HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-25• Cbrington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Planning and Development Committee Minutes Date: April 25, 2022 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Council Members (in Chambers or MS Teams) I Members of the Public (MS Teams) Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper (arrived at 6:43 pm), Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor M. Zwart Absent: Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: J. Gallagher, L. Patenaude, R. Windle, F. Langmaid, K. Richardson, R. Warne, T. Pinn Other Staff Present: L. Backus, C. Salazar, A. VanDyk, B. Weiler 1. Call to Order Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6.31 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgment Statement Councillor Zwart led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. Recess Resolution # PD-040-22 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Committee recess for 5 minutes, to address technical difficulties. Carried The meeting reconvened at 6:40 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. Councillor Hooper arrived at the meeting at 6:43 pm. 1 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 5. Public Meetings 5.1 Public Meeting for a Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Application Brandon Weiler, Principal Planner, made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Sami Elhajjeh spoke in opposition to the application. Sami explained that they are fortunate to have greenspace in the area and noted that CLOCA deemed some areas as environmentally protected. S. Elhajjeh added that the area is an ecosystem as it has running water and is home to various animals and amphibians. Sami provided the background of the Terrastory report regarding the adjacent Trolleybus development. S. Elhajjeh explained that the neighbourhood has outgrown the parkette and suggested that a parkette be added to the Trolleybus or development, the existing Harry Gay parkette or advising the proposed developer to add a parkette. Sami answered questions from Members of Committee. Scott Waterhouse, GHD, was present on behalf of the applicant. Scott provided an overview of the application, noting the development layout and pattern conform with the Clarington Official Plan and Hancock approved design plan. S. Waterhouse explained that the application seeks to establish residential zoning for two future development blocks. Scott stated that a road widening block along Nash Road is proposed for a future right of way. S. Waterhouse displayed a visual representation of what the future development could look like. Scott added that the visual illustrates townhomes facing Nash Road, with no vehicle access on Nash Road. S. Waterhouse answered questions from Members of Committee Libby Racansky spoke in opposition to the application. Libby made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. L. Racansky explained why Courtice and Darlington north of Highway 2 lands, need protection. Libby stated that several weirs are draining the greenbelt land to the Hancock neighbourhood and added that developers are using it to their advantage and are deleting all tributaries within their applications. L. Rackansky explained the difference between a normal aquifer and an unconfined aquifer and displayed a photo to compare. Libby noted that wetlands, species, farmlands, and their wells should be protected according to plans though it is not visible in any submissions or plans. L. Racansky explained how the 100-year-old trees that were removed are affecting their home and other wetlands in the area. Libby stated that there is an influx of water after precipitation to the Hancock Neighbourhood and flooding along the cold stream Black Creek. L. Racansky stated the first and second application of Headgate zoning was accurate and clearly displayed that most of Headage lands are EP zoned and added that protection was assigned for small remains of marsh that was supported by Trolleybus in their study. Libby explained that the tributary will be diverted to the ditch along Nash Rad which would result in more mosquitoes. 2 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 Suspend the Rules Resolution # PD-041-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an additional 3 minutes. Carried Libby stated that, if the application is approved, it will be against local and regional growth plan policies, including federal protection of endangered species. L. Racansky explained that the park is insufficient in size, resulting in children playing on the street. Libby added that, if the application is approved, it will take away their chance for outdoor activity. Suspend the Rules Resolution # PD-042-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an additional 2 minutes. Libby requested that land be kept forested with a possible trail for pedestrians, no extension to Tabb Ave. as it will leave children without physical exercise, protect the existing marsh and stream, ensure correct grading towards PSW stream or marsh, protect their heritage house and surrounding healthy but old trees along Nash Road, and protect them from negative climate changes including wind gusts. L. Racansky answered questions from Members of Committee. The Public Meeting concluded at 7.57 p.m. 5.1.1 PDS-019-22 Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning for 1824 Nash Road in Courtice Resolution # PD-043-22 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Neal That Report PDS-019-22 and any related communication items, be received for information only; That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Headgate Developments Inc. and continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-019-22 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 6. Presentations/Delegations 7. Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations 8. Communications 8.1 Frank Cerisano, Chief Executive Officer, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, Regarding Request for Signage for Bowmanville Hospital Foundation Resolution # PD-044-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Mayor Foster The request of the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation We Care, We Can Awareness Month Campaign to locate mobile signs on the following publicly owned lands be approved for the following locations: Bowmanville: Liberty & Baseline — at Tourism property King St between the CP Rail and Bowmanville Ave. Newcastle: King Avenue (north side) between Massey Drive and Given Road Newcastle Public Library (Joseph Atkinson Parkette) Fire Hall Property Courtice: Corner of Highway 2 and Trulls Rd. (north side) Trulls Road Parkette Community Services Facilities: Courtice Community Complex Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Diane Hamre Complex South Courtice Arena; 12 