HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-35-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � � �, :. �` REPORT File # Q676. 90 . Di • Res. —- By-Law # Ili-TING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: October 7, 1991 REPORT #: CS-35-91 FILE #: SUB.ECT: BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL COMMEMORATIVE COINS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully submitted that the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report CS-35-91 be received; 2 . OPTION 1 - THAT the surplus coins, purchased on behalf of the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee, be included in the 1992 Durham Region Auction as per Town policy; 3 . OPTION 2 - THAT Council waive Town policy and that the surplus coins be sold to Mr. Doug Jackman for the sum of $200. 00 on the condition that the coins not be sold at any time; and 4 . THAT Mr. Jackman be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1. 1 In July 1989 Council was requested to assist the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee investigate a commemorative coin for the purpose of promoting the Centennial Celebrations being planned at the local High School. Council directed the staff of the Community Services Department to work with Mr. Doug Jackman on this project. . . /2 9 ■ 7 REPORT CS-35-91 - 2 - OCTOBER 7, 1991 1. 2 The Community Services Department, in conjunction with Mr. Jackman, investigated the coins and, with Council approval, purchased the commemorative coins from the Pressed Metal Products Company of Vancouver, British Columbia. The coins ordered included: 5000 Natural finish yellow brass; 250 Applied finish antique nickel silver; and, 100 Applied finish gold plated. The total investment of the Town of Newcastle was $7,572 .96 (all Federal and Provincial taxes included) . 2.0 SURPLUS COINS: 2 . 1 As of November 15, 1990 a total of 3 , 655 coins had been sold prior to and during the Centennial Celebrations. Of this total, all of the nickel silver and gold plated coins were sold leaving 1, 695 yellow brass coins unsold. These surplus coins are currently in the safe keeping of the Community Services Department. 2 . 3 Since the special event has concluded, the issue becomes the disposition of the surplus coins that are currently on hand. Since there is no real dollar value attributable to the coins, their value would be one of sentiment alone. In light of the fact that the coins are specific to the Bowmanville High School and not the Town of Newcastle it would not be advisable that the Town retain these coins for promotional purposes. For this reason, two options are presented for the disposal of these coins. 2 .4 Option 1 suggests that the coins be disposed of as per the Town's Purchasing By-Law. Under this by-law, materials or equipment that are deemed redundant or surplus are disposed of by either sale by public tender or through the Region of Durham's Annual Auction. 2 . 5 The Purchasing By-Law states that sale or disposal of Town owned equipment or material, other than sale by tender, trade- . . /3 REPORT CS-35-91 - 3 - OCTOBER 7, 1991 in or auction, is not permitted unless approved by Council. If Option 1 is not preferred then Council may waive the Purchasing By-Law and approve the sale of the coins to Mr. Doug Jackman as indicated in Option 2 . For Option 2 to be selected, it is recommended that a condition be placed on this sale stating that Mr. Jackman is not now, or in the future, to sell any or all of the commemorative coins. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION: 3 . 1 It is the opinion of the Community Services Department that the best option to pursue would be Option 2 providing that Mr. Jackman is in agreement. Should Mr. Jackman decide not to purchase the coins then the coins should be set aside until the 1992 Region of Durham Annual Auction. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to Committee, ,/,,,44((/ Jose P. Caruana, Director La rence . Kotseff Depa ment of Community Services Chief Adm nistrative Officer JPC:jjc �; () /i