HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-20 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on September 20, 2011 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: P DeJong (chair) C. Abraham S. DeJong L Franssen W. Woo (councillor) W. Partner (councillor) G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: B. Snowdon MINUTES 1.1 Motion by C Abraham, seconded by S. DeJong That minutes for May and June 2011 be accepted as circulated. "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 P. DeJong has not had a chance to look at lawnmower. 2.2 C. Abraham reported on collaborative meeting regarding garden project. - board agreed they would like coach lights on front walkway moved to border of new patio work. - Front lighting should be updated to be out of sight in gardens and shining up on building. - Trees on northwest side of gazebo will be staying for time being due to cut backs in plan - Take out steps leading from parkette to old Shoppers parking lot. FINANCIAL REPORT 3.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by L. Franssen That financial report is accepted as presented. "CARRIED" BILLS 4.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S. DeJong That bills for supervision $611.00 be paid as presented. "CARRIED" PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Form from Newcastle YMCA Child Care received and signed confirming space will be committed to the Child Care at Newcastle Community Hall for emergency evacuation re-location. 5.2 Thank you note from Charlie Trim and Laura Trim 5.3 Letter from Reliance stating they are taking over hot water heaters. 5.4 Letter from Community Service Coordinator Skip Crosby received for information only. 5.5 Letter from Director of Operations requesting meeting with board to discuss building issues. Agreed on Monday Oct 17 at 6:30 pm 5.6 Letter from Director of Operations stating next hall boards meeting will be Oct 27 at the Visual Arts Centre at 7 pm 5.7 Thank you note from Children's Wish re: Bonnie Snowdon donation. 5.8 Thank you note from Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington for use of chairs/tables outside for Wine/Food Festival 5.9 Thank you note from Massey House for use of hall on Greek Night. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Informed by Director of Operations that the Clock Tower will be painted by end of October. 6.2 Director of Operations will have staff remove antenna on roof that was erected by Historical Society. S. DeJong will inform Historical Society. 6.3 Patio portion of Garden Project may be moving forward in November 6.4 No Frills drive through will be going through old Shoppers Drug parking lot therefore increasing traffic flow behind parkette. Suggested that additional trees be planted when stairs are removed. 6.5 Mayors Event put on by CBOT is Sept 27 the following will attend. C. Abraham, G. Bell, S. DeJong, L. Franssen, P. DeJong. 6.6 Budget needs to done at next meeting. ADJOURNED 8 PM