HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-17"Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Ci *MU Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff May 17, 2022 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held via Microsoft Teams on May 17, 2022, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Heather Graham, Noel Gamble, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS alternate), Councillor Ron Hooper, Monika Machacek (Museum), David Reesor Regrets: Ron Sproule, Bob Malone (NVDHS), Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Jane Wang, Sarah Allin, Planning and Development Services Guests: Rob Groen, Community Services 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 22.19 By Consensus That the Agenda be adopted. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 22.20 By Consensus That the minutes of the April 19, 2022, Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Rob Groen, Community Services Department Re: Renovations at 156 Church Street, Bowmanville (Shaw House) - 1 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Cl • Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff]7 May 17, 2022 R. Groen provided an overview of the proposed redesign of the renovations at 156 Church Street, Bowmanville to create accessible office and meeting space. The building, formerly known as the Edna Thompson Daycare, is the Shaw House. It was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act by By-law 2018-60. The initial design presented to the Heritage Committee in June 2021 came in over budget. The proposed alterations have been redesigned to propose the accessible entrance and ramp on the east side of the building (the ramp had originally been proposed on the west side) through the one storey addition. The proposed interior alterations are less extensive than the initial design and include an accessible elevator and renovations necessary to accommodate the ramp and elevator, such as the removal of steep staircase that does not comply with the Ontario Building Code. Interior mill work will be retained to the extent possible. There is no elevator in the building at this time, the work includes installing an elevator. Committee members provided comments suggesting the proposed accessible ramp and walkway being located further away from the east wall of the Shaw House to better preserve the character and architectural details of the corner of the building and provide access to the wall for maintenance of the heritage brick. Committee asked that consideration be given to removing the flagstone planter at the east corner of the porch to accommodate more space on the upper landing. Questions were asked regarding the proposed location of the elevator as it relates to the interior floorplan and minimizing impacts to heritage features. R. Groen advised the comments would be provided to the architect and confirmed the proposed re -design will be presented to the Accessibility Advisory Committee as well. 5.2 R. Groen, Community Services Re: 127 Church Street, Orono (Clarington Public Library — Orono Branch) At the request of the Committee, R. Groen provided an overview of the proposed accessibility improvements planned for the Clarington Public Library — Orono Branch. The property is not currently designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. In response to the delegation and request from the April meeting, the sub -committee evaluated the property and proposed recommendations under the Project Report section of the meeting's agenda. The design has been reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and bids for the project are currently being reviewed. The accessibility ramp is proposed to provide access to the building through the summer kitchen addition at the south side of the building. The accessible entrance will become the main entrance for all visitors to the library and will include a new canopy over the door and a book drop. The new door for the entrance will replace an existing window. Interior renovations to support the entrance will include raising the sub -floor of the summer kitchen portion to match the main structure and removing an existing loft space. A universal washroom will also be added as part of the work, and a new accessible -2- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" V1.9rieni"an Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 17, 2022 parking space will be added on Church Street directly in line with the foot of the ramp and the existing curb cut. The accessibility improvements were requested by the Library Board and Community Services staff have assisted with design and tendering. Committee members expressed concern that the proposed alterations were not presented to the Heritage Committee earlier in the process given the heritage value of the building, recognizing the property is not currently designated and a heritage permit is not required. Committee members considered the proposed alterations to be impactful to the heritage value or interest of the property and suggested consideration be given to designing the accessibility ramp to create a path from the library parking lot to a new entrance at the rear of the summer kitchen portion of the building. R. Groen advised there is a service room located at the rear of the building that makes coming in from the back challenging. The front access was also chosen to create a functional new main entrance for all. M. Machacek indicated the library's excitement about the proposed renovations that will enable critical accessibility improvements to allow the building to continue to be used as a public library, while maintaining the overall heritage character. Committee members indicated interest in exploring options to ensure proposed alterations to the property are done in a manner that is sympathetic to and minimizes impacts on the heritage attributes. 6 Business Arising 6.1 156 Church Street, Bowmanville (Shaw House); Renovation Redesign The proposed works require a heritage permit; the property was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act in 2018. The previous design was considered minor by the Committee. R. Groen confirmed the tender is anticipated to be presented to Council at its meeting on June 20t" 22.21 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Heritage Committee (i) supports the redesigned alterations planned for 156 Church Street, Bowmanville subject to the accessibility ramp being moved away from the wall of the house, and (ii) that the proposed alterations are considered to be minor, and the heritage permit can be issued by the Director of Planning and Development. "Carried" -3- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Chrioni4nn Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 17, 2022 6.2 127 Church Street, Orono (Clarington Public Library — Orono Branch); Accessibility Improvements Committee members discussed potential options to ensure the proposed alterations minimize impacts on the heritage value of the property, given