HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-29-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � , REPORT File # fr"' l) ;∎ , J17 aS - ci Res. # .k/A23i�' �-�. By-Law # hEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: July 22, 1991 REPORT #: CS-29-91 FILE #: SUBECT: ANNUAL REVIEW OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RATES AND FEES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS-29-91 be received; 2 . That Council approve the Community Services Department's proposed Rates and Fees as outlined in Schedules I and II effective September 1, 1991; and 3. That the proposed Cemetery Fees and Rates be forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for approval. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 The rates and fees that are charged by the Community Services Department involve a wide range of programs and services provided to the residents of the Town of Newcastle. The purpose of this review is to examine the rates and fees that the Department currently charges and to make changes, where indicated, to ensure that the programs and services offered maintain the high standard of quality and that the rates and fees for accessing these are reasonable. The overall effect . . /2 1 REPORT NO. CS-29-91 - 2 - JULY 22, 1991 of the proposed increases do not exceed five percent (5%) . 1.2 In doing this review, several factors were taken into consideration. These factors include the rates and fees charged for comparable services by other Municipalities within the Region of Durham; current social and economic trends; and the perceived impact of the Federal Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T. ) on the community. 1. 3 Internal factors that were taken into consideration for the purpose of this review include current use patterns of the program participants; the costs incurred through the provision of the programs and services; and the costs incurred through the operation of the facilities used. 2.0 SERVICES: 2 . 1 This category is comprised of unstructured programs that are provided to the general public and do not require instruction and are supervised by trained part-time employees. These services include recreational/public skating, recreational swimming, squash and pool/facility memberships (Newcastle Fitness Centre) . 2 .2 Under this category the only significant change being proposed will effect the Seniors population of the Town. In a number of municipalities, including Oshawa and Ajax, recreational skating and swimming services are provided at no charge to Seniors . A Senior is anyone who is 65 years of age or better (this is verified by the Senior Citizen card issued by the Federal Government) . To make the administration of this service easier, the Municipalities providing this free service issue Department participation cards which are used to gain access to the programs. This would be the recommended process for the Community Services Department to put into place. 2 .3 The purpose of promoting recreational skating and swimming programs for Senior Citizens at no charge is two-fold. First, . . /3 917 REPORT NO. CS-29-91 — 3 — JULY 22, 1991 it is an acknowledgement of the contribution Senior Citizens have made to our Community. Second, it encourages Seniors to continue/increase their participation in the services that are provided by the Community Services Department. The number of Seniors participating in these types of services is limited reflecting minimal impact on the Department's revenue. 