HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-20-91 UNFINISHED BUSINESS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE € t 1,a, ' ;., , �, �; � �, REPORT File # t' ' Res. # cr '1 � �. B -Law # NESTING. GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MAY 6, 1991 DATE: . CS-20-91 REPORT #: FILE #: SECT: DISPOSITION OF BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM ARTIFACTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-20-91 be received; 2 . That the Bowmanville Museum be authorized to dispose of artifacts as identified in Attachments #2, #3, #4 and #5 of Report No. CS-20-91; and 3 . That the Bowmanville Museum Board be informed of action taken by Council. 1. 0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 Pursuant to the recently approved policy addressing the disposition of Town Historical Furniture and Documents the Bowmanville Museum is requesting Council authority (Attachment #1) to dispose of a number of artifacts by way of auction. 1.2 Rationalization for the disposition of the artifacts is provided in a letter (Attachment #1) received from Mr.-Charles- Taws, Curator of the Bowmanville Museum. 2.0 ARTIFACTS: 2 . 1 Attachments #2, #3 and #4 provide a listing of the various . . /2 REPORT CS-20-91 - 2 - MAY 6, 1991 artifacts which the Museum wishes to dispose of . The Log Cabin artifacts referred to as Attachment #2 are those acquired from the former Darlington Log Cabin Museum. 2 .2 The items listed in Attachment #3 are miscellaneous articles which the museum would also prefer to dispose of. Attachment #4 is a list of newspaper publications also slated for disposition. The various items referred to in Attachment #5 are those where the original donor is known and as such will be contacted prior to disposition. 2 . 3 It is common practice when a museum no longer requires an artifact to firstly offer the item back to the original donor (if known or available) , second to offer the item to another museum and finally to offer the item for sale to the public. Mr. Taws has informed staff that with Council approval, he will follow this procedure. 2 .4 Any items not returned or requested by another museum will be made available by way of a public auction to be held May 25, 1991 in conjunction with the Town of Newcastle Heritage Week festivities, with all proceeds from the Log Cabin Artifacts being distributed between the Bowmanville Museum and the Clarke Museum and Archives . Proceeds from those articles not associated with the Log Cabin will be allocated to the Bowmanville Museum. 3.0 COMMENTS: 3. 1 Staff has requested that Mr. Taws of the Bowmanville Museum be present during discussion of Report CS-20-91 to address concerns and questions from members of Council. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, („,_ 1 i 4 Jose` P. Caruana, Director Lawrenc- . Kotseff Depa tment of Community Services Chief £ . finistrative Officer JPC:CT:sa „.4 l i ATTACHMENT #1 PAGE 1 OF 8 ' 111 `' "`"'- , a - 416 623-2734 37 Silver Street, P.O gOx 8A �' � 03V9 I0-8, 8`� NVIL . 01 April 25, 1991 OLvmanville,Onta�'° Corporation of Town of Newcastle Joseph P. Caruana, Director Community Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Caruana: The Bowmanville Museum has decided to dispose of some of its. collection. This is a necessary step if we are to have a collections management policy that meets Ministry guidelines (copies of Ministry of Culture and Communication Conservation Standard and Collection Records Management Standard are enclosed) . In order to achieve these standards we must reduce the size of the collection by getting rid of all artifacts that are of no use to us and have no clear or significant local connection. The disposal of these artifacts will be done as ethically as possible. They will first be offered for trade or sale to the Clarke Museum and Archives and other local museums. The remainder will be sold at public auction. Included in the group of artifacts we no longer need are many from the Darlington Log Cabin Museum. This museum was established in 1967, but has since closed. The Bowmanville Museum now has the artifacts from this museum. (see copies of list of artifacts to be disposed of, and brochure of Log Cabin Museum enclosed) . We would like Council's permission to dispose of these artifacts because: 1) They do not meet the purpose and mission statement of either the Bowmanville Museum or the Clarke Museum and Archives. 2) Neither museum has the sufficient display space or safe proper storage facilities to accommodate these artifacts. 3) If the artifacts are left where they are, they will continue to deteriorate. Neither Museum has the budget or manpower to conserve these pieces. 