HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-13 SpecialClar*wn Special General Government Committee Post -Meeting Agenda Date: June 13, 2022 Time: 5:30 PM Location: Council Members (in Chambers or MS Teams) I Members of the Public (MS Teams) Inquiries and Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Lindsey Patenaude, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at Iatenaude@clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. AudioNideo Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio and/or video record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be recording you and will make the recording public by on the Municipality's website, www.clarington.net/calendar Noon Recess: Please be advised that, as per the Municipality of Clarington's Procedural By-law, this meeting will recess at 12:00 noon, for a one hour lunch break, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net/archive The Revised Agenda will be published on Friday after 3:30 p.m. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with a * beside them. Pages Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement 3. Declaration of Interest 4. Presentations 4.1. Dave Hardy, President, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, 3 Executive Director, Institute for New Suburbanism, Regarding Port Granby Monitoring Program 4.2. Susan Bailie, Project Transition Manager, Canadian Nuclear 21 Laboratories, Regarding Port Granby Monitoring Program 5. Adjournment Page 2 Monitoring Potential Offsite Effects of the Port Granby Facility on Lands to be Acquired )y the Municipality of Clar'ington June 13, 2022 HARDY STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES Page 3 1111thinc, 1. Port Granby Long -Term Low -Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility 2. Municipality of Clarington's Peer Review Tea m 3. Ongoing monitoring for off -site effects 4. Environmental Site Assessments on lands to be acquired by the Municipality of Clarington as a prudent request • Low-level contaminated soils and radioactive waste remed iated in Port Hope and at the Port Granby site in Clarington • Decision to move the waste material in Port ,IP,,ort Hope Granby to a new long-term low-level waste re a management facility north of Lakeshore Road go • Facility is a CNSC Licensed site. Conditions of the Licence includes monitoring and an Annual Compliance Report. Was# -a haulage �- T} `. • 7 Proposed Waste M ana gerffffW---1,,- Route Und r ess ._0 iu ea. _FatY rstra waft Design Conceptmpm� Mod O-Rd ..' wr r s Proposed Constructia Internal �Nas# 4 Material Access outre'_- ` Haulage Road Existing Port Granby - Lakeshore Waste Management Facility Road •� r` 4. Rhol6grbph bV y' r Ferguson Avia[ion • PG WMF owned by the Government of Canada and operated by Canadian Nuclear o ra by Laboratories (CNL),, on behalf of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), a federal ,Iclroject .1 Crown corporation • Just over 1.3 million Metric Tons have been moved. _egai lknrp.c:, • To establish the parameters of the clean up, both the municipalities signed a Legal Agreement with the Government of Canada in 2001. • The Legal Agreement specified that both municipalities would have funded staff and specialized consultants to assist with peer review support. • Municipal Peer Review Team (MPRT) is lead by Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited (HSAL) 40 • The purpose of the peer review process is to instill confidence and accuracy in the scientific findings over the course of the Port Hope and Port Granby Projects. a r4• 40 • Independent research is not conducted by , the M PRT. • Peer review team members have met with CNL monthly since project construction began (93 meetings to date). MPRT provides technical support to Clarington through the following disciplines: • nuclear and civil engineering, • contaminated soils remediation, Team • air quality assessment, • hydrogeology and ground water, lirganization 0 geology and soils science, • medicine and health, • shoreline engineering, • social and natural environmental sciences. H A R D Y STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES 44 H A R D Y STEVENSON A AND ASSOCIATES 10 - i6'00 sTMP T V. 1 - 7 • 1 16 _ 1 1 f� T • i ti � - 1 L+J k T 1- •1* L aL�� • r ?f 1 Sy JL H A R D Y STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES Page 13 C� 1-1 • Items discussed monthly: • Schedule Update • Construction & Remediation Works (PGWMF & LTWMF) • Dust & Noise Monitoring • Supporting Work • WWTP Progress & Schedule • Elliott Road Restoration, End Use, Lakeshore Rd Right -of -Way, Nichols Rd • End Use/ Site Restoration • Communications & Stakeholder Relations Update H A R D Y STEVENSON _ $y"7 :U6G8 , 1 dU.:': -r—/ � 1 --I SUC'i M w L;AG:.� v o�07 i ro'04 Gyas' z4o$^ s•swaa• C _ :UG � $' :uG'•J :UG;: K r :UG^c _*2e a aa' :UG'^ y40'2 -U _ W _.S Lf suc 6- X. 16a a auaae 5 ja a�FY114Y L gand — Acc! oNI Ap.drj [Yrui t�xcrn kra; ,..._ Flc xcrcr.{pl�j 4•r Inar/Isn Ld, V. a{yI V...-ly-- u _ 30 w W 17D YWR v CWGR.WBY REMEDlATION VERIFICATION i mbVAzTerVA{itre 2-coev'JNhc BFalus Jpdate-Ab_Lsti3'Z= +1-ea. MA MMM F ju,e 1 'ci ai,aY-:: s:. � a...�. 4'r. -�. i.v • .t. �... c r:i rI L� ■illla .la '�I � �y'k�a�aJ�1..