HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-22-91 r ""W""' ''. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r 1 'l REPORT 7)) ;,f', . t ti File # 7,-)' � � Res. # -*FA, ;, t By-Law # TING GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: MAY 20, 1991 REPORT #: CS-22-91 FILE #: SMUT: PETITION FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-22-91 be received for information; 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 Recently, a petition with approximately 250 signatures has been presented to the Community Services Department by Mr. John Bickell, age 12 of 93 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville requesting that a "bicycle park" be established that would: 1. "keep bicycles off the sidewalks" ; 2 . "be out of peoples way" ; and 3 . "to keep out of trouble" . 1.2 John is a student at Bowmanville Senior Public School and has expressed a need for a safe place for children to ride their bicycles without "getting into any trouble or mischief" . In conversation he makes the observation that children who use skateboards had a number of facilities provided to them in 1990 and he would like to see a bicycle trail and some ramps and jumps for bicyclists . . ./2 0 1 REPORT NO. CS-22-91 - 2 - MAY 20, 1991 2.0 REPORT: 2 . 1 The Recreation Leisure Services Master Plan will be completed in the near future and will be addressing the opportunities for transportation linkage through Open Space lands . These lands will in time feature pedestrian, recreational trails and, opportunities for bicycles will be an intricate part of the plan. More specifically, the 1990 Capital Budget as approved by Council identified an intent to carry out an Open Space Bikeway/Walkway Feasibility Study in 1993. The study would review all municipal and publicly owned land, plot and map the locations, attempt to identify potential routes, identify needed parcels of land for acquisition and a phased proposal for development. 2 .2 Over the past year on one or two occasions verbal requests have been received asking permission to use the skateboard ramps for bicycles or to have similar facilities provided. Staff have taken the requests under advisement pending the success of skateboard ramps over a period of time and future input from the Towns ' insurance carrier. 2 .3 Staff has invited Mr. John Bickell as a delegation to whom the Committee may wish to direct any questions. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Ati / Jose.? P. Caruana, Director , aw ence E. 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