HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-16-91 tig-c i, " ""'} ,� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 REPORT 11 ,,,, % * \''t `s . ft IV File #ti)(--) ; , °r` i .' )), •L r, Res. # ,__,Wk, r. 4:;_. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 REPORT #: CS-16-91 FILE #: SU CT: DISPOSITION / RETENTION OF TOWN HISTORICAL FURNITURE AND DOCUMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1 . That Report No. CS-16-91 be received; 2 . That the draft policy marked "Schedule A" contained in the Report CS-16-91 be endorsed as Town Policy; and 3 . That the Community Centre Boards be advised of the Town Policy dealing with Town owned furniture, chattels and documents . 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 At the meeting of December 10th, 1990 Council received correspondence from Miss Barbara Baker, Secretary - Treasurer of the Newcastle Library Board dealing with the disposition of surplus furniture left after vacating their location at the Newcastle Community Hall. Subsequently, Council directed that the correspondence be tabled to allow staff the opportunity to prepare a policy regarding historical furniture and Town owned documents . . . /2 REPORT NO. CS-16-91 - 2 - APRIL 22, 1991 1.2 In order to prepare a comprehensive report the communities of Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Port Hope were requested to provide copies of their policies pertaining to protection of historical furniture. Written responses were received from Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax and Port Hope advising that their communities have no policy specific or applicable to the protection of historical furniture. 1 . 3 Other consultations sought were with the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Heritage Administration Branch; the Clarke Museum, the Bowmanville Museum and the Newcastle Historical Society. The Ministry provided a general conservation policy provided through Mr. Charles Taws of the Bowmanville Museum. This policy is designed for use by all community museums in Ontario. Initial input was received from the two Curators on behalf of their respective museums . 2.0 LIBRARY FURNITURE: 2 . 1 The trust which donated the Newcastle Community Hall to the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle identified that in addition to other uses, the building was dedicated for the purpose of a library and reading room. The library furniture referred to in Miss Baker's correspondence is believed to be the original furniture donated by the Massey Family in 1923. 2 .2 The majority of the furniture in Miss Baker's correspondence is of the Mission style, characteristic of the early decades of the Twentieth Century. The value in this furniture is not necessarily significant in monetary terms, however the intrinsic value as the original furniture presented with the building is recognized. That value exists only as long as the furniture remains with the building. Every effort should be made to see that the furniture is kept in good repair in its original condition at the Newcastle Village Hall . . ./3 REPORT NO. CS-16-91 - 3 - APRIL 22, 1991 3.0 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS: 3 . 1 As a result of regionalization all historical documents such as deeds, legal descriptions, agreements, leases, minutes of meetings and other documents were to be forwarded to the Town. Even though information and documents were received it is possible some documents have yet to be recovered , although no evidence is available at this time. It is key to the interest of the Town to declare ownership of all documents related to the legal operation of the various Villages, Hamlets and Towns within the Corporation. It will be our intention to encourage the return of any found documents. 4.0 SCOPE OF PROPOSED POLICY: 4 . 1 A meeting was held with both Mr. Tawes and Mr. Jackman to discuss the scope of the proposed policy. Both Curators are of the opinion that their respective museums are well equipped and prepared to accept a co-operative shared advisory responsibility in the cataloguing, conserving and preparing annual condition reports . 4 .2 During the discussion it was identified that the Town possesses many articles worthy of conservation. Some articles have been in Town possession for some time while others have been acquired more recently. Examples of items to be conserved might be the Tower Clock in Newcastle Village Hall, the Master Clock in the Orono Town Hall, the Chinese Vase housed in the Council Chambers, the Mayors Chain of Office and historical photographs such as the official portraits of the Mayors and Reeves affiliated with the Town and its earlier communities . Undoubtedly many other items will be identified. 4 . 3 Specific input and concurrence has been received from Mr. Tawes and Mr. Jackman of the Museum Boards, Mrs . Barrie of the Clerk's Department and Mrs . Birkett of Purchasing Division of the Treasury Department. . ./4 r) REPORT NO. CS-16-91 - 4 - APRIL 22, 1991 5.0 DRAFT POLICY: 5 . 1 A draft policy is submitted as "Attachment A" which outlines the ownership of Town chattels and the procedures to follow to deal with the disposition of furniture and documents . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, i �� � f. diirLe Jos '•h P. Caruana, Director L':'wrenc- . Kotseff Derrtment of Community Services Chief ^ • Qinistrative Officer JPC:JDC:sa ATTACHMENT A OF REPORT NO. CS-16-91 DN: POLICY.DIS CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE P O L I C Y DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIVISION: OPERATIONS SECTION: BUILDINGS SUBJECT: DISPOSITION/RETENTION OF TOWN HISTORICAL FURNITURE AND DOCUMENTS PAGE 1 OF 2. 