HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-20Clarftwn Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date: May 20, 2022 Time: 12:00 PM Location: ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) May 20, 2022 Pages 1. Region of Durham Correspondence 1.1. Taunton Road Reconstruction East of Townline Road to West of 3 Bowmanville Avenue Municipality of Clarington - Notice of Study Completion - May 19, 2022 2. Durham Municipalities Correspondence 2.1. Town of Ajax - Vacant Home Tax - May 17, 2022 5 3. Other Municipalities Correspondence 3.1. Town of Rainy River - Connecting Links - May 9, 2022 7 3.2. City of Brantford - Release of all Federal and Provincial Documents 8 Related to the Former Mohawk Institute Residential School - May 18, 2022 4. Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence Page 2 Taunton Road Reconstruction east of Townline Road to west of Bowmanville Avenue Municipality of Clarington Notice of Study Completion Works Department May 19, 2022 Public Notice The Regional Municipality of Durham has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study for improvements to Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) from east of Townline Road (Regional Road 55) to west of Bowmanville Avenue (Regional Road 57) in the Municipality of Clarington (see map). This study was completed in accordance with the MCEA planning and design process for Schedule `C' projects. Based on the evaluation of design alternatives, and considering stakeholder input, the preferred design includes: • Repaving Taunton Road from east of Townline Road to west of Bowmanville Avenue. • Reconstructing the shoulder and raising the grade of Taunton Road to improve drainage. • Roundabouts at Courtice Road, Solina Road, and Old Scugog Road. • Roadway realignments, culvert modifications, and replacement of the Hampton Bridge. For more information, a summary of the study process and associated recommendations are documented within an Environmental Study Report. This Notice places the Environmental Study Report on the public record for review and comment for thirty (30) calendar days from May 19, 2022 to June 18, 2022 on the Region's website at: durham.ca/Taunton Road MCEA. Interested persons may provide written comments to our project team by June 18, 2022. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to the following staff member from the Regional Municipality of Durham, Works Department: Barry Hodson, C.E.T. Senior Project Coordinator, Transportation Design 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 6A3 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 ext. 3839 Barry. Hodson @durham.ca In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive Environmental Assessment approval before being to able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and be received by July 18, 2022. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for conditions or request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to: Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5t" Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Minister.mecp@ontario.ca Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and 135 St. Clair Ave. W., 1st Floor Toronto ON, M4V 1 P5 EABDirector@ontario.ca The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby Ont. L1 N 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 durham.ca/T,3y�gnRoad MCEA Works Department Public Notice Requests should also be copied to Barry Hodson at the Regional Municipality of Durham by mail or by e-mail. For more information on requests for orders under section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/class-environmental-assessments-section-16-order Please note under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the authority of section 30 of the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person. N\1 o5 $ N 8 ° Concession Road 6 � e O n rs a STU Y LIM S fl Z B o01 IY o IGng Lane 9 m 3 i Intersection Modlcations O W Improvements U dertaken H Completed in 2017 � as pad of Hwy 4 71418 . c Extension Proje b � tY i tp R� C O ai ° O k1�' mag m N f m of0 O a O LL Sy ! 2 MUNICOIFALIT' �0 ) — - . A? �m CLARINGTO Cu �$ o � If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 3371. facebook.com/RegionOfDurham twitter.com/Reg ion Of Durham The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby Ont. L1 N 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 durham.ca/T,3y�gnRoad MCEA / Town of �x By the Lake Region of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3 clerks durham.ca Sent by E-Mail May 17, 2022 Re: Vacant Home Tax TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax ON L1 S 3S9 www.ajax.ca The following resolution was passed by Ajax Town Council at its meeting held on May 16, 2022: WHEREAS the dramatic increase to housing costs in Ontario due, in part, to high demand and low supply may be exacerbated by homes sitting vacant; AND WHEREAS to lead to a reduction in vacant homes, Part IX.1 Optional Tax on Vacant Residential Units, of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides interested municipalities with the option to seek designation status from the Minister of Finance to be granted the authority to impose a tax on vacant residential units in certain circumstances; AND WHEREAS other municipalities, including the City of Toronto, City of Ottawa, and Region of Halton have approved the development and implementation of a vacant homes tax; AND WHEREAS Ajax Council wishes to protect the availability and affordability of housing in Ajax, and reduce the negative impacts of vacant homes on Ajax residents; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. Ajax Council support the review of a vacant homes tax by Durham Region; and 2. This motion be circulated to the Regional Municipality of Durham and lower -tier municipalities in Durham Region. Page 5 If you require further information please contact me at 905-619-2529 ext. 3347 or sarah.moore(c)-aiax.ca. Sincerely, Sarah Moore Acting Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk Copy: Regional Councillor S. Lee Councillor L. Bower All Durham Region municipalities PO Box 488 Office Phone: (807) 852-3244 201 Atwood Avenue Clerk Phone: (807) 852-3978 Rainy River, ON Fax: (807) 852-3553 POW ILO Email: rainyriver@tbaytel.net * Website: www.rainyriver.ca "OL; _SR Y Town of Rai p 3Mber RESOLUTION MOVED BY DATE: Mav 9. 