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 That the approval be in accordance with the following provisions: Mobile signs must maintain a minimum 1 metre setback from any road allowance and cannot be located within any portion of a visibility triangle; A visibility triangle is defined as the triangular space area of land abutting a road allowance or driveway that is required to be kept free of obstructions that could impede the vision of a pedestrian or the driver of a motor vehicle exiting onto or driving on the street. The visibility triangle adjacent to the street shall be the area enclosed by each of the street lines measured to a point 7.5 metres back from the intersection of the street lines, and a diagonal line drawn between these two points. The visibility triangle for a driveway shall be the area enclosed by the line along the limits of the driveway measured to a point 3.0 metres back from the intersection of the street lines and the limits of the driveway, and a diagonal line drawn between these two points; • The maximum size of a mobile sign is 3.0 square metres; and • Mobile signs are not allowed to have fluorescent lettering or backgrounds; That the permits and fees be waived for this request; That the approval be for the duration of six weeks, May 15 to June 30, 2022; and That the application and permit fee required under By-law 2009-123 for the mobile sign to be placed on the lawn of the Bowmanville Hospital property (Liberty St. S between Prince St. and Queen St.) also be waived. Carried 8.1.1 Memo-020-22 Communications Item 8.1, Request of Bowmanville Hospital Foundation for Mobile Sign Locations on Public Properties for the We Care, We Can Awareness Campaign Item 8.1.1 Memo-020-22 Communications Item 8.1, Request of Bowmanville Hospital Foundation for Mobile Sign Locations on Public Properties for the We Care, We Can Awareness Campaign, was considered during Item 8.1, Frank Cerisano, Chief Executive Officer, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, Regarding Request for Signage for Bowmanville Hospital Foundation. 5 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 9. Staff Reports and Staff Memos 9.1 PDS-020-22 Agreement for Small Sewer Systems Inspection by Durham Region Health Department Resolution # PD-045-22 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report PDS-020-22, and any related delegations or communication items, be received for information. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham, allowing for the ongoing administration of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code, as it relates to the enforcement of small capacity sewage systems; That a copy of Report PDS-020-22, Council's resolution, and the by-law be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham. Carried 9.2 PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternative Land Need Scenarios Resolution # PD-046-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PDS-021-22 be received, including delegations and communications relating this the report; That the Region of Durham be requested to release the population and employment forecasts allocated to each municipality prior to Regional Council selecting a Land Need Scenarios; That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and all lower tier municipalities in the Region be forwarded a copy of Report PDS-021-22 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-021-22 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried n Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 9.2.1 Scott Waterhouse, RPP, Planning Manager, GHD, Regarding Comments in Support of Staff Report PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternate Land Need Scenarios Item 9.2.1, Scott Waterhouse, RPP, Planning Manager, GHD, Regarding Comments in Support of Staff Report PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternate Land Need Scenarios, was considered during Item 9.2 PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternative Land Need Scenarios. 9.2.2 Stacey Hawkins, Executive Officer, Durham Region Home Builders' Association, Regarding Comments in Support of Staff Report PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternative Land Need Scenarios Item 9.2.2, Stacey Hawkins, Executive Officer, Durham Region Home Builders' Association, Regarding Comments in Support of Staff Report PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternative Land Need Scenarios, was considered during Item 9.2 PDS-021-22 Envision Durham, Alternative Land Need Scenarios. 9.3 FSD-020-22 Clarington Waterfront Strategy Report Resolution # PD-047-22 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FSD-020-22 be received; That the proposal received from Dillon Consulting Limited having the lowest price meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2022-1 be awarded the contract for consulting services for the Clarington Waterfront Strategy Report; That the funding required for the Clarington Waterfront Strategy Report in the approximate amount of $175,000 be funded from the Development Charges General Government Reserve Fund ($157,500), the Consulting/Professional Fees Reserve ($10,000) and the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund ($7,500). That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-020-22 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motions Resolution # PD-048-22 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #PD-047-22 for a second time. Carried 7 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 Resolution # PD-049-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Report FSD-020-22 be referred to Staff to provide a more scoped terms of reference, focusing on the Bowmanville waterfront and other key waterfront locations. Motion Lost The foregoing Resolution #PD-047-22 was then put to a vote and carried. 10. New Business - Consideration 11. Unfinished Business 11.1 PWD-010-22 - Access to Rundle Road Property (Referred from the March 28, 2022 Planning and Development Committee Meeting) Resolution # PD-050-22 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Item 11.1, PWD-010-22 - Access to Rundle Road Property, be deferred to the May 16, 2022, Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried 12. Questions to Department Heads/Request for Staff Report(s) Members of Committee asked questions to the Director of Planning and Development Services. Resolution # PD-051-22 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Director of Planning and Development Services be directed to prepare a report on what is included in the Courtice Mainstreet Plan as far as utility connections facing the main street. Carried Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 25, 2022 13. Confidential Items 14. Adjournment Resolution # PD-052-22 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the meeting adjourn at 9:14 p.m. Carried 9