HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-18-91 T °''', TOWN OF NEWCASTLE f J €4. ;E 1 ) REPORT File #R6 3Go C j? Res. # _ ,. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: APRIL 22, 1991 REPORT #: CS-18-91 FILE #: SU CT: SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTRE - FEASIBILITY STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-18-91 be received; and 2 . That the Terms of Reference (Attachment I) for the Seniors Activity Centre Feasibility Study be approved; 3 . That Council authorize staff to initiate the process to solicit proposals for the completion of the Study; and 4 . That the Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee be advised of Council 's decision. BACKGROUND: Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee was established "own of Newcastle Council October 30, 1989 (Resolution The Committee's mandate was to investigate and of Newcastle with information relative to the - a Seniors Activity Centre. the Committee, Mr. Glenn Prout, made a iuncil on Monday July 16, 1990 updating . ./2 r; REPORT NO. CS-18-91 - 2 - APRIL 22, 1991 Council on the work of the Committee in completing its objectives . As a result, Council passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Seniors Citizens Committee has requested the Town of Newcastle to provide a Senior Citizen Centre in Bowmanville; WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle supports the request of the Senior Citizens Committee in principle; and WHEREAS the issue related to the need for a Senior Citizens Centre is being addressed through the Recreation/Leisure Master Plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to allocate the necessary funds through the 1991 Budget deliberations for the purpose of consulting services related to the feasibility and design of a Senior Citizens Centre in Bowmanville. " 1. 3 The Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee, with the input and guidance of the Community Services Department, have reached a cross-roads in achieving their objective. In accordance with this, the attached Terms of Reference (Attachment I) have been prepared and submitted for Council to review and approve so that the Committee may initiate the next phase of the process . 2.0 FEASIBILITY STUDY: 2 . 1 Attachment I outlines the expectations that the Community Services Department and the Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee has for the completion of the Seniors Activity Centre Feasibility Study. This document differs from . . /3 r, REPORT NO CS-18-91 - 3 - APRIL 22, 1991 the ongoing Recreation/Leisure Master Plan in that it must specifically address the perceived need for a Seniors Centre to be located within the Town of Newcastle. 2 .2 The final document must not only address current issues but it must also attend to those future needs and issues that will surface as the Town and its Seniors population continue to grow. The Feasibility Study will make reference to and use information available in other studies, such as the Recreation/Leisure Master Plan, provided by the Community Services Department. This will ensure that the document is both current, accurate and conclusive. 2 . 3 Nine objectives have been established in the Terms of Reference. Recommendations as to site selection, facility design and the nature of services (recreation/leisure/social) to be provided will be outlined in detail in the final document. This document will be used as a planning tool for the creation, implementation and operation of services and programs required and accessed by the Seniors residing within our community. 2 .4 The proposed Seniors Activity Centre will be the focal point for the Seniors residing within the Town of Newcastle. The public will be invited to participate in the information collection phase of the Study so that their concerns, issues and ideas can be incorporated and addressed in the final document. Public participation will not be confined to only those who are currently 65 years or older. Any individual who is interested in this project, regardless of age, will be encouraged to participate. Local organizations and agencies providing services and programs to the Seniors population will also be invited to participate in the information collection phase of this Study. . ./4 l ,. REPORT NO. CS-18-91 - 4 - APRIL 22, 1991 2 .5 The Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee, in co- operation with the Community Services Department, will act as the liaison group for the individual(s) contracted to carry out the Feasibility Study. Regular status reports will be provided to ensure that Council is appraised of the progress of this Study and that all Members have the opportunity to provide input at any and all phases of this project. 3.0 SUMMARY: 3 . 1 The Senior Citizens Steering Committee has been involved with the development of the Terms of Reference outlined in Attachment I . They have reviewed and concur with the information provided in this report. They are looking forward to working with the Community Services Department and the individual(s) contracted to carry out this Feasibility Study. 3 .2 It is the recommendation of staff that Council approve the Terms of Reference (Attachment I) as per Report #CS-18-91, and further that staff, in conjunction with the Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee, be authorized to proceed with the proposal calls for the implementation of a Senior Citizens Centre Feasibility Study. