. She will also be soliciting local businesses for donations. Shelly will be looking for help to decorate the gazebo at the library prior to the community tree decorating, carol signing and the serving of hot chocolate. Idea is to promote the events and recruit volunteers from the community on the Orono FB page (Timothy's area of expertise) closer to the time. It was agreed it would be an ideal opportunity to sell Orono swag (ie: tshirts, toques) at the parade and the tree lighting events Gavin commented that Timothy is doing an excellent job with the social media and website admin. Comments, ideas, questions and feedback from Facebook are shared and responded to in a timely and professional manner. Short discussion about the fair and whether or not to enter a float in the parade if there will be a parade. Ideas on how to spend 'Big Box $' — banners etc — discussion deferred until Frank is in attendance to discuss available funds Suggestion was made to have a volunteer recognition/recruitment event — ask Timothy to post need for community volunteers. More discussion needed on this — where, when etc etc Setting up a domain for ease of group communication is costly. Gavin suggested the use of "What's App" for the group to use as it's free and it's an acceptable platform for both apple and android devices Jeff from the OAAA spoke about the TV's they would like to have to show locker room assignment for sporting events which would also run a feed of local events and promote the downtown shops and businesses. Jeff said the arena is receptive to selling Orono Swag (tshirts, hats etc) from the canteen. The arena needs a new ice resurfacer and edger — cost approx $130,000. They are looking for funds. The car rally raised some $. There is a fund raising committee in place. Gavin suggested a Go fund Me page. Doran gave an overview of the climate work being done, specifically the EV action plan. He was interested in possible locations for EV charging stations which cost about $10,000 each. The municipal parking lot behind the library seemed ideal but there would be a significant cost to upgrade the energy capacity at that location. Gaps in services identified due to infrastructure requirements to being people to town (ie: parking, public washrooms, businesses have limited septic capacity) Idea is to collect enough revenue from the charging stations to offset the costs over time. Gavin suggested the arena as a location. Jeff was receptive to this idea as they have ample parking and hydro capacity. Jeff will run this idea by the fair board. Karen proposed the municipality consider purchasing the vacant lot at the north end of town (previously Mercer's garage, then a brewery was proposed, enviornmentals all done — currently for sale). Karen enthusiastically shared some ideas for the space such as a parking lot, EV charging location, farmer's and crafter's market, Orono Welcome Centre with a community map (an example can be found in nearby Warkworth — see photos), public washrooms etc etc. This would solve A LOT of problems for the downtown businesses, such as parking availability and washroom accessibility. We want to be a clean/green community — attract cyclists (we are on the Greenbelt Route), other groups and travellers to/from cottage country. We have bike racks in storage as there is no where to install them. Karen shared the example of directional poles that point to shops and attractions but also offered pet waste pick-up supplies and disposal to limit waste bags from filling the downtown garbage receptacles and hopefully prevent poo bags from being left on trails and being flung into trees (gross) Karen is to communicate the vision for the town and the potential uses for the vacant lot to Doran who will involve a planner to consider the ideas and discuss the process. Marg proposed opening up closed parking spots on Main Street to provide additional downtown parking — could this free up space to install an EV charging station somewhere? Doran recommended everyone visit the municipal website to learn more about the climate initiatives. Meeting adjourned at 9 am.