HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-001-12 Clarington REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 9, 2012 Resolution #: 4(-2A-0 y-law #: n/a Report#: PSD-001-12 File Nos.: PLN 37.1.1, 37.2.1, 37.3.1, 37.4.1 Subject: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ANNUAL REPORT ORONO, BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE AND COURTICE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: i 1. THAT Report PSD-001-12 be received; and 2. THAT any interested parties to Report PSD-001-12 be notified of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by. Da i J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Dire tor, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer FL*DJC*sn 12 December 2011 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-001-12 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Council has adopted Community Improvement Plans (CIP) for Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle; and provides funding for community improvements in Courtice. 1.2 The Community Improvement Plans allow the Municipality to provide incentives to business and property owners within a specific geographical area, outlined as specific programs in the Plan. The merchants and business owners of the different CIP areas are notified via the municipal website, counter inquiries and through word of mouth of the incentives and grants available. When applying for a building permit or other works that may be eligible for a grant, applicants are informed of the grant program by Building Division and Planning Services staff. 1.3 The three downtown CIP's also have liaison groups which staff meet with on a quarterly basis. The liaison groups are apprised of any issues arising in the area and assist staff in spreading the word about the grant programs. 2. CIP INITIATIVES 2.1 General Rules for the Grant Program There are a number of general rules within the grant program that are applicable to all grants across the three CIP's. There are specific rules for the different types of grants and slightly different grants for each downtown. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the free design service offered by the Planning Services Department for fapade improvements and development of visualizations. In all cases staff work with applicants and inspect the buildings prior to the anticipated works. Grants are not released until the works are completed and the contractor paid. Property owners must be current with their tax payments. 2.2 Various Grant Programs There are differences between the grants that are available in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville (Attachment 1). The differences are based on the input received from the BIA's and merchants in the different downtowns when we were drafting the Plans, they reflect the different needs and desires of the downtowns. To date the grant programs have worked well for the different downtowns and the results are visible by the improvements made to facades, signage and accessibility. 2.3 Grants Applications The grants that have been given and are pending are outlined in Attachments 2, 3 and 4 for Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle respectively. Grant funds are committed at the outset of a project and may carry over to a subsequent year while the work is being completed. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-12 PAGE 3 2.4 CIP Fundinq To date the Municipality has expended approximately $300,000 on grants to private enterprises in the 3 downtowns. However, because of the matching nature of the grants and the reality that many of the owners have made improvements that far exceed the portion provided by the Municipality, it is estimated that the CIP programs have prompted refurbishment work on the older building stock well into the millions of dollars. Each year the Planning Services Department includes a request in the operating budget to continue the funding for the grant programs in the downtowns. The amount allocated to each downtown is reflective of the uptake from prior years; the funds allocated accumulate until they are disbursed. The CIP funds in many cases are the necessary incentive to prompt an owner or merchant to invest in refreshing their store front and interior. For Courtice a Community Improvement Plan has not been drafted and is a next step after the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law for the Courtice Main Street. In the meantime, Council has allocated funds to make improvements on municipal lands to kick-start the enhancement process that would happen once a CIP is in place (see Attachment 5). 2.5 CIP Refresh Representatives of the Orono BIA have been in contact with Kevin Dugay a Planner and instructor at Fleming College. Two groups of graduate students are interested in carrying out updates to the CIP studies that were undertaken for Orono and Newcastle. Staff have been working with the instructor and students to provide background, context and guidance for the "refresh" to the Community Improvement Plans which will occur in 2012. 