2 .4 The only other significant change to the current rate structure is the addition of the Youth Outdoor Swim pass for the two outdoor pools - Newcastle Lions Pool and Orono Park Pool. In previous years there has only been two types of passes for these pools - Adult and Family. Since both pools are located in areas where there are high numbers of children and youth it is proposed that a new rate be established to encourage this age group to participate more often in the recreational swim programs provided at these facilities . 3.0 PROGRAMS - AQUATICS: 3. 1 This category includes all aquatic programs offered at the Newcastle Fitness Centre (year-round) and the two outdoor pools (Newcastle Lions Pool and Orono Park Pool) during the summer. The programs require the leadership of qualified/certified Instructors and are available to participants of all ages . 3 .2 The proposed increase in fee is approximately to 4 . 75 percent and is required to offset increases in operational fees such as Instructor wages and administrative fee increases levied by the Canadian Red Cross and the Royal Life Saving Society. Generally, the proposed fees do not exceed the average fees charged by other Municipalities within the Region of Durham. 4.0 FACILITY RENTALS: 4 . 1 The fees charged for ice rentals have been increased by five (5) percent. This is justified by the increases in charges, paid by the Department/Town, to keep these facilities operating at maximum effectiveness . . . /4 C) 1 C) d1U REPORT NO. CS-29-91 - 4 - JULY 22, 1991 4 .2 The rates for pool rental at the Newcastle Fitness Centre have been increased by approximately five (5) percent. This brings the Town of Newcastle fees in line with those charged by other Municipalities within the Durham Region. Please note that in other Municipalities within the Region the fee for pool rental does not include the cost of Lifeguards . The fees for the Newcastle Aquatic Club do not include Lifeguard rates . These would be applied, as indicated, when required and/or appropriate. 4 . 3 The fees for the rental of any of the four (4) rooms at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex (that comprise the Multi- Purpose Room) have been adjusted to encourage more community groups to access them for programs and meetings . Under the proposed fee structure organizations can rent any one of the four rooms (Kinsmen, Financial, Rotary or McLaughlin) from Sunday to Thursday for a special rate. Currently if a group wants to use these rooms they pay a full-day fee. If approved, as of September 1, 1991 these same groups can rent the space at an hourly rate providing their function does not exceed the maximum time limit of 3 hours . If a function goes over 3 hours, then the appropriate day fee would be applied. It is intended by adding this feature to the hall rental fee structure that more community groups and organizations will make use of the space available at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex during the week. 4 .4 With the addition of the Kitchen facilities at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex, it is the Department's