1.0 DISPOSAL/RETENTION OF FIXED ASSETS: 1.1 All fixed assets purchased for or donated to a Town owned building or Town appointed Board for use in the building shall be the property of the Town and as such shall not be disposed of, given away, removed, donated, exchanged or sold without written approval. 1.2 All requests to dispose, give away, remove, donate, exchange or sell historical fixed assets shall be referred to the Director of Community Services who may, depending upon the nature of the request, seek direction from Council or in concert with the Chief Administrative Officer provide a decision or refer it to the two museum curators for a joint assessment and recommendation. 1.3 Fixed assets shall be considered as possible items worthy of conservation if they fulfil the following criteria: 1.3.1 The item was manufactured or created within the geographic area now known as Newcastle. 1.3.2 The item is a unique example of a particular style and/or period. 1.3.3 The item is representative of a significant event reflecting the history of the Town of Newcastle, the former Townships of Darlington and Clarke or any of the communities found within the Town. 1.3.4 The item is dealing with or belonged to a leading citizen or noteworthy individual who has attained Provincial, National or International recognition. 1.3.5 The item was used in connection with municipally sponsored special events, dedications, openings and ceremonies in the Town of Newcastle or for which some commemorative value is perceived. 1.4 Fixed assets recommended to be retained shall periodically be reported to Council for information. 1.5 Fixed assets to be disposed of shall be in accordance with Town approved Policy and Purchasing By-law 82-96. 2.0 HISTORICAL AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS: 2.1 All deeds, leases, agreements, meeting reports and legal documents related to the Town's affairs is the property of the Town. 2.2 The Town Clerk shall encourage the recovery of any documents deemed important to the Town. . ./2 c P O L I C Y DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIVISION: OPERATIONS SUBJECT: DISPOSITION/RETENTION OF TOWN HISTORICAL FURNITURE AND DOCUMENTS PAGE 2 OF 2. 2.3 At the discretion of the Town Clerk, upon a written request from either Museum Board, documents of an historical nature may be permanently housed in their facilities. 2.4 The Town Clerk will endeavour to share copies of significant documents recovered with appropriate departments. 01 A ATTACHMENT A OF REPORT NO. CS-16-91 DN: POLICY.DIS CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE P O L I C Y DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIVISION: OPERATIONS SECTION: BUILDINGS SUBJECT: DISPOSITION/RETENTION OF TOWN HISTORICAL FURNITURE AND DOCUMENTS PAGE 1 OF 2. 1.0 DISPOSAL/RETENTION OF FIXED ASSETS: 1.1 All fixed assets purchased for or donated to a Town owned building or Town appointed Board for use in the building shall be the property of the Town and as such shall not be disposed of, given away, removed, donated, exchanged or sold without written approval. 1.2 All requests to dispose, give away, remove, donate, exchange or sell historical fixed assets shall be referred to the Director of Community Services who may, depending upon the nature of the request, seek direction from Council or in concert with the Chief Administrative Officer provide a decision or refer it to the two museum curators for a joint assessment and recommendation. 1.3 Fixed assets shall be considered as possible items worthy of conservation if they fulfil the following criteria: 1.3.1 The item was manufactured or created within the geographic area now known as Newcastle. 1.3.2 The item is a unique example of a particular style and/or period. 1.3.3 The item is representative of a significant event reflecting the history of the Town of Newcastle, the former Townships of Darlington and Clarke or any of the communities found within the Town. 1.3.4 The item is dealing with or belonged to a leading citizen or noteworthy individual who has attained Provincial, National or International recognition. 1.3.5 The item was used in connection with municipally sponsored special events, dedications, openings and ceremonies in the Town of Newcastle or for which some commemorative value is perceived. 1.4 Fixed assets recommended to be retained shall periodically be reported to Council for information. 1.5 Fixed assets to be disposed of shall be in accordance with Town approved Policy and Purchasing By-law 82-96. 2.0 HISTORICAL AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS: 2.1 All deeds, leases, agreements, meeting reports and legal documents related to the Town's affairs is the property of the Town. 2.2 The Town Clerk shall encourage the recovery of any documents deemed important to the Town. . ./2 P O L I C Y DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIVISION: OPERATIONS SUBJECT: DISPOSITION/RETENTION OF TOWN HISTORICAL FURNITURE AND DOCUMENTS PAGE 2 OF 2. 2.3 At the discretion of the Town Clerk, upon a written request from either Museum Board, documents of an historical nature may be permanently housed in their facilities. 2.4 The Town Clerk will endeavour to share copies of significant documents recovered with appropriate departments.