4) There is no significant local connection attached to any of these artifacts. -2- AT'T'ACHMENT #1 Page 2 of 8 Staff and Board Directors of both museums are not allowed to bid on these items should they come up for auction. The money raised by the sale of these items would be split equally between both museums, and would go towards the following purposes: 1) The purchase of temperature and humidity control equipment. 2) Conservation of other artifacts. 3) The purchase of more appropriate artifacts. Both museums feel this is a good step to take. The Bowmanville B.I.A. has offered to sponsor the auction and pay the associated expenses if it can be held on May 25th, during Heritage Week. I have already contacted several local museums about viewing the items should we get permission to dispose of them. The sale of these items will benefit both museums and will help the Bowmanville Museum become less dependent on off-site storage space. Yours truly, Charles Taws Curator Encl. c.c. Mayor M. Hubbard Mark Jackman CT/el . . • . . ATTACHMENT #1 r . . -,- Page 3 of 8 . . tx >,‹ .):.< 11-- ).< n );<, 4X14 4 40 *4 41 14 1 1.1 *0 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . . • .X* . n .. , . .m. ›... __ 4-;(4 4 ;4..4 •:',,, ,2 4 ° III • ' • 4 X 4 en.x.. .IF-X4 j.:: .. e)c4 ‘..4(1.) :h) . 44 II.• *. t'f tA . a 6%1 •vi : ga c., ,:-.,' U .X. 4-i 4 7 . ''I 'I: ru o , .. 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A W.1aw.14.941 P. ...10.1,.1111.1, DI.I a J1•J0Y 0M 1)4 Y0N 40,1,4 MH mit Van..ip nl NMON:111 Y a.o. IVJ,0,,• 41 Poe)r..',vow IP/H0 10%40"F N0•`M 10•.uw.j....01.014 aonnbJI'30 ON1 IS SUAVUD NHOf 4ouoP)10 siH MII I.p.UO.J 4OJ1) nu/m.1d lql u/0099 010'puo7 pi VI 0///t/4,/100144p 11.0'1V Mr 0,1 `NOI1, VIAIV 'IDo2Id V 2 v 5 a. cd lqy dd O d •ii--++ •t1) 4a (y•N N .g F d a � y a, 0 0 0 . 114 G U ,dgo 'cT P' O "ci ,--i... P Vo) :: • ,_, ,1=-1 h w i vo 0 a o a u >tl,• ab4d W B N .ti I a o • y • . ATTACHMENT #1 tw,.,,i 4 :-:§1-.'71.;:',:;� ; 'v , > l I Page 5 of"8 . . ,� .,;,, _ . ,'""--,-....': - -!,``.''.`.:4'-'. *co, ,11/7"-----ro , jii• 1 jp! . ,7 t i\\,II/4,,i''' i' i '. -,,,--n ,.�{ .eta f 1 ,c. 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L):'-:;C.; JO LI',;e1-2.ki ;At4fiq;c1,..):!.1/ F•i;!;447-ri,::.-Pi 4 ' lir .13 41 4i■4 -‘k,,,,:it*I''';0.1ki$0:11,V. d , -)'' '`':11;r '1, e)'i., '-......`.1-44re •••••, -.0;!.'0,•..■;-:-z-A..6 ATTACHMENT #1 ',',..;`, :‘,;:..Es,; •-, -;;•ktri-W(.!•:fi.A;•,.'.; .• • `c::',i'iVri !,. ,. ., . ,,--,.„, ",-'671Xt-'..i;;;•I''''' ,f-r...7-i::•. ,?,,..1 . 1 Page 7 of 8 i•':•i,3 ,-;-.,:.!ii,„ ', '', -'--.), ---" . ,,—,-' -it - — v • 1 ..",e, - , . , , • • •,., . -. 4, 1 0 , 8 i;:t;:,,i i• :.-•iii..::', .'• . el '..:, k ' (v. r., ' /, . • ..,,,,t• ,-, .s. ; .. ..,... ‘i. .:,-:., , . ,c;i3 „:;:;;_,::„...,.,,,, iiivw,liSii., ,.- „-.N...,,,.• •,,,,,,,,,,,,,!: , .e...,,,".; . . • i ,,,...i.. , tf.„4. , . ,_, y,..■ 111;1f' , , —',;,t1,,,,•. ^f•),::.,1"!) .4:63 i'Nret..,,'1 ",'4, v,''''') .1) "vo(c3,'--, r n i, k--sli I •-o-y,, ,‘ t) ---.'. .,VyJ.;',5 t •. ....t t 2`'t›., % '03 1 ,\ ,„ .„,0,.:.c. , Tifib, 11 ''''''''l : \\,A, , i%,., \ ‘‘`' \' )(II 'n ,..;41. —e _ ,,, ..- , , .....• V.W,;‘,•'‘I , 411'Ilif:',V,IiIll'I'' 11 1011111! ,I'',i,.- ,,)i!III --'■' ,11, k,',4,::3',''',11 '1 11', - ' 111' - • ,,it 1 • • ''c, , , ..,,, fr , .--• ,-, l''1 l!li 'AP 1,1 1 11, IIT lu 1 , ! tiir1,11,11 , . III\ li t;1 ,111 + 1,111,11„ 1 , f ili,o,;,11111! lilt ql Ott cl'il r ' 111,i i kli ill i 1 , I 1 ,111 ' I I , ,I 1'nil f,1,11 jj ,11,11Ill'■ .1,11'i'1 .1 I 1 '1 g■''''I ' ' 1 . . , . , , . • .=1: . • - . ;"-til r? ••cd'1:17,-.0 48"8.AI -4..4,p4t)--2 a 0" i A.5 cl ms„, ng c..) .41 „ • 0 _ • g g El'''.. 1/ ;.g.,14 rg t;,' -- r8 E( ,h) .d 8 ,L.•C'8 il `57;1 :P.)49 .-,. —8:r2 2'0441 a I,E.1) 4 ,,, ng 4)=6 g ,,-.) .0 qg vci 41 r3 ..v).74 V 14;. . 2 .5 % R •b g g 36 -8 4' . 6 'FA -4 4 . . Vou " P 'd on g ° v QV :. .,- 0 1 , bn 0 ! tj■.."4 1';). g 0 a a 1.") 6'-' , 446 ' 4' ''g--il 'A °:ge • VEN! . , t-9bntg114-0°'015 `) ,811 ,1 A . 51g 5ng - tg17,1g., - -rz 4 4) f E ri:g ii .a i 24:, 'R .21 a . _. ... 1 , _,•__ , . . . . . • , , • • ' ;k` 1, MENT < < Page ATTACH 8 of 8#1• !!/Ifs 1 �2 2'141(•-,',-;,- / iIL � O•t l. ; s 1 i t i N/N r ,t �, 1,- f - t . (ik,' r-1.,'',,,/ / •-:•''.''''''' r: tl ::.,,,,::::ii.-", { a �t a o r 7 ( t > >hi 1:,:',..r_ ,� A !' r�`�C c I ∎c �. _ ''.4.1.