position that a fee should be established to cover the cost of maintaining this facility. A group requesting the use of this facility would be required to submit a deposit of $225 .00 before the start of their function. At the completion of the function, staff would inspect the facility to ensure that it has been left in an acceptable state and that all appliances provided . . /5 a t �, REPORT NO. CS-29-91 - 5 - JULY 22, 1991 (eg. pots, pans etc . ) are in order. Once completed the permit holder would be refunded $150 . 00 from their deposit thus making the actual fee $75.00 per use. 5.0 CEMETERIES: 5. 1 The rates currently charged for the services provided as they relate to Cemeteries have not been changed during the past two years . Through this review, it has been determined that the rates for services be increased by a total of five (5%) percent. It is also recommended that the rates for services on weekends and holidays be adjusted to reflect the actual cost (equipment and labour) to the Town of Newcastle and that they be consistent with each other. The attached Schedule II outlines all of the proposed rates as they relate to Cemeteries . Once approved by Council, the schedule of the proposed increases is to be forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for Ministry approval prior to implementation. 6.0 COMMENTS: 6 . 1 The rates and fees proposed on the attached Schedules are considered to be reasonable and representative of the high standard of quality that the staff of the Community Services Department strive to uphold. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, (/ 1 A , it� Josep 7P. Caruana, Director Lawrenc- '+. Kotseff Depar ment of Community Services Chief A: Inistrative Officer JPC:JJC:jc 0 ') 0' I C_ kj FEES AND RATES 1992 (PROPOSED) ATTACHMENT I SERVICE 1992 1992/GST 1991 1991/GST Regional Average RECREATIONAL SKATING ADULTS 2.10 2.25 2.00 2.14 1.87 YOUTH 1.31 1.40 1.25 1.34 1.60 SENIORS 1.00 1.07 RECREATIONAL SWIMMING ADULTS 2.10 2.25 2.00 2.14 1.92 YOUTH 1.31 1.40 1.25 1.34 1.06 FAMILY 4.21 4.50 4.00 4.28 4.44 SENIORS .75 .80 .22 OUTDOOR SWIM PASS YOUTH 25.00 26.75 ADULT 31.78 34.00 30.00 32.10 FAMILY 62.62 67.00 60.00 64.20 SQUASH (DAILY) PRIME TIME - ADULTS 5.14 5.50 5.00 5.35 5.05 PRIME TIME - YOUTH 4.21 4.50 4.00 4.28 PRIME TIME - SENIORS 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.28 NON-PRIME - ADULTS 4.21 4.50 4.00 4.28 4.00 NON-PRIME - YOUTH 3.27 3.50 3.00 3.21 3.00 NON-PRIME - SENIORS 2.80 3.00 3.00 3.21 3.00 MEMBERSHIPS (N.F.C.) (A) POOL ANNUAL - ADULTS 78.50 84.00 75.00 80.25 73.00 ANNUAL - YOUTH 52.34 56.00 50.00 53.50 57.00 ANNUAL - FAMILY 157.48 168.50 150.00 160.50 128.00 ANNUAL - SENIORS MONTHLY - ADULTS 15.75 16.85 15.00 16.05 15.00 MONTHLY - YOUTH 9.35 10.00 9.00 9.63 9.00 MONTHLY - FAMILY 28.04 30.00 27.00 28.89 28.00 10 TICKETS - ADULTS 14.02 15.00 13.00 13.91 16.50 10 TICKETS - YOUTH 8.41 9.00 8.00 8.56 8.75 10 TICKETS - FAMILY 24.30 26.00 23.00 24.61 26.75 (B) FACILITY . ANNUAL - ADULTS - FULL 224.30 240.00 215.00 230.05 196.08 ANNUAL - ADULTS - DAYTIME 110.28 118.00 105.00 112.35 152.00 ANNUAL - YOUTH 110.28 118.00 105.00 112.35 98.79 ANNUAL - FAMILY 420.56 450.00 400.00 428.00 330.83 3 MONTH - ADULTS - FULL 84.11 90.00 80.00 85.60 93.44 3 MONTH - ADULTS - DAYTIM 45.79 49.00 44.00 47.08 75.44 3 MONTH - YOUTH 45.79 49.00 44.00 47.08 41.40 3 MONTH - FAMILY 142.06 152.00 135.00 144.45 136.19 6 MONTH - ADULTS - FULL 130.00 139.10 6 MONTH - ADULTS - DAYTIM 70.00 74.90 6 MONTH - YOUTH 70.00 74.90 6 MONTH - FAMILY 255.00 272.85 10 TICK - ADULT - FULL 42.06 45.00 40.00 42.80 10 TICK - ADULT - DAYTIME 31.78 34.00 30.00 32.10 10 TICKETS - YOUTH 36.45 39.00 35.00 37.45 SUM. SPECIAL - ADULTS 54.67 58.50 52.00 55.64 SUM. SPECIAL - YOUTH 27.10 29.00 26.00 27.82 SUM. SPECIAL - FAMILY 110.28 118.00 105.00 112.35 PROGRAMS (A) AQUATICS WATERBABIES - WHITE 32.00 30.00 37.50 SYNCHRO/SPECIAL PROGRAMS 70.10 75.00 38.00 40.66 BRONZE MEDALLION 60.75 65.00 58.00 62.06 59.20 BRONZE CROSS 63.08 67.50 60.00 64.20 66.37 LEADERS 59.81 64.00 50.00 53.50 76.25 LIFESAVING I, II, & III 39.72 42.50 38.00 40.66 38.50 N.L.S./INSTRUCTORS 105.00 112.35 100.00 107.00 101.37 SEMI-PRIVATE - 10 LESSONS 60.75 65.00 58.00 62.06 PRIVATE - 10 LESSONS 89.25 95.50 85.00 90.95 ADULT INSTRUCTION 36.45 39.00 35.00 37.45 44.31 AQUA-FITNESS 36.45 39.00 35.00 37.45 39.25 MASTERS SWIMMING 43.93 47.00 42.00 44.94 (B) GEN. INTEREST/SUMMER SUMMER DAY CAMP - 5 DAYS 70.00 70.00 77.50 SUMMER DAY CAMP - 4 DAYS 56.00 56.00 62.00 921 SERVICE 1992 1992/GST 1991 1991/GST Regional Average FACILITY RENTALS (/HOUR) (A) ARENAS (BRC/DSC) PRIME TIME - ADULTS 77.57 83.00 74.00 79.18 96.48 PRIME TIME - MINORS 69.16 74.00 66.00 70.62 73.67 NON-PRIME - ADULTS 60.75 65.00 58.00 62.06 86.13 NON-PRIME - MINORS 31.78 34.00 30.00 32.10 73.67 NON-RESIDENT -ALL GROUPS 84.11 90.00 80.00 85.60 (B) FLOOR (SUMMER/BRC) SP. EVENTS -MAX 5 HOURS 40.00 42.80 SP. EVENTS -5 OR MORE HRS 600.00 642.00 550.00 588.50 590.64 • SPORTS/RECREATION 33.64 36.00 32.00 34.24 32.68 (C) AQUATICS POOL (INCL. 2 GUARDS) 57.94 62.00 55.00 58.85 64.50 LIFEGUARDS - ADDITIONAL 10.28 11.00 BD. OF ED. (N.PRIME) 25.00 26.75 23.00 24.61 37.00 NEWAC 25.00 26.75 23.00 24.61 37.00 SPECIAL EVENTS 35.00 37.45 37.00 (POOL ONLY/GUARDS XTRA) (D) BANQUET SPACE (i) FULL AREA (375) SUN-THURS -RES 315.00 337.05 315.00 337.05 -N.RES 365.00 390.55 365,00 390.55 FRI-SAT - RES 467.29 500.00 445.00 476,15 - NRES 525.23 562.00 500.00 535.00 HOLIDAYS - RES 498.13 533.00 475.00 508.25 - NRES 551.40 590.00 525.00 561.75 NEW YEARS' EVE - RES 900.00 963.00 900.00 963.00 - NRES 1,000.00 1,070.00 1,000.00 1,070.00 (ii) ROOM A/B/C/D/(115) SUN-THURS -MAX 3 HRS-RES 30.00 32.10 -MAX 3 HRS-NRES 33.00 35.31 -4 OR MORE HOURS-RES 135.00 144.45 135.00 144.45 -4 OR MORE HOURS-NRES 150.00 160.50 150.00 160.50 FRI-SAT -RES 162.62 174.00 155.00 165.85 -NRES 188.79 202.00 180.00 192.60 HOLIDAYS - RES 178.50 191.00 170.00 181.90 - NRES 204.67 219.00 195.00 208.65 (iii) BAR SERVICES BARTENDERS - 1ST 15.75 16.85 15.00 15.75 BARTENDERS - ADDITIONAL 11.55 12.36 11.00 11.77 BAR SUPPLIES (/PERSON) 2.00 2.14 1.50 1.61 (iv) KITCHEN - DEPOSIT (REFUNDABLE) 225.00 - PER USE (NON-REFUND) 75.00 (E) PROGRAM RATE (/HOUR) (NO SET-UP REQUIRED) ROOM A/B/C/D - RES 25.00 26.75 - N/RES 30.00 32.10 (F) OUTDOOR FACILITIES (/GAME) FIELDS - ADULT 8.41 9.00 8.00 8.56 - TOURNAMENT-ADULT 6.00 6.42 5.33 5.70 MARKING - ADULTS 12.62 13.50 12.00 12.84 MARKING - MINORS 6.54 7.00 6.00 6.42 LIGHTS - ADULTS 14.02 15.00 13.00 13.91 LIGHTS - MINORS 14.02 15.00 13.00 13.91 (G)PICNICS-ORONO PARK ADMISSIONS -WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS CARS 3.74 4.00 3.50 3.75 MOTORCYCLES 2.80 3.00 2.50 2.68 BUSES 23.36 25.00 22.00 23.54 0 2 2 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N U) O ill VI C) O 0 0 V) 0 0 U) N VI U) O O N M O .O 0 0 N N N CO V CO .O N H V' V' V' (N4 M N O) M r1 .i N .