HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-33-91 �,�;°""V" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE e, .� REPORT File # L70 1x32. �;i ) ,,t, -! . r C't )1,' : ()� Res. !4 By-Law # 'FETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 REPORT #: CS-33-91 FILE #: SECT: ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AND BOWMANVILLE RECREATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE - UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-33-91 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 On January 28, 1991 the Mayor and Members of Council received correspondence from Mr. Gordon Lowery, President of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association (O.A.A.A. ) . In his correspondence, Mr. Lowery requested assistance in resolving the issue of the provision of recreational hockey within the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Lowery requested that Council consider a review and revision of the agreement that currently exists between the Town of Newcastle and the Bowmanville Recreational Hockey League (B.R.H.L. ) . In response to this request, Council directed the Community Services Department to work with the two groups and to bring back a report to Council with the outcome of their efforts (File - R06 . 1232 .GE) . 1.2 The Community Services Department scheduled a number of meetings involving representatives of both organizations. . ./2 9 REPORT NO. CS-33-91 - 2 - SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 The meetings were intended to clarify the concerns of both organizations and to discuss possible solutions . Throughout this process the Community Services Department acted as facilitators encouraging both groups that the solutions had to come from them. 1.3 On August 24, 1991 a formal agreement was signed by Mike Rate, President of the Bowmanville Recreational Hockey League, and Gord Lowery, President of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. The agreement (Attachment I) has been reviewed and ratified by the Executives of both organizations . 2.0 CONTENT OF THE AGREEMENT: 2 . 1 Negotiations between the two organizations began during the summer months in preparation for the upcoming hockey season. The Agreement is to be reviewed by both organizations annually with any changes, additions or deletions being implemented upon mutual agreement. Please note that the Orono Amateur Athletic Association has also entered into an agreement with the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association - Toro Division (B.M.H.A. ) allowing Orono players the opportunity to try-out for the Toro teams (Attachment II) . 2 .2 The Agreement between the O.A.A.A. and the B.R.H.L. will allow players, who are Orono residents but have played previously with the B.R.H.L. , to continue their participation in the hockey program of their choice - including the Select program. This permission is also granted to any siblings not currently participating. Any new players coming into hockey and are Orono residents will be encouraged to register with the Orono program first. If they decide not to play within the Orono program they will be eligible to play in the B.R.H.L. House League program but not the Select program. 2 .3 The Agreement with the B.M.H.A. allows any player to try out for the Toro Division teams . If they fail to make the team they are "returned" to the Orono centre. It is at this point that the . ./3 �i () REPORT NO. CS-33-91 - 3 - SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 agreement with the B.R.H.L. will take effect. Please note that the B.R.H.L. has a similar agreement with the B.M.H.A. allowing players the opportunity to try out for the representative/All- Star program. 3.0 SUMMARY: 3. 1 As a result of the successful negotiations between the Hockey providers in the Town of Newcastle, it is the belief of the Community Services Department that the residents of this Municipality will experience a more positive participation in this sport. These negotiations have also resulted in the B.R.H.L. being allocated ice time at the Orono Arena. This is the first time that this group has had ice time in Orono for many years. 3.2 The staff of the Community Services Department are very pleased and encouraged by the fact that the groups were able to negotiate a very positive agreement. The role of facilitator was maintained throughout the process and the credit for the establishing of this Agreement belongs to the Executives of the Bowmanville Recreational Hockey League and the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. 3 .3 Finally, the Town of Newcastle Hockey Council will take an active role in monitoring the Agreements currently in effect and involving the local Associations/Leagues . The Executive of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association will be invited to participate in this Council to ensure that all parties are represented equitably. The staff of the Community Services Department will continue to facilitate the growth and development of the Hockey Council, the Associations/Leagues operating within the Town and players that participate in their programs . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, AUff m Jos •h P. Caruana, Director Lawrence Kotseff, Department of Community Services Chief Admiiistrative Officer JPC:JJC:sa 9 ATTACHMENT I B.R.H.L. & O.A.A.A. AGREEMENT FOR 1991/92 Any Orono Players who have played in the BRHL prior to the 1991/92 season, may continue to be eligible to play BRHL House League and Select Hockey. Any brother or sister of players mentioned above shall also be eligible to play BRHL House League and Select Hockey . Any Orono player registering with the BRHL for the 91/92 season for the first time and living within the Orono center boundary as per the O .M.H.A. , may only play house league hockey for the BRHL. Players playing House League hockey in the Orono Athletic Association may try out for the BRHL Select teams . Pending O.M.H.A. approval . B. R.H.L. r l/� President , Mike Rate O . A.A.A. �. President , Gord Lowery f { .,`�� �c =yr� eCcu 904 ATTACHMENT II Orono Amateur Athletic Association "Incorporated" P.O. BOX 165, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO July 3 , 1991 Bowmanville Toros Organization c/o Paul Jackman, President 26 Duke St. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2V1 Dear Sir, At a special association meeting on July 29th, the following motion was passed: The Orono Amateur Athletic Association grants permission for all players registered in Orono to try out for Bowmanville Toros Double AA Major & Minor Teams in their own age group for the 1991-92 season, and reserve the right to release players on an individual basis upon request by the Toros organization prior to September 15th, 1991. Unsuccessful players must return to their home centre (Orono) . This statement is conditional upon approval by the O.M.H.A. . Sincerely, Gordon Lowery, President Orono Amateur Athletic Association cc: Sharon Griffin 9 (11-)