2.6 Other CIP works Larger projects such as the redevelopment of a streetscape or municipal projects within the CIP area that are enhanced to meet the goals of the CIP are funded from the capital budget. Examples of this type of project, were the enhancements to the King Street Bridge and Silver/Church Street parking area in Bowmanville; in Orono the replacement of the railing on the east side of Main Street and sidewalk improvements on the west side of Main and Centreview; and the addition of the bump-outs and enhancements on Mill Street in Newcastle. For 2011 capital project funding was allocated for the improvements to the parkette at the corner of Trulls Road and Highway 2 in Courtice. This project has been designed, tendered, awarded and will begin construction in the spring of 2012. 3. CONCURRENCE - Not Applicable REPORT NO.: PSD-001-12 PAGE 4 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 There has been good response to the grant program and other CIP initiatives. The merchants/owners we have met with are pleased with the grant program and visualization service provided by the Municipality. Some merchants have proceeded with works based on the design provided without taking advantage of the grants. Staff will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for changes, if necessary. 4.2 Staff will provide guidance to the instructor and graduate students working on the "refresh" to the Orono and Newcastle CIP's. 4.3 The Courtice area CIP will be initiated once the Secondary Plan and Zoning By- law for the Courtice Main Street has been adopted and is in force. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives X Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Attachments: Attachment 1 — Grants available in downtowns Attachment 2 — Orono CIP Grants and Works Attachment 3 — Bowmanville CIP Grants and Works Attachment 4 — Newcastle CIP Grants and Works Attachment 5 — Courtice CIP works List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Garth Gilpin, Co-ordinator, Bowmanville BIA Bowmanville CIP liaison group c/o Faye Langmaid Newcastle CIP liaison group c/o Isabel Little Orono CIP liaison group c/o Faye Langmaid Kevin Dugay, Planner Attachment 1 To Report PSD-001-12 Orono Grants Bowmanville Grants Newcastle Grants Si na a 50% up to $2000 N/A Si na e 50% up to $2000 Heritage Facade 33% up to Facade 50% up to $5000 $10,000 Facade 50% up to $5000 Site Plan Control Fee up to Site Plan Control Fee up to N/A $3000 $3000 Building Permit Fee up to N/A $2000 N/A Building Code Upgrade 50% Building Code Upgrade 33% Building Code Upgrade up to $5000 up to $5000 50% up to $10000 Brownfield grant up to $10000 Reconstruction up to $10000 Infill up to $10000 2005 - $25000 2005 - $25000 2006 - $25000 2006 -$50000 2007 - $25000 2007 -$50000 2008 -$15000 2008 - $40000 2008 - $20000 2009 - $0 2009 -$25000 2009 - $25000 2010 - $1000 2010 -$34000 2010 - $20000 2011 - $0 2011 -$50000 2011 - $20000 CIP Area -3.29 ha CIP Area -89.25 ha CIP Area - 19.95 ha Encompasses two additional Encompasses more Encompassed more properties to BIA, BIA covers properties than BIA area (BtA properties than BIA area 2.48 ha, minus ROW property it is 10.48 ha, minus ROW and (BIA is 11.33 ha, minus is 2.42 ha MOC roe ROW and MOC property General to all Three CIP's At no time shall the total amount of grants provided to a specific property owner exceed $50,000.00 Capital Works Capital Works are different for each CIP area and are subject to annual budget deliberations of Council Development Charge Exemptions Development Charge Exemptions are the same for all three CIP area. (They are interpreted the Chief Building Official) Note While there are more grants in Bowmanville and Newcastle than Orono, the circumstances are different and were examined at the time of drafting the original CIP's. For instance the Site Plan Control grant has only occasionally been used, this is also applicable to the Building Permit Fee grant. For Orono there is no opportunity for infill as there are no vacant properties in the CIP area; as such the Site Plan grant would not be applicable. i Attachment 2 To Report PSD-001-12 Orono CIP Grants Summary Grant Type Year Building Name Location value Stage S 2005 Hair with Flair 5310 Main St. $299.00 paid S, F 2005 Orono Bakery 5340 Main St. $6,714.53 paid S 2005 Main thru Church Antiques 5341 Main St. $717.57 paid F 2006 Blueberrys 5341 Main St. $128.71 paid S, F 2006 Galloway Cafe 5323 Main St. $1,399.10 paid S, F 2006 Not just Chocolate 5314 Main St. $6,750.00 paid S 2006 Discount store 5337 Main St. $121.12 paid S, F 2006 Well Wise Centre 5331 Main St. $1,855.97 paid S, F 2007 Terran's 5324 Main St. $2,528.99 paid S 2007 Patriot Antiques 5324 Main St. $739.00 paid F 2008 5265 Main St. 5265 Main St. $5,000.00 paid S, F 2008 Orono Electric 5352 Main St. $2,846.00 paid S, F 2009 Apple Blossom Shop 5346 Main St. $1,989.25 paid S 2009 Di's Pizzeria 5304 Main St. $1,786.00 paid S, F 2010 Patriot Anti ues 5283 Main St. $2,905.68 paid S 2010 Hedgehog Antiques 5324 Main St. $770.00 paid S 2011 Orono Antique Market 6 Park St. $1,767.44 paid BC 2011 Orono Town Hall 5315 Main St. $5,000.00 paid F 2011 Riss/Riorden 6290 Main St. $2,090.50 paid F 2011 Judefield Design 15323 Main St. 1 $3,847.051 pending S = Signage F = Facade BC = Building Code I= Infill Pending means we have been in discussion with owner; waiting for additional information and application The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Orono CIP is $91,000. Over$47,000 has been paid out in grants with another approximately$4,000 pending. In addition funds (approximately$9,000) were expended on the 175th celebrations, brochures, hall rentals, sign refurbishment, etc. There is approximately$31,000 left in uncommitted funds. Attachment 3 To