HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-68-84IT WK ff 70 RZA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR TEL. (416) 263 -2231 987 -5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 3, 1984. REPORT NO.: WD -68 -84 SUBJECT: SOURCE SEPARATION OF HOUSEHOLD WASTES RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the Town of Newcastle in consultation and co- operation with the Newcastle Environment Watchers, embark on a recycling program as set out in the following: a) Durham Recycling Centre Inc., be selected as the private firm through which the Town will undertake a recycling program in Bowmanville; b) The Town will assist Durham Recycling Inc., in a program of advertising recycling in Bowmanville with any costs to the Town paid from the garbage collection advertising, information and promotion account 7303- 0209 -X -0; c) Durham Recycling Inc., will provide daily curbside collection of newspapers in conjunction with regular garbage collection; d) Durham Recycling Inc., will service drop -off depots for glass and tin to be located at the Bowmanville Works Yard; ...2 c� { Page 2 REPORT NO. WD -68 -84 i e) Durham Recycling Inc., will collect office waste paper from Town Offices and the offices of any other interested groups such as schools, medical centres, the library, etc. f) The Newcastle Environment Watchers will continue to run their Saturday morning operation at the Goodyear Plant until such time as it is no longer felt worthwhile. 3. That an agreement of the form attached hereto be entered with Durham Recycling Inc., for the recycling services to be provided in Bowmanville. 4. That the Town assist the Newcastle Environment Watchers by providing about $200.00 in 1984 from the garbage collection advertising, information and promotion account (7303- 0209 -X -0) for insurance and protective gloves and glasses, with any similar funding to be considered during budget discussions. 5. That the arrangements proposed in the above be finalized and be formalized through Council at its first meeting in September. ...3 Page 3 REPORT NO. WD -68 -84 :_'1: The Works Department, upon direction from Council, has been investigating the Town's involvement in recycling for the past several months. Stuatus reports have been presented to Council from time to time and, most recently, it was indicated that an approach in co- operation with the Newcastle Environment Watchers, was being pursued. This has been done and the following outlines actions which have been taken. 1. A meeting to determine the respective involvement in recycling of the Newcastle Environment Watchers and the Town was held in late May. It was found that the Newcastle Environment Watchers would be in favour of a program which would increase the volume of material being recycled and which would ultimately replace the activities of this very dedicated volunteer group. 2. A sub - committee with representation from the group and the Works Department was established to consider the potential involvement of two private firms interested in recycling, Durham Recycling Centre Inc., and T. Puckrin and Son Ltd. Meetings were held and it was determined that the Durham Recycling Centre Inc., had the best proposal to offer. 3. The attached information was presented to the group who agreed with the approach. ....4 Page 4 REPORT NO. WD -68 -84 With respect to the recommendations of this report, the following is provided as support and background data. Durham Recycling Centre Inc., has been recommended as the private group through which recycling should be pursued. Firstly, a private firm is being recommended since history, to date, has shown that municipal efforts at recycling are too costly. Thus a private firm, at least until the state of the art of recycling is more refined, is considered the best way to proceed. Secondly, Durham Recycling Centre Inc., is recommended for the following reasons: a) they offer a program which is quite comprehensive and aggressive, b) they have definite plans for expansion into other areas of recycling, c) they are a not - for - profit group who will not charge the Town for collection services, d) The success and good experience the City of Oshawa has realized with this group. With respect to advertising, Durham Recycling proposes a comprehensive advertising program, but when details are worked out, it may be desirable for the Town to participate through direct mailing of leaflets at nominal cost. Materials being proposed for collection, namely, newspaper, glass and tin are mentioned. Newspaper can be easily sorted from domestic waste by the householder, therefore, curbside pickup at no cost to the Town is proposed. Although Durham Recycling may achieve some profit through the sale of the collected paper, the Town will realize a definite saving due to the reduced tonnage of material which will have to be sent to the landfill site. ....5 Page 5 REPORT NO. WD -68 -84 Glass and tin, for the present, can only be collected through voluntary co- operation of the householder, and to hopefully increase the volume from that which is presently being collected on Saturdays at Goodyear, bins at the Bowmanville Works Yard, which will be accessible during all working hours, are proposed. There is a tremendous amount of office paper, agendas, promotional material, as well as general waste, which is not being saved. A program, at least in the Town's offices will be initiated. Finally, for at least a transition period, the Newcastle Environment Watchers will continue to operate their Saturday morning depot at the Goodyear plant. It is anticipated that volumes and associated revenue will be substantially reduced and therefore that group may not be able to afford their insurance, gloves and glasses. Council may consider it desirable to provide assistance in the form of minimal funds for these items. In order to formalize the arrangements with Durham Recycling and ensure regular and consistent collection, as well as maximize the potential of embarking into other areas of recycling, an agreement similar to that attached, is recommended. ....6 Page 6 REPORT NO. WD -68 -84 This report represents an outline of a proposal for recycling in the Town of Newcastle, which will certainly have to be refined. This can be achieved over the next short while provided that Council is in concurrence. Depending on Council's reaction, a final report is proposed for early September with the program to commence immediately thereafter. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco June 25, 1984. Attachment V, THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this day of , 1984. