HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-17 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on February 17, 2009 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers Present Were: P. DeJong(chairman) C. Abraham S. DeJong L. Franssen B. Snowdon G. Robinson(councillor) C. Trim(councillor) 1.1 Steve Ramcharitar from Xcaliber talked to the board about mounting the screen we purchased last year. The cost to mount it from the ceiling of the stage as originally planned is quite costly$3000.00 - $4000.00. He has offered the option of returning the screen to the company we purchased it from. We would have to pay shipping and restocking fee ($500.00??). He would be willing to be our advocate with the company for the return and purchase of a more suitable screen for our hall. It was agreed that if we do the return a letter should be sent stating how we now realize there was a total lack of customer service from this company. ( According to Steve they should have come out and looked at the site and given us advice from there, as well as,helping with setting up the installation. We thanked Steve for his information and advice. Board members agreed to discuss in more detail and get back to him. MINUTES 2.1 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by L. Franssen That the minutes of January 20,2009 meeting be accepted as circulated. "Carried" ELECTION OF CHAIR 3.1 New appointments to the board for next 2 year term are Sierd DeJong,Peter DeJong and Linda Franssen. 3.2 C. Abraham nominated Pete DeJong for the position of chair for the next 1 year term, seconded by S. DeJong. Pete DeJong accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations Pete DeJong was acclaimed. i r Page 2 BUSINESS ARISING 4.1 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by S. DeJong That meeting be continued in camera to discuss personnel matters. "Carried" 4.2 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by S. DeJong That meeting is continued out of camera. "Carried" FINANCIAL REPORT 5.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by L.Franssen That financial report is accepted as circulated. "Carried" BILLS 6.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by S. DeJong That bills for supervision totalling$200.00 be paid as presented. "Carried" CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Secretary will arrange to have Power Blitz audit the building for the $1000.00 in free lighting being offered. 7.2 Dine Safe has been posted in the auditorium. We will be inspected once per year. 7.3 P. DeJong will try to attend seminar being offered by Municipality called "Retaining your Most Valuable Volunteers". HEALTH& SAFETY 8.1 Inspection report will be copied to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 9.1 Board discussed rental on Feb 14. It was discovered by staff that guests at this function had consumed alcohol and been smoking outside of the auditorium in the upper and lower foyers of the building. Also broken bottles were found and room on the upper floor broken into. i I Page 3 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by B. Snowdon That a letter be sent to client informing them that the damage deposit would be retained. The client of the room broken into would be informed and asked to let us know if there was damage or anything stolen. If so restitution from Feb 14 client would be expected. "Carried" 9.2 Lloyd Pest Control to be hired to take care of rodent problems. 9.3 Letter to be sent to Krista and Cory Barr, and Beech Centre thanking them for the new table and chairs in Council Chambers. Thank you to S. DeJong,P. DeJong and G. Robinson for picking up and delivering the table/chairs. 9.4 G. Robinson informed board there may be problems with the running of Texas Hold `em tournaments and Euchre Tournaments. More information will be coming from the Director of Operations. At this point it is believed that there is no permit available from the Municipality to make the running of these events legal. It was agreed if that is the case it would be a negative financial hit to our income. ADJOURNED 8:00 PM