-: . i•fl,o a,` a 5 >g ° .19, E ,b .d t7 q ro s• • q dv o om ,� q)q .. co d N q N pp N N •-. H a U � � cd a) co o a „ z F+U t o q -q L' N Q A .0 a b • • ,q N >,'8 N yy u. G o> N T)p eN • w °' . � 'yx 5 bob ■ ?a o d ai > C ° a o o a g np a te rig 3 6 ,0.04 � � 4-1 „ 0 .: o . A0 " t� ill -0 . ATPACBMENT #2 LOG CABIN ARTIFACTS FOR DISPOSITION ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Dresser 8 Dresser 10 Table 12 Table 14 Large Crib 18 Chair 30 Used for wool 34 Floral wool wreath in shadow case 38 Wooden barrel 72 Needlepoint squirrels 78 Shelf 270 Trunk 276 Chair 278 Chair 296 Two Chairs Two framed pictures 1) Labour of Love 2) Wounded Dove Part of butter churn Pine dresser (stripped) Rocking Chair (?) ATTACHMENT #3 MISCELLANEOUS ARTIFACTS FOR DISPOSITION Plate Part of metal tool Metal tool with spike at end Black pepper tin (bad shape) Dytint (cardboard box) Old orange marmalade tin Kitchen utensil - roasting fork Silverwood glass bottle - "Cream Top" c. 1923 - cracked Old rusted, electric toaster 3 wooden cigar boxes - large, medium and small Black Cat cigarette sign - Banell's Cigar Store Some kind of wooden lid (marks 3.50 & Bowmanville) 32 holes on bottom 3 Weights - metal = 5 lbs. , 4 lbs. , and 2 lbs. Saw? with upright handle Diamond package dyes - pink for wool or silk Feather duster Glass lantern Antique light fixture Mirror 8 Pairs of skates and 1 odd one White scale (possibly a baby scale) Grinder Brass scale Ocean Blend Tea tin (poor shape) Bowmanville chair - needs repair - caning - is also an extra Pink umbrella (no handle) 2 Sticks for parasols Umbrella - no handle Wicker basket with lid and handles Old electric iron 8 Ounce glass bottle with small neck 3 Metal weights - 2 lbs. , 1 lbs. , and 8 ounces Unknown object - a piece of something metal Bellows Lantern - marked "Dept. Tubular" ATTACHMENT #4 NEWSPAPER ARTIFACTS FOR DISPOSITION Ancestors of Venus, Apollo and the Greek Gods Found in Ancient Crete copyright, 1900 Sunday Star, April 18, 1982 Toronto Daily Star, October 8, 1964 Toronto Daily Star, October 7, 1964 Toronto Daily Star, October 6, 1964 Toronto Daily Star, October 5, 1964 Toronto Daily Star, April 16, 1982 Toronto Daily Star, "Salute to Expo", April 22, 1967 The Globe, July 1, 1867 London Evening Free Press, April 30, 1945 London Evening Free Press, May 8, 1945 London Daily Free Press, May 8, 1945 London Daily Free Press, May 9, 1945 London Free Press, May 7, 1945 London Free Press, May 8, 1945 London Free Press (Evening) , October 2, 1981 London Free Press, Sections G & H "Royal Wedding", August 1, 1981 London Free Press, "The Constitution", April 17, 1982 The Toronto Telegram, Last Edition, October 30, 1971. (3) The Toronto Telegram, October 30, 1971 The Toronto Star, August 9, 1974 ATTACHMENT # 5 ARTIFACTS As Amended- A. £FACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 975.9.1 a & b Indian Clubs used for exercise Mrs. A. Spicer 974.11.1 Inhalator - metal box with glass jar c/o Mr. D. Pickard Bowmanville Hospital 963.57 1 Package of Herbageum - for feeding livestock Mr. F. L. Byam 969.9 a & b 2 Pokes - wooden for rug making Mrs. J. D. Hogarth 964.25 Bills Filing Cabinet - international account register Mrs. F. Nelles 961.3 Corn Sheller - (black hawk shellers) Mr. Forbes Heyland 980.5.10 A Spear for fish Mr. Percy Dewell 980.5.11 a & b Snow Shoes Mr. Percy Dewell 963.57 Louse Killer Container Mr. F. L. Byam 980.27.1 Iron ,Support - for holding shoe lasts Mr. Robert Dezan 972.7.2 Wood Shelf with 2 Shelves Mrs. Wilbert Teeple 975.4;2 Metal Measuring Jug . Bowmanville Museum Committee ! .22.2 a - g Shoe Repair Kit in Cardboard Box Mr. J. L. Graham 971.27.21 Tool .- (awl) Mr. Harry Upton 976.4.8 Red Cushion - needlepoint & bead design Mr. N. Dickinson 984.71.8 & .9 2 Hand Embroidered Caps - with metal discs - black with gold - black with red Mr. Gordon Simpson 984.60.12 Irons - used on a wiffle tree as a check rein Mrs. Jessie Slemon ' 990.4.342 a c Compact & Perfume in Carrying Case - marked "Cara Nome" Mrs. E. J. Roantree 990.34.3 ' Folding Circular Fan Russell & Marilyn Dow 979.14.1 - 10 Tobacco Tins Mr. Wilbert Teeple 963.53.7 Cigar Box - Harper Presnail Cigar Company, Hamilton, Ontario Mrs. P. R. Gilbert 963.57.2 b Hog Special - conditioner & mineral supplement Mr. Byam 983.62.4 Tin - Neilson's Pure Cocoa Mrs. Iva Twist 985.15.2 Toy saw - with wooden handle Mrs. Howard Jeffery .9^5.15.6 Play Money - green and white Mrs. Howard Jeffery - 2 - A_ IFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 985.15.7 Toy Treasure Chest Bank - black, gold and red Mrs. Howard Jeffery 985.22.16 a-g Tailor System Cardboard - for cutting . garments Mr. J. L. Graham 985.46.2 Weight Box & Weights - in cedar box, . 11 out of 21 pieces Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Davies 985.56.1 - 6 Pressed Tin House Flashing in ornate design, various sizes W. W. Bagnall 989.4.1 Horse Drawn Hay Rake - wooden Mrs. G. Martin • 989.25.1 Cheque Imprinter - used at bank "Registered" Anonymous 990.51.4 2 Wheel Child's Wagon - wooden to be pulled by dog Lionel Parker . 