2022 SECONDED BY � 2z� RESOLUTION: 20-009 "WHEREAS Section 21 of the Public Translation and Highway Improvement Act allows the Minister of Transportation to designate a highway or part of a highway as a connecting link between parts of the King's Highway or as an extension of the King's Highway, to be constructed and maintained by the road authority having jurisdiction over the highway or part of the highway; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Connecting Link Program does not provide sufficient funding to adequately provide for the high cost of maintaining these Connecting Links; AND WHEREAS this may lead to hazardous road conditions; AND WHEREAS these Connecting Links were once maintained by the Province of Ontario; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT care and maintenance of these Connecting Links in small or rural municipalities, such as the 2.70 km of Atwood Avenue (Highway 11) in Rainy River, be returned to the MTO. AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be sent to the Minister of Transportation, the MPP for Kenora- Rainy River and to all Ontario Municipalities." / ABSTAIN CARRIED AYES DEFEATED NAYES L. ARMSTRONG D. EWALD MAY6A OR ACTING MAYOR B. HELGESON N. IVALL M. KREGER P. WHITOSKI (1/41 in the heart of g6 inset Country :�g}�TION OF 7y f C IIII IIII[IIIIIIE IIII ]III III BRAN-WoRD May 18, 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM); Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); Sent via email: resolutions(a_).fcm.ca ; policy6c�amo.on.ca To Whom it may concern: Please be advised that Brantford City Council at its Special City Council meeting held May 17, 2022 adopted the following: 5.1 Release of all Federal and Provincial Documents Related to the Former Mohawk Institute Residential School WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report, 2015 confirmed that Residential Schools were part of a coherent policy implemented by the Federal Government to eliminate Indigenous people as distinct Peoples and to assimilate them into Christian society against their will; and WHEREAS the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs Duncan Campbell Scott outlined the goals of that policy in 1920, when he told a parliamentary committee that "our object is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic..."; and WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report, 2015 also confirmed that despite the coercive measures that the government adopted, it failed to achieve its policy goals. Although Indigenous Peoples and cultures have been badly damaged, they continue to exist; and WHEREAS the former Mohawk Institute Residential School operated from 1831 to 1970 within the boundaries of what is now the City of Brantford; and WHEREAS Survivors have released statements of missing, murdered, and buried students; and WHEREAS, to date, the unmarked burials of over 7000 missing Indigenous children have been discovered nation-wide; and WHEREAS, following the May 2021 announcement by Tk'emlups to Secwepemc First Nation of locating 215 potential burials of children in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, the Survivors of the Mohawk Institute, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2J2 P.0 Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5R7 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca 'm: iK along with their families and community members called on the Federal and Provincial governments to support a search for the remains of missing children who may have been buried on the Mohawk Institute's grounds and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, as of November, 2021, a search, led by the Survivors' Secretariat, of the Mohawk Institute Residential School grounds and over 200 hectares of land associated with the school began; and WHEREAS Survivors of the Mohawk Institute Residential School are demanding the release of all Federal and Provincial documents related to the former Mohawk Institute Residential School; and WHEREAS staff of the City of Brantford are currently undertaking a search of City records and archives for any documents, maps, or other relevant information related to the operation of the Mohawk Institute Residential School in order to release this information to the Survivors' Secretariat to aid in the search for truth, justice and healing; and WHEREAS this Council is committed to working to advance reconciliation and renewed relationships with First Nations; and WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada issued 94 Calls to Action, thirteen of which are directed at municipal governments; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: A. THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford respectfully REQUESTS THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE, to the Survivors' Secretariat, of all documents in the possession of the Government of Canada or the Government of Ontario and the Anglican Church related to the former Mohawk Institute Residential School now located on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, within the geographic boundaries of the City of Brantford; and B. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to send a copy of this resolution to: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; Premier Doug Ford; Minister of Crown -Indigenous Relations Marc Miller; Minister of Indigenous Services, Patty Hajdu; Minister of Indigenous Affairs, Greg Rickford; Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada; MPP Will Bouma; MP Larry Brock, Mayor David Bailey; Chief Mark Hill; Chief Stacey Laforme; and the Survivors' Secretariat; and C. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to send a copy of this resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) for circulation to all municipalities in Ontario with an invitation to adopt a similar resolution, and, specifically, to those located within the Haldimand Tract, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2J2 P.0 Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5R7 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca Page 9 3 including: Haldimand County; the County of Brant; the City of Cambridge; the City of Kitchener; the City of Waterloo; and the Region of Waterloo. I trust this information is of assistance. Yours truly, ;4;)-- Tanya Daniels City Clerk, tdaniels brantford.ca Cc All Ontario Municipalities Survivors' Secretariat CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2.12 P.0 Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5117 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca Page 10