-I V) .-1 M CO .-1 Os H ■ I z W O VI V) 0 VI V) O 0 O O VI 0 O VI 01 N Ul 0 0 v N m m V' N N 'O CO l0 N N h CO .-1 V' H N r1 V' NI•VI V1 N N V) O 0 N h N VI h h N CO N CO b N .-1 N II (7 CO .-1 NI m W 0) O. N O. 0) ' H V V V. N CO N . m .-1 H N .-1 in .1 M m .1 + .i ✓ NI 01 NI r Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O ■ • • . .-1 O V) V) O VI V) O O O O VI O O U) h in UI O O N m Of l0 O O N h h CO V' O7 10 N .-1 V V' V' N m N 01 m H r1 N .-i V) r1 m CO .i NI 0 W N N N h l0 V) M T m b '0 '0 0 O H N '0 V' 01 Ol H N N N b N V' N UI Ol WI CO VI 0 h V' NI O E, • • • • •co V' N N N V' V' N 50 N '0 Vl m V' O N 0 m m N N pa C7 O H H V• N OD O O O O 'O N V' U1 VI N m N • V' H .i N N 10 N V' m H O CA M M N N 1C H CL WO VI UI O UI U) O O 0 O VI O O VI V) in in 0 O 0 O r 0 N N 0 n h O 0 0 O N VI 0 N m N N VI O O O QCO O 0 H CO CO 01 ON CO H Ul N n n h .i H N m �y. n H H CO n n CO ID CO N V' .i 0 '0 V' N CO N Y. N m .1 H N H U) .i m m H O) H z Q Cl) LLI W o a >" CO 0 m o IL X Z z X C.4 VI W H '"• " H Z N H ai W .. a H Y. x 0 [y 0 0 m 0 0 U m LLJ "� g 5 V N a a 0 x m Z H I-.1 H 0 •> .7 ' a s Z 0 W7 H 0 0 0 a a n m 0 0 a (0 a H 0 \ w z �7g, A CO H El E. cn H `1U H a H � {y 'C z z pogoppp A .zz4 0 0 H OHO oH tom/) H H \ Dp 0 2 to z V0 a offo r7 a0a pgR�� Wgt� 0 H Cv Caw4 W a zH H ti A O H s>: a a a2 ■ H 0 U y p� {pp� H WH O \ U a ,y HH �p P4 a M H 4 PII a a H tx A O H aq a x H O fZ W FC a 4i A H A Aq H a 0q H qQ Wz W WW V) al U 44 U U 4 4 U Q 4 U Q 2 z W U f.>: 0 H U M H 0 H cn z H zz 0 o� z H U z H a E pO O 0i GL U 0 V) H W H pH z W w O H o0 WW .1 U CO S H A u) 0 H H A 2 0 W U H 0. W (z� "C z w k, W U i z i-.1 z H i ' 0 0 A z 0 U) H } p x W 0 �• ATTACHMENT II' GLOSSARY OF TERMS Tots/PreSchoolers Children 5 years of age and under Youth Individuals 16 years of age and under Family Membership Consists of two adults and a maximum of 4 children Seniors Individuals 65 years of age and over Minor (Facility Rentals) Sports programs targeted for individuals who are 16 years of age and under. Membership must be a minimum of 75% within the identified age group B.R.C. Bowmanville Recreation Complex D.S.C. Darlington Sports Centre N.F.C. Newcastle Fitness Centre Prime Time Most heavily/often requested and used hours at a specific facility (a) ICE Mon. - Thurs . 4:00 p.m.-12 :00 a.m. Friday 4:00 p.m.- 2 :00 a.m. Saturday 7 :00 a.m.- 2 :00 a.m. Sun./Holiday 7 :00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. (b) POOL Mon. - Fri. 6:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Weekends/Hol. 10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. (c) SQUASH Mon. - Fri. 4:00 p.m.-9 :30 p.m. Weekends/Hol. 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Resident Individual residing within the Town of Newcastle Facility Membership Membership fee provides access to the Newcastle Fitness Centre facility including squash courts, whirlpool and sauna (must be 18 years of age or older) and swimming pool during established recreational swim times Summer (Pool Membership) Period from May 1st to September 1st of the calendar year 0 ) /1