� �Llx AND ASSOCIATES Three Phases: • Phase 1: Securing Regulatory Approvals • Phase 2: - Construction of the PG LTW M F. ,.ring the - Remediation of PG WMF. "j"MT[ Me M 0 -Transportation of LLRW from PG WMF Phase 3: Long-term maintenance and monitoring of the PG LTW M F. The Port Granby WMF has been capped and is now entering the maintenance and monitoring phase - i �' � FearHaHok I H A R D Y STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES t &aft G1 Haim f, Fro kFN=4 >: — r r Nut W f 4 sA 1 >i W9040m PG-Nremd- Gf1R y r w i � r gg k 4 S wuaaa a zru�oo rnnao DzL%&7 rasa�o Port Granby V Prof ect Environmental Monitoring: Groundwater Monitoring Locations Construction $ Development Phase Legend PG Groundwater Monitoring Locaitons WMF Boundary Roadways �--�� Railway Rivers Waterbodies 0 90 180 360 540 Meters 1-6,500 i, r-aracarNuclear I LaboratfllrestJr¢leares .ahnra,nrir, canadim Date, 21)144BM 1 15 MPRT reviews the Annual Compliance Reports (ACR) • Compliance with the CNSC Waste Nuclear Substance License • Currently reviewing 2021 Annual ig og Compliance Report • Questions raised by the MPRT on the .%Aonitorinq 2019 and 2020 ACR have been resolved • Environmental monitoring includes off - site groundwater, dust, noise CNL presentation to follow will provide technical details of off site monitoring. H A R D Y STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES � � 5 { yam_ � ar .• 41 00, h 6XK:d P. 1 { 4 - r } + r�' I 'M14Y•. I• UP I• -1- f-':Jx9G'd Wflg W. pro F•1 •]S il{6f4Y I �a{lal4' �L '�- Rw h-A—I4 JI.SL I� 111 FOlnl r.ntmk - &h5 e L �' • � •'rItrJF'll' Y� • a F � � i h I y! L.uV•Y x l' OF Page 19 Ll Monitoring will continue as the Port Granby Project enters Phase 3 • To date, there has been minimal off -site effects, occasional dust or noise w*e IFFO so exceedances without implications for chemical contaminated or radioactive soils • It would be prudent to request Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessments before the land transfer of surplus Port Granby Project Lands. Port Hope Area Initiative Port Granby Project Phase 3 Monitoring Municipality of Clarington Special General Government Committee June 13, 2022 �r11 Canadian Nuclear Laborat61res Nucieaires Laboratories Canadiens U*0lyf D Port Granby Engineered Aboveground Mound Layers Uver SYSIC m 2.15 m i Waste � Layer Up[aPON Base Liner Systin nl I I5 m ql• Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucleaires ILaboratories I Canadiens profs K11ir Ge�,lrtfLie aepvaLw C-- Sard tashioi — Geae��,u�e�lr�n�e ` Immw &d gwrr4YYriwane a i A pavmdwe k r 4 CAM dFV MgG �epllerM bhHi� F wihF kA uumlT kig r'GidrrrrW OiMm2t -I,fmrArh mcd 6alrrngr : gnn4i rlmmr t CamPcbad :by linr. UW1�D Port Granby Engineered Storage Mound Complete Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucieaires Laboratories Canadiens UPIRE01R TAD h LONG -TERM -WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY,_. - rrr _ . ..��:.�>w -� �'L=-" �47.. `= . - - - - — -- � - -- AW k �- Lakeshore Roads._.-- �y - FORMER WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY -,F dnn- LAKE ONTARIO �F September 2021 EA Follow -Up Programs AQUATIC Water quality, flow and sediment quality GEOLOGY & GROUNDWATER Groundwater, storm water & waste water quality and flow, soil quality Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucleaires �f IF Laboratories I Canadiens U*0IY6D ATMOSPHERIC aality& noise TERRESTRIA' Plants & wildlife habitat SOCIO-ECONOMIC Community life, heritage, Indigenous interests, traffic & transportation Environmental Monitoring Surface Water �r11 Canadian Nuclear Laboratoiires Nucieaires Laboratories Canadiens Soil and Groundwater U*0InD Noise Environmental Monitoring — Port Granby I •_ r �k dL LEGEND - F 4.' • �r.s.€`; _r r 6naundvater { ° � SEA { x Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucleaires IFLaboratories Canadiens UIETtD Dust Monitoring — Port Granby fir! Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nudeaires IFLaboratories I Canadiens 0 0 .50 0 LI+ 1poro Legend — CNL Controlled Area Perimeter Independent Dust Nronitoring — - Work Area Perimeter CNLDu5t Monitoring Work site Per; meter Prime contravtor Dust Monitoring General Wind Direction U*01Y6D Port Granby Phase 3 - Long -Term Monitoring WIWI 'IC_I&_nZ_14=&Iq '17%10� Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucleaires Laboratories Canadiens Waste Water Treatment • East Gorge groundwater collection • Waste Water Treatment Plant: storage mound leachate, East Gorge groundwater collection • Plant output safely transported - licensed, offsite storage LTWMF Monitoring • Site remains fenced • Mound surface, internal sensors • Grounds monitored, maintained U*01� 5D Environmental Monitoring • Air, water, groundwater, soil, plants, wildlife monitoring continues Continued Safety Oversight • Plans in place to ensure any event is properly managed • Minimize risk to people and environment Thank You HISTORIC WASTE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE 25 Henderson Street, Port Hope, ON L1A OC6 Tel: 905-885.0291 info(ap PHAI.ca fir! Canadian Nuclear Laboratoires Nucl6aires IFLaboratories I Canadiens Page ..%1,* Canadian Nuclear I LaboratoiresNud6aires 1-LWM0 Laboratories Canadiens _ �.._.,