HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-12Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday April 12, 2022; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic In Attendance: Edgar Lucas, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer (joined at 7:06pm) Cathy Holmes Ron Hooper (departed at 7:28pm) Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative (departed at 7:OOpm) Regrets: Justin Barry Erin Kemp Delegations Present: Duncan Anderson, Director of Municipal Law Enforcement 1. Presentation by Delegations Mr. Anderson joined to discuss the progress on parking changes in downtown Bowmanville. In late 2021, he initiated research into acquisition of a mobile parking application. With the preferred vendors, there is an option for monthly or annual fee (user avoids repeated service charges) for frequent users. Company is located in Peterborough and believes it is in use in Port Hope. Hoping to have a short-term trial period to make sure there is no impact to IT. Offer QR codes, mobile app will be able to distinguish between individual meters, and lots. Will require signage but no change to existing infrastructure. Two-hour free parking has been removed and the short-term parking rate at the meters has changed to $1 per hour. Maximum of $5 daily at lots with exception of King Street lot which is short-term parking of 2 hours at same rate as meters - $1 per hour. During complimentary parking periods like month of December, app-based system will allow for no charge parking. In December 2021, notice slips were placed inside meters indicating parking limit of 2 hours. This was used instead of bags covering meters and resulted in far fewer complaints. Parking passes are available from the Municipality for $40 per month. There are limited number available. 2. Updates from Community Partners (a) CBOT By end of April there will be 12 new businesses in Clarington, of which several are in downtown Bowmanville. Beauty Paramedic had grand opening yesterday. CBOT assisted Brewer's Pantry with permitting, renovations, contracts, etc. as they are going to have a tasting room and sales of craft beer. Pink Lemon Decor has grand opening planned for next weekend. Sweet Cravings is opening in the former Subway location east of Liberty Street. Rustic Cannabis at corner of King and Ontario had grand opening last week. A new restaurant is opening in the Kings Key location. "Shop Clarington" campaign ended yesterday and will announce winners of the selfie contest. Shop Where You Live campaign has got a bunch of Chambers to contribute and Durham Region will match investment of $15 000. There may be opportunity for BIAS to contribute financially in exchange for social media promotions specific to the downtown. CBOT is starting to hold in -person events again. Inspector Finateri from DRPS will be part of a virtual event. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 April 2022 Business Centre (BIA) 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the minutes of the meeting of Tuesday March 7, 2022 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. Business Arisine from Previous Minutes (a) Blue Box Regulations Councillor Hooper has received a copy of the report and will circulate to the Board. (b) PFlag Durham Region Request Councillor Hooper reported that the six requested banners will be shared between Orono, Newcastle, and Bowmanville and coordinated by Clarington. Two banners in Bowmanville will be placed at the corner of King/Scugog where the Olympians banners are currently located. 5. Correspondence Correspondence was received from i. Planning Dept regarding Durham East Steering Committee notice ii. Planning Dept regarding Brookhill Phase 5 development iii. Legislative Services regarding 40 Station Street NOA/Bylaw 2022-021 & PD-017-21 iv. Legislative Services regarding 14 Jack Potts Way ZBA PD-015-22 V. Legislative Services regarding 1700 Lambs Road rezoning PD-030-22 vi. Municipal Clerk regarding update on Committee Meetings —virtual, hybrid, and in -person options Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the correspondence be received for information. CARRIED 6. Directors' Reports (a) Council Liaison — R. Hooper: Reported that he will ask for the street sweeper. Improvement grants continue to be available. COVID-19 CIP grants are also available. Seasonal sidewalk program available again this year. Financial support for one in each community. The Little West Indies has applied. Public Art Project funding for all 4 downtowns. Women of Distinction mural. The Lions Centre mural is moving to the building on Church St. OBIAA discussions on vacancies in downtowns. Toronto has only filled 17% of vacancies. Kay Matthews the OBIAA Executive Director indicated that there has been some recent disbanding of BIAS. (b) Events — C. Holmes: Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) April 2022 Reported that Meet The Easter Bunny event is happening this Saturday from 11am-3pm. Easter activity books have been distributed to businesses for giveaway. Girls' Night Out participation requests are due tomorrow and so far the response has been good. BMO window wrap installed. Maplefest planning is well underway. *** QUORUM LOST*** Meeting abandoned at 7:30pm. 7. Date of Next Meeti The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday May 10, 2022 commencing at 6:30pm, virtually.