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, `' c Josep "' P. Caruana, Director Lawrenc Kotseff Depatment of Community Services Chief inistrative Officer JPC:JJC:sa ATTACHMENT I PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE - FEASIBILITY STUDY SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTRE BACKGROUND TOWN OF NEWCASTLE The Town of Newcastle is the eastern-most municipality in the Region of Durham and the Greater Toronto Area. Although largely outside of the influence of Toronto until 1985, the Town's geographic location to the hub of economic growth in Canada and its lakeshore orientation, (with the consequent ease of servicing) make it a candidate as a significant growth area for the last decade of this century. This will provide both challenge and opportunity. The Town of Newcastle is a predominantly rural municipality having a land base of 57,985 hectares ( 143,280 acres) . Of that land base 8 percent is presently designated for urban uses, including hamlets . The Town is structured with three urban communities . The estimated population ( 1990) of the communities that make up the Town of Newcastle are: Bowmanville 14,700 Courtice 6,900 Newcastle Village 3,075 Orono 1,675 Rural Areas 15, 850 Total Population 42,200 The above figures indicate the significant rural population. Including Orono, over 40 percent of the Town's population is located in the rural areas . COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT In recognition that planning strategies were required to meet the demands for adequate programs and facilities, the Town of Newcastle completed a Culture and Recreation Master Plan in 1983 . Although this document was useful in providing guidance in the early 1980 's, it did not anticipate the growth and changing population that the municipality is currently experiencing. In light of this, the Town of Newcastle has initiated a new Master Plan that will respond to the issues that have arisen as a result of the changing population and recreational/leisure needs of the residents . SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE STEERING COMMITTEE The Senior Citizens Centre Steering Committee was established by the Town of Newcastle Council October 30, 1989 (Resolution # C- 729-89) . �� ' . ./2 - 2 - The Committee was struck to compliment and provide input to the Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan Steering Committee. The Committee made a presentation to Council on Monday, July 16, 1990 to update the progress that the Committee had made since its inauguration. As a result of this presentation, Council passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Senior Citizens Committee has requested the Town of Newcastle to provide a Senior Citizen Centre in Bowmanville; WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle supports the request of the Senior Citizens Committee in principle; and WHEREAS the issue related to the need for a Senior Citizens Centre is being addressed through the Recreation/Leisure Master Plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to allocate the necessary funds through the 1991 Budget deliberations for the purpose of consulting services related to the feasibility and design of a Senior Citizens Centre in Bowmanville. " ISSUES The issue that is specifically being addressed is the perceived need for a Seniors Activity Centre within the Town of Newcastle. The growth in the population 55 years and older and their need for quality programs and facilities must be assessed through this study. PURPOSE OF STUDY The intent of the Seniors Activity Feasibility Study will be to provide Town Council with a strategy to assist the Community Services Department staff and the Senior Citizen's Steering Committee with some guidelines and direction. The study should specifically deal with the issue of recreational/leisure programs and facilities for the senior population residing within the boundaries of the Town of Newcastle. OBJECTIVES 1. To update and provide a complete and current inventory of all recreation/leisure facilities and programs targeted for seniors use. 2 . To update and provide a complete and current inventory of services (recreation & social) targeted for seniors use. . ./3 - 3 - 3 . To assess present and future demands and needs based on population and socio-economic characteristics taking into consideration the large geographic area, the differences in the population (rural vs urban) and any relevant historic factors . 4 . To cross reference all data as it relates to seniors with the Town of Newcastle Master Plan study (due to be completed in April 1991) and other relevant documents . 5 . To complete a review of alternative facility types relating to the capital and operating costs outlining the impact of those costs in consideration of the alternatives, but primarily in the recommended approach. Particular reference is requested to those costs related to the Community Services Department and its ability to meet present and future needs. 6 . To review requirements of staffing and administering the new facility and present an implementation strategy for the study recommendation. 7 . To relate the various design features that might be incorporated into the facility to the direct and indirect economic impact that might result in the community. 