987:13.1 Pick Axe Museum Purchase 979.30 Auger Drill - with own frame and seat Mrs. Gerald Shackelton 968.16.1 Tin Footbath T. Eaton Co. Ltd. , Oshawa 963.57 Flat Board with Metal Pegs - for spools { of thready E Mr. F. L. Byam ! .8.1 Thread Holder - wood with spikes for spools Mrs. Carl Devitt 978.17.18 German Binocular Case W. S. Landers 979.1.2 Coal Scuttle Mr. Art Baker 979.3.1 Suitcase =- pressed paper box with rivets and cloth stapes Mr. Bert Johnston 979.14.11 Cast Iron Pot - with white enamel liner Mr. Wilbert Teeple 979.21.1 Mandolin wooden bac ^}r' Mr moo, opt D i i ;4g, 979.22.8 Container - glass for cruet set Mrs. Wilbert Teeple 979.38.5 Indian Cross - from B.C. made of wood Mr. J. A. Tabb 980.7.3' Child's China Cup - Elgin House, Lake Joe, Muskoka Lakes Mrs. Howard Jeffery 980.12.2. Blacksmith's Leather Apron Mr. Percy Dewell 980.27.4 Metal Lasts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan 980.27.6 Metal Lasts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan 9^9.27.7 Metal Lasts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan - 3 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 961.1.2 Scythe Mr. A. Reichrath 961.2.17 Round Table - felt top (plant holder) Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.2.21 Bird Cage Chair Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.2.54 Wooden Wash Tub Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.2.57 Candle Sconce Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.2.62 Ink Stand Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.5.7 Wooden Cradle - barrel shape Mrs. Janet, Jury Estate 961.15.1 Spile - for tapping maple trees Mrs. L. B. Williams 961.7.2 a & b Butter Press - wooden Mr. Earl Osborne 961.16.4' Shovel Iron - for laying tile Arthur H. Brent 961.27.1 Pressing Board Iron Mrs. Al Hooey 961.38.4 Bow Saw (a-c) Mr. Edward J. P. Morley 961.45.1 Carpet Bag - for travelling Mrs. D. G. Hooper 961.46.1 Model for a Pea Vine Rake (1880i1s) Anonymous .66.6 Lantern The Bleakley Estate 961.90.3 a & b Women's Snowshoes Dr. V. H. Storey 961.98.4 Spool Holder Mrs. Devitt 961.21.3 Butter Churn Mr. Howard Brent 962.15.3 Wooden Kitchen Clock - made by E. Ingraham Co. , Bristol, Conn. Mrs. Wilbert Craig 962.27.1 Tools for Shoeing Horses - in box used in Tyrone 1880-1950 Mr. Robert McCullough 962.39.1 Wooden Paper or Magazine Rack Mrs. Joe Chapman 962.57.1 Fancy Jewel Box with Clock Estate of Gertrude Annie Viola Down 962.57.16 3 Gal,. Stoneware Jug - marked in blue with Eberhardt, Toronto Estate of Gertrude Annie Viola Down 962.65.2 Piano Stool - horse hair covering made by D.O.P. Miss Carrie Painton 963.8.1 Cobbler Repair Kit Mrs. Wesley Hills 963.18.1 Accordion Pleater Iron Mrs. Gus Bounsall .38.1 Kerozino Tin - Loverin & Browne Co. , Chicago Mrs. Clarence Allin - 4 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 963.41.16 Metal Pot or Glue Pot Mrs. Kenneth Foster 963.49.9 Wooden Bake Board Mrs. Kenneth Caverly 963.56.6 Card Advertisement for Dyes Mr. John Slemen 963.44.1 1 Pkg. Dyola Hat Color Mrs. Hardol Salter 964.26.5 Grab Hook - used to move logs (metal) Mr. Arthur V. Soper 964.19.3 Foot Warmer - stone slab with wire handle Mr. O. J. Presson 965.8.9 a & b 2 Sap Spiles Mrs. W. Teeple 966.22.1 Lantern Marked with Made in Canada "Beacon" Mr. Robert Lambert 968.3.1 a & b Indian Clubs - used for exercise (1880's) Mrs. E. Ruthven 968.5.2 Bottle with Metal Top - Ajax Baking Powder or Candies Miss S. Langmaid 969.3.4 Chart - bacteriological . Mrs. J. A. McArthur OCr9.10.1 Iron Frying Ian dccign on handlo Miss Marjorie Collar'ott... ' .21 Lantern ( Mrs. { George W. James "' 9'/0.19.12 Wooden Crokinole Board Mrs. . M. Wiseman 972.13.18 Trunk or Suit Case Miss Carrie Painton 973.2.4 Flat Iron - A.R. Woodyatt & Co. , Guelph Mr. Glen Hughson 973.11.1 Large Black Metal Tray - floral stencil design Mrs. Elva Byam 975.4.7 Metal Toaster - two wire sides Museum Purchase 975.4.11 Card Board Salpher Box Museum Purchase 975.16.1 Iron Balance Scale Mr. Forbes Heyland 975.16.9 Flat Iron Mr. Forbes Heyland 976.6.2 Tool Carpenter's Marker Marion Snowden 983.31.1 a & b Hockey Club Skates - to be attached to shoes Mr. Joseph Cuddahee 983.31.2 a & b Yukon Skates - skates to be attached to shoes Mr. Joseph Cuddahee 963.57.11 a & b Cans of Paint Mr. F. L. Byam 971.32.2 Scabbard Mr. Gordon Flaxman .7.4 Wood Shelf (1 hole) Mrs. W. Teeple - 5 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 972.7.3 Wood Shelf (2 holes) Mrs. W. Teeple 970.4.1 - .4 Wooden Stakes Mr. Ted Buttery 962.17.8 Wooden Peg Mrs. W. Teeple . 