the property is not designated and the plans have already been finalized in accordance with the applicable processes. Members expressed disappointment that the project was not brought to the Committee, despite the building not being designated, and recognized the positive relationship the Committee has with staff. In the subject case, there was no trigger for the Committee's review as the building is not designated and would not require a heritage permit. However, Committee members indicated the desire to be consulted at the design phase of municipal projects on properties that are identified on our Cultural Heritage Resources List, where there is potential heritage value or interest. The Heritage Committee asked that its concerns about not being consulted be captured in the minutes to inform Council of this desire. M. Machacek offered to coordinate an opportunity for community consultation and viewing of the proposed concept plans at the Orono Branch. The Committee Chair and Vice-Chari will also be invited to attend the July Library Board meeting to speak to this matter as a delegation. M. Machacek will report back to the Library Board and the Committee, as necessary. R. Groen advised the intent is to proceed with the award of the tender, depending on the pricing, in light of the current competitive construction market. 6.3 Heritage Homes and Insurance S. Conway has reached out to the owners of 4478 Highway 35/115 and is awaiting a response regarding their potential participation in a meeting with the province to discuss concerns about the insurance challenges associated with heritage homes. V. Suppan advised a National Heritage Board survey about heritage homes and insurance was undertaken recently and requested staff follow-up on its status. 6.4 Committee Meeting Format As COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, the Committee may be able to resume in -person meetings as early as June 2022. The Committee will have the option to hold in -person meetings, virtual meetings, or hybrid meetings, provided all prevailing public health restrictions are adhered to and the meetings remain open to the public. There was general consensus to move forward with a hybrid meeting model. The Council Chambers will be undergoing renovations and will be unavailable for meetings from June 21 St until August 31 St, therefore a hybrid option may not be available during that time. "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Cl • Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes ff]7 May 17, 2022 22.22 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by Councillor R. Hooper That the Heritage Committee will meet in -person for its June 21, 2022, meeting. "Carried" 6.5 Heritage Conference Opportunities Staff provided information about two conferences being held in 2022, including the Community Heritage Ontario Conference scheduled for June 16-18 in Brockville, and the National Trust Conference being held in October in Toronto. 22.23 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by V. Suppan That Heritage Committee members be provided the opportunity to attend heritage related conferences to gain knowledge and network with other heritage groups, and that the costs be covered by the Heritage Committees funds or by the Municipality. "Carried" 7 Project Reports 7.1 Municipal Inventory/Register: 127 Church Street, Orono Library— Group One evaluation score; significant landmark within the Orono community. Historical association with Waddell family, particularly Mary Waddell, who should be recognized within the building. The building should also be added to the information station initiative. Committee would like to schedule a site visit to evaluate the interior of the building for significant heritage attributes. 22.24 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by M. Van Dyke That the Heritage Committee (i) recommends to Council that the property located at 127 Church Street, Orono (Clarington Public Library — Orono Branch) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, and (ii) requests a site visit to enable the sub -committee to further evaluate the interior of the building for additional heritage attributes and report back to the Committee at a subsequent meeting. "Carried" 7.2 Outreach/Education Sub -committee: Heritage Information Station Project: No update Heritage Barn Project: No update 16'2 "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl abooff Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 17, 2022 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None 9 New Business: 9.1 Bowmanville Zoo Building (340 King Street E.) V. Suppan requested an update on the status of the Bowmanville Zoo property, as there has been a request by a member of the public to evaluate the building. F. Langmaid advised the Municipality has taken possession of the former Bowmanville Zoo lands, however the building at 340 King Street E. remains under private ownership as does the trailer park. 9.2 Upcoming Public Information Centres (PIC): Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan PIC will be held on June 1st; North Village Secondary Plan PIC is scheduled for June 8th. Registration is required. Staff will forward public notice information. 9.3 Staff: J. Wang has joined the Planning and Development Services Department as a Planner 1 in the Special Projects Branch and is in attendance at the meeting. S. Allin has moved into a new role with the Community Planning and Economic Development Branch and will continue to assist with the Committee. 10 Reports from other Committees: 10.1 Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono CIPs — Meetings are taking place in May; updates will be provided at the June Committee meeting. 10.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch — No update 10.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — The Room will open on Saturdays again. Work continues on the digitization project. Preparations are underway for the 100t" Anniversary celebrations of the Community Hall. 10.4 Museum — M. Machacek was introduced as the new Library CEO, and representative of the Museum on the Committee with the resignation of Katharine Warren. Katharine Warren was thanked for her service by the Chair. 10.5 Heritage Conservation District — Red Oak Tree at 21 Beech Avenue: The Tree has been pruned and the cabling has been installed as per the arborist's recommendations. The cabling is very well hidden. 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — Nothing new to report. Staff will provide requested information about how a Part 3 evaluation might commence under the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) before the next meeting. Clarbgton 11 Standing Items "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes May 17, 2022 11.1 81 Scugog Street: The matter is with Municipal Law Enforcement staff who are attempting to reach the property owner. 11.2 Fletcher Tree: No update. Adjournment: 9:30 p.m. Next Meeting: June 21, 2022, 7:00 p.m. -7-