Report PSD-001-12 I Bowmanville CIP Grants Summary Grant Type Year Building Name Location $value Stage F, BC, BP, SPC 2005 Balmoral Place 54 King St. E $ 23,770.00 paid F 2006 Brian's House of Fish 185 Church $ 5,700.00 paid F 2006 Edward Jones 1 King St. E $ 4,980.17 paid F, BF 2008 Mike Sullivan 118 King St. $ 10,070.00 paid BC, F, BP, R, SPC 2008 Lan e's 29-31 King St.W. $ 30,029.00 paid BC, F, BP, R, SPC 2008 Bethesda House 25-27 King St.W. $ 30,076.00 paid F 2008 Masonic Lode 19 Kin E $ 2,616.81 paid F, BC 2008 Wilson's 182 Church Street $ 1,944.89 paid F, BP 2009 Delton Financial 108 King St. E $ 8,198.19 paid BC, F, BP, R 2009 Sevarg Investments 33 Kin W $ 25,968.09 paid F 2009 Bowmanville Barber 19A Kin W $ 867.00 paid BP, BC, F 2010 Chanterelle 33 Division St. up to $18,000 committed F, BP 2010 Oak Unlimited 91-101 King St.W $ 11,460.53 paid F 2010 Sn der/S an* 19 1/2-21 King W up to $26,000 committed BP, BC 2010 Royal Service 104 King E up to $8,000 committed F 2010 Ro al Service 104 King E up to $10,000 pending F, BP 2010 Oak Unlimited 101 King St.W. up to $13,000 committed F 2011 Vanstone Mill 116 King St. W. $ 8,583.00 paid F 2011 James Insurance 24-26 King St. E. up to $10,000 committed F 2011 Atkin's Auto 12 Temperance St. discussion F, BC, BP 20111 Sturdy House 130 Silver Street up to $18,000 1 pending BC = Building Code BP = Building Permit F = Facade R= Reconstruction SPC = Site Plan *Former Leisure Lady The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Bowmanville CIP is$274,000. Just under$164,000 has been paid out in grants,with another$76,000 committed and $28,000 pending. In addition funds were expended on the 150th celebrations(approximately$7,000). There are no funds left at this time for Bowmanville. Committed -means letter has been issued, committing the funds. Pending -means discussion with owner,waiting for additional information. Attachment 4 To Report PSD-001-12 Newcastle CIP Grants Summary Grant Type Year Building Name Location $value Stage F 2008 You're In The Dog House 205 King Ave. E. $ 3,195.94 paid F, S 2008 The Black Knight 119 King Ave.W. $ 7,000.00 paid F 2008 Clark Chiropractic 10 King Ave. E. $ 3,087.00 paid F 20081 Roselina's 4 King Ave. E. $ 5,000.00 paid BC 2009 The Black Knight 119 King Ave.W. $10,000.00 paid F 2009 Canada Brokerlink Insurance In Person 83 King Ave.W. $ 3,508.00 paid F 2009 Newcastle Eye Care 85 King Ave.W. $ 3,508.00 aid F 2009 Yummy Pleasures 123 King Ave.W. $ 5,000.00 paid SPC 2009 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E. $ 3,000.00 paid S 20091 Lovekin Law 25 King Ave.W. $ 2,000.00 pending F 2010 Clark Chiropractic 10 King Ave. E. $ 310.75 paid S, BC 2010 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E. $12,000.00 committed F 2010 Syvan Developments 187 King Ave. E. $ 5,000.00 paid F, BC, S 2011 Home Hardware 15 King Ave.W $22,000.00 committed BC = Building Code S =Signage F = Facade I= Infi II SPC =Site Plan The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Newcastle CIP is$85,000. Approximately$49,000 has been paid out in grants,with another approximate $34,000 committed. There is approximately$2,000 in uncommitted funds. Committed -means letter has been issued, committing the funds. Pending -means discussion with owner,waiting for additional information. Attachment 5 To Report PSD-001-12 Courtice CIP Grants Summary WORKS 2009 Street Trees A street tree planting program began in 2009 utilizing community improvement funding. A total of 26 street trees were planted at four locations along the Courtice Highway 2 corridor between Townline and Courtice Road under the supervision of the Manager of Parks Development. It is anticipated that future funding will augment the street tree planting program on the municipal road allowance, thereby continuing to implement the recommendations of the Courtice Main Street Master Development Plan. 2010 Tooley Memorial The Municipality acquired the house and property at 71 Old Kingston Road in 2009 with the intention of providing a trailhead and small parkette along the Farewell Creek Valley. This initiative was to start to fulfill the actions identified in the Municipality's Corporate Strategic Business Plan 2007-2010 to create a focal point and develop a trail system along the Farewell Creek, also known to some as Barber's Creek. Funds were allocated for the construction of the cairn in the 2010 budget and the project was completed in November. The Clarington Museum and Archives prepared the wording, in consultation with the Clarington Heritage Committee and Staff for the plaque. 2011 Parkette Trulls Road and Highway 2 Capital Funding was allocated in the 2011 budget for development of a parkette at this intersection. The project was designed, tendered and awarded in 2011 with construction to commence in the spring of 2012. The construction cost of the pergola feature and other amenities will exhaust the capital funds allocated for this project. The 2011 CIP fund (non capital) is being held to provide for lighting of the pergola.A lighting designer is reviewing the lighting necessary and its cost. Lighting will assist in deterring vandalism and making the pergola more usable and visible. Summation To date a total of$25,000 has been allocated for Highway 2 improvements; $15,000 has been expended and $10,000 allocated in 2011 is available for additional improvements which is anticipated to be used for the lighting project noted above.