980.27.5 Shoe Last Mrs. Irene Rinch 964.24.1 Iron - marked Brockville Mr. Walter Rogers 961.58.2 Wooden Plane Mr. W. Hackney 980.37.11 Carry Comb Anonymous 970.13.1 Metal Funnel with Dipper Mrs. H. Foley 962.33.18 Black Parasol Mrs. Kenneth Gillespie 979.21.2 Parasol Mr. Forest Dilling 984.58.2 ' Umbrella Mrs. Jessie Slemon 985.22.3 Tarbox - metal & wood (pillow sham holder), Mr. J. L. Graham 962.40.1 Parasol Miss Lula Reynolds 1967.15.3 Holder for a Whisk Broom f Mrs. Martin Walter � t ! .48.7 Steel Square - with bubble level Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.2 a - c Vinyl Case with Chisels Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.1 Drafting Ruler Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.19 a - g Screwdriver Set Mrs. A. D. Jackson 963.57.6 Upright Glass Front Case = with sewing Supplies Mr. E. L. Byam 963.57.5 Glass Front Case for Dyes Mr. E. L. Byam 965.17.2 Straw Carrying Case Mrs. D. Higgon 990.21.1 Black Plactic F r,-o uat (J q5n'G , r-1 nth, flower-s-) 984.71.6 & .7 Maracas Mr. Gordon Simpson oarect A_ Dilling. 990.51.3 a & b Tops to Old Gas Pumps - Shell Oil Lionel Parker 961.64.3 Table with Rope Edge - legs missing Mrs. Ken Caverly 990.3.1 a - f Cherry Pitter Mrs. Doris Yourth .49.1 a & b Canisters Mrs. Kenneth Caverly • - 6 - I ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 963.57.12 d Bottle of Nerve Tonic Mr. Byam 979,14.4 Tobacco Tin Mr. W. Teeple 973 2.5 Iron Mr. Glen Hughson 984,60.4 White and Blue Tin Cup Mrs. Jessie Slemon 979.30.2 Round Container with Lid Mrs. Gerald Shackelton 984.60.1 Metal Measurer (1 pint) Mrs. Jessie Slemon 962 27.2 Clamp Robert McCullough 968. 13.2 Cooper Tool Mr. O. Conlin 980. 12.1 Miners Lamp (1900) Mr. Perry Dewell 969.9.7 Cow Bell J. D. Hogarth 976.6.6 Brace Marion Snowden 985.48.20 Wood Plane Mrs. A. D. Jackson 961. 38.4 a Bow Saw Edward J. P. Morley 961.3.15 c Auger (bits) I Mr. Forbes Heyland I • . 6.2 Indian Saddle Mrs. E. Werry 973. 18.1 Frae Tool • Mr. Edwin Wilson 979.38.10 Brace Mr. J. A. Tabb 971 27.8 Saw Harry Upton 962.45.1 Carpet Beater Mrs. Gordon Jury 981.40.7 b Horse Clippers Mrs. L. Carl Bradley •973.2.7 Postal Scale - metal base with weight on front Mr. Glen Hughson 984. 63.6 Corn Cob Pipe - marked "Sweetheart" Washington Mo. USA Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard 976. 6.4 Tool - 1 1/2" Brace (piece missing) Marion Snowden 962. 31.11 Tin Muffin Rings Mrs. W. Teeple 984. 54.1 a - e 5 Part Shakespear Fishing Rod Mrs. Aletha Halliday 974. 14.1 Bayonet - found in Cream of Barley Mill Mr. John Ford 961. 10.1 Skimmer - metal for skimming cream Mrs. 0. K. Osborne 990. 34.8 Pablum Box - Mead Johnson & Co. , Belleville (1934) Russell & Marilyn Dow - 7 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 990.44.1 a - d Razer with Case - metal case with self sharpening razer Mrs. Iva Twist 990.10.5 Butter Press - wood rectangular with line design June Clark 990.39.1 a - r Lantern Tops from Enniskillen Store Jessie Slemon (glass) 980.31.1 Broom for Early Fireplace Mr. Mike Martin 980.47.12 Pillow Case Chinese Embroidery Mrs. Iva Twist 981.40.6 Blanket (1880's) Mrs. L. Carl Bradley 982.9.4 Stereoscope Mrs. Byron Vanstone 982.16.1 6 Sided Basket cord with Raffia at Joints & Trim Miss Irene Rinch 982.41.2 Dipping Stick - used to take clothes from boiling water Roy Cameron 982.65.1 Iron Shoe Last - 3 in 1 combination • (1900) Rev & Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard 983.30.1 Piano Stool - glass balls held by claws on the bottom of legs f Mr. Norman Soddy t yd3.62.5 Cloves Tin Mrs. Iva Twist 984.58.4 Canister - Silver Gloss Starch Mrs. Jessie Slemon 984.59.6 China Show - commemorative of Niagara Falls Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard 963.52.4 Wood Plane Mr. Mark Roenigk 963.47.26 Lid to Bean Pot Mrs. J. D. Hogarth 961.2.8 Fancy Lid for Pot The Bleakley Estate 962.9.1 Saucer (no cup) Mrs. Kenneth Caverly 964.29.4 Large Saw with Red Handle Miss Isabelle Davis 975.4.9 Seed Sower Bowmanville Museum 979.14.1 - .9 Tobacco Tins Mr. Wilbert Teeple 990.48.2 Scrap Book - with clippings of Royal Family Anonymous • • - 8 CHINA *NOTE - all pieces are damaged and not of Museum quality. 962.43.16 Ceramic Box Mrs. Ruth Shulga 961.81.1 a & b., Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b. Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b, Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.4 a & b Coffee Pot with Lid W. G. Morrison 971.12.2 Egg Cup Mr. & Mrs. Dea Hodgson 980.7.3 Commemorative Cup - no saucer Mrs. Howard Jeffery 984.63.16 Commemorative Egg Cup Miss Elizabeth Woodard , 984.63.18 a & b Commemorative Cup & Saucer Miss Elizabeth Woodard • • BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM BOARD ,r ,v 500- 2338 'ANVIL ACQUISITION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Bowmanville Museum Board of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle does hereby acknowledge receipt from of the following object(s).The said object(s) herein demised shall be the exclusive and absolute property of the Bowmanville Museum Board, and may be lent out or disposed of in such manner as the Museum Board may deem advisable. B.M.B. Catalogue OBJECT DESCRIPTION Number ) Name of Original Owner BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM BOARD of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Relationship to Donor The Bowmanville Museum Board does not undertake to display any of the (authorized signature) said objects. (Donor's signature) Dated at Bowmanville in the Town of Newcastle, Province of Ontario (Donor's address) this day of , 19 2M•9/85 5 37 Silver Street, I'.C3 E3 ' ( (13.6/621 37;3 OR'1 nartvalle, °re c6 May 8, 1991 To Your Worship The Mayor and Members of Council: Re: The Disposal of Museum Artifacts The Bowmanville Museum has decided to dispose of some of its collection. This is a necessary step if we are to have a collections management policy that meets Ministry guidelines and standards. In order to achieve this level we must reduce the size of the collection by disposing of all artifacts that no longer fit our mandate and have no clear or significant local connection. The disposal of these artifacts will be done in an ethical manner. As a gesture of good faith we will make every attempt to locate the original donors who will be allowed to take the objects back if they wish. Secondly, the artifacts will be offered to the Clarke Museum and Archives and other local museums. The remainder will be sold at public auction. New information regarding the ownership and provenience of the Darlington Provincial Park Log Cabin Museum artifacts has surfaced and I must withdraw these items from the deaccessioning list at this time. The artifacts to be disposed of are all part of the Bowmanville Museum's documented collection (see enclosed list and donation form) . All of these items are owned outright by the Museum. Every reasonable effort is being made to contact the original donors, and a number of local museums have already been contacted. We would like Council's permission to dispose of these artifacts because: 1) They do not meet the purpose and mission statement of the Bowmanville Museum. 2) The Museum does not have sufficient display space or safe proper storage facilities to accommodate these artifacts. 3) If the artifacts are left where they are they will continue to deteriorate. We do not have the budget or manpower to conserve these pieces. 4) There is no significant local connection attached to any of these artifacts. as r m. ... nPa . — EcoikviAN6LLE MUSEUM BOARD of the Coq orahoa of U Fowrr c£Newcastle Staff and Board Directors of the Museum are not allowed to bid on these items should they come up for auction. The money raised by the sale of these items would go towards the following purposes: 1) The purchase of temperature and humidity control equipment. 2) Conservation of other artifacts. 3) The purchase of more appropriate artifacts. We feel this is a good step to take. The Bowmanville B.I.A. has offered to sponsor the auction and pay the associated expenses if it can be held on May 25th, during Heritage Week. Yours truly, 4 // Charles Taws Curator Encl. CT/el ARTIFACTS ATTACHMENT #5 ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 975.9.1 a & b Indian Clubs used for exercise Mrs. A. S!• cer 974.11.1 Inhalator - metal box with glass jar c/o Mr. D. Pickard Bowma •ille Hospital 963.57 1 Package of Herbageum - for feeding livestock Mr F. L. Byam 969.9 a & b 2 Pokes - wooden for rug making rs. J. D. Hogarth 964.25 Bills Filing Cabinet - international account register Mrs. F. Nelles 961.3 Corn Sheller - (black hawk shellers) Mr. Forbes Heyland 980.5.10 A Spear for fish Mr. Percy Dewell 980.5.11 a & b Snow Shoes Mr. Percy Dewell 963.57 Louse Killer Container Mr. F. L. Byam 961.96 Washing Machine - part (ste. er) Mr. Arthur Bellman 980.27.1 Iron Support - for holdin• shoe lasts Mr. Robert Dezan 972.7.2 Wood Shelf with 2 Shelve: Mrs. Wilbert Teeple 975.4.2 Metal Measuring Jug Bowmanville Museum Committee 985.22.2 a - g Shoe Repair Kit in C. rdboard Box Mr. J. L. Graham 971.27.21 Tool - (awl) Mr. Harry Upton 976.4.8 Red Cushion - ne-:lepoint & bead design Mr. N. Dickinson 984.71.8 & .9 2 Hand Embroide ed Caps - with metal discs - black ith gold - black with red Mr. Gordon Simpson 984.60.12 Irons - use• on a wiffle tree as a check rein Mrs. Jessie Slemon 990.4.342 a - c Compact & rerfume in Carrying Case - marked "C. a Nome" Mrs. E. J. Roantree 990.34.3 Folding ' ircular Fan Russell & Marilyn Dow 979.14.1 - 10 Tobacc. Tins Mr. Wilbert Teeple 963.53.7 Cigar Box - Harper Presnail Cigar Comp.ny, Hamilton, Ontario Mrs. P. R. Gilbert 963.57.2 b Ho. Special - conditioner & mineral su•plement Mr. Byam 983.62.4 Fin - Neilson's Pure Cocoa Mrs. Iva Twist 985.15.2 Toy saw - with wooden handle Mrs. Howard Jeffery 985.15.6 Play Money - green and white Mrs. Howard Jeffery - 2 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 985.15.7 Toy Treasure Chest Bank - black, gold and red Mrs. Howard Jeffery 985.22.16 a-g Tailor System