HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-17-91 An "° '". TOWN OF NEWCASTLE b -ogr 1. I��:,; �� t REPORT File #4:04 i , CSC ti �)) . - Res. # • =r_?_t By-Law # 'FETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 REPORT #: CS-17-91 FILE #: SUBJECT: ROTARY CLUB PROMOTED TREE PLANTING SOPER CREEK PARK - BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-17-91 be received for information. 1. 0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 In December of 1990, Dr. Pinto representing the Bowmanville Rotary Club approached the Community Services Department seeking the Town's co-operation in promoting and assisting in their "Preserve Planet Earth" program. The Rotary Club seeks to promote the new awareness of the environment and the need for a green future through a series of tree planting programs . To assist, the Town co-operated with their promotion in December 1990 providing two calliper size trees which were planted at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. 2.0 REPORT: 2 . 1 As a result of meetings with representatives of the Rotary Club the Community Services Department offered Soper Creek as a site for tree planting in 1991 and future years . The . . /2 REPORT CS-17-91 - 2 - APRIL 22, 1991 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has similarly offered the Long Sault Conservation Area for tree planting. 2 .2 On Thursday morning May 2nd, 4,000 seedling trees will be planted in Soper Creek Park from Baseline Road to Highway #2 . The seedlings will be restricted to hillsides, embankments and wooded areas where grades prevent grass mowing or where it would be desirable to reforest a deteriorating wooded area. The plan is to involve the school children and other youth groups such as the Boy Scouts in reforestation projects . 2 . 3 The Rotary Club members under the guidance of Community Services Department staff will direct an estimated 120 school children and scouts to plant an average of 25 seedlings each. Each child is being instructed to bring a suitable digging shovel plus rubber boots and rain wear should the ground conditions or weather be wet. 2 .4 The Rotary club will extend a personal invitation to each member of Council. Council is encouraged to participate and support the children with their tasks . Suitable publicity of the childrens participation will be provided through the Rotary Club. 3.0 SEEDLING TREES: 3 . 1 Three species of coniferous trees; 1, 000 Red Pine, 1,000 White Cedar and 2, 000 Norway Spruce will be planted. These trees have been provided free of cost to the Town through the Ministry of Natural Resources Orono Provincial Tree Nursery. 3 .2 Each year's success rate in tree planting may vary. Insufficient rainfall, lack of soil moisture due to steep grades and competition from other vegetation will affect the success rate. Others may succumb to rodents, grass fires, and other similar problems . Infilling in future years with a variety of species will create a natural rejuvenation of mixed species and sizes giving the desired result rather than regulated tree plantations . . ./3 REPORT CS-17-91 - 3 - APRIL 22, 1991 4.0 FUTURE YEARS: 4 . 1 School officials have indicated a strong interest in providing their students with opportunities to participate actively through this type of hands on project. A recent request was received from the Newcastle Public School to expand the seedling program to Newcastle Village. Using the School's and the Rotary Club's declared interest and organizational resources, the Town at little or no cost has the opportunity to reforest the ravines, improve the overall ecology and quality of life while encouraging good citizenship, community participation and environmental awareness . With the expected success of the program and continued interest, the Community Services Department is anticipating an expansion to the program in future years . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, fil Jose f P. Caruana, Director Lawrence Kotseff Depa tment of Community Services Chief A. rnistrative Officer JPC:JDC:sa