HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-26-91 V °"" '`"'}' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �: REPORT File # ,) c %, ,)1 �- Res. a,., -,--.k.'!+r': �. By-Law # STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: June 17, 1991 REPORT #: (`s-26-91 FILE #: SURECT: PARTICIPaction - Review RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-26-91 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 The PARTICIPaction Challenge has been a part of the Community Services Department's special events program for many years . In 1991, the normal schedule of activities was expanded to include the regular call-in activity as well as a "Snappy Sneaker Contest" and a new community-wide WALK-A- BLOCK. 2 . 0 WALK-A-BLOCK: 2 . 1 In past years, the Community Services Department has hosted special fitness activities, such as fitness classes and lambada dancing, in the Civic Square of the Municipal Administration Centre. These activities, although fairly well attended and enjoyable, were considered to be targeted for only those who were already in good physical condition and/or within the "younger generation" . To remove the . ./2 REPORT NO. CS-26-91 - 2 - JUNE 17, 1991 barriers and encourage more participation in physical fitness, the Program/Community Relations Division planned, promoted and operated a community-wide walking activity. 2 .2 This event involved participation and co-operation of the Public Works Department, the Fire Department and the Durham Regional Police Force. The staff of the Public Works Department provided assistance in the completion of the Road Occupancy Permit and the barricading of the walk route to normal traffic. The enthusiasm and cooperation of the Public Works Department employees was most appreciated. 2 . 3 The Newcastle Fire Department also provided their support and co-operation as being the official "pace pumper" of the walk. The Fire Fighters, Deputy Chief and Chief made themselves available to provide any requested assistance and participated in the walk itself. The presence of the pumper was considered a highlight for the children from Central Public School, who participated in the walk. 2 .4 The WALK-A-BLOCK event has been reviewed by the staff and has been recognized as a success . According to the head count taken, approximately 352 individuals took the time to participate. The true success of this event was the walkers themselves . There were individuals using canes or wheelchairs participating as well as children, adults and seniors. The community as a whole was well represented. All walkers received a token of appreciation for their participation - some received PARTICIPaction pins while others were given PARTICIPaction stickers . The walk concluded at the Civic Square where the Community Services Department provided juices and popcicles. Through informal discussions with individual participants it appears that they enjoyed participating as much as we did hosting. . . /3 9 9 REPORT NO. CS-26-91 - 3 - JUNE 17, 1991 2 .5 There were a number of community groups/associations that contributed to the success of this event. They included Newcastle Community Care, Resident Activity Program (R.A.P. ) , Bowmanville Memorial Hospital (both staff and the Resident's Council) and the Good Neighbours Committee. 3.0 SNAPPY SNEAKER CONTEST: 3. 1 Employees of the Town of Newcastle were invited to participate in a Snappy Sneaker Contest as part of the PARTICIPaction Challenge Day. The sneakers were judged by Pattie Barrie (Clerk's) , Gary Hanewich (Planning) and Tony Cannella (Public Works) . The first prize for this event was a sport bag that was donated by Reebok Canada. The winners of the contest were: Most Original Scott Rose (Community Services) Snappiest Elaine Ormiston (Treasury) Heritage Nancy O'Flaherty (Administration) Most Colourful Trixie Wright (Community Services) Biggest Heather Moulton (Planning) Young-at-Heart Jackie Forsey (Treasury) Dottiest Linda Bruce (Clerk's) Flower Power Kim MacDonald (Clerk's) 3 .2 Although the participation in this event was somewhat limited, it will definitely become a regular offering of the Town of Newcastle's PARTICIPaction Challenge Day program. One of the off-shoots of this type of event is the promotion of the team concept and a boost in staff motivation and morale. Perhaps next year it will become a Department Challenge. 4 .0 PARTICIPaction CALL-IN: 4 . 1 This activity was not as successful in 1991 as it had been in past years . Participation by the community, as a whole, was disappointing but will provide incentive for the 1992 planning team. In 1990, a total of 16,478 individuals . . /4 `' 1 7 REPORT NO. CS-26-91 - 4 - JUNE 17, 1991 (representing 36 . 62% of the total population) took the time to do 15 minutes of activity and register with the staff at the Newcastle Fitness Centre. In 1991, a total of 5,324 individuals (representing 11. 83% of the total population) registered their activities . Although there is some solace in the fact that PARTICIPaction figures from surrounding municipalities were significantly lower than in previous years, it is still a disappointing turn of events . 4 .2 Some factors that impacted on the call-in aspect of the Challenge Day program were beyond the control of the planning team. For example, the national advertising campaign that the Federal Office of Sport and Fitness produces was not as strong this year as it had been in the past. Perhaps this speaks to the current recession and the impact it has had on Government spending. Municipalities tend to rely on this type of advertising to boost participation in their own communities . 4 .3 Despite the decrease in participation, staff are enthusiastic that they can use this as incentive to achieve a greater level of success in 1992 . For those who are new to this Municipality and the Department, the call-in program has been a learning experience and the short-comings that were experienced in 1991 will be anticipated and resolved prior to the operation in 1992 . 5 . 0 COMMENTS: 5 . 1 In planning the program/events for the PARTICIPaction Challenge Day 1992 the Community Services Department team will review the operation of the 1991 event and determine the best way to proceed in order to encourage greater awareness and participation in fitness activities at the community level. The program will include the call-in program as well as another event for the Municipal staff. . . /5 REPORT NO. CS-26-91 - 5 - JUNE 17, 1991 These activities have a direct relationship to the image of the Town as perceived by its residents and promote community spirit throughout the Municipality. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Joseprf P. Caruana, Director Lawrence E. Kotseff Depa ment of Community Services Chief A. ' istrative Officer JPC:JJC:sa t"h