Cardboard - for cutting garments Mr. J. L Graham 985.46.2 Weight Box & Weights - in cedar box, 11 out of 21 pieces Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Davies 985.56.1 - 6 Pressed Tin House Flashing in ornate design, various sizes W. . Bagnall 989.4.1 Horse Drawn Hay Rake - wooden rs. G. Martin 989.25.1 Cheque Imprinter - used at bank "Registered" Anonymous 990.51.4 2 Wheel Child's Wagon - wooden to be pulled by dog Lionel Parker 987.13.1 Pick Axe Museum Purchase 979.30 Auger Drill - with own frame and =eat Mrs. Gerald Shackelton 968.16.1 Tin Footbath T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Oshawa 963.57 Flat Board with Metal Pegs - or spools of thread Mr. F. L. Byam 978.8.1 Thread Holder - wood with :pikes for spools Mrs. Carl Devitt 978.17.18 German Binocular Case W. S. Landers 979.1.2 Coal Scuttle Mr. Art Baker 979.3.1 Suitcase - pressed !=per box with rivets and cloth stapes Mr. Bert Johnston 979.14.11 Cast Iron Pot - w'th white enamel liner Mr. Wilbert Teeple 979.21.1 Mandolin - wood= base, wire strings, frets with sma buttons that were made to strike the strings Mr. Forest Dilling 979.22.8 Container - 'lass for cruet set Mrs. Wilbert Teeple 979.38.5 Indian Cro- - - from B.C. made of wood Mr. J. A. Tabb 980.7.3 Child's C'.ina Cup - Elgin House, Lake Joe, Mus -•ka Lakes Mrs. Howard Jeffery 980.12.2 Blacksm'th's Leather Apron Mr. Percy Dewell 980.27.4 Metal . acts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan 980.27.6 Meta Lasts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan 980.27.7 Met=1 Lasts for making Shoes Mr. Robert Dezan - 3 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 961.1.2 Scythe Mr. A. Rei• rath 961.2.17 Round Table - felt top (plant holder) Miss Ag -s Bleakley 961.2.21 Bird Cage Chair Miss gnes Bleakley 961.2.54 Wooden Wash Tub Mi-s Agnes Bleakley 961.2.57 Candle Sconce iss Agnes Bleakley 961.2.62 Ink Stand Miss Agnes Bleakley 961.5.7 Wooden Cradle - barrel shape Mrs. Janet, Jury Estate 961.15.1 Spile - for tapping maple trees Mrs. L. B. Williams 961.7.2 a & b Butter Press - wooden Mr. Earl Osborne 961.16.4 Shovel Iron - for laying tile Arthur H. Brent 961.27.1 Pressing Board Iron Mrs. Al Hooey 961.38.4 Bow Saw (a-c) Mr. Edward J. P. Morley 961.45.1 Carpet Bag - for travellin,• Mrs. D. G. Hooper 961.46.1 Model for a Pea Vine Rak- (1880's) Anonymous 961.66.6 Lantern The Bleakley Estate 961.90.3 a & b Women's Snowshoes Dr. V. H. Storey 961.98.4 Spool Holder Mrs. Devitt 961.21.3 Butter Churn Mr. Howard Brent 962.15.3 Wooden Kitchen C ock - made by E. Ingraham Co. , B.istol, Conn. Mrs. Wilbert Craig 962.27.1 Tools for Shoe, ng Horses - in box used in Tyron- 1880-1950 Mr. Robert McCullough 962.39.1 Wooden Paper or Magazine Rack Mrs. Joe Chapman 962.57.1 Fancy Jewe Box with Clock Estate of Gertrude Annie Viola Down 962.57.16 3 Gal. S •neware Jug - marked in blue with Ebe hardt, Toronto Estate of Gertrude Annie Viola Down 962.65.2 Piano •.tool - horse hair covering made by D.'.P. Miss Carrie Painton 963.8.1 Cobb er Repair Kit Mrs. Wesley Hills 963.18.1 Acc.rdion Pleater Iron Mrs. Gus Bounsall 963.38.1 Ke'ozino Tin - Loverin & Browne Co. , Ch. cago Mrs. Clarence Allin - 4 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 963.41.16 Metal Pot or Glue Pot Mrs. Ken-eth Foster 963.49.9 Wooden Bake Board Mrs. -nneth Caverly 963.56.6 Card Advertisement for Dyes Mr. John Slemen 963.44.1 1 Pkg. Dyola Hat Color s. Hardol Salter 964.26.5 Grab Hook - used to move logs (metal) Mr. Arthur V. Soper 964.19.3 Foot Warmer - stone slab with wire handle Mr. O. J. Presson 965.8.9 a & b 2 Sap Spiles Mrs. W. Teeple 966.22.1 Lantern Marked with Made in Canad. "Beacon" Mr. Robert Lambert 968.3.1 a & b Indian Clubs - used for exercis • (1880's) Mrs. E. Ruthven 968.5.2 Bottle with Metal Top - Ajax raking Powder or Candies Miss S. Langmaid 969.3.4 Chart - bacteriological Mrs. J. A. McArthur 969.10.1 Iron Frying Pan - design -•n handle Miss Marjorie Collacott 967.21 Lantern Mrs. George W. James 970.19.12 Wooden Crokinole Board Mrs. M. Wiseman 972.13.18 Trunk or Suit Case Miss Carrie Painton 973.2.4 Flat Iron - A.R. Woadyatt & Co. , Guelph Mr. Glen Hughson 973.11.1 Large Black Metal ray - floral stencil design Mrs. Elva Byam 975.4.7 Metal Toaster - ' wo wire sides Museum Purchase 975.4.11 Card Board Sal-.her Box Museum Purchase 975.16.1 Iron Balance •cale Mr. Forbes Heyland 975.16.9 Flat Iron Mr. Forbes Heyland 976.6.2 Tool Carpe ter's Marker Marion Snowden 983.31.1 a & b Hockey Cl ,b Skates - to be attached to shoes Mr. Joseph Cuddahee 983.31.2 a & b Yukon Sates - skates to be attached to shoe= Mr. Joseph Cuddahee 963.57.11 a & b Cans o Paint Mr. F. L. Byam 971.32.2 Scabbard Mr. Gordon Flaxman 972.7.4 Wood Shelf (1 hole) Mrs. W. Teeple - 5 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 