HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-82-844 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON, ONTARIO TEL. (416) 263.2231 LOB 1J0 987 -5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984. REPORT NO.: WD -82 -84 SUBJECT: SNOW REMOVAL ON SIDEWALKS IN URBAN AREAS RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: That this report be received for information. REPORT: Each winter season the Town receives complaints about snow on sidewalks as well as requests for Town service for snow removal. Earlier last year, in response to such a request,, Report WD -6 -83 was presented and is attached hereto for information. The information presented in that report is still relevant, however, could be updated to reflect higher costs due to inflation. Also, the report dealt specifically with snow removal on sidewalks in Bowmanville and it should be pointed out that the Town also has sidewalks in the other urban areas of Newcastle Village and Orono, as well as hamlets such as Haydon, Enniskillen, Hampton, Newtonville, etc. If the Town elected to remove snow on sidewalks, it is only reasonable to assume that all areas should receive equivalent service and therefore the costs set out in Report WD -6 -83 would likely be doubled. ....2 i Ui Page 2 REPORT NO. WD -82 -84 Recently there has been discussion about sidewalk snow removal in the City of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby, and a considerable amount of investigation on the matter has taken place. Some of the factors determined are as follows: 1. Costs are extremely high; 2. Due to sidewalk conditions and the obstructions around which equipment must work, a good, acceptable level of service is difficult to achieve. Snow removal by the Town could only be performed through the use of tractors, bombardiers, etc., and such equipment does not clear snow to the standard expected by the public. 3. The equipment used causes extensive damage to lawns, landscaping, etc. 4. Where the service has been provided on a pilot project basis in some municipalities there have been so many difficulties that it was ultimately dropped. In light of the above it is not recommended that the Town embark on sidewalk snow removal but rather continue to rely upon By -law 78 -119 for this service. Where taxpayers have complaints about non - removal of snow by owners abutting a particular length of sidewalk, they need merely contact the By -law Enforcement Officer to have the situation rectified. ....3 Page 3 REPORT NO® WD -82 -84 Where property owners are incapable of removing snow on sidewalks themselves, assistance can be obtained through the schools, Canada Manpower, Community Care and other such organizations. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco November 13, 1984° Attachment vf,�C1 aj CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR TEL. (416) 263.2231 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 17, 1983. REPORT NO.: WD -6 -83 SUBJECT: BY -LAW RELATED TO THE REMOVAL OF SNOW ON SIDEWALKS IN URBAN AREAS RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information; and, 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mrs. Olive Sexsmith to clarify the Town's Policy for snow removal on sidewalks. REPORT: The Town of Bowmanville has approximately 30 miles of sidewalk. Sidewalk clearing, if undertaken by the Town, would result in a very high expenditure. It is estimated that, excluding an initial outlay of some $40,000. for equipment, annual costs for the municipality to clear sidewalks of snow would be $10,000. to $20,000. per year. VI �r�) - 2 - For this reason, most municipalities in Ontario do not perform snow removal from sidewalks, but, a by -law is passed whereby individual property owners are responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks adjacent to their property. For the elderly or disabled, there are service organizations and /or high school students who will, for an annual fee, perform this task. Attached is a copy of the Town of Newcastle Snow Removal ( By -law for the information and reference of Council Members. Should questions arise during this winter season, reference should be made to this by -law. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. January 6, 1983. RGD:jco HE CORIORA`IION OP THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i3Y -LA�9 NO. 78­111) being a by- - law respec.ting the removal of :;noW and ice within the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and expedient to provide; for the clearing away and removal of snow and ice from highways and side- walks by the occupants or owners, of lands and promises adjacent thereto, and also the removal of snow and ice from roofs or projections of building; AND WHEREAS the authority for so doing; is contained in The Municipal. Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354(1), paragraphs 55, 5G and 57. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS P'OLiDWS: 1. In the geographic ,areas of the former Town of Howmanv i l In , Village of Newcastle and the Police Village of Orono, every owner or occupant of every huilding, lot, or parcel of land fronting or abutting on any street or highway shall clear away and remove, or cause to be cleared away and removed, the snow and ice en t.i re Ly from the sidewalk an the highway in front of, alongs.ide of or at the rear of such building, lot or parcel of .land, within 24 hours from the commencement of snowfall. 2 In the geographic areas of the former Town of Bowma.nvil..le, Village of Newcastle and police Village of Orono, every owner ar occupant of every building upon a lot fronting or abutting on a sidewalk on a highway, where the closest point of the cave of such building is not less than three maters measured horizontally from the sidewalk, shall clear away and remove, or cause to he cleared ,away and removed, the snow and .ice from the roof of such bui.ld.i nt; within 21 hours from the commencement of snowfall. 3. The snow and ice required to be removed under paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, shall be removed without damage to the sidewalk, with proper care and precaution for the safety of persons passing and shall be deposited in such a way as not to obstruct; access to any fire hydrant.. 4. No person shall place; any snow or ice from his or her property upon the travelled portion of any highway or upon any sidewalk in the Town of Newcastle. Gca) S, Iti'here an oil"By or occupant has failed comply a,,ith the •- i requirements of paragraphs l and 2 hereof, The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, upon 2 hours prior notice in writing to the owner or occupant of such lot or parcel of bind, or building, may clear and remove such snow or :ice as is required to be removed under paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof and for that purpose its servants or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land and any building to remove snow or ice from the roof thereof, 6. Notwithstanding paragraph 5 hereof, where the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is unable to immediately locate the owner or occupant of the lot or building, no notice need be given and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle may clear and remove such snow and ice as is required to he removed under paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof, and for that purpose its servants or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land and any building to remove snow and ice from the roof thereof:. 7. In the event of an emergency, real or apprehended, the Corpor- ation of the Town of Newcastle may clear and remove such snow and ice as is required to be removed under paragraphs 1 and 2 Hereof, and for that purpose its servants or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land or any building without prior notice to the owner or occupant. 8. In the event that snow and ice is removed from the sidewalk on the Highway in front of, alongside of, or at the rear of such lot: or parcel of hand, or from the roof of any building by The Corporation of the Town of Ncwcasttc, its servants or agents, the expenses incurred in such cases may be recovered 5), act iOn, or the anaa>aant ua;ay lac ellt.ered in the tax col lc,c tor' s roll ;and recovered in the HO manner NY Municipal taXOS. ( 9. The Curporat.ion of the Town of Newcastle miy clear away or remove snow and ice Crum t.hc roofs of all unoccupied building-:; where the cave of such building; is not less than three meter---, measured horizontally from the sidewalk, without notice to the fawner thereof, an-1 the expenses incurred in so doing may be recovered by action, nr than ,account may he entered in the tax col-lecLur's roll ;anal recovered in like manner as municipal taxes. 10. The removal of snow or ice by The Corporation of the Town or Ne"cnstle, i t s s orvants, 1agcnts or employees, shall not relieve any person frna;a 1 ial,il i ty for breach of the provisions of dais by -law. 11. Any person who violates the provisinns of this by -lace shall be guilt)' of an o C Ionce l iAly on cunvicI anal thereof to a penalty of not lw s than Blt.u0 and not more than $ 200.00, ex- lusivc of costs For uNch such orronce, W every "ch ponNI ty nh al l he a vcovw Nhl P under i iii` prnv aq i onq �C The Summary Un. viut iHnq Act. P) I!. By-law 1839 and By-law 710 ,of The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and all other by-Ows inconsistent with the provisions of this by -law are hereby repealed. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of enactment. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 18t.1day of December 1978 BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 18th day of December 1978. G. B. Rickard Mayor J. M, McIlroy Clerk