HomeMy WebLinkAboutC06.Orono Arena Community Centre Board Minuteso °s.,aCommunity C.,;mBoard a�wrQib�AOQMHamda�u� 0 CV N QJ C 0-0 d f6 7 0 C_ m c N � N U E-c E o � U o V U C co c O U Q (0 c Lb(p-G(L MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD March 29, 2016 Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd Jackie Moore Michael Di Lelia Rorie Woods arrived at 8:20 pm Regrets: Wendy Partner, Willie Woo Call to order by John Witheridge at 7:33 p.m. Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge Moved to accept: Seconded: Elaine Dillon Passed Minutes from October 27, 2015 meeting: presented by John Witheridge Motion to accept as received: Michael Di Lelia Seconded: Laverne Boyd Passed The Chair recognized the high quality of the minutes. Financial Report distributed March 29, 2016 by email and attached to this report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for December 31, 2015 —Jackie Moore Seconded:, Laverne Boyd Passed Michael DiLella asked for clarification on Pensions since last meeting, Willie Woo had questioned them and Rory Woods would get back to us. Rory Woods stated that 2014 was the first year that Mike Pogue started as the Arena Manager. His Pension was not being submitted to the Pension provider, but it was being deducted from his pay. Therefore the 2014 amount was submitted in February 2015, on top of the regular 2015 amount to the Pension provider. Other points clarified: The Orono books are audited annually by the town and are done by a Chartered Accountant. Year end is December 31. Correspondence: n/a New Business: no update available due to councilors absent from meeting From our last meeting on October 27, 2015, Wendy Partner was going to work with Andy Allison to set up a meeting including all parties to be held in the near future along with Fred Horvath. Investigate setting up a new structure involving these parties: • OAAA • Fair Board • Arena Board • Municipality — Willie Woo, Wendy Partner, Fred Horvath, Director of Operations and Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and possibly the Mayor Still need to hear from Wendy Partner regarding the schedule for the accessibility audit. Last meeting Wendy had stated this will be happening in the near future. Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Gordy Lowery Passed Next Meeting: June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm. John Witheridge Jackie Moore Chairperson Secretary Orono Arena And Community Centre Balance Sheet As at VeG 31, 2015 ASSET CURRIENTASSM Petty Cash 250,00 Term Deposit 11 %204,61 Sank A - Payable -2,29147 Bank -Operating accaunt 5,731-t4 Cash; Total 122,894.13 Accounts Receivable 43-DO Arcounts Raceivable WE Ackust.- -3,073-90 Accounts Receivable 3,07190 ReceiwjaWes; Net 3,073.90 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 122,894.13 FIXED ASSETS Furniture & Equipment 4,544,DO Accurn Deprec: Fum & Equip 3,274..Gl Furniture & Equipment Not 1,369.39 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 1,369-39 TOTAL ASSET 124,26152 LIABILITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable .4,MAS Accounts Payable Y1EAdjtztmwft -2,592,58 Accrued 1.1abditles 0100 Accounts Payable 13,896.$7 Vacation Payable 4,067-16 Vacation Payable 0.00 Employee eductions Payable 0,00 El Payable -20-74 CPP Payable 429.49 Federal Income Tax Payable 218-22 Pension Payable 17,236.77 Rec Can Payable: Total . .............. . ..... 1703,74 WCB Payable 2,660.11 G S T On Sales 115,833.30 G S T On Purchases 47,799.06 r 3 S T Remitted .7,714�53 G S T Payab,4e, -36.00 HST Paid an Purchases -V3,810A6 TOTAL CURRENT UABILMES -21.609.51 TOTAL LIABILITY RETAINED EARNINGS Term Deposit 133.91 Retained Earnings 148;245,94 Current Eamings -2A06.a2 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS 145,973.03 TOTAL EQUITY 145,973,03 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 124,263,52 Orono Arena And Community Centre Comperailwe Incorrm Statiment REVENUE REVENUE Bank Interest Reverwe Rental - Ice Rental Rental- Arena Floor Rental R"tal - Booth Rental - Hall meefing Room Rental D,AF.