972.7.3 Wood Shelf (2 holes) Mrs. W. Tee•le 970.4.1 - .4 Wooden Stakes Mr. Ted 7. ttery 962.17.8 Wooden Peg Mrs. . Teeple 980.27.5 Shoe Last Mrs Irene Rinch 964.24.1 Iron - marked Brockville Walter Rogers 961.58.2 Wooden Plane Mr. W. Hackney 980.37.11 Carry Comb Anonymous 970.13.1 Metal Funnel with Dipper Mrs. H. Foley 962.33.18 Black Parasol Mrs. Kenneth Gillespie 979.21.2 Parasol Mr. Forest Dilling 984.58.2 Umbrella Mrs. Jessie Slemon 985.22.3 Tarbox - metal & wood (pillo sham holder) Mr. J. L. Graham 962.40.1 Parasol Miss Lula Reynolds 967.15.3 Holder for a Whisk Broom Mrs. Martin Walter 985.48.7 Steel Square - with bu• •le level Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.2 a - c Vinyl Case with Chis= s Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.1 Drafting Ruler Mrs. A. D. Jackson 985.48.19 a - g Screwdriver Set Mrs. A. D. Jackson 963.57.6 Upright Glass F •nt Case - with sewing Supplies Mr. E. L. Byam 963.57.5 Glass Front C-se for Dyes Mr. E. L. Byam 965.17.2 Straw Carryi g Case Mrs. D. Higgon 990.21.1 Black Plas•ic Fibre Hat (1950's , cloth flowers) Margaret Rodgers 990.21.2 Pink Fea•her Hat (1950's) Margaret Rodgers 984.71.6 & .7 Maracas Mr. Gordon Simpson 961.97.1 Paper ood Rack - with enamel buttons Forest A. Dilling 990.51.3 a & b Tops to Old Gas Pumps - Shell Oil Lionel Parker 961.64.3 Tab e with Rope Edge - legs missing Mrs. Ken Caverly 990.3.1 a - f Cherry Pitter Mrs. Doris Yourth 963.49.1 a & b C.:nisters Mrs. Kenneth Caverly - 6 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 963.57.12 d Bottle of Nerve Tonic Mr. Byam 979.14.4 Tobacco Tin Mr. W. Tee• e 973.2.5 Iron Mr. Gle Hughson 984.60.4 White and Blue Tin Cup Mrs. essie Slemon 979.30.2 Round Container with Lid Mr Gerald Shackelton 984.60.1 Metal Measurer (1 pint) ors. Jessie Slemon 962.27.2 Clamp Robert McCullough 968.13.2 Cooper Tool Mr. 0. Conlin 980.12.1 Miners Lamp (1900) Mr. Perry Dewell 969.9.7 Cow Bell J. D. Hogarth 976.6.6 Brace Marion Snowden 985.48.20 Wood Plane Mrs. A. D. Jackson 961.38.4 a Bow Saw Edward J. P. Morley 961.3.15 c Auger (bits) Mr. Forbes Heyland 969.6.2 Indian Saddle Mrs. E. Werry 973.18.1 Frae Tool Mr. Edwin Wilson 979.38.10 Brace Mr.. J. A. Tabb 971.27.8 Saw Harry Upton 962.45.1 Carpet Beater Mrs. Gordon Jury 981.40.7 b Horse Clippers Mrs. L. Carl Bradley 973.2.7 Postal Scale - metal base with weight on fro t Mr. Glen Hughson 984.63.6 Corn Cob Pip- - marked "Sweetheart" Washington o. USA Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard 976.6.4 Tool - 1 1 2" Brace (piece missing) Marion Snowden 962.31.11 Tin Muffi Rings Mrs. W. Teeple 984.54.1 a - e 5 Part akespear Fishing Rod Mrs. Aletha Halliday 974.14.1 Bayonew - found in Cream of Barley Mill Mr. John Ford 961.10.1 Skimm=r - metal for skimming cream Mrs. O. K. Osborne 990.34.8 Pabl m Box - Mead Johnson & Co. , Bell-ville (1934) Russell & Marilyn Dow - 7 - ARTIFACT NO. DESCRIPTION DONOR 990.44.1 a - d Razer with Case - metal case with self sharpening razer Mrs. Iva Twist 990.10.5 Butter Press - wood rectangular with line design June Clark 990.39.1 a - r Lantern Tops from Enniskillen Store Jessie Sl= on (glass) 980.31.1 Broom for Early Fireplace Mr. M'.,e Martin 980.47.12 Pillow Case Chinese Embroidery Mrs Iva Twist 981.40.6 Blanket (1880's) M s. L. Carl Bradley 982.9.4 Stereoscope Mrs. Byron Vanstone 982.16.1 6 Sided Basket cord with Raffia at Joints & Trim Miss Irene Rinch 982.41.2 Dipping Stick - used to take clothes from boiling water Roy Cameron 982.65.1 Iron Shoe Last - 3 in 1 combinat' •n (1900) Rev & Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard 983.30.1 Piano Stool - glass balls held by claws on the bottom of legs Mr. Norman Boddy 983.62.5 Cloves Tin Mrs. Iva Twist 983.82.4 Wooden Cheese Box Mrs. Inez Jackman 984.58.4 Canister - Silver Gloss tarch Mrs. Jessie Slemon 984.59.6 China Show - commemor- ive of Niagara Falls Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard 963.52.4 Wood Plane Mr. Mark Roenigk 963.47.26 Lid to Bean Pot Mrs. J. D. Hogarth 961.2.8 Fancy Lid for Po The Bleakley Estate 962.9.1 Saucer (no cup Mrs. Kenneth Caverly 964.29.4 Large Saw wit Red Handle Miss Isabelle Davis 975.4.9 Seed Sower Bowmanville Museum 979.14.1 - .9 Tobacco Ti s Mr. Wilbert Teeple 990.48.2 Scrap Bo. - with clippings of Royal Family Anonymous - 8 - CHINA *NOTE - all pieces are damaged and not of Museum quality. 962.43.16 Ceramic Box Mr=. Ruth Shulga 961.81.1 a & b Cup & Saucer . G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.1 a & b Cup & Saucer W. G. Morrison 961.82.4 a & b Coffee Pot with Lid W. G. Morrison 971.12.2 Egg Cup Mr. & Mrs. Dea Hodgson 980.7.3 Commemorative Cup - no s •ucer Mrs. Howard Jeffery 984.63.16 Commemorative Egg Cup Miss Elizabeth Woodard 984.63.18 a & b Commemorative Cup & saucer Miss Elizabeth Woodard