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereinafter referred to as the "Town" -and- Durham Recycling Centre Inc. hereinafter referred to as the "D.R.C." OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the parties hereto are desirous of entering into an Agreement to provide for the collection of unwanted newspapers from residential neighbourhoods in the Town of Newcastle (former Town of Bowmanville); and, WHEREAS the D.R.C. has assured the Town that the D.R.C. is able to provide such a service on a regular weekly basis for the duration of this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of these presents and the convenants and promises herein contained, and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out, the parties agree as follows: 1. D.R.C. represents that it is a non - profit incorporated organization and, accordingly, any profits which it does realize from the collection and sale of unwanted newspapers pursuant to this Agreement shall be used by the D.R.C. to establish further recycling programs and public information services all within the Town of Newcastle. 2. The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement will be for a period to commence at the date of the signing of this Agreement and to terminate on December 31, 1984. Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, by providing sixty days' notice in writing to the other party, such notice to be addressed to the Town at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, L1C 3A6 and to the D.R.C. at Unit 4, 717 Wilson Road South, Oshawa L1H 6E9. This agreement may be terminated for any reason whatsoever. 3. The Town agrees to permit D.R.C. to provide regular Monday to Friday curbside collection of unwanted newspapers from residential neighbourhoods, subject to suitable scheduling arrangements being made with the Public Works Department. 4. The Town shall have full and open access to the books, accounts, records and statements of D.R.C. at any time and from time to time. In addition D.R.C. agrees to complete a data sheet on forms provided by the Town and further to forward the data sheets to the Town on a quarterly basis. 5. D.R.C. is fully responsible for the issuing of notices to the public in the collection area regarding the purposes, scheduling and operation of their unwanted newspaper collection at no cost to the Town. 6. D.R.C. agrees that the Town shall have the right to collect unwanted newspapers should D.R.C. fail to do so on the day or days designated for the D.R.C. collection of unwanted newspapers, and furthermore that the Town shall maintain the newspapers so collected as its own. 7. D.R.C. shall indemnify, protect, and save harmless the Town from any and all loss that the Town may suffer as a result of any negligent act or omission on the part of D.R.C., or by reason of its failure to collect unwanted newspapers pursuant to this Agreement. B. D.R.C. shall provide and maintain such public liability and property damage insurance as will protect the Town and all its respective officers, servants, employees, and agents from loss, damage, liens, demands, costs or other charges for damage to property or injury, including death, to any person or persons arising directly or indirectly out of or attributable to the discharge by D.R.C. or any of its employees or agents of any of its duties hereunder. The minimum acceptable amount of insurance coverage will be five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). 9. So long as this Agreement remains in effect, the Town agrees not to enter into the same or any similar arrangements to provide for the collection of unwanted newspapers with any other persons, firm, or corporation in those areas of the Town where D.R.C. provides regular weekly curbside collection service, if the said Agreement would take effect during the currency of this Agreement, provided, however, that this Clause shall not be read to restrict in any way either the performance of the Town's own responsibility to collect refuse of all types within the Town of Newcastle (former Town of Bowmanville) or the Saturday collection of activities of the Newcastle Environment Watchers or any collections scheduled by Scouts Canada. 10. If any term of this Agreement shall be found to be ultra vires of the Town, or otherwise unlawful, such term shall be deemed to be severable and the remainder of the Agreement shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement under their respective corporate seals under the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MAYOR CLERK DURHAM RECYCLING CENTRE INC. MANAAGER MANAGER MANAGER A ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION I. Advertising 2. Curbside pickup of newspaper 3. Collection of tin and glass 4. Collection of fine office waste paper 5. Potential for Expansion to full scale collection of paper, glass and tin at curbside SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS W1111 GIES & PUCKRIN 6. Implications if 11 not selected to 11 assist in l Bowmanville I4 recycling program DURHAM RECYCLING APPROACH PUCKRIN APPROACH Will participate in !Does not normally comprehensive ladvertise advertising program !Would Will pickup on every try pickup on regular garbage regular garbage collection day regard- 'collection days but only less of volume as long as it was Wants an agreement with profitable tho Town for exclusive Would enter an agreement rights lif the Town wanted Would accommodate boy Would accommodate boy scouts scouts Would pvide and service drorop -off boxes at Bowmanville Works Yard Would assist with volunteer Saturday a.m. collection at Goodyear Plant Would collect Would be very interested in pursuing lould not damage relationship with lewcastle Environment !atchers Would try to accommodate glass and tin but not necessarily on an aggressive basis Not really interested Might consider at a later date Would not damage relationship with Newcastle Environment Watchers Having considered the above, it appears that Durham Recycling is looking at a more aggressive and comprehensive program of recycling for Bowmanville and has definite plans for expansion. Therefore, their proposal is recommended. 1"G op 13. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Town of Newcastle and the individual selected for the program would undertake comprehensive advertising. 2. The Durham Recycling Centre Inc., would be selected for: a) Curbside collection of newspapers on regular garbage b) A drop days; off depot at the Bowmanville Works Yard; c) Collection of fine office waste paper. 3. The Newcastle Environment Watchers will continue to run the Saturday morning operation at Goodyear until such time as it is no longer felt worthwhile. 4. Appropriate recommendations will be made by Ron Dupuis to Town Council to implement this program and any .other recommendations made by the Newcastle Environment Watchers. Ron has been requested to give consideration to our need for insurance, gloves and glasses.