& - Ref - Hydro D,A, F. 6, Ref 89 D-k F-B, - Ref, - Wages D.A.F,B.Raf water D-A.F-B. Ref- Supplies Gas Public $kating Fund Raising 14:e Equipment CWringlon contricbm Skate Sharpen miec�eflaneous Donations Dowd Adver6aing TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSE COST OF OPERA71ONS Arena Maintenance Arena Supplies Fees & Dues Audit Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges & Sundry Exp. G�as Propane For Olympia Gasoline Tractor Mai menance Gmunds Maintenance Hydro Ice Sqvipment Refuse Telephone Water Advertising Office suppties, Miscellaneous Training Wages El Expense Pension Payable CPP Expense Balancing Source [led fog 21311 WCB Expense Payroll Expense: Tatat TOTAL. COST OF OPERATIONS TOTAL EXPENSE Actual Jan 01, 2015 to Dee 311. 2015 I3Z982,34 3,41�.39 15,875.43 4,779,79 0.00 11,9134-36 92.25 2611,41138A5 0.00 4,551.50 10.919.25 6(X)4DD 36029 93,50 2,32ZOO 326,78 219.97 2410 11,45040 0.0G 0,00 0.01) 13,145J0 oza 298,192,59 9,792.19 11,341.10 166.00 900.00 1.7ag-70 11393,28 10,785.60 0,00 0.00 1,0&95 1,970.00 48,751,60 36.926.10 2,811.35 41,11016 6,34&39 2W00 657,72 1,825,12 767,86 159,06511 300,699,41 300.6"Al NET INCOME -2,506.32 Adual Jan 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014 2,940.00 255,224.60 4,965.00 2,825.00 M98&25 550.00 524.35 84.24 2j454.51) 356,04 326.40 23.53 2,875,00 407,25 000 25.00 2.16900 18,500-00 0,360.00 311,598-16 9M M- 29,119,11.53 11,000.36 50.00 0.00 1,316-92 327-18 10,$37.05 0,00 256,62 150.00 2,210.00 57,94128 7,295.113 3,854-55 6331-97 37-50 1,172-95 43.04 G"00 140,891.09 3,657.84 2,801-00 4,253,40 (I.Do 154,107.62 289,446, t 1 22,153,06 Percent -06.86 2,59 -IM.00 61,12 -Q64 S09 -31119 10.99 -5.40 422 -32,51 2.85 -4S.57 -100.00 0.00 -100.00 50607 -100,00 -a62 -4.30 -66.46 3,10 230,00 0,00 35.91 325.85 2.37 0100 -100-OC 571,30 -10.86 -11&66 406,13 -22,31 8.e 0.26 673.33 -43,93 4,140.52 0.00 -6.61 -6,14 466.79 12.38 0-co -20. 36 3.22 3.89 3,$9 A 11.32 C 0(,*. ©K MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD March 29, 2016 Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd Jackie Moore Michael Di Leila Rorie Woods arrived at 8:20 pm Regrets: Wendy Partner, Willie Woo Call to order by John Witheridge at 7:33 p.m. Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge Moved to accept: Seconded: Elaine Dillon Passed Minutes from October 27, 2015 meeting: presented by John Witheridge Motion to accept as received: Michael Di Leila Seconded: Laverne Boyd Passed The Chair recognized the high quality of the minutes. Financial Report distributed March 29, 2016 by email and attached to this report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for December 31, 2015 —Jackie Moore Seconded: Laverne Boyd . Passed Michael DiLella asked for clarification on Pensions since last meeting, Willie Woo had questioned them and Rory Woods would get back to us. Rory Woods stated that 2014 was the first year that Mike Pogue started as the Arena Manager. His Pension was not being submitted to the Pension provider, but it was being deducted from his pay. Therefore the 2014 amount was submitted in February 2015, on top of the regular 2015 amount to the Pension provider. Other points clarified: The Orono books are audited annually by the town and are done by a Chartered Accountant. Year end is December 31. Correspondence: n/a New Business: no update available due to councilors absent from meeting From our last meeting on October 27, 2015, Wendy Partner was going to work with Andy Allison to set up a meeting including all parties to be held in the near future along with Fred Horvath. Investigate setting up a new structure involving these parties: • OAAA • Fair Board • Arena Board • Municipality — Willie Woo, Wendy Partner, Fred Horvath, Director of Operations and Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and possibly the Mayor Still need to hear from Wendy Partner regarding the schedule for the accessibility audit. Last meeting Wendy had stated this will be happening in the near future. Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Gordy Lowery Passed Next Meeting: June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm. John Witheridge Jackie Moore Chairperson Secretary Orono Arena And Community Centre Ualance Sheet As at Dec: 31, 2015 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS Petty Cgcb Term Deposit Rank A - Payable Bank -Operating account *Cash; Totail Accounts Remivabi* Accauftts Receivable YIE Acqust.— Acarints Receivable Receivables,- Net TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Furniture & Equornent Accurn Deprec: Fufn & Equip Furniture & Equ.0ment Net TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSET UABILJTY CURRENT LIABILMES Accounts PayikWe Accounts Payabfa YEAdjuttments Accrued LiabUities Accounts Payable Vacafion Payable Vacation Payable Employee eclutlions Payable Ef Payable CPP Payable Federal Income Tax Payable Pe-Aiori Payable Rec Gen Paysole: Total WCB Payabia • S T On Sales • S T On Purchases • S T Remitted • S T Payable HST Paid on Purchases TOTAL. CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITY EQUITY RETAINED EARNINGS Term Deposit Retained Eamings Current Eamings, TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL EQUITY LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 250 00: 119,2G4,61 -2,2G1 .67 5,731..15 122,894.13 43.00 -3,073-90 ..................... 3,073.90 894-1 .. 3 4,544,00 -3.274.61 1,369,39 -----1,-36939 124,263,52 0.00 0.00 -2014 429-49 21&22 17,236.77 -46998.16 -2,592M 0100 13,896,67 4,087-16 17,863,74 2,660.11 16,833.30 -47,799,06 -7.714,53 -36.00 3,810, . . . ........ -21 133.91 148.245.94 145,873.03 1,24,263,52 Orono Arena And ComMunity Centre Comparative Income StMement REVENUE REVENUE Bank Interest Revenue Rental - Ice Rentai Rental- Arena floor Rental Rental - Booth Rental -Hall- Meeting Room Rantat Q,A,F.B, - Ref, - Hydro D.,A,F,B, Ref 8FI D-A. F-B, - Ref. -Wages D.A. F.B. Raf water D.A.F.B. Ref- Supplies Gas Public Skating Pund Raising Ice Equipment Clarington oontTicbu Skate Sharpen mi5oelaneQus, Donations Ukoard AdvcrCl3inq TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSE COST OF OPERATIONS Arena Maintenance Arena Supplies Fees & Dues Atx;M Fees Bookkeepmg Bank Charges & Sumdq Exp, Gas Propane For Otympja Gasoline Tractor Maidonanca Grourods. Maintenance Hmlro fee Equipment Refuse Telephone Water Advertising cHfice Supplies miscel4ameous Training Wages El Expense Pension Payable CPP Expense Balancing Source Dad fing 2011 WC5 Expense Payroll Expense; Total T07AL COST OF OPERATIONS TOTAL EXPENSE - Actual Jon 01, 2915 to Dec 31, 2015 132,W2,34 3,433.39 15.875,83 CT19,79 0.00 1,994-36 92,25 261 IWS. 15 (1co 4,551.50 10,1318-25 (1013-01) 36029 93.50 2.322,130 326,75 21191, 24-20 1,450,00 0.00 0, co 0.01) 13i145 70 0 co 2,25000 298.1192,519 9,792.19 11,341.10 166.00 900.00 1,789.70 1.303,28 1.0,786.65 0.00 0,30 1,006;95 1,970.00 48,751,60 36,926A0 2.811,36 4,110.76 6,34&39 290.CO 657.72 1.82512 767,56 390,699,41 NET INCOME -2.506.82 Actual Jan 01, 2014 to Dec 31. 2014 2,940.00 255,224,60 4.965.00 2,825.00 10,988,25 550,00 5241.35 84.24 2j,154,50 a,5(35.04 326.40 23.53 2.675,00 40725 0.00 25.00 2.169,00 18,5W.00 311,596,16 29,191,53 11,000.36 50.00 0-00 1,316M 327-18 0.00 256,82 150-00 2.210,00 57,943.28 7,2C95_83 3,618.51. 3,854,55 6,331.97 37.-M 1,172,95 43.04 0.00 140,391,09 3,657.94 2,801 :W 4,253,40 C.Do 154.107.62 22,153,05 Percent -ea-86 2.59 .100.00 61-12 -0.154 9,09 -al-29 10.99 -6A0 422 -32,51 2-85 -49,57 -100.00 0.00 -100.CO 506-07 -100,00 -64.62 -4.30 _4 30 -66.46 3.10 230.00 0.00 3521 32S.85 2.37 0,00 -100,OC 571.30 -ID,86 -115.86 406.13 -22,31 8.65 0.26 673.33 -43,93 4,140.52 0.00 -5.61 -6,14 466.79 12.36 O'Clo -20,�6 3.22 3,139 3,99 -111,32