8 . To compile a list of possible sites for the construction of a Senior's Activity Centre and to make a recommendation based on the proposed use (current and future) transportation and identified needs . 9 . Investigate all possible funding sources for both capital and operational dollars . COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION The Consultant should be aware that every opportunity be afforded for public input at all phases of the Study. It is expected that open house/public meetings will be held to solicit input from the general public . . ./4 - 4 - SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE STEERING COMMITTEE The Council-appointed Steering Committee will be the key reporting body for the Consultant. This committee has representation from Council, the Community Services Department and various Seniors organizations within the Town of Newcastle. The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Consultant for the Durham Region is also an ex-officio member of this Committee to assist in process and ensure the Ministry's guidelines for funding are being met. It is anticipated that the Consultant shall meet on a regular basis as required with this Committee to provide updates and reports as well as to receive direction and clarification of the Terms of Reference. The Steering Committee is responsible to provide input and make recommendations to Council with respect to establishing Terms of Reference, Consultant selection and review of interim and final reports . COUNCIL AND TOWN STAFF It is expected that Council will be invited to provide input into the Study and that key staff will be interviewed by the Consultant. Preparation of reports and a presentation to Council will be required. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CONSULTANT 1. Conduct interviews and other duties required for the collection and analysis of data. 2 . Conduct consultation interviews with other agencies/organizations providing services to Seniors . 3 . Advertise, conduct and maintain record of all public meetings . 4 . Prepare and present verbal and/or written reports at monthly meetings or as required to the Steering Committee. 5 . Upon completion of data collection, one copy of this information is to be provided on computer diskette compatible with Wordperfect .5 or Lotus . Twenty (20) hard copies of the data collection and analysis report to be provided. 6 . Prepare recommendations and written draft final report and present material to the Steering/Committee, Council and the general public . 7 . Prepare written final report including graphic material and present to the Steering Committee and Council. C? ` . . /5 - 5 - 8 . All copies of the reports are to be provided by the Consultant. 9 . The Consultant is required to consult with the firms completing the Town of Newcastle Master Plan to co- ordinate information. 10 . It is agreed that ownership of all materials, documents, reports and the end product will be the sole property of the Town of Newcastle. MUNICIPALITY 1. Assist in local arrangements for meetings and promotion of the study. 2 . conduct and maintain records of all Steering Committee meetings . 3 . Provide access to the following documentation: o Official Plan and Secondary Plans of the Municipality o Annual budgets of the Municipality o Other Town studies/data as relevant o 1991 Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan o Community group listings o Other relevant documents and studies 4 . Distribution of reports to appropriate individuals / organizations . 5 . Access to relevant staff as required for interview purposes . END USE OF THE STUDY It is the intent that the completed study will be the basis for Council's decision making and authorization to construct the facility identified to be the best alternative. The Study should include a process to address future uses and/or phases for the facility. . ./6 - 6 - CONSULTANT SELECTION PROPOSAL CONTENT 1. An outline of the consultant's understanding of the assignment and proposed approach including suggested additions or alterations of the Terms of Reference. 2 . A timetable indicating all major activities and methods of implementation and reporting. 3. A proposed budget for the completion of the Study including a breakdown of the cost of each phase as well as the maximum upset cost for the project. Per diem rates and meeting rates for additional work not specifically covered in these terms should be provided. 4 . An introduction of the Study Team Members as well as any external resources which may be used. Sub-consultants to be approved by the Town. 5 . An outline on how community participation will occur. 6 . Recent reference of municipal clients should be submitted as it relates to the undertaking of completing Feasibility Studies . 7 . To provide a review of the firms current and potential workload as it relates to the study period. 8 . Other information which the consultant deems desirable. SELECTION PROCESS Proposals submitted will be reviewed initially by the Steering Committee for recommendation to Council. Interviews of a short list of consultants may be required for clarification purposes . Any and all decisions will be ratified by Resolution of Council. The lowest priced proposal will not necessarily be accepted. All firms submitting proposals will be notified of the Municipality's decision. THE DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS IS 1991 There will be no extension of this deadline or consideration of any proposal received after this time and date.