HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-19 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on June 19, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: C. Abraham (chair) L. Franssen P. DeJong S. DeJong C. Trim (councillor) B. Snowdon G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: G. Robinson (councillor) PRESENTATIONS 1.1 Director of Finance Nancy Taylor spoke to the board regarding the Irene Rinch trust. The trust has been set up by and will be administered through the director's office. The director asked that the board send a letter to council when requesting dollars from the trust. Updates on the balance can be obtained through her office at any time. The trust is specific in that it does not negate the town of its present responsibilities for the hall. 1.2 Jeany Barrett of the Horticultural Society presented the groups plan to apply for a Trillium grant to have an underground sprinkler system installed on the hall grounds, as well as a patio outside the kitchen entrance. S. DeJong has spoken with the Lions group of Newcastle and they are willing to partner with the Horticultural Society for the grant process. Theo has retired and will no longer be watering the plants— a certificate is to be presented to him from the board at the Clarington in Bloom awards in September. Mulch will be delivered for the gardens this coming week. MINUTES 2.1 Moved by P. DeJong, seconded by C Trim That the minutes of May 15, 2007 meeting be accepted as circulated. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 3.1 Secretary gave update on alcohol policy being worked on. Committee is to meet over the summer and create template for Director of Operations to work from. 3.2 Gate project has been tabled to coordinate with the Horticultural Society's plan for a patio in the fall. Page 2 3.3 C. Abraham is working on jackets. FINANCIAL REPORT 4.1 Discussed bill from Dairy Refrigeration. The board felt it was excessively high for the work that was done; we will not use this company in the future. Moved by S. DeJong, seconded by P. DeJong That the financial report be accepted as circulated. "Carried" BILLS 5.1 Moved by C. Trim, seconded by B. Snowdon That all bills accepting B. Snowdon's supervision bill be paid as presented. "Carried" Moved by C. Trim, seconded by S. DeJong That B. Snowdon's bill for supervision be paid as presented. "Carried" SUPERVISION/CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Supervision was discussed for July HEALTH & SAFETY 7.1 Inspection report for June has been done, copy to be sent to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Moved by S. DeJong, seconded by P. DeJong That secretary proceed with CBS Group to create website for the hall. "Carried" 8.2 Moved by S. DeJong., seconded by P. DeJong That secretary is reimbursed $50.00/month on cost of her cell phone for using on hall business. "Carried" 8.3 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by L. Franssen Page 3 That a laptop computer be purchased for the hall's office, not to exceed $1500.00 "Carried" 8.4 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by B. Snowdon That the hall files be culled to current 10 year period. All minutes to be retained. "Carried" 8.5 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by B. Snowdon That plywood floor be treated "Carried" 8.6 Secretary to obtain key for flag pole in cenotaph as board has agreed to raise and lower for the Town as needed. 8.7 P. DeJong removed branches from the parkette area— Thank you Pete. Adjourned 8:00 pm